This Subreddit has chosen to join the reddit protest against Reddit's API changes effecting 3rd party apps and mod tools, unless significant changes are announced, this will be indefinite. https://bit.ly/43yZopK
This subreddit is dedicated to stuff before post production, CGI, sound effects etc. in TV and Movies.
Rule #1 All posts must be related to movies or tv shows without post production.
Rule #2 Keep comments and posts civil. No homophobia, racism, etc.
Rule #3 All posts MUST have the name of the movie or TV show in their title.
Rule #4 NSFW content MUST be distinguished with the NSFW button.
Rule #5 All submissions should be links to images, videos or similar to demonstrate or provide an example. No listicles or "top 10" style videos.
Rule #6 No memes, meta posts, etc.
Rule #7 No politics.
Rule #8 No reposts from the top 50 of this subreddit or submissions that have been posted within the last 3 months.
Rule #9 All titles must be spoiler free.
All submissions should be in English.
If a post or comment breaks the rules, please don't just complain. Hit the report button and we'll look into it ASAP :).
Posting, or seeking, any identifying personal information (real/fake) will result in a ban without prior warning. This includes yourself or others, and refers, but is not limited to, names, phone numbers, email addresses, or any social media accounts.
Spoiler Tags
[Visble Text](/s "Hidden Text")