
Photograph via snooOG

Hello there! This is a subreddit focused on base building computer games. If you came here for real estate or fitness advice, you might be in the wrong place.

Hello there! This is a subreddit focused on base building computer games. If you came here for real estate or fitness advice, you might be in the wrong place.

Submissions of any kind are welcome (update news, game links, links to your own project, etc.) as long as they are about games focused exclusively on, or feature heavily, base/fort building of a kind.


  • Engage with the community. Don't just dump links

  • No reposts. Use the search bar if you're not sure

  • Only post the first and last episodes for your let's-play series

  • You must post any videos as text posts. This is to discourage drive-by users with no real interest in meaningful discussion or interaction. Your post will be removed if you ignore this rule.

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Core Keeper launches into 1.0 today!

14:39 UTC


Launch of my multi-planetary automation game Factor Y

I finally launched my automation game Factor Y and it's no longer in early access.

It's a multi-planetary automation game that plays similar to an RTS game since there's no player model.

It has a unique module system that makes it possible to generate custom buildings blocks from smaller factories.

It's been in development for nearly 4 years now and I've been working on it in my spare time.

I wrote a very detailed devlog entry about its launch and development progress:


The devlog itself also documents most features since the first commit https://buckmartin.de/factor-y.html .

The game is implemented in 100% Rust.

It's available on Steam and currently on sale https://store.steampowered.com/app/2220850/Factor_Y/ .

Feedback is very much appreciated and feel free to AMA.

Also note that there's a free demo that is equal to the full game, only lacking the ability to load savegames.

09:55 UTC


Worshippers of Cthulhu - Crazy Goat Games - Horror City Builder, Lead the Cult soon

Welcome to the dark world inspired by the imagination of Lovecraft himself!

We'd like to invite you to step into the realm of nightmares and join our adventure in a Lovecraftian-themed city builder.

Currently, we're putting the finishing touches on our demo (expect a demo very soon), but we couldn't wait to give you a glimpse of what we've prepared for you, so before we immerse you in the dark secrets of the city, we invite you to watch our trailerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9leebxdCZ0&t

Get ready to build a city whose boundaries transcend reality. Cthulhu awaits your arrival...

Don't forget to add the game to your wishlist for updates and release notifications!

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2807150/Worshippers_of_Cthulhu

Lead the Cult of Cthulhu. Decide the fate of your followers, perform eldritch rituals, and master the art of city-building in a world where the line between sanity and madness blurs.

Join community on Discord https://discord.com/invite/kzgs4cGWAE, where we delve deeper into the game depths and discuss all things Lovecraftian. Immerse yourself in chilling tales and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Dive into the madness with us.


Key Features of "Worshippers of Cthulhu"

. Lead the Cult:
Assume leadership of a cult and decide the fate of each follower, from their daily tasks to their involvement in dark rituals.

. Build a City:
Establish and expand cities across multiple islands, managing production chains and navigating perilous ruins.

. Perform Dark Rituals:
Engage with Lovecraftian entities through intricate rituals to unlock knowledge and supernatural blessings.

. Conquer Non-Believers:
Utilize non-believers as a resource, choosing to conquer, pillage, sacrifice, or convert them to further your goals.

. Immerse Yourself in Lovecraft's Realm:
Explore a world shrouded in mystery and horror, crafted in Lovecraft's unique language and style.

08:17 UTC


One Season Into "Once Human"

5 weeks in, I can say that I actually dig this game. It took a little bit to understand all the menus but I'm about 40 hours into it, payed $0, and have had a good time playing with my SO. Here's some bullet points by way of review:

  • Take 1 part Conan, 1 part Palworld, and 1 part post-shitty Fallout 76 and that's what this feels like.
  • I like to build bases (surprise!) and there's a pretty good foundation for a great build system here. It just needs a little polish and some more base pieces. You can build anywhere except in the roads or POI's (points of interest). The building is the part that reminds me the most of Conan actually, so if you liked or disliked that system, that's what you can expect. There are maximums to the number of pieces, decorations, and mobs you can have in your base but I feel those limits are generous and part of the compromise of playing on a server with a bunch of other people.
  • It's a crafted world with lots of POI's and vistas to enjoy.
  • The deviants (pals) automate a lot of work for you and fight alongside you. They're not useless but they're not super strong either.
  • Once you understand the various reward tracks the game offers, you realize it's actually pretty generous with the offerings. I thought it was stingy at first but that's only because I didn't understand it.
  • The quests and bosses are slightly above average in terms of being interesting. They're at least trying.
  • There are lots of paths to enjoyment depending on your playstyle.
  • The vehicle physics are charmingly bananas.
  • PvP is optional, even on the PvP servers. If you're gonna PvP though, you'll of course be up against all the sweaty try-hards. Don't expect a polished, balanced, team shooter or anything.
  • The basic mook enemies are VERY VERY samey throughout the leveling experience. Only the elites and bosses vary in interesting ways.
  • The open world has a ton of little puzzles and unspoken stories. There are tons of side quests to do as well.
  • There's a bus with 6 legs that poops out mobs but if you're nice to it, you can climb on and loot a chest in the middle.
  • There's a house that grows legs and starts walking along, trapping you, until you solve the mystery of the family murdered inside it.
  • There's a creepy telephone booth inhabited by a ghost that sends you around to other telephone booths, talking to you from beyond.
  • One of your deviants (pals) is a giant extradimensional cat that cuddle with you in bed.

The seasons and battlepass seem to be 6 weeks long (so far). At the end, you have a chance to move your stuff to "Eternaland", an instanced private server that's just a big pretty island sandbox for you. The pass is optional of course but after 5 weeks of playing, I just finally bought it. I feel like the devs more than earned my $15. Upon reset, you keep your cosmetics, unlocked gear, and any blueprints of your base that you saved. Your XP and character build gets reset. I'm not sure how much the story changes yet because they haven't opened the next season for my server yet.

The game is 1.0 and about to release 1.1 with a bunch of new features. They have a promising road map, and it's totally free to play. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop but it's actually not bad.


23:23 UTC


I just announced my game 'Mars Attracts', the first officially licensed Mars Attacks game! Build an amusement park on Mars, abducting humans to serve as exhbits. What do you think?

I run a small studio in Ireland and just announced Mars Attracts at Gamescom. The trailer is one of IGN's most viewed of the show! As a huge fan of base buildings games it was always a dream to make something like RollerCoaster Tycoon, Theme Hospital, Evil Genius, etc and after almost two years of work I'm delighted to finally reveal it! What do you think - any Mars Attacks fans here?

Steam link for those interested: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2760580/Mars_Attracts/

14:17 UTC


Get your conductor hats on! The Oddsparks Trains & Trades update is live on Steam!

13:45 UTC


Survey: Interest in a Machiavellian City Builder/Colony Sim Game

Hello r/BaseBuildingGames community! I'm developing a concept for a city builder/colony sim game with a Machiavellian twist. Think resource manipulation, diplomatic sabotage, and complex political dynamics.

I'd love to get your thoughts on this idea through a short survey (5-10 minutes). Your feedback will be invaluable in shaping this game concept.


All responses are anonymous unless you choose to provide an email for follow-up. Thank you for your time and insights!

11:16 UTC


Looking for Base building games that allow digging.

I'm a huge fan of the FPS zombie killer game, Seven Days to Die which has base building and the ability to dig deep into the map, or into a mountain, to build subterranean bases.

Its graphics are a bit dated, but not nearly as blocky as Minecraft.

Any current games that come close, or any known upcoming games specifically that can dig underground and build? MultiPlayer Openworld games especially.

01:09 UTC


Searching an old city builder java game

When I was a teenager, I remember playing a city builder game on my phone. At the start of a new game, you could choose between three cities, each with its own missions, such as reaching a certain amount of money or population. Once you completed all the tasks, you could either continue playing or start a new game in one of the other two cities.

If you have any idea or know of a similar game, please let me know. By the way, the game was played on a BlackBerry, so it was probably a Java game

20:52 UTC


If you could add one unique feature to a factory game, what would it be?

I'm working on creating a factory game and want to make something that stands out. If you could add one unique or different feature that you've never seen in a factory game before, what would it be? Just a note—this game will be first-person like Satisfactory, which I find better than top-down view in my opinion.

Update: I've come up with (mainly stole the ideas) 2 options for the game's setting:

1-Post-Apocalyptic War Setting: The game is set in a world with little to no life. Your mission is to collect resources from scraps, trade with the remaining people, and discover hidden advanced technology from the past like robots. Your ultimate goal is to automate items and gradually restore the planet to its former glory, reviving nature.

2-Alien World Setting: Instead of building a rocket, you're making an alien planet habitable for people from Earth, who are facing extinction. Along the way, you discover alien artifacts and portals to another dimension, where you'll encounter both hostile creatures and intelligent beings you can trade with.

Let me know which option you think is better, and feel free to suggest any other ideas or additions you might have.

Also, some of you asked for a link to my YouTube channel. It currently has only two videos, and I'm still figuring out the platform. But you can check it out here: https://youtube.com/@novacodeyt If you have any suggestions for the channel or videos, I'd be happy to hear them.

10:42 UTC


Best base building (as opposed to automation)?

Games like Factorio and Satisfactory are great for building out complex supply chains and automation, but I'm currently looking for more base/home building. I know "best" is a relative term, but I'm curious what people think about those games that do this really well. Looking for 1st or 3rd person, so no Stardew Valley etc.

Although I've played a little bit of the ones mentioned here, like Valheim, No Man's Sky, Fallout 4/76, Once Human, etc. I haven't really gotten super deep into any of them. I'm looking for a lot of options when constructing things, with the ability to create pretty large/wild looking bases. I appreciate quick travel when available, being able to build with items from your nearby chests instead of having to have it in your personal inventory, and needing to occasionally defend your base. Thanks for any suggestions.

23:55 UTC


Looking for a multiplayer base building game which you defend from zombies

And I don't mean just zombies it could any other creature like a alien or something else where you can build a fort I already know 7 days to die and Project zomboid but I'm just looking for a game like this (PS4/PS5)

23:07 UTC


Thr Battlezone series deserves a remake

There are very few FPS-RTS base building games where you can drop into control a unit yourself in first person. I think its an unexplored subgenre worth revisiting.

19:16 UTC


Masters of Albion announced

Didn't see this posted yet, but came across this article on GamesRader about Peter Molyneux's next game "Master of Albion", and yes, set in the world of Fable series.

Gameplay video: https://youtu.be/l9s7nn-bG1Y


  • Has the hand from Black & White series
  • Everything is customizable from the buildings to the food served at the inn and weapons
  • Has hero(s?) to defend the town at night from the world's creatures
  • You can take control the hero and fight
  • You have god powers to help the hero

I'll reserve my opinions.

16:03 UTC


Looking for an oldish mobile game

As the title says I am looking for an old space game I used to play on the phone. You could build a base, launch attacks on supply chains and other players and I have no idea what the name is, please help. 😂😂

14:20 UTC


Please Tell Me A Game Like This Exists

I love basebuilding games and rpgs and I need both itches scratched. If Minecraft had a baby with satisfactory and something like Skyrim/Fallout (simplistic rpgs but still mechanics) I would be in heaven. Please tell me something like this exists! Thank you!

Edit: Thanks for all the great suggestions! I'll be checking out a number of them, especially the ones I haven't heard of before!

02:11 UTC


Nostalgic for a game I used to watch on YouTube back in 2014 but can't remember the name

Edit: the game is called Forts

The title says it all, from what I remember the game was a 1v1 pvp base building game it was 2D with a side view, you had to build big turrets that had whacky physically based projectile, if I'm not mistaken you could build a rail gun by having 2 portals speeding up a bullet than launch it.

I'm sorry if this is a bit vague but it has been a while since I last saw the game, any clues ?

Thanks a lot !!

13:26 UTC


FPS Survival/Base-building/looting recommendations

I know that this question has been posted before, About a year ago. But... It didnt satisfy the corner i am looking for.

I enjoyed Fallout 76, its base building mechanics were good enough, however I need something fresh. Something with a lot less radiation, a decent soundtrack and survival to contend with. Ideally single player.

I've been searching around on steam, but not with much luck at all to be honest. there's a few that I like the look of (1 specifically) but its not ready for release only wishlist. Death Stranding sort of vibes is what I am looking for... If anyone knows of any game i could potentially sink more than 100 hours into.

12:09 UTC


Civilization VI or Anno 1800? Thanks

Can't decide. Would appreciate your advice. Thanks.

07:58 UTC


Base builders are the reason I started enjoying my mundane job

The reason I'm writing this is that I realized how important part of my day to day life base builders are, and all that because of my job.

I currently work as an accountant for a large company (can't really name which one), but I have a pretty vast experience working on all kinds of jobs. I'd say the majority of my career was spent in middle management, but in the last couple of years, I decided to step down and work a more relaxed position due to the struggles of dealing with constant stress. So far, it hasn't been great but it hasn't been bad either - it's just a boring job you do for 8 hours to put bread on the table and that's pretty much it. You don't get excited often, but you don't get stressed either.

I started feeling relatively depressed about half a year ago every time I'd leave my house to go to work. The feeling wasn't that bad at the beginning which is why I just ignored it, but as time went by, it got just too unwaveringly annoying. I couldn't ignore it anymore. It seemed like I got too used to having a dynamic job with frequent fluctuations, a job where I could make both great and bad things, and the change just started slowly wearing me out. I did think about all the possible solutions and even considered quitting and taking on my old role until I "accidentally" found out the way to deal with all this boredom at work. Base Builders. The thing was, when I had work to do, I didn't feel down, or I'd even say I didn't feel in any negative way at all because I felt like I was doing something productive. But then, due to the company having an entire team of accountants, it's not like we all have something to do at all times. And during these idle times when I usually don't have enough time to do anything meaningful because I don't know when the next thing's gonna come, I started playing base builders and strategy games in general. It improved my mood significantly and made me even more productive when work actually came.

The games I primarily play right now are Rimworld for obvious reasons; it's just an insanely fun game with unfathomable scaling, then Diplomacy is Not an Option because, well, I fell in love with the games of this kind back with the release of AoE1, then Crusader kinda solidified and enhanced that love and Diplomacy is Not an Option just feel like a modern take on that genre with many awesome features. I'd really like to mention Wartales too, even though it's not a base builder in the classic sense, it's just so fun and the fact that it's turn-based allows me to play smoothly because I can pause anytime.

That's it more or less, I just wanted to share my experience of how base builders helped me deal with my work issues and start enjoying my boringly mundane job. If you're facing the same struggles, games are a great solution! :D

02:40 UTC


Which is the best Anno game?

I've seen the Anno games recommended around here a lot, is there a particular Anno that I should be looking at? I've played Anno 1800 a bit but I didn't love it....

12:06 UTC


Games with strong sense of your base being a "safe space", while there is danger out there

Hi all! I'm looking for games where I can have a strong sense of my base being some sort of safe haven while the world outside is dangerous. I love putting bases on extreme planets in No Man's Sky and looking out the window, waiting for the storm to pass. Or come back to the base after a dangerous expedition. Very few games have scratched that itch. Here are some games I consider to have given me that feeling:

  • No Man's Sky (Ship or base in a storm)
  • Metro Exodus (the safe houses and the Aurora)
  • Subnautica in dangerous biomes
  • Starfield, same as No Man's Sky

Valheim, for example has never given me that feeling. Your bases are still very much vulnerable, even if you set up good defenses. Fallout 4 is somewhere in the middle. Bases can be cozy, but still feel vulnerable.

Edit: Preferrably I'm looking for character-oriented games, rather than "RTS view" base builders. Bonus points if bases are cozy!

11:59 UTC


Ship-Building/Management games?

I really like colony management games, but also love the exploration and added challenge of having a vessel that has to be maintained. Basically thinking of FTL: Faster than Light but with significantly deeper mechanics around managing the crew and building the ship in an optimized way. Are there any games like that?

16:05 UTC


Looking for Semi-Casual 3D Colony Sim

Hello all,

I'm not new to base building games by any means but I am still new-ish to colony builders.

I've tried Factorio which was okay but I preferred Satisfactory or usually a modpack for Minecraft.

I've also tried Rimworld but I am struggling to stick with it. The lack of z-levels isn't scratching my base building itch. It also has quite the learning curve, first play through went fine till all my colonists got killed because they all refused to defend themselves or flee, and then nobody saved eachother despite being resources and beds available to do so. 3h of my first playthrough literally vanished in minutes.

I looked at Stranded but heard the AI isn't good so avoiding that also. I don't want to avoid combat I just don't want it to be either too punishing or too trivial.

I did quite enjoy Foundation (waiting for 1.0 release) but hoping for something more sci-fi this time around.

Whilst I've enjoyed games like Dyson Sphere Program in the past I'm trying to avoid them as I want the focus to be more on colonist automation and management.

I'm not looking for something hardcore, more just something I can play whilst working from home that will grow over time.

Absolutely fine with adding and setting up mods if it's required for what I'm looking for.

10:35 UTC


Thoughts on "infection free zone"?

So I played the demo and it is exactly the kind of game that I can see myself sink hours into however after playing the demo twice I started to find the game repetitive.

Is the main game any better/ has more variety in terms of gameplay?

Should I buy now or wait till it's our of Early Access?

Also could you guys name me some good base building games? Preferably low end so I can play them on my laptop.

Thank You!

08:56 UTC


Help me find a game based on the ones I played the most

I'm a huge fan of base builders, and I love playing them specifically when working and when the workload is light. I'll just start one, play a little, do the work I have to do, then go back to playing the game, and repeat the process until I'm done. Now, I'm looking for a new one to play, and these are the ones I played the most in the past:

Stronghold Crusader


Age of Empires 1

Caesar IV

Final Factory

Please recommend me some games based on these ones :3

01:28 UTC


Hello folks! About a month ago, I released my new idle game, Incremental Town RPG, on Steam for Windows, Mac, and Linux. In this game, you manage the resources of a small town and build an army to battle in distant dungeons using only your mouse 🏰 ⚔️🏝️🌳🥳

About me

My name is Romulo Lima. I make games in my spare time, and I would like to make a living from making games. This is one of my Idle RPG Games and I'm doing my best to provide a great gaming experience in this genre.

About the game
It's an idle game inspired by the classic The Settlers, where you build and manage your own town


Play Demo on Steam


⚔️A Casual and Relaxing Idle Base Building Game with hours of entertainment;

🏝️ Beautiful Pixel Graphics and Relaxing Ambience;

⚙️A satisfying progression system

🦊 Manage your team to speed up the delivery of the weaponry and supply;

🔨 Forge equipments to get stronger and defeat all enemies;

📦Plan your resource gathering according to different demands;

⛏️ Many items for you to discover and use;

🎒 Fully interactive Crafting/Inventory System;

🌟 Game content that continues to grow through expansions.

🌟 For players of all ages.

16:59 UTC


Worshippers of Cthulhu will allow you to awaken Cthulhu and discover the consequences.

Hello! We are Crazy Goat Games, and we have successfully released the demo version of Worshippers of Cthulhu — a city-building simulator inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft.

Players will take on the role of the head of a great Cthulhu cult, making decisions that will determine the fate of your followers. To awaken the great deity, you need to build and develop cities, doing everything possible to ensure the prosperity of the cult.

Once you awaken Cthulhu, a wave of change will sweep through, altering the balance of the cosmos. What will come of it? I think you should find out for yourself.

The Worshippers of Cthulhu demo is available on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2807150/Worshippers_of_Cthulhu/

11:42 UTC


Something like Once Human, but without as much fighting?

I've been enjoying Once Human for the most part, but find I'm mainly wanting to build my base. To get better materials and progress, you have to do a lot of fighting and bosses, etc.

I especially like the water distribution with sprinklers, and the electrical grid etc.

I also like the need for base turrets to protect the base.

I'm wondering if there's anything similar to the base building in Once Human that doesn't involve quite as much fighting?

Would prefer multiplayer, but singleplayer is fine too. Not interested in pvp or games where idiots can destroy your base when you're offline 8|

01:56 UTC


Help me find a game I forgot

Hi, as the title says I would appreciate it greatly if someone could cleanse the pain of trying to remember its title.

It was some yellow clay looking dudes who would follow your commands and build structures to defend against waves of grey/purple rock orks

I also know that you would have to fill a location 100% with rock before it became stone. You could mine this weird orange stuff also and after some time you could use some crystals to spawn another pawn.

Thanks in advance if anyone can help


Thanks for your suggestion and help. I just a second ago googled castle building defence game and it came up after a bit of scrolling

It's called: Castle Story

I can now rest


20:45 UTC

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