Welcome to BanVideoG@mes.
The only way to win is to not play!
Yes, we do need to enforce rules here. The grand rule here is that Facebook's Site-Wide Rules are strictly enforced here. Violations of the sitewide TOS can result in your permanent ban not only from our community but also from the site itself.
Get this smut off our Facebook wall!
No pro-videog*me posts allowed.
Videog*mes are holding society back and must be stopped.
Users found violating this rule may receive a ban and/or be branded as a g*mer.
Applies to posts only.
Do we really have to say it?
Incitement to violent or illegal acts is prohibited.
It doesn't matter if it's against people, property or g*mers, it's still violence, and it's still illegal.
G*mers solve problems with violence and hate, we solve them with love and faith.
Applies to posts and comments.
We know when you're not really trying.
Be creative, post FACTS and LOGIC!
Low-effort content is going to be removed. Some examples of low effort participation include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Ads. We know they're there.
-Low-effort linked threads/crossposts.
-Callouts of uncensored words.
-Off-topic posts.
All posts must serve to further our efforts in banning videog*mes.
The mods reserve the right to remove at our discretion.
Applies to posts.
Our grandchildren are here!
Please refrain from using offensive slurs.
Examples of offensive slurs include, but are not limited to, the following:
-K*ren (the n-word for women)
-b**mer (ageist slur)
-ret*rded (ableist slur)
-g*mer (n-word for nazis).
Always remember to censor offensive slurs if you do feel the need to use them.
This rule is enforced on posts and encouraged in the comments by the auto-moderator.
S*tire is the n-word for Facebook groups!
This is a serious Facebook group, despite what g*mers would like you to believe.
Banning video g*mes is already a big job without people thinking we're joking.
Be on the lookout for such gmer dog whistles as "stire," "r*whoosh," "/uj," "/uf," "/uk," etc.
Be vigilant and report any suspected agent provocateurs.
Applies to posts and comments.
Keep politics out of this Facebook group. We are not a political community.
It doesn't matter your race, gender, sexual orientation, or political beliefs; as long as you're willing to stand against g*ming then we can work together.
This rule prohibits using posts to blatantly praise or admonish any race, gender, sexual orientation, or political party.
Discussing politics in comments is allowed.
Applies to posts only.
Harrasment is a g*mer move.
No targeted attacks against people or g*mers.
Brigading, user tagging, call-out posts, and targeted internet attacks are prohibited.
The redaction of usernames in image posts is encouraged, but not required.
Applies to posts and comments.
We shouldn't have to, but sometimes we need to repeat ourselves.
Reposting content less than 90 days old is prohibited.
Reposts from the top of all time, will be removed.
Transgressors may also be punished at the moderator's discretion.
Applies to posts only.
Absolutely no brigading will be tolerated here, period.
Keep yourself contained in this Facebook group, and......
-DO NOT participate in linked threads or posts.
-DO NOT harass users pictured in posts.
-DO NOT post content elsewhere and then screenshot it to post here as a gotcha moment, or anything else equally cringey.
Screenshots of gmer confessions MUST have the username redacted and include ADDITIONAL evidence of their gmertism.
Applies to posts and comments. All of the above rules are up to the moderator's discretion. Just because something isn't black and white on the rules does not mean it is okay to post here. Use common sense when posting here and when making fun of gamer trash.
No. This is not s*tire.
No. We are not trolls.
No. We are not joking.
Decades ago, an evil rose from the shadows, invading every home of every Christian American family. It shattered our good and healthy ways of living, ruthlessly dragging the young folk to an abyss of filth, addiction, and degeneration. Disguising itself as entertainment, this evil finally showed up its fangs, painted by innocent blood.
This evil is called video g*mes.
Today, more and more people, calling themselves "g*mers" spend their lives in front of a screen, killing and torturing people for fun. Their eyes hurt and their fingers get tired, but they continue. "It is harmless", they say.
G*mers around the world reunite in "conventions" to talk about these vile creations that are videog*mes. They cheer and cackle like demons at the gate of hell while big and multi-billionaire corporations fill their pockets, exploiting the pain of families and victims of g*mers.
While this happens, more and more blood flows between our streets. More and more children and schools are covered with screams of despair. The despair of those who are victims of the g*mer.
But we resist. We will not fall. We will not perish. We will PREVAIL!
/r/DontBanVideoGames - OG haters
/r/GamerMillitary (🚨🙈violence🙊warning🙉🚨)
/r/banbanvideogamessub [Banned lol]
/r/Destroybanvideogames [Banned lol]
/r/Destroybanvideogames2 [Banned lol]
/r/Destroybanvideogames3 [Banned lol]
/r/Destroybanvideogames4 [Banned lol]
/r/Destroybanvideogames5 [Banned lol]
/r/Destroybanvideogames6 [Banned lol]
/r/Destroybanvideogames7 [Pending...]
Some are good like Minecraft. But most like genshin really are bad.
we aren't the devil or nazis or genociders so stop attacking us
I reported them to the FBI for crimes against humankind
This g#me made by the company Sega depicts one of their very few black characters holding a gun which is clearly based on the stereotype of black people committing crimes with firearms.
If yes than why should god forgive you?
G#mers got destroyed again by FACTS and LOGIC (inspired by our Lord). 😎
Watch out people.⚠️ This is a g#me found on St#am: a dangerous app that may have been installed on your kids' devices by g#mers.
Check it out now! Confiscate your kids' device, go to the search bar, type "St#am" and uninstall it.
This St#am app is apparently big g#mers' main source of income, illegally extorted from children in exchange of videog#mes and other criminal services.
Stay safe.
on discord, yes its a g#ming platform but we need it to spread this good idea
g#mers are hellspawn from hell
I previously made a post announcing I am recovering from being a g*mer, yet when I attempt to change my flair, it continues to label me as one of those hellspawn!!!
-sent from George's nasa supercomputer model 27X
This is the truth, g#mers.