If your a video games cause violence supporter lets hear your story and "evidence" if your anti video games cause violence welcome
Video games dont cause violence
Sometimes on the media people say “Video Games cause Violence” but I feel the media cause the violence and it’s the bad people they talk about and not the good. The media just wanna focus on the bad but when something good popes up they say “they learned it from school” so we need to start something so big the media sees it and says “you know what I’m wrong” so do something good and if you post, or get interviewed say “I learned it from a Video Game” we NEED to prove the media wrong.
Walmart takes videogames off the shelves but keeps guns up.
Time for a f*cking crusade
we must.
i'm sorry guys but it's just gotta be that way
Bout had a stroke reading the description.
I'm struggling to read the description of this sub