R/BanBanVideoGames2 is a community created to show the world how toxic people on r/BanVideoGames can be.
I was writing to him, and then i see all his comments deleted, also the ones directed to others.
I made a poll getting opinions on this guy that raids the sub. The sub mods ended up banning me for "harassment". The guy I was talking about came to the poll and was pestering me. Needed to rant
Hello, i am u/119Shockwave, the killer of reposters.
I am here as a messenger.
I am delivering a message from r/ihatebvg
We have lost a great fight to the a@ti's as our main subreddit, r/BanVideoGamesHate has been shut down
I would wish, that you would not lose hope as we have lost a fight, not the war.
Me must fight without sorrow, we must hold nothing back and we will defeat the a@ti's
They are somehow worse than alinity
Dude, really expect actual Karen's to be on Reddit? No, it's a satire
When they pull up Bible verses, quotes from the Quran, or anything similar, they are always edited to fit their needs or misinterpreted. These people are not Christian or Muslim at ALL. I'm truly sorry if they have left a bad impression on you regarding religous people. If they didn't give 99+ downvotes to any comment regarding actual religon instead of the "prayer emoticon" spam, I would tell them to read (Mt 13:3-9) again. Verse numbers may be off by one or two depending on the translation used, but it's still good stuff!
These people aren't worth your time. Also, try not to argue with the automod. I can count the number of preset responses it gives out to valid arguments on one hand.
https://www.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/comments/iwak6e/gmer_attacking_children_and_boasting_about_it/ go here, (I know its on the disgusting subreddit but, i am in need of help, I have gotten into an argument, I do not care about my karma as much as winning the argument, but if i could save my karma while also winning, that would be awesome. It would also help to help out.