Welcome to world's largest Astral Projection community! We recommend keeping an OPEN MIND. Astral Projection (OBEs) is the direct experience of transferring awareness to NON-PHYSICAL realities in order to explore BEYOND the physical. Our focus is on the spiritual practice of Astral Projection, studies and discussions on non-local states of consciousness, and understanding Out-of-Body phenomena. This is a science AND an art. This space is NOT for debates, jokes, fiction, or creative writing.
Welcome to the world of Astral Projection. For those in the know the subject needs no introduction. For those who are not, i recommend you keep an open mind for you are venturing into the very edge of physical reality. Astral Projection summarized is the experience of separating the mind from the body and it is very real. Not everyone is ready to accept the reality and gravity of what this implies, but if you are, you are in for quite the adventure indeed. Welcome and take a look around
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I feel like shortly talking about a technique I developed to achieve the vibration state for AP much faster. Check it out if you want ;)
I call it Death Breaths.
Basically, you slow your breaths whilst focusing on certain agitations in your body enticing you to move. As you focus on these agitations, aim to tell them to "let go" while intentionally lowering your breaths (although not too roughly). This is to get them to slow their movements, ideally leading to a state of as little movement as possible.
Once you slow down movement, now comes the fun part. And by "fun", I mean horrifyingly painful part.
Why horrifying? Well, because you'll have to intentionally suffocate yourself, thus holding your breath and observing your body while still aiming to relax.
What you are trying to do here is notice a certain "blockage" causing that suffocation, hence preventing your breathing. This blockage will feel like a wall that you keep getting slammed into every time you hold your breath and the suffocation sensation arise.
The objective is to stay in this suffocation state for as long as possible whilst trying to, shall I say, breath through that blockage/wall feeling. Even though you are holding your breath, you will still be trying to breath.
All this is meant to force your body to relax itself and achieve a deepened state conducive for AP. The forced suffocation allows airflow into certain parts of the body under unorthodox means. The flowing of air into these parts naturally relaxes your body and gets you into a deepened trance-like state, which is a good set up for AP transitioning!
Most people forget their dreams within minutes of waking up, losing access to a world of creativity, self-discovery, and untapped potential. My app is designed to change that. Unlike traditional dream journals, this Al-powered platform helps users retain and relive their dreams using scientifically backed lucid dreaming techniques. By simply describing their dreams upon waking, users will receive an Al-generated rough video recreation, allowing them to visually experience what was once lost to memory. But it goes beyond just dream recall-our app provides deep insights into recurring themes and emotional patterns, helping users improve themselves mentally and unlock the hidden messages within their dreams. This isn't just another dream-tracking app; it's a gateway to exploring the subconscious like never before
I’m just starting to get into astral projection, and still am trying to master actually getting out of my body and wondering around. I get to the vibrational state where my whole body is vibrating and my third eye is pulsating. I’ve made it out of my body once and haven’t been able to since. I’m super curious of places I could go, and places people have been.
What places have you gone? And what places should I avoid? Any tips or tricks are appreciated!
Idk what I did to start this new chapter of "Beyond demonic traumatizing astral experiences while just trying to fuckin sleep" but the past month I can't sleep on the right side otherwise it triggers near instant sp/ap and it's always cosmic horrors. Left side? Fine. This morning I had almost 3 experiences. It starts off with this intense sensation that comes over me. Like chills but it's a near unstoppable sign of what's to come. It can't be stopped or I at least don't have the knowledge of how to stop it yet. Once it's overcome me the experience happens. Today, I had the fun experience of commonly being lifted from the comfort and safety of my bed and flung around my room while seeing a baseball player on my ceiling like a poster?? Wtf bro.
Idk if im being abducted 😭 like as soon as I figure out one thing a new thing happens and now I'm terrified of sleeping on my right side when my left side is warm and tired. I've had this close connection to the astral for the past 4 years now and now this is a new low lol. I remember seeing some light (dmt release maybe) and then after the experience I'm back awake in the same position before the experience so I'm not physically going crazy.
Has anyone had a similar experience? Am I being possessed or tormented? This is an exclusive thing if I lay on my right side or my back (always been an issue with the back). Fortunately, unfortunately I'm used to this shit so it's not the worst but it's also the fucking worst right now and I want it to stop 😭 did I wake my inner demons and being tested?! Where the fuck is the instructions booklet 🥲
Last night I decided to give Tom Campbell's binaural beats a try. At about 35 minutes or so into the first audio, I noticed a really weird vibrational change to my inner voice. I have NEVER heard my inner voice sound like anything other than my actual voice. But I noticed my interal voice slowly ramping up vibrationally. It sounded very very similar to when you speak into a fan from behind the blades. Almost exactly the same, but at a much higher frequency than if you were to physically do this. It thoroughly tripped me out, and lasted for about 3-4 minutes before it slowly faded back to my original voice. Can anybody talk me through what this was? I was sad when it went away because it was just so freaking cool. It felt "good" in a weird way, almost like i could feel the vibrations through my brain when i was "speaking" but I only felt them as I was saying the word. Nothing in between words, or in between the whole mantra. Is this a step towards the vibrational states i keep reading about?
I have never consciously Astral Projected, nor experienced any lucid dreams or anything. I have only ever had ONE sleep paralysis. or so I thought.
Let me start by telling you that story. It was like 1 year ago, summer break. I just got offline a 13 hour league marathon and my mind was racing, but my body went asleep. I was dreaming though, and then I woke up. It felt sort of weird, but whatever. I went to the toilet and went downstairs. When I got past a doorway, a figure stopped me. The figure, if I can even describe it, was not of this world. I can't fully describe everything but it was like galaxy coloured but also a void? And it was covered in these EYES. Eyes everywhere. It was horrifying, and I remember screaming and trying to move then I was back in my bed and couldn't move and like 5 seconds later I was back.
At first I thought this was a lucid nightmare but i heard somewhere that eyes can't actually be seen in dreams, so if you see eyes it's in astral projection. So was this some evil thing that just trolled me?
btw my source for that statement is a youtuber called DravonIsHere, VERY interesting videos tho they are religious
Hello guys! First time posting here.
Today I made my first serious attempt at astral projection. I'm really interested in the matter. I've been reading about APs the last few days, listening to Morgoth's podcasts, and I made a few other attempts at night, which quickly failed due to noises and thoughts.
Today I went to bed after lunch, put on some binaural beats, and just let myself go.
There was a moment when I realized that part of my body was asleep, from the waist down. When I realized that, I remained calm and I began to feel my body's temperature rise and I felt a slight tingling in my arms.
At that moment I realized that I was progressing and something was happening, but I also realized that I began to breathe faster and that was inevitable. My heart rate increased, and I couldn't help but inflate my belly to breathe. I also felt a kind of heaviness in my belly and blockage, I suppose it was because I had eaten before. Can that negatively influence reaching the state of vibration?
Anyway, I also reduced the gulping but couldn't completely get rid of it. I kept trying several iterations but eventually gave up on not being able to get past that state and opened my eyes. When I looked, the binaural beats video was almost at 1 hour. It was my longest "meditation" since I was born, I had never gone over 20 minutes.
A good thing that happened this time is that I was confident, didn't feel fear, and I said to myself "You can do it", "You don't have fear", "Everything's ok" and that seemed to help in the beginning but didn't feel like it made the difference in reaching the vibrational state.
Any future recommendations?
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!
So this happened 2 days ago, last night I didn't try to AP cuz I was so insanely tired since life.
If you don't know, I'm 17M and this was my 3rd time trying to AP. I didn't experience any vibrations or anything, but I did experience some insane hypnagogic imagery. Like, insane. I was counting from 1-100, then my body went numb. I did it again, and began staring at the blackness of my mind. I've always had a very vibrant imagination and sometimes vivid dreams, but I could never actually control them. So I was counting to 10, then 15. At some point, I began visualising the numbers.
So like 13 was a man, 14 was a man. It's weird, I know. But when I reached 16 it became really weird. It was like 16 was a super vibrant retrowave coloured man, purple/pink. He was neon and glowing, and like doing some weird gesture. 17 too, insanely vibrant and crazy. This went on and when I reached 25 I realised wtf and I became hyper awake, like everything stopped. I think it's because I tried to look into the visions instead of letting them happen, but its definitely advanced from just some green lights. I will say I didn't experience any floating/tingles, so that's not good :(
Hi all,
I've been super into astral projection and very spiritual, but due to becoming a father and having to work in corporate America, things kinda shift. I recently got back into spirituality, and been meditating every other day or at least before I go to bed. I decided to give AP another chance and had a cool experience. I did the wake up and back to bed method, and achieved sleep paralysis. I did the roll out method to get out of my body and found myself at the front of my bed. I was just inside my room just taking everything in and realizing I haven't AP in over 3 years. I'm not sure why, but I randomly asked myself how the Egyptians built the pyramids and saw an image / vision of them holding some kind of tool in their hand ( cylinder looking). It was about the size of a TV remote. And I felt some kind of vibration in my throat, and I associated it with the Egyptians, immediately thinking they somehow used their vocal cords and that cylinder tool to help build the pyramids.
Has anyone AP to see the pyramids and saw anything similar?
Hi guys, I want to ask you something that has been happening to me the last few days while I'm doing Astral P. I haven't experienced A.P yet but I'm in the process and working hard to experience it, yesterday while I was in deep relaxation, I started hearing a voice speaking to me in Japanese or Chinese (I don't know), and I said to myself okay maybe it's just me but, I was most surprised today when I was doing A.P for almost an hour and my forehead started vibrating and I started to feel Chinese or Korean feelings again like I was a child in the old days and running around some medieval Korean city, I literally remember the pictures but most importantly I feel it as some kind of childish feeling (very beautiful and unusual) something similar to beautiful nostalgia. I was amazed by the experience because I don't have any connections with Asia (I'm 100% European) Asia is not my favorite part either, and I don't believe in reincarnation either. Does anyone of you have an explanation?
Hello! I’m new to APing and I’ve been APing around once a week the past year, after learning and attempting for a year prior. I’ve done many successful APs and used to have regular lucid dreams, but for the past 3 months I haven’t been able to do either. Any advice as to why, and how to overcome it? The only thing new I’ve been doing is listening to the gateway tapes at least once a week, but I don’t understand how that could harm my ability to AP
This is a long one, originally started out as a comment; I’ll include it here as the rest of the post continues awkwardly without pretext—
[AP is entirely unparalleled. It’s the most awesome experience a person can have while alive, imo. And you can’t understand or appreciate it until you experience it for yourself.
Sounds like you hit a slipstream into a higher plane - can only speak for myself ofc but that’s kind of impressive, if that’s where you went. Higher planes aren’t default entry points (in my experience) but they’re always the most astonishing, complex, beautiful and emotionally intensive areas one can visit.]
I’ve always kept to myself concerning AP until just very recently so I don’t know if other travellers are aware of or see the astral planes in the same way as I do, but they seem to me distinctly set out in layers - not in actual order, I don’t believe that they occupy space in the same way as we exist, so when I say lower I don’t mean that those planes are below the others or that higher planes are somewhere above, it’s more like the frequency at which they resonate is a certain density or something. For all I know they all exist everywhere all at once like they’re all overlapping but have limited to no interaction with one another, though you can slip into another from any point and you could be in multiple at once. Idk how it works but that’s just something I understand about them in a way that makes sense to me but I haven’t been told this or read or learned it from anywhere, so I could be completely off target.
But yeah they appear to be in these layers that I think of as upper, middle and lower. These also come in great variation so you can go places that seem to be what I would call mid-upper, or mid-lower… or upper-middle lol idk if that makes sense but for instance: the middle planes are areas that while not identical to Earth are very similar, they look and feel familiar in a way that they have towns and villages, cities etc that are habituated by regular every day kind of people, though not necessarily explicitly human… humanoid maybe in general if not. So an upper-middle plane is an area that has started to take on details and features of what you might find in the upper planes… they start to appear more complex, lighter in terms of density with greater clarity, they’re often very bright although I have been to plenty of planes that were clearly more upper that were dark but still somehow lit with a kind of intrinsic field of brightness without being lit up… no idea if you’re following that lol - the upper planes get very difficult to accurately describe. They can have geometry that’s impossible to comprehend… infinitely collapsing and unfolding into itself. Cities as big as planets constructed of hypercomplex biotech; junctions like superluminal highways all tangled together and made of crystallised information occupied by a gathering of astral beings, and here they were so much less human in appearance.
So if you can imagine upper-middle being Earth like while taking on aspects of these. You also have in the upper-middle what I call the wilds, which are planes of infinite landscape in nature, endless wilderness, the most staggering breathtaking natural beauty, mountain ranges and grass- and highlands, woodland and forests and meadows and it’s always my aim to visit these areas when I AP, bc being there feels like you’re in heaven. Like you take a breath and idk how it works without a body but your lungs expand for miles with the sweetest air that fills every particle in you, every strand of your spirit-body with the most profound glittering joy and elation… I’ve been there just inhaling these huge breaths yelling oh my god, ahaha but it just swells in you so immeasurable and pure. And I always keep going around touching everything around me - when I’m not rocketing around flying lol I’ll always keep patting the floor and feeling the rocks, getting hold of plants bc it just astonishes me that I’m there. No matter how many times, and I do this pretty much every plane I visit, partly bc it helps to ground you in the area but a lot bc I’m marvelling at it being real. Like it’s hyperreal, it makes the waking world feel so dull in comparison.
I don’t believe I’ve ever gone into the very highest upper planes but I don’t believe that’s possible when you’re alive. I was once in a very remarkably… idk how to describe it, I don’t have words for it, but it was a meadow and it was very up there and I just wanted to stay, I wanted to go higher like I mean I did not want to wake up at all. And I tried to go higher - like I said I know that higher is a kind of misnomer in terms of spacial dimension but it does work for me as a method of shifting into upper or lower planes when I use the landscape in that way so I have gone from middle planes to further upper planes just by ascending staircases and using elevators, or flying, and in this instance I flew all the way up into the sky with the intent of going into even higher states. I gradually became engulfed in this pure white light but I could still see the meadow, when I reached some sort of barrier that prevented me from going any further. And I was so disappointed man lmao I just wanted to slide on up and out. Then I got steered v quickly back into my body, lol.
Then for me the lower planes begin to get increasingly dense and grainy, uncomfortable and dim or lit in a way that reminds me of the kind of ugly florescent lighting you might get in a butchers. A lot of chthonic areas and I’ve noticed that there seem to be a lot of these planes that are quite densely populated, whereas I find the upper planes can be quite sparse. Or maybe it’s more that the occupants of lower planes emit much noisier frequency, idk. Like radio static in sweaty redlit basements compared to open grassland with only nature sounds.
Obviously these aren’t areas I visit willingly. I’ve found that any time I’ve descended the stairs in my house, or just entered any sort of tunnel, anywhere that takes me underground without fail puts me into lower planes. The worst astral experience I had started by stepping into an elevator in the middle of the woods. I wouldn’t call it an AP as I was only partly ‘awake’ but it was definitely astral in the sense that it took place beyond my ‘local’ dreamspace.. which I believe functions differently to the astral planes proper.
Something I’ve also wondered about is if other APers experience the transition in the same or similar manner. When I first enter an astral state it begins with sleep paralysis, which I’m aware of being the most common starting point. When this happens I’m able to start moving my limbs independent of my body, although it took me years of working through the fear and figuring out how exactly to reach the point of moving like this… bc it’s fucking weird, man, like it’s so bizarre knowing you’re actually outside of your body. This state feels like I’m swimming in treacle, and I can either start to sink down out of the body, or start to like rotate myself somehow, or I’ll manage to move my limbs to such a point that the rest of me just pops or rolls out. The weirdest exit I ever had was totally spontaneous and it ‘woke’ me up bc I literally just rolled out of my body onto the floor, like I thought I’d fallen out of bed but it was just me going OBE. I still don’t know what to make of that.
At this point I’m always in whichever room I’m sleeping in. I’ll ground myself by touching things in the room… again, partly bc no matter how many times it happens I’m always completely astonished, and partly bc it can be like kind of unstable when I enter… used to be the fear that threw me back in my body, then for a while it was excitement. I had a pretty strong connection for a couple of years and lately I’ve had some issues with this but I don’t want to go into them in this post.
I call this area the portal room bc for me it functions as a liminal space from where I can bounce off into the astral proper. Normally I’ll go straight to a window and jump out bc invariably this takes me to some sort of middle plane and I’m just happy to go fly around exploring. I just feel so humbled and in awe that I get to experience this, whether it’s earth-like or I’m flying through a mountain range that looks like paradise. I mean if I could reliably jump into those natural spaces I would, and when I’ve managed to go upstairs and out the attic windows I do enter some sort of upper realm, though for some reason I often find it hard to stay in the AP if I try to go upstairs, so I’ll just hop in a mid level and if I manage to reach an upper one while there that’s amazing, but I don’t really chase it.
If I go down the stairs in my house I emerge into Hell lol nah ok but it does feel like electively choosing to enter a nightmare and idk why anyone would want to. I have visited lower areas that haven’t been completely awful but I’m inclined to say these are more like lower-middle planes rather than fully down in the grim places.
Does any of this resonate with any of your guys experiences? I’ve never reached out and spoken to other APers for a few reasons - ie, people thinking I’m crazy, not being believed - but I’ve always wondered if what I’ve seen aligns with anyone else’s excursions out there. I did come across a couple of folk on the astral plane at various points who I just immediately knew were travellers like me; one guy I spent a while speaking with there said his name was Aiden. That AP happened for me in 2017 - idk if time works the same in terms of running into other APers, or if he was even from my own reality, but I’ll put that out there. You never know.
I need to find a method of meditation which works for me every time, like I found one for relaxation. Sometimes, focusing on the breath is enough, sometimes I have to count my breaths, and sometimes it just doesnt work. As usual, I did some meditation and relaxation and exercises.
Any advice and suggestions are welcome, thank you.
I had 2 obes recently both of them I came out of the body and felt my lower body floating upwards as my upper body stayed on my bed. Something strange to me tho is my vision is blurry like a dream but I have physical feeling. I was wondering how do I get all these wonderful colors y'all talk about in the obe state cause rn it looks like a dream but I definitely have real feelings?
Hey guys! So I’ve had OBEs and have lucid dreamt probably around 70 times. I’ve come to believe that it’s just your consciousness having the sensation of leaving your brain, and it doesn’t actually. Every time I have had one where my consciousness jumps or floats out of my mind and into my room-things are arranged differently in my room. For example-one time there was a painting on a wall that was never there. Last night I had one, and the windows were actually doors. Since they feel just as “real” as real life, for me it goes back to the question of “What is real?” Any thoughts?
What do you think the discrepancy between the physical and the non-physical is, and how do they relate/co-exist?
I have experienced something called a "physical shift", where, my physical body was present in shifting to an alternate reality. And when I returned to this reality, my physical body was in the same position, I just "re-entered" this reality. The phenomena of reality shifting is becoming aware of your intended reality and then simply experiencing it; your awareness transfers, but this one operated differently as my body was in the physical, and it was my body which transferred between the alternate reality and the current reality (obviously consciousness comes into play here still, as it is your consciousness that experiences reality and can be directed to where you intend to go). An explanation I have conjured is that your awareness is transferring between two realities, where your physical body is the exact same and in the same position, but due to this it gives off the illusion that it is your body that is transferring between realities opposed to your awareness, but I continue...
I had another experience where I was both present in the astral realm and physical reality simultaneously. One half of my vision was grounded in physical reality, the other half was in the astral realm, and I managed to speak to a spirit (and saw part of her figure in the astral-grounded half of my vision) even after moving my physical body. I could still move (albeit more limited), but I was in an in-between state of both the physical and astral realm.
Here is an old post that goes over a physical shift^, I've read many old time slip/time travel stories that resemble a physical shift (for example, The Moberly–Jourdain Incident in 1901).
Now, this isn't my own experience, but my grandpas, he has 2 stories which confuse me as to how the physical and non-physical overlap, which I'll leave here (excluding any information that I deem personal, just an overview):
Now, my question is, how? How do the physical and non-physical reality interact to create these phenomena where the two simply intertwine? Does it have to do with frequency, where the consciousness is operating at a vibration parallel to an alternate universe, which is why the physical form can carry over? In the second case, the dog may have physical-shifted temporarily to this alt-reality where he had died. I am just confused what to make of this, and would love people to provide some insight.
But the teleportation thing simply confuses me. Did his astral body enter the same frequency as the physical reality his body was in, and thus he was able to appear in the physical realm in two different areas? Did he manage to temporarily transport his physical body to this area, causing an intended and controlled physical shift?
I fell asleep and started seeing my whole room even though my eyes were closed. I knew from that point I was Astral projecting. I saw my physical body asleep and then noticed Yugioh was playing on my tv. I kept watching it because it was cool and magical looking. Then I asked the universe or my spirit guides to spawn me a spirit guide dragon that could fly me to Times Square in New York. The dragon that appeared looked white and green with purple and pink scales and green glowing claws. I ended up going to Times Square and saw other astral travelers. Most of them said they were human from the same earth I live on. Then some really cool stuff started to happen. I told my guides that I wanted to slay demons and they started spawning what they call “harmless demons to just slay for fun” and I shot white beams out of my hand at them and destroying the demons. It was so fun and felt like I was playing a real life video game. Then I asked if I can go to restaurants in the astral plane and they said yes so I went to one and they took my order and the food was the most delicious food ever. You’d think I’d remember the name of the restaurant but I don’t
Hi there! I’ve been really interested in astral projecting for a while now but i’m not exactly sure how, and i’m quite sure fear is holding me back. A little back story for you my mother is a psychic and I’ve seem to also have psychic abilities. I’m working on enching them and opening my third eye more. I often see angel numbers quite frequently and have very vivid dreams sometimes I even lucid dream. My mother has predicted small future events and many other wild things in her dreams, as of recently i’ve began to do so to. It’s easily for me to feel energy or see people’s intentions, I also have a really amazing intuition. I’m into crystals and tarot as I dabble a bit in it. I have tried shifting but i’ve remained unsuccessful I seem to do better with lucid dreaming or regular dreams. My dreams are always strong and specific ether giving me signs, waking up at angel numbers, or predicting small future events. I sense that I am more powerful than I know but somehow i have to achieve it. I’d like to think I need to ground, meditate, do shadow work, play with crystals or tarot more and find my inner me before I open my third eye fully. Yet again i do think me being fearful has held me back, i hear stories of people seeing bad things etc. If anyone could help me enhance my psychic abilities i would really appreciate that.
Now back to the astral projecting. I have really found that vivid or lucid dreams come to me easily and I almost feel like as if I travel somewhere with them and they have meanings. I’ve really been wanting to AP but I think fear is holding me back and well i’m not exactly quite sure how to do it. Do i need to protect myself? I am extremely fearful that smth might happen to my body or i might encounter smth bad. Anyways I feel as if i’ve gotten close sometimes waking up and falling back asleep in the middle of the night triggering a lucid dream (my method) but ive done it twice i’ve seen a really bright light and felt as if i was falling but up and out of my body but once i realize this start to happen i get scared and immediately fall back into my body sometimes i will jolt or gasp awake. Ive never actually Astral projected but i am really really interested in trying, I feel as if i have full potential to do so but i get scared and doubtful, yes i know thats probably why im not doing it. I want to not be afraid and learn how to not exactly be so scared and AP safely. I’m not sure if my mother and i being psychic and having the most insane dreams have anything to do with this. I just have so many questions and like to know so many answer. If it even means anything i do put crystals under my pillow to help! Any guides, tips, how to AP, being safe, etc, anything at all would be so appreciated. I’ve been doing research for forever now lol. Thank you for anyone who responds! :)
Does anyone else feel that they have time traveled during intense astral projection?
Is that a weird thing to talk about here? I’m new.
AP-Challenged: Thinking About Trying Tom’s Park or Changing Habits—Any Advice?
Post Body:
Hey fellow travelers,
I’ve been struggling with astral projection for a while now and consider myself AP-challenged. Lately, I’ve come across Tom Campbell’s Tom’s Park and was wondering if anyone here has tried it. Did it help you with out-of-body experiences, or did you find something else more beneficial?
I’ve also been debating quitting weed and alcohol use even tho my comsuption is moderate to see if that helps with clarity and projection attempts. Has anyone noticed a significant difference after changing these habits, or is it more about sticking to a consistent technique and mindset regardless of lifestyle factors?
In other words, do you think it matters which specific resource or method we use (like Tom’s Park, guided meditations, the VELO technique, etc.), or is it more crucial to approach these practices with disciplined focus and regularity? I’d love to hear what’s worked (or hasn’t worked) for those of you who’ve tackled similar obstacles.
Thanks in advance for any insights, links, or cosmic dad jokes you can share. I’m eager to finally break through—or at least laugh about it while trying!
Clear skies and safe travels!
—A (yet-to-be) Frequent Flyer
Not sure what this was. But basically it felt like I was outside of this universe. I saw a bunch of infinity signs that were at 90 degree angles. One circle of it was space one circle was me. Where the 2 intersected was that exact moment. I turned my circle and it showed me younger in the same space. Then I turned it the other way and it showed me older in the same space. Then I turned it back to "present time" then I turned the other circle and I watched myself travel through the galaxy. Then I turned it back and then melted into the intersect of the infinity and returned to my body. Sounds crazy... never experienced anything like it before. No drugs were not involved, just meditation.
Any interpretations?
So I get into the hypnagogic state easily but the moment I notice it I get hyper alert. So alert that it gets uncomfortable just laying there and eventually I give up. I also have aphantasia so I can’t visualize, apart from hypnagogic imagery. So all I see is black and have a hard time getting back into the hypnagogic state again.
Anyone else has this hyper alertness?
I was attempting projection last night by laying in the savasana pose, not moving a finger, and counting from 100 to 1.
Btw unrelated to this post, but this method has gotten me very close and I just started 2 days ago so 👀
But anyway the first day i felt vibrations but they were weak and in different parts of the body and felt disconnected. Idk it wasnt really great.
Second night though 🔥 I did the same exact thing except there was so much noise. Internal ringing noises as i layed there for like 5 mins, then popping noises and i felt a feeling as if i was going up hovering. I have heard people describe these pops as just one pop. But mine were disconnected and smaller in different parts of my body.
All of a sudden my body starts actually tweaking.My heartbeat turned rapid and loud, and i began taking the deepest breaths like I was drowing or something. Deep and dramatic breaths. I could feel my whole chest was uncontrollably going up and down. Then my eyes cracked open which I swear I didn't do. It's like my body was doing stuff for me.
I didn't fully project but that shit felt so weird. I think I was right there on the edge cause i felt myself floating up.
But my question is has anyone had this type of weird breathing or convulsing before? Thank you
Okay, so, for a very long time, I have been super intrigued by astral projection but because of my sleep paralysis, I was terrified. The sounds and tactile hallucinations, along with feeling my husband’s presence next to me but being unable to move or speak was too overwhelming to think about; I just wasn’t ready.
Well, last night, something shifted. I laid down and thought “I am in control. I want to do this”- and then I drifted off. After a while, the vibrations began and I almost freaked out but I immediately started grounding myself. “Your husband is right here. You are safe. You can do this. Focus”.
Suddenly, I felt like I was traveling through a wormhole…but insanely fast. Looking back, it was almost like when a plane is taxiing and about to take off but a lot more intense. I wasn’t afraid. I kept thinking “Holy shit. It’s happening. I am allowing this to happen”.
When I finally broke through, I was catapulted above the Earth. I floated among the stars for a few moments, hoping for a lucid dream to start; to the point of wishing for certain people to appear (although I’m aware that it may not work like that, especially not yet) and then I was back in my body.
What a fucking awesome experience. All day long, I kept revisiting it and smiling to myself. I can’t wait to get better at it. Also, I am so grateful to everyone in this sub who has shared their own experiences and helped me to feel comfortable and safe enough to try! Thank you all! 💜
Edit: words are hard.
Quick question normally AP from lucid dreams tried a new audio the other night trying to AP from being awake Anyway after a bit I was feeling dizzy light headed
I then a bit later got disturbed out of it cause I felt like I was choking
Not sure if this was an astral projection from a lucid dream but when I was dreaming a while back during the power outage from the winter cold storm a group of people were chasing me in the dream and I tried getting away and starting leaping high and far but was still feeling like I could go farther and faster and that they could catch up fast. Then I leaped even higher and farther and a lady’s voice said you can do anything. Then at that point I think I knew I was in a dream and then I flew like Superman or something high in the air and started flying toward a futuristic looking city with skyscrapers and it was built in with or next to my town I used to live in. Then I wanted to visit someone I missed that lived in my old town and some exhilarating and magical force warped or teleported me to the location where my friend I wanted to see is. Then the dream ended. The way my body felt when I was being warped or teleported or whatever was exhilarating, magical, weird and hard to explain
Well. Yesterday morning I attempted AP using the method of believing it would happen… and guess what? It damn near did !
I guess as I was drifting I caufht myself and thought of this song that was stuck in my head and got hit with a wave of bliss beyond anything I’ve ever felt off any substance. And then after that went away I felt intense vibrations, which led to the feeling of me getting ripped out backwards and thrown into some type of intense wave, The voice in my head started screaming as this happened and it sounded echoey and like it was thru some type of filter.
After the wave subsided I ended up in this void of dark blue, I was like well nothing’s here and wanted to see at least something so I said I wanted to go to the moon, and a low quality render of the moon appeared so I figured it didn’t work. opened my eyes to find myself drooling hanging upside down on the edge of the bed, and then closed and opened my eyes again and was laying like I was on my side. I guess that initial “waking up” was just my mind filling in the blanks after an intense experience but man that shit was pretty fun honestly.
Any tips for getting past this “in between” stage if anyone’s ever been there ?
After a long work shift, I took an 11-hour bus ride and slept during the ride. When I got home, it was around 12 at night and I was still feeling tired. So I went to bed immediately. When I went to bed, I started hearing a frequency sound inside my brain. There was a voice repeating "vov, vov, vov". Since I had slept during the 11-hour journey, my consciousness was not trying to shut down. As I started to relax, this sound got stronger. I felt like it was getting lighter and rising. It also felt like I was shrinking and getting caught in a vortex. My consciousness was completely clear, but I didn't understand what was happening. When I opened my eyes, the sounds disappeared. When I closed my eyes again, the same sounds started again. When I opened my eyes again, the sounds disappeared. This time, I let it flow and closed my eyes. The sound got louder and I felt like my soul was being lifted and pulled. I also started to turn counterclockwise with my head down. When I made a complete circle, I realized that I was in the middle of the room and watching the surroundings. Then I wanted to turn around and I did. At that moment I thought, "Am I experiencing astral projection?"
I prayed and closed my eyes and the frequency sounds started to be heard again. As the sounds intensified, I had the same experience again, but this time the feeling of being caught in the vortex was in the opposite direction. I found myself in the middle of the room again. I started looking around to understand if this was a dream. My room was definitely my room, but I didn't see myself in my bed. I looked outside and saw the roots of the trees that were cut where the asphalt was. There were dozens of tree roots on the ground. I tried to pass through the wall, but I couldn't. My head hit the wall. Then I tried to open my room door and I succeeded. I wanted to go towards the hallway, but I refused to go forward and decided to go back.
When I was in high school, I was very interested in astral projection and I had succeeded once. Afterwards, I tried but couldn't and I gave up. All these events attracted my attention very much and brought me here. Do you think this thing I am experiencing is astral projection? If it is astral projection, why couldn't I see myself and why did I see tree roots on the ground? Or were these trees that were here in the past? I woke up in my room in a different universe and wasn't I there at that moment? I'm so confused.
Hey guys hope all is well , crazy reading your guy’s experiences in this group ! Ever since i had an AP accidentally, I’ve had a ringin in my ear that’s pretty persistent and funny enough i can tune into it when need be, almost like a frequency tone and no i do not have tinnitus. When i had my AP it starting with the craziest ringing I’ve ever experience while trying to take a nap when all of a sudden my chest started pounding like a subwoofer and the vibration i felt simultaneously were insane. In a paralysis state i tried to roll over and next thing you know I’m uncontrollably floating around . After this experience I’ve had that same ringing/pitch in my ear like all the time and i almost feel like i can make it louder . I’ve tried to ap again but keep getting taken over by fear lol just wanted to know if you guys think it’s related
I’d highly appreciate if someone can assist me. I have been reading articles and watching videos, but they don’t work for me.