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How can I buy a more finished car to renovate little by little? Is auction a good option? (Note: this is a teenage dream)

04:06 UTC


Any advice or diagnosis?

I have a 2017 1.8L Jetta which has served me very well over the years. It has about 119,000 miles or so but I do have an issue that I’m dealing with.

Check engine light turns on every so often when my engine is heating up. As I start my first 5-10 minutes of the beginning of my day or any point after my engine has completely cooled, my car starts to JUMP if I am not on the gas. This seems to happen as I hit the 1/4 stage of the oil temp. If I were to be parked or idle, I would really need to make sure I’m on the break or it feels like my cars engine is trying to remove its self from the vehicle. If I am able to go or add any power to the engine, it’s fine (fine in a sense of not breaking apart).

I have a code reader and it will tell me when the check engine light is on or flashing momentarily that I am misfiring somewhere. When I use the gas though - it goes away. Once I hit the optimal oil temp it seems to run fine and I do not have to worry about being idle and potentially breaking down or what seems to stall out. If I let it run idle constantly without running the gas to stop the shaking, the car will turn off somehow, but the lights and everything that shows the car is running stays on. You have to re - restart the car to turn the engine back on.

I have also read the codes for my short and long term fuel trim and noticed something off. My bank 1 (both short and long) are within range. My bank 2 though (both) read -100.

I did also replace my ignition coils and spark plugs a while back which I’ve read can play into some issues as well if they are not calibrated correctly or installed wrong.

I really am hoping this is a MAP sensor issue that I can fix on my own.

Has anyone had this issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Thanks for reading my word vomit!!!

00:27 UTC


What color coolant taste the best


19:13 UTC


Dressing Warm in the Rust Belt

I’m lucky enough that my wife’s boyfriend lets me borrow his gimp suit while I’m at work. I highly recommend one.

04:12 UTC

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