
Photograph via snooOG

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Aquarium beginner question

Hello, I started the cycle of aquarium fishless, using ghost feeding method and I used an old mass filter someone gave me. Now I need to test the water to see if the parameters are safe for fish I will put I have bough a test kit but it doesn't seems to measure ammoniac and nitrate Should I buy ammonia and nitrate test strip beside or is this kit enough?

15:01 UTC


White dots in my scud culture - babies?

The active one in this short video is directly in the center, just below a larger scud slightly to the left.

There aren’t tons of them visible but a scattering of them on the walls of the container.

19:08 UTC


I'm looking for a high intensity full spectrum light for my aquarium. My plants need more light.

Please, if you have a favorite high intensity light give me a link. Thank you.

18:01 UTC



Why arw my cardinals acting like this, they are always hiding or swimming at the bottom, they almost never swim to the surface, i have 10 of them, they have been in my tank for 3 months already. Do they not like the substrate light temperature? Iam doing water changes weekly, heavily planted tank, i have heater set to 24c. I also have one pleco in the tank. And also they are such a pussies and are scared of me. I have other tank with glowlights and those glowlights are so lively when i compare cardinals to them. Makes me sad that my cardinals fucking hate me. Need help guys😂

1 Comment
17:26 UTC


What is this?

Dark worm appeared in my shrimp tank. I only feed algae wafers and protein for shrimps. Where did it come from???

1 Comment
17:17 UTC


What kind of plant is this

found it growing in java moss so i just put it in substrate rn

16:32 UTC


Ground covering algae

I have an overgrowth of this blackish algae coving mostly the bottom of my tank. How can I get rid of it? My plyco died 😞 - I’m thinking this was not part of his diet.

1 Comment
15:04 UTC


Banned cups for life

Finally upgraded my angeri boi's 4g! Shop owner was confused when I was willing to go all in "just for a betta" 🥹

15:00 UTC


Dirty tank!

Hey, guys I was wondering if there were any recommendations for something I can put in my tank to help keep it cleaner. I currently have a Beta, four platy's, two Molly's, 4 guppy's, 3 tetra's, 4 yo-yo loaches, 4 green Cory's, 3 julii corys, a bristle nose pleco, 4 ghost shrimp, 4 dwarf frogs, and 5 snails in my 30 gallon aquarium I have some live plants that are still growing and a decent chunk of moss that I worked around my bubbler pirate ship that the fish seem to love the moss also seems to havehelped clear the water a bit I noticed a clear difference within a few hours of having the moss in. I'm also wondering how often I should be feeding them I currently been doing a scoop of beta pellets, 3 scoops of tropical fish pellets, and algae wafer, and a shrimp wafer every morning and the same at night before bed with a scoop of blood worms as a treat at night... Am I doing too much? I'm new to aquariums and just want to give them a good life I plan to swap to a 55 gallon tank when it becomes financially possible.

14:16 UTC


Tank suffering

Hey! I have a 20 gallon tank with 1 Female betta, 6 Cory’s, and a clown pletco. Today 2 of Cory’s died and my betta is barely moving. Does anyone know what’s happening?

14:00 UTC


Adding 2nd Bolivian Ram to established solo one.

This may be a silly question but I am hoping you understand why I am asking. Obviously Bolivian Rams can live together, we know that. But I am wondering if I will have any issue adding a 2nd to my tank that has had one in for about 6 months now.

We got Fernando as our centrepiece fish and he's a little shy, he stays hidden in the plants for the most time coming out to be nosy whilst we eat tea. He is not interested in our Rummy noses or Cory's, just us, he watches us a lot. We would like to get him a tank mate but I am unsure if he will have developed any territorial behaviour whilst he's had the space to "himself".
Has anybody tried this?

Thank you.

12:09 UTC


I accidentally bought these for my aquaria. Except these are for ponds. Can I still use them?

I have the droptests too. I just bought these for testing inbetween.

11:12 UTC


New to aquariums!

I’m brand new to aquariums. My coworkers gave me a whole set up, a filter system, heater, thermometer, conditioner and test trips. I did everything I needed to, cycled the water, conditioned it and tested it. According to google, the values were within normal limits. I added my first betta fish yesterday, and he seems stressed which is expected. But I fear the filter might be too strong? When he as exploring the tank, he swam in the middle and it seemed as if the current literally took this little dude away and he was throwing himself until he got to a calm spot.

Is this just stress & getting used to the new environment or should I get a new filter system? I’m not sure which one to go with if I have to change it. How soon should I change it if so? Any of tips is really appreciated!! Thank you so much

11:01 UTC


Dust in aquarium

09:35 UTC


All of my fish died during a water change today. Please help me get this right if I ever dare to get live fish again. I’m devastated.

I’ve had this 20 gallon fish tank for over 2 years now and it always had what I believed to be algae issues. Even while cycling it at the very beginning it had a lot of hair algae that has eventually cleared up, but over time got replaced with a thick slimy covering of green and brown algae that slowly took over my entire tank. Within 2-3 weeks after thoroughly cleaning it all glass of the tank would be covered in the algae film, you couldn’t see inside of it. The plants would all be slowly decaying because they were covered in it and not getting enough nutrients. I have been adding API water conditioner, CO2 booster, and leaf zone at water changes.

At first I had 10 cherry shrimp, 15 rasboras, and 1 dwarf gourami in it. The shrimp did not do well in it, and I lost them all within a few months and never replaced them. Otherwise except for the ugly look, all the other fishes were happy in it until I lost the dwarf gourami a few weeks ago. I went out of town for the weekend and found it dead after I came back. It was two years old though so I thought that might have played a part as well.

Because of how terrible the tank looked I got in the habit of manually scrubbing off the algae at cleanings, and needing to do a larger water change. I noticed the last water change the fishes were acting a bit strange, but they all pulled through in a few hours. I would have never thought what would happen today. I was doing the regular scrubbing and have changed about 50% of the water at this time. As I manually scrubbed off the algae of the tank and have disturbed the substrate, the fishes started to gasp for air at the surface and some floated through the tank. I panicked and added more water conditioner, now thinking I just finished them off faster by doing this. They all passed away within half an hour of this.

As a first step after, I removed as much of the algae as I could and siphoned everything multiple times. I understand this probably disturbed the cycle but I do not plan to add more fish in the near future. I think I have a plan what to do from here, but I need help to see if there’s anything else I can do.

  • My first course of action is a 3 day black out, then a larger water change including scrubbing all the equipment and leave it to tend to itself for about two weeks, with only 3 hours of added light mid-day
  • Depending how things look then, add a lot more plants to help balance out the algae. I’m hoping for background tall plants, floaters, and some more java ferns since most rotted off
  • Keep monitoring for at least another 2 weeks but possibly longer, as I will be gone during Christmas and don’t dare to leave any living creatures in it alone
  • If things look good for a while, add shrimp to hopefully again help with algae, then some schooling fish, and eventually a center piece fish. This would take place over several weeks monitoring how the tank looks

Is there any way I can make this process more efficient? Or any way I can take an advantage of a fishless tank to deal with the issues? Picture is how my tank looks like now after a copious amount of vacuuming and manual algae removal. The plants are not happy. Thank you so much.

05:41 UTC


6g betta tank

04:24 UTC


60g planted tank. tips?

04:24 UTC


Stocking Ideas?

hello. i’ve made myself an aquarium in quite proud of over the last about two months.
it cycled for about 5 weeks and i slowly introduced my beginning stock. first three nerites, then the next week four ghost shrimp and six ember tetras, then lastly one betta.
i was looking forward to adding guppies and mystery snails as my final stock but i’m reconsidering because of how much they reproduce. i was considering platys or mollies but i’ve heard those can reproduce just as much. what else can i put in my tank that will diversify it? i was looking forward to the odd guppy between my school my pretty embers, but now i’m pretty puzzled on what to add.
for extra context, it’s a 35 tall. 5 nitrate, 0 nitrite, 0 ammonia, 7.2 ph. 79° f. two airstones, a 40 gal filter. lots of driftwood and a good amount of plants although i do need more atm.

04:18 UTC



will my Monte Carlo be OK without CO2 infusion in my tank for three days? i’ll be out of town, however i do have a 9 hour timer for light so that should be fine.

03:50 UTC



will my Monte Carlo be OK without CO2 infusion in my tank for three days? i’ll be out of town, however i do have a 9 hour timer for light so that should be fine.

03:49 UTC


New to hobby. need help with substrate.


Hello! I decided to start a planted aquarium. For my substrate, I used potting soil that I filtered to remove all floating debris. I then covered it with a layer of play sand, which I didn’t filter.

After adding water carefully and slowly, the water turned a murky color. It's been about an hour. In case this doesn't settle, what are some ways I can troubleshoot to remove the murky water?

03:25 UTC


New to this aquarium. Its been a week I started this

(😅Still i am setting up props, any suggestions are appreciated)

I feel like the big fishes in my tank are eating most of the food, because of that i think small are not getting enough food.

I am feeding two kind of food one is big floating pellets (2.5mm dia) i am dropping 2 to 3 balls for a fish and other is small slow sinking wafers (0.9mm dia) hard to count so i am dropping 2 to 3 dashes of this food. One in morning one in evening

The bigger fishes are eating both kind of food.

00:58 UTC


Advice about new Fish Quarantine

I'm very confused by the shear amount of information which seems to lead in every direction regarding what should be done with brand new fish before adding them to your main community tank.

This is my first (and only) tank that's probably 2/3 through cycling and I have chosen my future inhabitants but this quarantine thing is stressing me out.

I see some that do absolutely nothing. Others that medicate for a few weeks and others that do just observation.

My problem is I can't get another tank beyond maybe a temp plastic tub. This whole keep an eye on them for sickness seems to imply I know what a fish sickness looks like which seems daunting especially when I'm getting some nano fish schools.

Also add in that I'm about a month+ into this whole journey and I not really thrilled about multiple weeks of quarantine time in some tub in my bathroom for each new fish.

My original plan was to buy my guys in four stages putting them directly into my main tank after a short acclimation routine.

  1. Cherry shrimp and an Amano shrimp

Wait a week

  1. Cardinal Tetras

Wait a week

  1. Celestial pearl danio

Wait a week

  1. Honey gourami

I guess this long post / vent is just to get some feedback on what to do for some very new to Aquariums.

22:58 UTC


Tadpole looking guys with daphina purchase

22:29 UTC


Goldfish or Guppies?

Hello! planning on making a new aquarium soon. Deciding between few goldfish, or guppies with some other stuff (catfish, and some small fishes). do i only get goldfish or should i get guppies and others? 30-35L fishtank, i have some expirience and plan on breeding them at some point in future.

p.s. if u have some tips or tricks, ill appreciate them too!

21:54 UTC

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