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So I just found I'm in possesion of a 100$ bill that's diferent fromt he tohers, the Ben Franklin is in a round frame instead of unframed like the more recent ones. I did a quick search and found out it's either from the 80s or 90s which aren't worth their monetary value, but that at the same time could be bought by someone at a range of $125 to $200 if it's from the 90s, and even up to 400 if it's even older.
I would like to double-check with people who know if this is true or not, and I'm linking the result that gave me this idea:https://www.silverrecyclers.com/blog/1990-series-100-dollar-bill.aspx(at the bottom there are links to even older bills that gave me the 400 value.)
EDIT: so... I feel kinda dumb but up until now I hadn't realized each bill has the year it was printed on it. The bill is from 1977 after all.
Rare Ancient Egyptian Antiques Queen NEFERTARI Ramses II Wife Stone 1279-1213 BC ... $119 !!
Can these guys be for real?
Edit 2:
In reading the details, there are a number of similarities with my statue and what's being described, including the white base coat with other colors painted over, as well as the statue being mold cast. I suppose the next question is how do I determine if it's legit or a 19th century copy? Anyone familiar with these?
Edit: I think it may be Greek. I found some similar statues from the Hellenistic period: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS803US807&biw=1727&bih=892&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=aM31XOL3Ddb2-gSjjZnYCg&q=tholia+hat+statue&oq=tholia+hat+statue&gs_l=img.3...1585331.1586994..1587185...0.0..0.102.636.6j2......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......35i39.xh0QS2m-cyU#imgrc=2priV6pfew7onM:
If it is, how could I figure out if it's legit or a copy?
Need some help identifying this statue I picked up. Got it from an estate of a lady who had a bunch of other Chinese items, mostly 20th century items. I saw this statue that I think the people clearing out the estate thought was junk. I assume it is of Chinese origin, as it was with other Chinese items, and the hat/statue style looks Chinese. However it also looks like Roman statues I've seen. It looks like it was completely painted at one time, but both the paint, and maybe the glaze, have mostly worn off, and there is just some paint left on the front. Any help identifying is much appreciated in advance.
Here are some additional images: