Fans of Shrek unite as this is the largest dedicated Shrek forum on reddit!
We are brogres, fans of Shrek. We enjoy ogres and onions, but we hate Farquaads.
Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
ogre |ˈəʊgə| - A friendly, misunderstood creature. The highest form of life.
layer |ˈleɪə| - An intangible, desirable trait. A brogre with many layers is a well-rounded and fulfilled brogre.
onion |ˈʌnjən| - The most layered substance in the universe. Should be eaten regularly and in great quantities to ensure a healthy diet.
Farquaad |fɑːkwɑːd| - A grumpy, pitiable person; a party pooper.
swamp |swɒmp| - A muddy, yet charming place; the natural habitat of the brogre.
laddie |ˈladi| - Friend; companion.
dreck |drɛk| - Unappreciable. Comparable to the excrement of Lord Farquaad himself.
Now we will get shrek 5 and donkey spinoff while my wish for the future of shrek franchise
Just curious, if anyone thinks only the confirmed three people will be part of the next movie..? (aka shrek, donkey, and Fiona’s voice actors)
I don’t think there has been word on puss in boots, the mice, pigs, the wolf, Pinocchio or any others ? Thoughts?
Potentially NSFW, don’t know how strict this sub is about these things.
The pic depicts Shrek lying half naked on a bed and Harold sitting behind him looking bewildered with a green substance all over his mouth.
I must have deleted it from my phone and can’t seem to find it anywhere.
I love all the Shrek movies but forever after would never have happened. If Shrek was never born, Farquaad still would have sent his soldiers, and if they all died, Prince Charming was still arranged to save Fiona. Harold would never have gone to Rumpelstiltskin because he had a deal with the fairy godmother! And you can’t convince me that fairy godmother wouldn’t have rigged it so her son would be able to slay dragon, if he wasn’t trained.
I love independent, saved herself Fiona. But it would just never have happened.
I'm honestly looking for some answers... I just rewatched shrek 4 since l've been a kid and I cried twice!! I'm not sure if it's this sad for anyone but the movie concept to me is just so sad. The ending is great and it's a good movie but the scene where shrek cries and Fiona and him kiss left me so sad, it's a sad movie in my opinion.
Just curious if anyone else feels this way..
In Shrek 2, the distance from the castle looks like you have to pass through the trees and halfway to finally reach the castle, but the scene cuts from when you are arriving at the castle to already there, so I wonder how long it would take to actually get to the castle and have to go through?
Today I wrote a near 3 page paper for my Communications class about the miscommunication that happens between Shrek and Fiona in the first movie. It’s a full on theoretical analysis. I think I’ll submit it to the journals for publication 🧐😅
Cookie jar? Stash container? I love it want to keep it, but the wife wants me to get rid of it. Anyone need some Shrek love in their life? Let me know.
Let me know what you guys think :)
Once Shrek and donkey took on their new form from the aftermaths of the potion coming into the city with Puss, what did the people thought about them?