
Photograph via snooOG

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Cycle 483: Happy Mediums (August 29th to September 5th 2024/3310)

Aisling Duval has claimed a 77th control system, in Caneph. A procession of new Type-8s and older Pythons delivered 145k sealed contracts mostly to Duro and Duryampas in what is likely to be the last medium-pad expansion of PP1.0.The glorious operation was notable for a lack of opposition, a mere 4500 merits posted in response and no reports of PVP interference on the Imperial relays. 

Why so? A first draft from the Winters press office said we had been preparing Bero instead; but no, that expansion was weeks ago. What sounded like a bloody discord PVP incident over in the cantina caused the fake news to be taken down. Do keep up. We have a screenshot to cheer us through the long winter nights ahead.

In addition to winning this new sphere, Aisling’s awesome haulers again completed all fortification objectives. The only response was the cancellation of Simyr by hostile underminers. Winters failed to raise much of an effort for her own expansion to Chang O, opposed again. It sounds rather like they have been tied down by Emperor Arissa’s redoubtable BGS department.

Elsewhere, in addition to the usual undermining against Uncle Yuri Grom (Dhanchu, Kwakwakwal, Muncheim, Yemotepa) unknown pilots launched a mini offensive against Big Ed Mahon (Leesti, Lugh, Manbatz, Pongo, and Ao Kano). Imperial beefcake Denton Patreus got a taste of the action in his V374 Pegasi sphere too.

All powers consolidated, bar Felicia Winters, who has found a novel prep in Bacagua. A blocker they say, but they expect our opposition, and we would not want to let them down. Emperor Arissa put 92k merits into her new blocker Bevan’s Hope, possibly with an eye on squad league tables, but did not commit. 

We end the cycle +1CC wealthier and a little bit larger. Many thanks, Cmdrs, and congratulations. Have fun out there. 

Objectives for Cycle 484 (until September 12th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Bacagua.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
17:23 UTC


Cycle 482: Welcome to the Future (August 22nd to 29th 2024/3310)

Magnificent haulers smashed our fortification objectives yet again. We took advantage of the Federal expansion lull to prepare a little something for ourselves. Caneph could well prove the last medium pad expansion in this incarnation of Powerplay; an ideal opportunity to test-drive those newly-minted Lakon Type 8s.

Sweaty palms in the final hours of the cycle as the 5C ghosts that prep HIP 1572 upped their frequency. A race, but a decisive outcome; Caneph ahead by 177k to 136k. Such a smooth operation indeed that a Federation representative asked if it had really been intended. We can expect closer attention next week.

Elsewhere, Torval’s bid for Yaroi fell to Federal opposition, Winters prepared Chang O again. Merit seekers undermined Grom in Dhanchu, Muncheim and Yemotepa. Antal’s Sukree was cancelled. Winters was attacked in Belgitan, Elycoch, and Lundji. Delaine’s Huichi was undermined almost twice over. 

Squad news: Knights of the Light Table report success in the Kuki An sphere, Ewahu is in friendly communist hands. Elite United Worlds are holding a weekend celebration in commemoration of the epic Battle of Wangai. We wish them every success in this.

FDev have agreed to take questions about PP 2.0 in the Forums, the roll out is delayed until October. Zachary Hudson is to finally quit the Federal Presidency. Some sages believe Galnet hints at a new Alliance power, and a map reset. The latter would be a disappointment in the view of this correspondent, upturning the player-driven narrative of the past several years. 

Overdue engagement is still welcome, however imperfect. We recognise the potential for toxicity in Powerplay-related discourse. We also hope our questions - as a community that has devoted countless hours doing this seriously for years - may receive a response. Many squadrons running player-managed factions in the BGS ecosystem that supports the powers - another labour of love involving countless hours - are anxious about what PP2.0 will entail for them.

Also welcome is news of the new Zorgon Peterson Mandalay. Leading edge exploration design or a “pregnant bat”, depending on who you talk to. So. We fortify, we stop Winters, we push Caneph. Aisling smiles in gratitude. Have fun out there. 

Objectives for Cycle 483 (until September 5th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Following the completion of fortification, expand to Caneph (M pad only). Buy sealed contracts from the power contact at any Caneph starport, deliver them to a power contact in any Aisling Duval control system. The closest are Duryampas and Duro.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, insight and combat targets for this week. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval
09:52 UTC


Cycle 481: Golden Years (August 15th to 22nd 2024/3310)

These last weeks - we assume - of Powerplay 1.0 are really a golden time for Aisling’s hauling contingent. Again the entire Trello list of fortification objectives was completed, and in good time. It has been excellent to see some well earned promotions in Aisling Duval Comms as a result of this avid support in recent weeks. The Princess thanks you. 

We’ve also welcomed back a manatee of some renown from her hiatus, who has set about clearing the Augean stables of our BGS maintenance objectives. A PVP specialist of our manor reportedly claimed a bounty placed in Nervi last week by Kumo Crew. We are determined to help our community continue to thrive whatever PP2.0 might bring. 

There were no CC changes as both expansion bids failed. It took a significant effort late in the cycle by ZYADA specialists to deny Felicia Winters with favourable triggers in HIP 52828. Granny Torval’s bid for Aornum was less seriously contested. Undermining attacks on Uncle Yuri Grom continued in Yemotepa and Muncheim.

The Grand Old Lady keeps making moves though. She prepped Yaroi and this is the only expansion in the new cycle. For the Federation Felicia Winters flirted with a move for Cerno. On our own side the Emperor Arissa thought seriously about Bevan’s Hope, but neither followed through. 

A personal thanks also to my esteemed dragon colleague for sitting in for me so effectively with the recaps in the last couple of weeks. All powers bar Torval consolidated, but this is not going to be an entirely quiet cycle. We are pleased to announce a special treat for all you new T-8 owners (and old Pythonists): we want to prepare the M-pad only system Caneph! Have fun out there. 

Objectives for Cycle 482 (until August 1st)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Prepare Caneph (M pad only). Take media materials from Duryampas, Runo or any other Aisling Duval control system to the power contact at Kludze Beacon or Lippisch Point
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, insight and combat targets for this week. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval
14:21 UTC


Cycle 480: 8/15: Double the Cats, Double the Fun! OwO! (August 8th to August 15th, 2024/3310)

OwOhai again! OwO!

For another consecutive week, the entire Trello's been completed! It's starting to feel to me like this is the default state of things. I still remember when even getting to Medium priority was difficult, and now people are getting to see the asteroid base in Runo every week. Is very wiggle. -w-.

Our vote was shiny at 84%, but 5c is getting scary. Vote control, as such, is becoming more and more important. If you're able and it's not too inconvenient, please maintain at least 100 merits each week to be able to vote! OwO! If you haul 800 tons a month, that's enough to keep you going for four cycles, even if you do it all on the same day. That's basically two Cutter-loads once a month, or one every two weeks. It's very helpy. -w-.

There were a bunch of expansions in C479. We had Bero up, and somehow ended up with it at the end of the tick. It doesn't really help or hurt us, but more importantly, this means that we don't have to preprace FLC for it every fortnight, so at least that's done! OwO! Maybe the same situation'll simply start up again, maybe it won't. Personally, I'll just miss how easy the system was to spell. -w-.

For non-manatee-based-powers, only ALD had success with their expansion to Murare, as well as having fortified nearly every system that they control! Their most recent prior expansion was to HIP 17483 in March of 3308. A spokesperson from LL had this to say about the matter: "As home system of ALD squadron the 6th Interstellar Corps, we thought it was high time that Murare came under the direct control of our Emperor. While the expansion was not hotly contested, we had a high participation especially among our newer pilots. It's always enjoyable to add a system to our power!" Participating pilots can collect their reward from -- Oh, wait, sorry. I thought I was writing a Galnet article. <w<'

(Hey, Fdev, hire me. :D Also to be clear, there is no reward, I was just memeing. <w<')

All other expansions failed. Yay for us! OwO! These include Winters' expansions to Chang O, Koljak, and Malgariji. There is a new Winters expansion in HIP 52828 that we should oppose. Did you know that FLC refers to Winters' powerplay cargo as "lunchboxes"? Well, now you do! Did you also know that these "lunchboxes" contain MANATEE MEAT!? Well, they don't. Allegedly. But we should check. You know. By going to HIP 52828 and blowing their ships up, owo.

Outside of Winters, Hudson failed to prepare Aornum; Torval got it into expansion instead. They goin' so good! OwO! Torval's own expansion to Yaori failed. Thas'okay. -w-.

Various undermining happened across many powers; Kumo was hit in HIP 97704, and Antal was bothered in Hidar, both to about 74%. Winters' Lei Kax was fully undermined. Somehow, Yuri was attacked in Dhanchu, LTT 7548, LHS 1339, and BD-10 5238, while being fully undermined in LTT 15574, Yemotepa, and Muncheim! Clearly, /somebody/ is jealous of Yuri's glorious beard. -w-.

In less-power-y news, the T8 released and doesn't totally stink for hauling, so that's cool. -w-. This dragon likes how it has a sound for when it's normal boost /ends/, instead of only when it starts, and wishes that more ships did this. The cockpit's nice too. Vaguely T9-ish when you turn around. -w-. The thargoid titan Thor is getting attacked real good and I think it'll go critical around the time that this article's posted, owo. Galnet whoopsed and accidentally posted both the success and the failure messages for their community goal. They more-or-less said the same thing as far as the wider narrative is concerned, but at least this time, they contained different elaboration on characters' backstories depending on which side won. That's fancy. -w-.

And now for the moment that at least twenty of you were waiting for: Cats! OwO! I ran a poll to decide between two cats to include with this article, and of course, everyone had to try to perfectly balance the votes so they'd get both cats. They did it! OwO! And they did it without cheaping out and only giving one of each vote!

Here's cat A!: https://www.flickr.com/photos/31496313@N00/2826968159 And here's cat B!: https://www.flickr.com/photos/75885098@N05/51991346236 And here's a surprise third-cat for playing along!: https://www.flickr.com/photos/14235202@N00/4930315303 Long ago, I never imagined that somehow I'd end up as a writer for a hyper-niche newspaper that closes their posts with arbitrary pictures of cats while being backed by an aggregation of manatees while myself poses as the lone oddball that insists they're a dragon instead, but here we are! OwO! Thank y'all, is very wiggle. -w-...

Objectives for Cycle 480 (until August 22th)

  • Vowote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!

  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trellowo.

  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.

  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to HIP 52828.

  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, insight and combat targets for this week. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.

  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.

1 Comment
01:20 UTC


Cycle 479: 8/8: Celebrating orange (and other) cats! OwO! (August 1st to August 8th, 2024/3310)

It dragon time! OwO!

We did it again! 48 hours before EOC, haulers completed the whole TrellOwO! I think we're in at least a month-long streak now! We goin'! OwO! Pulling this off is a massive team effort, so thank you, everyone! You are keeping panic-dragon's headfin so calm. -w-...

Aisling's doin' that whole Bero thing again, so our vote was right where we wanted it to be! We got'sa prep it every other week so the feds don't do it themselves /every/ week. It helps avoid a bunch of merits for undermining that we'd otherwise need, but we don't actually want the system for-real-real. Don't push Bero now that it's in expansion. -w-. Likewise, we did all the same Bero-things with another system, named Yen Camus, in the previous week. The approach is the same: We don't actually want it, so don't push it this week, owo.

Speaking of UMs though, we almost had four this week! Torval helped block one by prepping Yaroi, so thanks and stuff! OwO! That leaves Malgariji, Koljak, and Chang O from Winters. Hudson almost had one up, but something seems to have goofed. -w-.

ALD is fancy this week! OwO! They are attempting to expand to Murare. This is the first time in a very long time that they've tried for an expansion, and we hope that it turns out good for them! Triggers are in ALD's favor, but feds have surprised us before, so we'll have to wait and see how it turns out. -w-.

FDev gave us so many engineering mats! OwO! It's so easy to maintain level 3 jumponium now, it's kind of crazy! Go look up where crystal spire sites or brain trees are if you want a bunch really really fast; is very helpy. -w-.

On a similar vein, we have a T8 now! With SCA and no shields, it can carry 404 tons of cargo, and it's still an m-pad ship. This wildly outpaces the Python, while also providing a 404 joke! Derg is amused. -w-.

Both of these combine to dramatically lessen how many Loading Screens players typically see, and shorten how long they're in solo transit. Personally, this dragon is super-duper-jazzed about the direction that things are going; the bubble is effectively being shrunk so that more player interaction is more likely to happen. With PP2.0 coming on top of all of this, maybe things'll actually shake up real good! OwO!

Happy 8/8! It's International Cat Day today! OwO! https://www.flickr.com/photos/140135282@N07/53800837363 Here's a very orange and really epic cat. Plus friends. -w-. Remember to drink your water and have fun and stuff! OwO!

Objectives for Cycle 479 (until August 15th)

  • Vowote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!

  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trellowo.

  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.

  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Chang O.

  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, insight and combat targets for this week. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.

  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.

11:11 UTC


Cycle 478: Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken. (July 25th to August 1st 2024/3310)

Aisling’s haulers remain in fine fettle, again completing the entire list of fortification targets to allow us some options in the latter period of the cycle. Bravo! Winters found a new prep target, the snappily-named Col 285 Sector WO-E B13-1. Granny attempted to compete but could not match Felicia’s 53,407 merits. 

So Aisling flexed her greater hauling power to prepare the overlapping Yen Camus with 137,174 tons of media materials. This attracted some PVP attention in the final hours and the first sighting for many months of the notorious [BRNN] Borann Boys tag. 

The only expansion attempts were Imperial, both blocking moves allowed to fail. Our own Bero reached the threshold but was easily stopped with highly favourable triggers for the opposition. The Federation deployed greater forces to oppose Granny’s feint to Chang O.

This week we’ll have to dust off our own undermining ships. Sleepy Zack Hudson made his first move in some time to prepare Aornum, contesting Grom and Torval assets. Elsewhere, Hudson’s Gliese 868 and our own Simyr were cancelled. Winters saw completed undermining attacks against Lei Kax and Lulua. Imperial beefcake Denton Patreus was attacked in V374 Pegasi.

Our thanks to The Royal Colonial Guard who report success in their campaign to flip Aisling’s Itelmens sphere to favourable forting triggers. Elite United Worlds are planning a social event at the end of this month to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Wangai. More details will follow. 

Python-hauled expansion like Itelmens will slip into PP1.0 history as the Lakon T-8 is set to be released to ARX purchases on August 7th. Some salty gate-keeping old-timers aside, most also welcome the coming rebalancing of engineering mat drops. Aisling salutes you. Have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 479 (until August 8th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Zachary Hudson's expansion to Aornum.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, insight and combat targets for this week. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
1 Comment
18:49 UTC


Power Play 2.0

So I don't surf a lot of the discords and have been pledged to Aisling for several years I'd like to coordinate preemptively on Power Play 2.0 and discuss what I am currently doing.

I understand this is not the place to discuss it so i'm looking to to other options to coordinate

00:25 UTC


Cycle 477: Manatees Need a Maid (July 18th to 25th 2024/3310)

(With apologies to Neil Young.) Having checked with Emperor Arissa that she did not desire to capture the overlapping Cernobog, and with fortification objectives completed in double-quick time, we went for it and successfully expanded to Maidubrigel. Aisling celebrates her 75th control system, a profitable acquisition worth +11.9CC.

Federal opposition was tokenistic once our serious intent became clear, around 30k merits against 291k for the expansion. Winters pushed her own expansion to Malgariji to the tune of 129k merits, but this total was swamped by opposing ZYADA combat pilots. The Imperial Talon Order deserve a mention in dispatches for a PVP offensive that cleared the system on the final night of the cycle, claiming many scalps.

For our own security we prepared Bero again, lest Winters did. We saw stiff opposition for that as the 5C bots who prepare HIP 1572 stepped up the pace remarkably in the final hours of the cycle. 118k vs 99k was sufficient. This dishonourable automated Powerplay is something we definitely won’t miss when PP2.0 gets implemented.

Uncle Yuri Grom’s Cashibo expansion effort wasn’t pushed beyond 100% but soaked up 65k of legitimate human opposition effort. Aisling’s HIP 97186 control system was cancelled (so was Hudson’s Allowini) to no effect. Granny Torval adjusted her vote and hauling very late to prep Chang O.

Both Federal powers consolidated, leaving us the luxury of no expansions to oppose in C478. In BGS, we assisted Celestial Light Brigade in Gwyddi as they defeated traitors to the Empire Likedeeler of Michel and Colonia in an election. Really an awesome week of success, our thanks to all contributors. Have fun out there, and bask!

Objectives for Cycle 478 (until August 1st)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, insight and combat targets for this week. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
16:48 UTC


Cycle 476: Have another cat! OwO! (July 11th to 18th 2024/3310)

Ohai OwO! It derg again! Hi! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii! OwO!!!!

Hex wanted a vacation this cycle, and the only instructions that I was given are, and I quote: "Report the facts.".

Hex did not say /which/ facts to report, and frankly Cycle 473 was way more interesting, so I'll report on that one! Torval won Dongkum and WAIT! O.=.O! This just in! Nine minutes before the end of Cycle 476, a small portion of AD:zap:CD felt the irresistible urge to try and finish the entire Trello! They got all the way through the high-priority forts before EOC! All the haulers did so good OwO! We (I was morale support) were only able to do this by standing on the shoulders of everyone else who also forted this cycle, so thanks everyone! OwO!

Speaking of hauling, Rhea had a community goal, and we had to haul 70,000,000 tons of STUFF to Ito Orbital. The goal reached 100% completion, so fwee! Maybe now Winters can finally become president and we can move forward with the lore please!

The AX community has slain Titan Indra. There seems to have been some sort of balancing, at least by my eyes; this titan lasted a lot longer, even with Ram Tah allowing any Guardian module to work at full capacity. The weird bug where two people doing a torp run together seems to have finally been fixed, too! Despite the titan's defeat, there are no AX-related changes to CC.

There's a lot of random undermining, though! Almost none succeeded, except for one against Archon Delane in Djabijabus. This has no observable effect. AD's vote was 69%, which put Maidubrigel into expansion. The others are as follows:


Undermining (for previous cycle):

Edmund Mahon: Dahambwe, Ross 860, Gendalla, Insubii.

Yuri Grom: LFT 926, BD-10 5238.

Pranav Antal: Makula, Ba Xian.

Felicia Winters: Lei Kax, Hikenk.

Zachary Hudson: Ptah.

Li Yong-rui: Betel, Balante.

Denton Patreus: V374 Pegasi.

Archon Delane: Djabijabus (Fully canceled!).

Zemina Torval: Tau-1 Hydrae, CPC 22 212.


Expansions (for this cycle):

Aisling Duval: Maidubrigel.

Yuri Grom: Cashibo.

Felecia Winters: Malgariji.


There may or may not be plans for Maidubrigel. The faster we finish the Trellowo, the faster we can decide! OwO! Bero was defeated by Winters, but that's okay; the more important thing was to stop Winters' expansion to Chang O from the previous cycle, which we did, so fwee! OwO!

Normally there'd be more of an unhinged dragon-rant, but things are so reasonably smooth right now that I can't come up with anything. So, here's a picture of a cat again! OwO! https://www.flickr.com/photos/8827284@N06/29023151410

EDIT: Almost literally at the last second, I was informed that Aisling's Angels won a bronze powerplay award! Congratulations! I am literally falling asleep as I write this though so please accept this BONUS CAT! OWO! https://www.flickr.com/photos/10259776@N00/20083646535

Objectives for Cycle 477 (until July 25th)

  • Vowote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!

  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trellowo.

  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.

  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Malgariji.

  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, insight and combat targets for this week. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.

  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.

07:18 UTC


Cycle 475: Bero Goggles (July 4th to 11th 2024/3310)

With no expansions last week the Powerplay was mostly about manoeuvring for C476. Aisling’s pilots again prepared Bero, largely to prevent Winters doing the same. 111,545 media materials buried the ever-present 5C threat in HIP 1572, which at 67,144 was not pushing too hard.

Winters did not fancy racing us. But Granny Torval did race to prepare Chang O, Winters’ secondary objective. Winters was successful with 48,054 against Torval’s 21,452. We are not aiming to take Bero, not that it is a disaster if we do, but we are keen to stop Chang O.

"Your Uncle" Yuri Grom suffered undermining attacks, as he so often does, in LTT 15574, Kwakwakwal and Ymanbin. Grom’s economy is easily strong enough to withstand this. More unexpected was Big Ed Mahon’s Gendalla getting cancelled by unknown forces.

In addition to the Bero prep, it was an awesome hauling effort, with Aisling’s entire list of fortification objectives completed. Aside from Winters and ourselves, all powers consolidated. Li Yong Rui might be on his holidays, with only 4/51 control systems fortified.

Titan Indra bit the dust. Winters has another disaster-relief CG in Rhea that could interfere with her fortification. Apologies for the late recap, your correspondent has had a busy time of it planet-side. Our sincere thanks for all contributions, have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 476 (until July 18th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Chang O.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, insight and combat targets for this week. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
21:12 UTC


Pledging and ranking but not getting Imperial rank?

Aisling is ideologically the only Imperial character I dont want to orbital nuke, i want to aid her cause and get the shields without ranking up with the empire. Is this possible?

My crew (rp) deals mostly with fed and alliance, we're not fans of the clone shock troops and slaves having both a clone and a escaped slave as valued members. And thus ive legit never ranked up with the empire.

21:32 UTC


Cycle 474: Shutout (June 27th to July 4th 2024/3310)

Five expansions on either side of the Fed/Imp divide, yet none successful. From our point of view, good news. Bero would not be profitable for Aisling, and had been a blocking move to prevent another draining clash with Felicia Winters. Our 29k sealed contracts from there were mostly the work of off-grid randoms. Unfavourable triggers of 3:1 assisted a successful Federal opposition.

Winters had three expansions, none of which saw a serious push. 21k to HIP 58986 was the largest effort. Chang O and Gienah received less attention, and all three were comfortably opposed by ZYADA combat pilots. A random Cmdr undermined Winters in Hikenk, and announced this on Reddit

Uncle Yuri Grom was hit in Ymanbin, an unusual location. For Imperial beefcake Denton Patreus, Caph is of course a regular option when his consolidation vote fails, not a system he actually wants to take. No CC changed hands. All powers consolidated, a close run thing only for Patreus. So it looks like a sedate cycle ahead.

We welcome the buy-in by Cmdrs beyond our discord to help with our Trello list of fortification objectives, though tracking progress has become more challenging as a result. All top priority targets were completed, and others including Ts’ai Shai, Hotototo and Gally Bese. Our consolidation vote finished at a healthy 83%.

In BGS, some wars were won. These included Futhark in support of allied squad Celestial Light Brigade. However our maintenance objectives are mounting up alarmingly, and could use your support. The destruction of Titan Indra is likely to be the main event in the week ahead. Sincere thanks once again from the Princess and her manatee representatives. Have fun out there. 

Objectives for Cycle 475 (until July 11th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, insight and combat targets for this week. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
11:15 UTC


Cycle 473: Granny Rings the Big Dong (June 20th to 27th 2024/3310)

As FDev pushed the launch of Powerplay 2.0 back to September, C473 showed life yet in good old PP1.0. On Tuesday Aisling’s brilliant haulers completed all fortification targets, so we pivoted towards prepping Bero once again, to head off another attempt by Felicia Winters. An exciting prep race ensued. We were able to outstrip both Winters and the 5C prep to HIP 1572.

Perhaps the distraction of our providing PVP targets caused Felicia to take her eye off the ball? In the final minutes of the cycle Granny Torval - who had also flirted with a prep of Bero earlier in the week - pushed hard to win her expansion to the long-standing Winters target of Dongkum.

Overheads limit Granny’s immediate gain to +7.3CC, but she also contests Zachary Hudson for -7CC. This has been a totemic objective for Winters for more than a year, the scene of many Powerplay battles. Her disappointment will be bitter. Our warm congratulations to our Torvalian allies.

We also saw a late push to win Savantzil for Pranav Antal, though how is mysterious. We doubt they welcome the -136.7CC loss to the Simguru’s economy. ZYADA pilots had contributed to the opposition effort. Antal’s control system Kenna was also undermined. Meanwhile, Uncle Yuri Grom could not take Cashibo.

We are highly unlikely to push for Bero as the triggers are so loaded against us. Winters prepped three systems to keep us busy in the cycle ahead: Chang O, HIP 58986, and Gienah. Imperial beefcake Denton Patreus’ vote struggled again, putting his prep-blocker Caph up for expansion once again. 

The Princess is grateful for your efforts, prep-hauling to Bero from various Aisling’s Angels was especially noteworthy in a week of epic hauling. Have fun out there. 

Objectives for Cycle 474 (until July 4th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansions to Chang O, Gienah, and HIP 58986.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
16:57 UTC


episode 7 part 2 lets talk more than dogs but lets not talk about my pink sweats

14:18 UTC


Cycle 472: Supergran Strikes Again (June 13th to 20th 2024/3310)

We weren’t aiming to actually take Bero, but we made enough deliveries to keep the Feds busy and require around 75k opposition merits. Our vote was steady at 84% for consolidation, and the main focus as ever was to fortify. Many thanks to the haulers who completed all top priority objectives and others including Ekono and Ts’ai Shai.

The key manoeuvre of the Powerplay week was a late one by Granny. The Torvalians showed exemplary vote control and timing to win a prep race in Dongkum - a system profitable for every power bar ourselves - against Felicia Winters. So for a second week, as Hudson slumbers on, there’s no Federal expansion to oppose.

However we can offer a combat target for those with restless trigger fingers. Pranav Antal lost control of his vote late in the cycle and has the unfamiliar location Savantzil up for expansion. Diplomats confirm this is not a system the Simguru wants. Feel free to help him out.

In other news, Li Yong Rui gained another +1CC back from Titan Indra. Winters’ sphere Lei Kax was undermined, and Imperial beefcake Denton Patreus’ Gwaelod. Emperor Arissa completed the most fortifications (56/90). Uncle Yuri has an expansion up, to Cashibo. The Princess salutes you, have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 473 (until June 27th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Pranav Antal’ expansion to Savantzil.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
17:17 UTC


Cycle 471: One More Bero For the Road (June 6th to 13th 2024/3310)

Much as we enjoy a little undermining, the strenuous efforts we were driven to in C468 were too much of a good thing. With our forts looking good, on Tuesday we shifted to prep-race Winters for Bero. The aim: stop the Feds pushing a full slate of expansions again against us.

Winters soon switched to PVP interference, and claimed some scalps. But she abandoned her prep plans as we racked up 160k merits against her 47k. This was enough to also outrun our most dangerous opponents, the 5C bots who obsessively prepare HIP 1572 every week.

Felicia dropped any plans to expand and Hudson still squats, inert, in the White House. This leaves Aisling, unusually, as the only power with an expansion for the new cycle. Will we push it or not? Stay tuned. Thanks to all those who joined the prep race and also pilots who fortified our profitables as far as HIP 109203 and Ekono.

Neither expansion in C471 saw a serious effort. Winters fell short of the threshold in Dongkum. Imperial beefcake Denton Patreus doesn’t want Caph anyway. Undermining attacks against Uncle Yuri Grom resumed in Pethes and Yemotepa. Archon Delaine was hit in Djabijabus.

It was a comparatively quieter week in BGS, the highlight was a victory at war in HIP 109787 in the Syntheng sphere. Friends of discount retailer Li Yong Rui continued to push back the Thargoids camped on his lawn, he regained an impressive +14CC. Thanks as ever for all your efforts, and have fun out there. 

Objectives for Cycle 472 (until June 20th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
18:34 UTC


Cycle 470: Dongkum Around Here No More (May 30th to June 6th 2024/3310)

Another awesome cycle by Aisling’s haulers who completed the entire Trello of fortification objectives for a second consecutive week. Sixty five fortified control systems was more than any other power completed. Our consolidation vote was steady at 83% while 5C hauling attempts to induce us into an unfavourable expansion remained above 100k merits.

Some other Imperials struggled more with their vote. Empress Arissa’s squeaked through at 75%, her pilots delivered more than 180k merits to Cernobog as 5C pushed Murare. Imperial beefcake Denton Patreus managed to fortify a comparatively very high thirty eight control systems but could not push his vote beyond 74%. This brings his pre-blocker Caph into play for C471.

The Federation had a quiet week. Winters’ expansion to HIP 58986 saw only a tokenistic effort, buried easily by ZYADA combat pilots. In C471 she returns to the familiar expansion target Dongkum. Hudson continued to overstay his constitutional term in the White House and again consolidated. Uncle Yuri Grom was spared the customary undermining attacks.

Unknown forces hit two of the Kumo Burger King Archon Delaine’s control systems, Madyanmana and Huichi. Winters’ weapon deep in Imperial space Lei Kax was also fully undermined. Li Yong Rui gained another +4CC as AX forces continued to make progress against Titan Indra.

In BGS, we are grateful to Aisling’s AngelsCelestial Light Brigade and others for their work in Aisling’s Kaukhe sphere, where the fortification bonus is now achieved, reducing the hauling burden. A familiar array of wars was sparked in the Malgariji area, but not pursued with any vigour by our opponents. We still await further information from FDev about PP2.0. Have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 471 (until June 13th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Dongkum.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence targets are to combat the alerts in Sukarbago and Chibis (Cocijo). You could also begin Thor spire work at Col 285 Sector OG-E b12-1 body 6.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
15:52 UTC


Cycle 469: Lullaby (May 23rd to 30th 2024/3310)

A quieter cycle saw Aisling’s magnificent haulers complete the entire Trello of fortification targets from Simyr all the way down to Kwelegus. Our vote was stronger, 85% for consolidation, while 5C prep to HIP 1572 was reduced though still above 100k. We felt the benefit of long-term BGS work by Knights of the Light Table to halve the fort triggers for Punavatii.

Aisling’s domains were untouched by the undermining attacks afflicting some others, though none of these had any deeper impact. Uncle Yuri remains the Feds go-to source of combat merits: LTT 15574, Kwakwakwal and San Guan were cancelled. Winters was hit in LPM 229, Emperor Arissa in Lopocares.

We half expected the Emperor to wake up from her long run of defensive Powerplay and make a move on Cernobog. But this proved a prep-block option as her consolidation vote faltered a little but recovered to 76%. Her BGS forces won a decisive 4-0 victory at war against the Federal Ice Storm Squadron in Docleachi. Aisling’s BGS contingent won a minor conflict in Bach.

The big story in Imperial space was of course the destruction of Titan Hadad, less than 48 hours into the cycle. The only economic change: +1CC for Li Yong Rui as AX forces turned their guns towards Titan Indra. The only expansion in the coming cycle is Winters taking another shot at HIP 58980.

FDev’s end of month live stream made no mention of PP2.0. So we still have questions about the future. M pad haulers and fans of Lakon Spaceways were excited by a peek at the new Type-8. Many thanks from the Princess for your ongoing support. Have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 470 (until June 6th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to HIP 58980.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence targets are to combat the alerts in HIP 18857 (Thor) and Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-3 (Cocijo). There are also invasions in Unktety (Thor), HIP 37520 and Wogaiawong (both Cocijo).
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
09:15 UTC


Cycle 468: Merits for the Merit God (May 16th to 23rd 2024/3310)

We were kept very busy combatting four expansions from Felicia Winters. Aisling Duval pledges were instrumental in building up substantial leads in first Chang O, then HIP 58980. Neither these nor HIP 39528, right on the lawn of Mahon loyalists The Flat Galaxy Society, were pushed very hard. The main Federal effort focused on Bero, where triggers were 1:2.5 in Felicia’s favour.

The pursuit of a commanding lead of around 400k merits was relentless, and obsessive. One of the most astonishing snipes in Powerplay history was delivered in the closing minutes of the cycle by ZYADA special forces, more than a million merits. Aisling’s consolidation vote was steady at 80%. This was enough to see off, coincidentally, sharply increased 5C hauling to HIP 1572. These accounts never appear in Open mode.

Haulers completed top priority forting objectives and benefitted from BGS work by The Royal Colonial Guard and Signum Initiative that has halved the fortification trigger for Kurichime. BGS conflicts were won in Mangiliri and Bajoji. Other Imperial groups prevailed in Kivah at the second attempt.

Uncle Yuri weathered undermining attacks against Rho Capricorni, Kwakwakwal and Dhanchu. Winters’ sphere Asetsi was also cancelled. Groups loyal to Winters can take consolation at the end of this Powerplay season by having racked up 2.573m merits, more than any other. Groups pledged to Aisling came in second with 2.187m, pipping those pledged to Emperor Arissa with 1.629m.

The only expansion is Granny Torval's to Jinoharis. Emperor Arissa gained +1CC from preparations for the final assault on Titan Hadad. The Princess salutes you. Have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 469 (until May 30th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • AX: since the demise of Titan Hadad earlier today, the Imperial Xeno Defence primary target this cycle is to attack the spire site at HIP 30439. Other Titans have alerts at Unktety (Thor) and Laumas (Cocijo).
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • We have questions about Powerplay 2.0.
17:28 UTC


Cycle 467: Incredibly Low (May 9th to 16th 2024/3310)

With Zach Hudson still squatting in the White House, President-Elect Felicia Winters sought attention by Powerplay. She did not push her Buan Zha expansion, and her Lei Kax and LPM 229 spheres were undermined, but she prepared another full slate of expansions to keep us busy in the coming week: Bero, HIP 39528, HIP 58986 and the perennial Chang O.

For ZYADA, Granny Torval did not mind her Jinoharis failing. More disappointing was that she could not quite overcome Winters in a late prep race for HIP 58986. Attacks on Uncle Yuri Grom were limited to Pethes. With Imperial Xeno Defence and the broader AX community now focused on Titan Hadad, Emperor Arissa won back +4CC.

In a quieter week for Aisling, haulers still completed top priority fortifications plus others including Aowica, Ekono, Kurichime, and Hotototo. Our consolidation vote was solid at 86%. 5C hauling increased only very slightly, but remains an inhibiting factor we hope PP2.0 will quash. Perpetual BGS wars continued in the Malgariji area: Ailuremowo, Bach, HIP 33275, Taiocamu and Zememede

The latest update saw steps to save starting players in EDO from being ganked on their first flight, though this stopped short of restoring the traditional starter zone of Dromi and Matet. Thanks are due to the Kumo Crew for bringing this issue, which cannot be good for player retention, to wider attention.

With their loss making expansion to HIP 97704 in Cycle 455, Chamberlain’s Rest in HIP 97950 was brought within the domains of Burger King Archon Delaine. Noobs would be well advised to not take a mission that returns them there. We are assured that the number of brave rank 5 Delaine pledges exploiting this source of fresh meat consequence-free is “incredibly low”

The Princess thanks you, have fun out there.


Objectives for Cycle 469 (until May 23rd)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansions to Bero, HIP 39528, HIP 58986 and Chang O.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence primary target this cycle is still to prepare the assault on Titan Hadad by hitting the spire site Col 285 sector US-Z b14-7, body 12c. 
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • We have questions about Powerplay 2.0.
19:32 UTC


Cycle 466: Dizzying Heights (May 2nd to 9th 2024/3310)

Aisling’s consolidation vote reached the dizzying heights of 91% on Tuesday, the highest since early last year. Though it fell back to 89% by end of cycle haulers were able to complete the entire list of fortification objectives. Some new arrivals to the ADC discord on Wednesday were frustrated at the lack of objectives. 

Granny Torval had the only expansion bid, to Bero. This was comfortably defeated but had served the purpose of blocking Winters in the same system last week. Undermining resumed against Uncle Yuri, but only in Pethes

Pranav Antal’s less enlightened foes, whoever they are, undermined Sukree. The wider community has mostly been testing the new Python Mk II and the full range of SCO Frame Shift Drives made available this week.

The new cycle will be less relaxed as Felicia Winters launches a nasty -100CC weapon against us in Buan Zha. This will be our main combat priority as we wish Granny luck in her counter-weapon expansion to Jinoharis

In BGS, Taiocamu continues to slip in and out of war. We also supported Explorers of the Anarchy to a victory in Gerong. We were narrowly beaten over 7 days supporting our Imperial allies against the Ice Storm Squadron in Kivah

The Princess thanks you for your ongoing support. She hopes, as we do, that someone from FDev can respond to important questions concerning Powerplay 2.0 our lead coordinator has posted on the forums. Have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 468 (until May 16th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Buan Zha.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence primary target this cycle is still to prepare the assault on Titan Hadad by hitting the spire site Col 285 sector US-Z b14-7, body 12c. 
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
09:25 UTC


Returning Player

Hey, me and my friend are returning players who pledged allegiance to Aisling Duval and would like to know which systems would be better to stay at ? We are currently staying at Turona and might move to get closer to Cubeo but are not sure which system would be best in terms of shipyards

13:11 UTC


Cycle 465: Another Tango in Chang O (April 25th to May 2nd 2024/3310)

Felicia Winters pushed a full slate of four expansions pretty hard, leading to a frenetic week of Powerplay activity. Our compliments on a significant effort by the pilots of Federal Liberal Command. Both Federation and Empire ended the cycle with something to celebrate.

Winters’ prioritised 169G Canis Majoris with excellent triggers of 3.6:1 in her favour. She hauled more than 300k merits in the first days of the cycle. This proved an insurmountable lead and caused ZYADA pilots to focus our opposition elsewhere, primarily the oft-contested Chang O.

The final eight hours saw the Feds move to defeat Torval’s expansion to Bevan’s Hope. The other Winters expansions were not settled until the last moments of the cycle. HIP 39528 saw fierce PVP encounters, but along with Geniah was defeated with late merit drops.

Showing remarkable stamina and agility for a 132 year old, Granny Torval had the last word, prep-racing Winters for her novel target Bero. So Winters gained just 169G Canis Majoris at a cost of -79CC owing to her increased overheads. Elsewhere, Emperor Arissa gained +4CC from a slightly weakened Titan Hadad.

On Aisling’s home front, our consolidation vote reached a comfortable 85%, keeping us safe as 5C hauling to HIP 1572 increased beyond 140k. Top priority fortification targets were completed, and others as far as Ts’ai Shai and Gally Bese.

The BGS struggle in the long-term Federal target area Malgariji continued. We assisted Explorers of the Anarchy to success at war in HIP 33275 and Taiocamu, but in the latter were forced straight back into conflict.

Many thanks to all voters, haulers, and shooters. Make the most of the lack of a Federal expansion to oppose in the week ahead. 

Objectives for Cycle 467 (until May 9th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence target this cycle is to prepare the assault on Titan Hadad by hitting the spire site Col 285 sector US-Z b14-7, body 12c. There is an alert in Vogulu
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
  • See also, other powers active on Reddit: , (Archon Delaine), , .
1 Comment
09:40 UTC


Cycle 464: Born to Lose, Pay to Win (April 18th to 25th 2024/3310)

Hauling: we completed top priority fortifications, Gally Bese and Kapoongzi, which was good enough. Voting: 85% for consolidation, the best for a while, so panic dragon could rest easy. Botting: 5C prep to HIP 1572 increased a bit, the overforting of Lambda-1 Tucanae fell a bit, the two systems were the mirror image of last week’s scores, pretty much.

Uncle Yuri was undermined in Pethes, Nauo and Yemotepa, that old bone of contention with Hudson. Patient President-in-waiting Felicia Winters was hit in Lei Kax, Kumo Burger King Archon Delaine in Djabijabus. The only economic change was +1CC for Emperor Arissa, won back from Titan Hadad. Oya was the third Titan to explode. A rush of voyeurs slowed FC jumps considerably.

Winters failed again to take Dongkum, but for C465 throws the dice with a full slate of four expansion attempts. The most likely, owing to favourable triggers of 3.6:1, looks to be the minor loss-maker 169G Canis Majoris, familiar to regular readers as Emperor Arissa’s usual prep-blocker. The minor profitables HIP 39528 and Chang O, and the neutral Genal are available as ZYADA combat targets too. Granny Torval has an expansion to Bevan’s Hope.

The biggest splashes were made by FDev. To bring in more income and help new players circumvent the grind it was announced that pre-built ships with some engineering could be bought with ARX. Dismay at a slippery slope to P2W was tempered by the observation that it would be far easier to lose flying these questionable contraptions.

We learned more about Powerplay 2.0 in a long pre-recorded stream excerpt. Clearly this will be a very different game mode, with no CC, no voting, and no spheres as currently understood. The status of HQs, BGS, that old chestnut OOPP, and much else is yet to be determined.

A grizzled retired old manatee revealed they are “cautiously optimistic, which is more optimistic than I have been about something from Frontier for a long time … this is going to change the way everything works. Things around here are certainly going to change a lot after the update.”

In BGS, we achieved victories at war in Belata, Chandh, and HIP 33275. The Federals of Ice Storm Squadron were retreated from Bean Nighe. Our thanks to you all, good luck out there in the week ahead.

Objectives for Cycle 466 (until May 2nd)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: the priority is to oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Chang O. Further targets are 169G Canis Majoris, HIP 39528 and Genal.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence targets this cycle are to prepare the assault on Titan Hadad by hitting the spire site Col 285 sector US-Z b14-7 with “Orthrus mulching” and “spire sabotage” (the latter in solo/PG only). Titan Thor has an alert HIP 18702 and invasion Auaker. Titan Cocijo has an alert Laumas and invasion HIP 37844.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
  • See also, other powers active on Reddit: r/EliteGrom, r/kumocrew (Archon Delaine), r/EliteMahon, r/EliteWinters.
16:28 UTC


Cycle 463: Much Ado About Nothing (April 11th to 18th 2024/3310)

A quiet week in Aisling’s domains. Our consolidation vote was stable at 83% and haulers did a tremendous job to complete our fortification objectives on Monday. Every power has a system that is often over-forted. We were bemused to see hauling to Lambda-1 Tucanae exceed 140k merits for the second cycle in three weeks, a high score for a period of more than 2 years. Though not harmful like the mechanised 5C preparation of HIP 1572, we would like these Cmdrs to understand they are wasting their time and their credits.

Granny mounted the only expansion attempt, to Yaroi. Torvalians pushed only enough to provoke a serious Federal opposition. Our ZYADA ally Uncle Yuri was undermined again in Maramavoy and Pethes, our Federal opponent Felicia Winters in Lei Kax, Albicevci and Lulua. Unusually, unknown forces attacked Big Ed Mahon in Pongo and Kokoimudji. The only economic changes resulted once again from the faltering Thargoid offensive against humanity. Emperor Arissa gained +2CC, Grom and Li Yong +1CC each.

Federal propaganda was successful in capturing the attention of the broader community in support of their Ice Storm Squadron in a BGS war against Imperial Enforcement Division in b2 Carinae. Federal monies have been lavished on mercenaries. Ironheart Corporation Fleet publicly placed a 4 billion bounty on the leader of IED’s head, while bravely blocking the Imperial PVPers from ASSJ and Lavigny’s Legion who successfully engaged their pilots.

Upwards of 800 Cmdrs have been reported in the system on some days, it is good to see wide engagement in player-driven events. The Feds dominated this war, but we doubt this will be the end of hostilities. Also: ownership of this contested system between Winters’ Karnarki control system and Imperial beefcake Denton Patreus’ Coma has no impact on Powerplay as currently constituted.

Cmdrs attracted to this war by rhetoric imploring they should ‘defend democracy’ have missed the fact that Ice Storm Squadron is a for-profit corporation, and no democratic entity. And what is the nature of this so-called Federal democracy? They have still not implemented the result of the long-delayed Presidential election held back in C437, 6 months ago. Still the Federation languishes under the dead hand of the dictator in all but name Zachary Hudson.

The cycle ahead sees the expected demise of Oya, the third Thargoid Titan, so hurry up if you want a decal. Engineer Ram Tah has prepared new devices to defend Guardian modules from the aliens. We also get another chance to shoot at Felicia Winters’ in Dongkum where she attempts to expand once again. Have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 464 (until April 25th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Dongkum.
  • AX: the Imperial Xeno Defence target this cycle is to take down Titan Oya.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
15:30 UTC


Cycle 462: Whoosh (April 4th to 11th 2024/3310)

Felicia Winters pursued her expansion attempt to Chang O. It took last minute merit drops from ZYADA pilots to stop her. Meanwhile Granny Torval launched a late prep race for Yaroi that denied Winters the chance to expand Vistsi in the coming cycle. Hudson prepped first Cu Cancri, then Sahualasta, but in the end voted to consolidate.

So, C463 is another week with no Federal expansions to oppose. Our Princess’ own consolidation vote was more secure at 83%. Fortification targets were completed as far as Duryampas, Hotototo, and Kurichime. Panic dragon was chill. We are always grateful to all voters and haulers.

Federal undermining against Uncle Yuri Grom continued with attacks against Dhanchu, Maramavoy, Muncheim and Pethes. In return, Winters was undermined in Lei Kax and LPM 229. The only economic change was +2CC returned to Li Yong Rui owing to AX activity.

Our BGS contingent has two victories at war to report. In Maipuna the fortification bonus for the HIP 97196 sphere was successfully defended. Victory for lost legion in Zeaex strengthened Aisling’s hold on Zeta Trianguli Australis.

The new overcharged Frame Shift Drive introduced in update 18.02 was not to everyone’s liking. Experimenting pilots experienced instability, overheating, and ran out of fuel. Engineers were nonplussed, unable to recognise the new module.

This prototype tech is currently suited to occasional boosts out of gravity wells, not yet an easy way to traverse long supercruise systems. But, the dragon wants you to know that they like it.

Objectives for Cycle 463 (until April 18th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: there is no Federal expansion to oppose this week. If you are currently module shopping or pledged to a non-Imperial power you can oppose Torval’s expansion to Yaroi.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence targets this cycle are to focus on weakening Oya and defending Imperial space. To combat Oya, kill orthrus and sabotage the spires at Cephei Sector XO-A b3. There is an alert for Hadad maelstrom in Col 285 Sector GQ-O c6-22, and invasions in Putas and Vogulu.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
  • See also, other powers active on Reddit: r/EliteGrom, r/kumocrew (Archon Delaine), r/EliteMahon, r/EliteWinters.
09:44 UTC


Cycle 461: April Fowols! (March 28th to April 4th 2024/3310)

Hi! It me again!

Hex is on vacation and asked me to fill in this week. Hex is adorable and keeps signing in to check if stuff's happening. What's the worst that can happen? It's not like anything crazy usually goes off, right?

...Oh. It was April 1st? And our vote nearly failed? And 5c is still increasing? And the servers were down for longer than usual? And during all of this, I entirely forgot to do the one critically important thing before EOC and so I only have partial information because I was distracted by the fact that Dragon Tax Simulator did not at all prepare me for actually doing my state taxes?! Oh, okay... D::::



Okay, okay, let's start from the beginning (and also take a moment to explain some basic stuff because I've just always wanted to see this and it's /my article/ this week OwO!): It's the week after Winters scrapped and they did well with it, so things might behave weirdly. Normally, we try to ensure that at least 75% of our pledges vote for Consolidation, so that we don't expand. There's nowhere that we can expand to that helps our power unless other people drop their systems first, and unfortunately, Winters didn't drop anything useful during their scrap. If we did expand, it'd almost definitely be bad for us.

So, of course, some people try to expand because they're traitors and are working against us from within, on purpose. We generally refer to this as "5c". Please don't do it to anyone, not even our enemies; this is a game, and it only works well if we can all fairly counter-play. Countering 5c is unreasonable/impossible without knee-capping yourself. (For example, we can't handle large multi-system expansions since we have to account for 5c activity.).

In particular, 5c tries to get us to expand to HIP 1572, which gives us almost no CC, but costs a ton, and is basically the worst system in the entire game for us to take. It's as if somebody carefully tabulated every possible expansion target, and blatantly picked the worst one, with no regard to plausible deniability.

Beyond this being dangerous if our vote ever falls below 75%, this also means that we can't properly expand unless we beat HIP 1572's own hauling, too. Over the previous few months, I feel as if our vote has been getting harder to manage, and HIP 1572's hauling has been increasing.

So, Cycle 461: Our vote's almost below 75% and HIP 1572 has high numbers. Oh no! We had to prepare a different system with the hopes that we'd beat HIP 1572's numbers, and that the system we prepare is easy for us to not actually win. We call this a "blocker". I have a habit of noticing when we'll need a blocker before other people do, and so I panic earlier than everyone else. This was me during C461: https://i.imgur.com/pH7fgPw.png .

Please, in the future, let's avoid making panic-dragon panic! Look at how tightly I'm holding my headfin! Look at how big my eyes are! This isn't good for my blood pressure! Vote consolidation! Vote as early as you can so you don't forget later! You need 100 merits to be able to vote, so if you haul just one cutter-load per month, you're golden. Please please please vote cons!

This is me this week: https://i.imgur.com/qh5P87T.gifv . The panic almost can't get worse! Please! Vote! Consolidation!

There. Like seven paragraphs devoted to "please vote cons". I think I can move on to other topics now. Let's try a happy one! OwO!

April 1st happened. It's tradition in our discord server (which you should totally join by the way) to be silly on this most special of days! This year, I tried to pretend to be human (and failed to not "owo" at people), somebody else wore a furry picture, a new pvp coordinator appeared and immediately ordered everyone to kill oosqueeky, another of our coordinators was replaced by a goat, and I explained why my emotes are animated! (All of this is, of course, fake, except for the emote surprise. That one's real.).

Shortly after these events, interest picked up amongst the community about my own hauling abilities. For those who don't know: I haul good. The video I'm posting here is old; it's been at least six years since then, and believe me, I've gotten even faster. I'm now planning to produce a series of videos that deep-dive my methods, but those will probably only be available on our discord server, so join up! I don't have a release date yet; the full extent of what I do, which allows for close to ten laps per hour, is only possible with a large number of small optimizations. There is no "one big secret". So, the videos will take a while. Until then, you can get to know our community! OwO!

I never know what I can and can't say about BGS, but this week was busy. I won't say the specific systems, but we won some important stuff, and we had a lot more people doing BGS than usual. Everyone looked so wiggle! OwO! Make sure to thank BGS operatives if you're into fort hauling; their efforts, especially in extreme situations, reduce the amount of cargo that we have to haul to 1/3rd of what it might otherwise be!

Speaking of haulers, good work! We did the entire TrellOwO! Just in time to do the blocker, too! I don't think I can report on the exact numbers for that, due to opsec, but "it was impressive" might cover it. I personally think we may need it again this week; have your cargo racks ready! (Or don't, if a PPCoord says otherwise; I'm a community coord, not a powerplay coord. Listen to the PPCoords first. <w<')

In the even wider galactic stage, only Winters has an expansion this cycle, and Antal's unwanted expansion to Unjangen failed. Things aren't calm though; thargoids are /really/ messing with some of the powers' CC balances, and there was extended server downtime during the weekly reboot. When they came back up, thargoids started acting funny. This seems to be intentional; I personally suspect that players were killing the titans too fast and fdev needs a longer plot. At least the community goal to harvest fancy FSD(?) components succeeded!

I would normally give a wider overview of the powers' standings and undermined systems, but due to the aforementioned dragon-taxes, I completely forgot to gather this data. I hope the rest of the article can at least sort of make up for that!

I don't know how to end this article, so hard-cut to this image of a cat! OwO!


OwObjectives for Cycle 461 (until April 11th):

  • Vote for Consolidation! (Please!) Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Chang O.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defense seems confused this week with the sudden changes that FDev applied. Please check their announcements directly if possible, otherwise help at systems near the Oya maelstrom.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP, and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us!
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
  • See also, other powers active on Reddit: r/EliteGrom, r/kumocrew (Archon Delaine), r/EliteMahon, r/EliteWinters.


PS: Dragon Tax Simulator is real and actually does a decent job of looking like the federal tax forums in America. If you're nervous about doing taxes, give it a shot; it might take the edge off. You can ignore the timer; that's just there to show you that you can seriously do this in five minutes once you get used to it, owo.

1 Comment
06:31 UTC


Cycle 460: Ex Uteran (March 21st to 28th 2024/3310)

Felicia Winters has emerged from turmoil after a successful scrap. She retains Binjamingi and Kanati but shed the weapons CD-73 12, HIP 48095 and the inner loss-maker Uteran. With overheads much reduced, her balance improved by +424.72CC. Congratulations also to Lavigny’s Legion on a gold powerplay trophy in the season just concluded.

Aisling can celebrate too. We regained +95CC from the collapse of Felicia’s weapons, Granny Torval recovered +6CC. BGS success in these locales by Aisling’s Angels and Talon Order makes it unlikely that Winters can ever wield them again. Winters’ expansions to Baal and the perennial Dongkum were defeated. The Federation is smaller.

We saw an awesome display of hauling, all fortification targets were completed. But our consolidation vote was uncertain at 78%. Pranav Antal’s vote was still worse, threatening an unwanted expansion to Unjangen. 99k preparation merits there were somewhat suspicious. Imperial pilots are invited to help the weird Simguru by opposing this.

With all other powers consolidating, we have the novelty of no Federal expansions to oppose. Hudson remains upset at Uncle Yuri: Dhanchu, Yemotepa, Pethes and Maramovoy were cancelled. A better week in the AX war, Grom recovered +9CC and Emperor Arissa +7CC. Despite the demise of the Leigong Titan, Li Yong Rui lost -1CC in that area.

It was reassuring to see our beloved Princess feature in FDev’s big Powerplay 2.0 reveal. The “player-driven narrative” developers spoke up for is what we enjoy most. It was less a ‘deep dive’ and more of a peek at new cosmetics, we would perhaps have learned more had a developer not fallen ill: our best wishes to them. We were bemused to see Tionisla, in Alliance space near Lave, under Torvalian control.

The Princess thanks you. Please earn or retain at least 100 merits so you can vote, and assist if you can the BGS defence of Mahiko sphere, which is still on fire. Have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 461 (until April 4th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Pranav Antal’s expansion to Unjangen.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence targets this cycle are to focus on weakening Oya and defending Imperial space. Priority invasion systems near Hadad Titan are Putas, and HIP 29596. To combat Oya, counterstrike the spire systems Lyncis Sector WU-P b5-0 and Cephei Sector XO-A b3. There are alerts affecting the wider community in HIP 20509 (Thor) and Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-11 (Cocijo).
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
  • See also, other powers active on Reddit: r/EliteGrom, r/kumocrew (Archon Delaine), r/EliteMahon, r/EliteWinters.
09:39 UTC


Cycle 459: Hunger Strike (March 14th to 21st 2024/3310)

Whether looking to lose a few pounds ahead of her big day, or embarking on a hunger strike in protest at the long delays to her inauguration, Felicia Winters is in turmoil. This self-induced scrapping operation was well organised, unlike last time (C399) we could do nothing to ruin it for her. Winters control systems Kanati, Binjamingi, CD-73 12, HIP 48095 and Uteran are affected. We would be quite pleased to see Felicia lose her weapons against the Empire.

The other changes were AX related, the death of the Leigong Thargoid maelstrom was the main community event and returned +3CC to Li Yong Rui. As Oya came under fire Uncle Yuri gained +9CC. But Hadad remains a menace as Imperial Xeno Defence focused on Leigong and Oya, Emperor Arissa lost -7CC.

Aisling’s vote was stable at 84%, and the 5C preparation of HIP 1572 was much reduced in comparison to C458. Haulers completed forting objectives as far as Cartoi and Gally Bese. Perktomen was cancelled by hostile forces, but again Grom bore the brunt of Federal ire in Maramovoy, LFT 78, Kwakwakwal, San Guan, Nauo, and LTT 8260. Archon Delaine’s HIP 97704 also came under attack.

Aisling’s Mahiko sphere is still fiercely contested. We lost a war in Nunets, but are pleased to report a victory in Ailurui. Most importantly, the sphere fortification bonus remains. Winters had other priorities aside from her Chang O expansion. Until it is clear how the new cycle is developing, we have Winters expansions to shoot at in Dongkum and Baal.

Thank you all for your contributions, have fun out there.

Objectives for Cycle 460 (until March 28th)

  • Vote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!
  • Check the Trello for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.
  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.
  • Combat merits: oppose Felicia Winters’ expansions to Dongkum and Baal.
  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence targets this cycle are to focus on weakening Oya and defending Imperial space. There are alerts in Putas and HIP 29596. Priority invasion systems are Neites, Bagalya, and HIP 18857. To combat Oya fight AXCZs and gather samples in Cephei Sector AV-Y b2, sell samples to [AXI] Invicta in Cephei Sector DQ-Y b2.
  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us.
  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Torval, Yuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duval, Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval.
  • See also, other powers active on Reddit: r/EliteGrom, r/kumocrew (Archon Delaine), r/EliteMahon, r/EliteWinters.
13:43 UTC


Cycle 458: owo (March 7th to 14th 2024/3310)

Ohai, haulers! OwO! Look at your Cutter. Now, back to me. Now back to your Cutter, now back to me. Sadly, your Cutter isn't me, but if it stopped using 0% paintjobs and repaired it's hull integrity, it could smell like me.

Look down. Back up. Where is Aisling? On a boat, and safe with no expansions this cycle, despite the heavy increase in 5c activity! What's in your hand? Back at me, I have it. It's an oyster with a near-completed Trello down to Aurawala. Look again; the Trello is now Tritium! Anything is possible when your Cutter smells like a dragon and not like paint! I'm on a horse, owo.

Okay, so clearly, I'm not Hex. I'm a dragon in training! As such, I get to have fun with the news! Wheeeeeeee OwO! In plain english, only two Trello systems were unforted at the end of the cycle, and our vote was all shiny at 84%! This is especially welcome so that panic-dragon doesn't have to panic-haul a panic-prep-blocker. 5C has been scary lately and panic-dragon gets it in his headfin sometimes that the whole galaxy's going to end if he doesn't haul a blocker. -w-. Please remember to have at least 100 merits each week so you can vote and help calm panic-dragon's headfin, owo.

Grom had an attack that was so obvious that even I caught it. LFT 78, LTT 8260, HIP 88178, Nauo, Arany, Yemotepa, Wolfberg, Wulwula, and Kwakwakwal, were all undermined. I swear I didn't make these names up. o.===.o.

Hex had to point out to me that Winters and Archon were also attacked, but smaller. Winters had CD 73-12, Lei Kax, and Chun Tstar undermined, while Archon was met in Djabijabus.

Despite all this, nobody's in turmoil, except me, with my inner demons. Please haul fort directly to dragon's psyche. o.=.o. Er, I mean, check out our Trello, it's fantastic! OwO!

Winters’ Dongkum expansion failed. Chang O this week. This is so normal that I'm not even trying to make a pun on the system names. Maybe Winters can do something crazy like Archon did a few weeks ago! OwO! I'm betting next week's gunna be Dongkum again, though. -w-.

Further away, the thargoids are busy being detonated again. Legoong, leegiga.. Leeeeeee... Leigong! is legoing and should be legone within this week, at least according to the best dragon-math that is available. ALD and Grom might be happy about another titan being poofed, since even the titans are affecting their CC this week. (Edit: It's already legone. I'm sorry for being late! D: )

Hex tried to tell me about something BGS-related, but it's not about Ailuremowo, which is the actual system name and not me trying to sneak an owo into the news. I'll look longingly at Hex and hope that they fill the bits in here.


“We continued to deal with Federal attacks in Mahiko sphere, some wins and some losses.” - Hex -- OwO!

PS: Bluee said I can upload an emote if it's a manatee, so there's a dragon-manatee now! OwO!



OwObjectives for Cycle 458 (until March 14th):

  • Vowote for Consolidation! Voting is the most important thing you can do for AD, so make sure to maintain rank 2! It only takes 100 merits and four weeks of pledge time. Here's where to vote in the UI. Early votes are the best kind of votes!

  • Check the Trellowo for dynamic fortification targets! This is updated more frequently than the in-game menu. Please, ONLY fortify systems listed on the Trello.

  • Please do not prepare any systems this week. Spare media materials can be safely delivered to HIP 35209.

  • Combat merits: owoppose Felicia Winters’ expansion to Dongkum.

  • AX: Imperial Xeno Defence targets this cycle are to defeat the alerts in Vaipacnati and Jaoi. Active invasions for Hadad maelstrom include Muruidooges, H Puppis, and Luggerates. Counterstrike the Leigong maelstrom Arietis Sector NX-U c2-20.

  • Join the Discord for guides, mentoring, BGS, PVP and insight. Powerplay is a community game, so connect with us. Also there's a really cool dragon there! OwO!

  • Aisling Duval powerplay is committed to the ZYADA alliance: Zemina Toworval, Yuwuri Grom, Arissa Lavigny-Duwuval, Dewenton Patreus, Aisling Duwuval.

  • See also, other powers active on Reddit: r/EliteGrom, r/kumocrew (Archon Delaine), r/EliteMahon, r/EliteWinters.



Seriously, join our discord, there's a cool dragon there, owo.

00:27 UTC

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