A subreddit for supporters of Arissa Lavigny-Duval.
Other Language Groups:
Aisling Duval ─Friendly/Imperial
Denton Patreus ─Friendly/Imperial
Zemina Torval ─Friendly/Imperial
Yuri Grom ─Allied
Pranav Antal ─Neutral
Edmund Mahon ─Neutral
Li Yong-Rui ─Neutral
Archon Delaine ─Neutral
Zachary Hudson ─Hostile
Felicia Winters ─Hostile
o7 Commanders, with the advent of the new powerplay 2.0 , all hail the rise of the empress, hoping we can use this reddit space to coo-ordinate or notify of undermining activites or powerplay 2.0 activities?
every group on line seams to be old.... where do i go???
Is this community still active?
There is someone/group trying to do PP Preparation on 169 G Canis Majoris instead of Sha Wa. I am wondering why. Sha Wa has a couple of Empire minor factions including the controlling faction. This seems like an easier expansion location than 169 G Canis Majoris which has no Empire factions, and has multiple Federation factions.
If someone can tell me the reason, I may support the effort. Otherwise it seems like baiting us into spending a lot of CC for a system we may not be able to hold easily.
Is there still a Powerplay discord of some sorts? New to the game, still figuring everything out..
Hey could someone please share a link to Arissa Lavigny-Duval Discord?
I am also looking for a Squadron that is allied to the Empire, if anyone has any recommendations I would greatly appreciate it
CMDR Rybodhi 07
Trying to acquire all power play modules, is it Arissa Lavigny-Duval's Turn, there is something harmless that i can do to not mess with you guys efforts, while I earning merits?
I cannot accept my reward at Oterma Station. What do I do?
People still seem to be playing power play but I don't want to deliver things to the wrong locations.
Im getting this message saying my Power needs help but I don't know how to. Any CMDRs give me some pointers?
Sapere Aude is now recruiting for the PS4 platform.
The official PS4 Squadron of https://discord.gg/3UKgD8s the Galactic Archive which also has XBox and PC squadrons – click the link for info on info and rules.
We are a new squadron, currently in the procedure of setup and establishment in our home system, so for new players its a great chance to get in at the ground and build something great together.
The squadron has its own website; http://elite-sapereaude.com
The website features a knowledge base covering topics such as outfitting, making money, ship-building (with Coriolis integration), engineers, farming for materials and many other topics with new sections being added daily.
You can apply to join via the website or on our Discord server https://discord.gg/ZgQbHAd here Applications can also be taken via the https://discord.gg/3UKgD8s Galactic Archive Discord.
The Discord server is well set up and events from the website auto-post to Discord so both are synced up.
We are already running CQC events bi-weekly in alliance with Starfighter Corps, and are planning an expedition for budding explorers, together with BGS activities, friendly PVP with other squadrons and each other, squad trade/mining events to help players build a CR balance and have a friendly, balanced team with lots of support from the squad leadership and our family/alliance squadrons.
Have a look at SA at http://elite-sapereaude.com the Sapere Aude website or email admin@elite-sapereaude.com
Forsaken Hunters is recruiting dedicated and casual players. Whether you are new to the game or a seasoned vet, we have a place for you. We need pilots of all roles and career paths. We are loyal to the Empire, but we are not your typical Imperials. Due to our distance from the core of Imperial space we have had to "bend" a few "rules", and think on our feet. Thanks to this we are prospering. We have good friends in our area, and even some back in the core of the Empire. Pledging to the Empire is a requirement. If any of this interests you, please check us out on our Inara page. https://inara.cz/squadron/4021/
You can also visit our discord server via our Inara page.
From all of us at ALD Research,
It's with sadness that we in ALD Research have decided to migrate coordination from the subreddit. As you can see, the subreddit has received very little attention recently. Discord has, over the time since this subreddit's inception, become the superior platform for coordination in our power. On our Discord, there are various resources for individuals, communities, and more. The Discord came into service shortly after the subreddit, and remains a very active community, as opposed to this site.
If you don't have Discord, it's super easy to install and get started with, and it offers full support for mobile users, enabling those without headsets to speak to others via their phones. Discord is arguably the most versatile IRC platform for gamers, and has grown to have a worldwide following.
Join the ALD Discord by clicking here.
This subreddit still has useful resources in the sidebar and header. It is still recommended for you to read up on these, however, we can help you learn the ropes of the game on the Discord as well.
Hope to see you on the Discord server soon! Arissa Invicta!
More about the largest imperial squadron: https://inara.cz/squadron/85/
Hi Guys!
I'm 4 weeks in to the game and, likewise, 4 weeks in pledged to ALD. Mostly RP because HAIL THE EMPEROR.
I'm a bit lost and, in the month I've been playing this, have had exactly one real conversation with anyone else: another n00b who started a week after me.
I've got a solidly engineered clipper and have unlocked most of the eng's and have a few hundred mil in the bank. I've done plenty of bounty hunting, combat bonding, trading, mining and also exploring (made 30 mil my first run in the black with an unoptimized courier).
I'm getting bored and wondering what else is there? I've applied to a dozen squads but no response. I spent most of the last week grinding PP, only to watch ALD go from #1 to #4.
What's going on? How can I help? Most importantly (to me) how do I connect with other players so I don't gouge my eyes out from space fever?
I’m hoping it’s more than just a coincidence with the timing of these articles. I really hope that there’s going to be some actual interactive gameplay surrounding this story. It has so much potential for some political drama even a revolution. If it turns out to be like the “wedding” I’m gonna be slightly disappointed. I say slightly because IM SO EXCITED FOR CHAPTER 4!
We are the Forsaken.
There are riches to be claimed, honor to be won, and glory for the taking. Will you make your mark on history, or will you fade into the black? There is only one way to find out. Our brothers are currently on Xbox One, but we would like to expand to PS4 and PC as well. We are Empire aligned. Whether you are new to Elite Dangerous or a veteran player doesn't matter. Our rules are pretty simple, and can be explained if you wish to join. You must be 16 or older no exceptions. We are a brotherhood, and wish to work as a team. We have a couple of guys starting to delve into PvP, we don't need anymore trainers, and we also do a lot of BGS work. If you can be active, like to work with others, want to have fun, and progress through the game at the same time, message me.
Respectfully, Founder Forsaken Hunters LLC
P.S. If you play on PC or PS4, take note that we have no players on those platforms. You would be alone until we get more players on those platforms. I know it seems redundant to say this, but it wouldn't be the first time I've had to explain it.
I am in Ostyat at the moment, I came here to help with the expansion but I now see their opposition is out stripping our effort. Are we still trying for this system or would my efforts be better spent else where?
###Lavigny's Legion has declassified two notable combat initiatives, devoted to honing combat skills amongst peers and fighting the Thargoid threat.
Lavigny's Legion is calling upon all ALD pilots to participate in two new initiatives that have been established to further diversify combat pilots' repertoire.
The Cataphractoi: PvP Training
The Legion has always had a proud tradition of training with each other to maximize proficiency in combat, especially in the heyday of our Grand Legate's initiative, the Velites Squadron. The Cataphractoi strives to maintain this tradition, pitting Legionnaires against each other in the void, and educating commanders on their technique.
Join the Legion today to take advantage of this program, and to truly become Elite in PvP combat. Those interested in being an instructor need not be a part of LL to be in the program, though membership is always encouraged!
EDGE Fleet: Thargoid Combative Force
With the Thargoid threat looming on our doorstep, it isn't always enough to spar, run data, and haul supplies. At times, it is necessary to deal with the aggressors directly. The Exo-Defense Group Elites of the Legion strives to address this need, and trains Legionnaires in AX combat and engineering.
If you're interested in charging into the black to defend humanity from the Thargoid menace, join the Legion via the links below.
For a general recruitment post on the Legion, visit this post. For more information, visit our Inara page, or join our Discord server..
Arissa Invicta!!
I have recently moved into the Beta Sculptoris system and I notice it is exploited by Patreus. I would far prefer it to be controlled by the Emperor herself if at all possible. I will be trying to set it up for expansion but i don't know how difficult it will be on my own. I have never done powerplay before and not nothing at all about it.
Hey folks,
I have made a suggestion on the frontier forum and would like that you good people get out there and tell me what you think. I have proposed changes that are within the spirit of what Lavigny's Legion pilots should be used too, it may not please all of you.
But regardless, I'd be very happy if you could check it out and put some reply with your opinion on it to provide it with a bit of visibility.
Also, I look forward at the prospect of improving on it based on your personal feedback.
Peace, Spectral out O7
Moderate me daddy.
I am looking to get into PP, and I can't decide between Lavigny-Duval and Antal. The rewards seem similar, PP weapons can be had before making a permanent decision, so those are only modest factors in consideration.
Why Arissa? Give me your elevator pitch.
Arissa Laivigny-Duval Discord Server
###Dispatch from the Kamadhenu Herald
##7 August 3304
The Demeter Class Agricultural Vessel BKG-235 was assaulted by the Thargoids while in orbit around the second planet in the Kamadhenu system. The Bravo Kilo Golf was syphoning ammonia from the planet's atmosphere to produce high-efficiency fertilizer when the aliens attacked. The damaged megaship remains enveloped in the formerly corrosive green haze. Commanders are reporting Non-Human Signal Sources around the system and Federally-aligned terrorists interdicting bystanders and disrupting the efforts to derail the Thargoid Scout forces.
Type-10 Defending Kamadhenu. Image Courtesy of Commander Hossi.
The Vanguard orbits the primary planet of the Kamadhenu system, deployed by Aegis Core. Please take care upon entering the system, and expect both human and alien hostile encounters. Despite the best efforts out of Cobra Wing’s Ebor Xenobiological Facility, there has been no further news about any attempts to communicate with the Thargoids. To prevent death and destruction on a massive scale in Kamadhenu, violence appears to be the only solution. For those new to xeno-hunting, the best advice available suggests keeping to threat level 4 or 5 NHSSs when on your own, and any weapons can be used against Thargoid Scout ships, though the AX Xeno-Scanner provides useful data about the targets.
Despite the overwhelming hostile presence patrolling Kamadhenu this cycle, fortification efforts have already exceeded expectations, and most priorities have been met. Both the Emperor and the Shadow President have active efforts to expand their influence, and the threat the Thargoids pose to Shajn Market is nearly existential, not to mention the threat to the populace of Kamadhenu. There are periods throughout the day where defensive patrols slack, and many defenders are being outnumbered by the Thargoid sympathisers. If you see hostile actions in Kamadhenu, please report it on the discord chat server, and if you wish to assist in the defensive patrols of the system, operations are being organized there as well.
Outside of Kamadhenu, the Empire experienced social upheaval when beloved Emperor Hengist Duval's granddaughter announced her intentions to marry Ambassador Jordan Rochester from the Federation. Jordan Rochester’s family endured an assault by citizens of the Federation on Mars and an attack on their business interests in Core Dynamics. Just this week, authorities foiled two assassination attempts: one attempt on the life of Aisling Duval in Zhao, and Polly Cartesius shot Riri McAlister during her testimony in Alioth. The Alliance Admiral is confessed to being Nexus, the mastermind of the League of Reparation. The Church of the Eternal Void incited violence against the Cult of the Far God, who they see as a Thargoid fifth column, while the Federal Intelligence Agency began rounding up members of the sect.
GalNet’s Week in Review reports cover these stories in further detail, including social news, such as the return of the Andromederies, the tumultuous interstellar book tour of Olav Redcourt, another Alliance starport constructed en route to the California Nebula, and the successful inauguration of Tiverion Academy in Didiomanja. The Academy will use cutting edge technology and likely employ the new training techniques recently researched in both Achenar and Rind to ensure the next generation of Imperial Naval pilots will be the best in the galaxy, especially as President Hudson has been bolstering the CQC Arena competition to elevate the Federal Navy’s flight skills for over three years.
Good luck and godspeed commanders.