Accidental racism
This subreddit is for pictures of innocent things that appear to be racist in a certain connotation.
Some examples of what accidental racism could be are:
I. No intentional racism! Intentional racism and bigotry of any kind will be met with an immediate and permanent ban.
II. Not just accidental racism: Accidental sexism, or any other accidential -ism is also permitted.
III. Crossposts and reposts: Crossposting is allowed. Reposts from the last 90 days or the top 50 of all time are not.
IV. No fakes or staged photos: Content must be genuine; no photoshopped pictures or staged situations for karma. This ain't /r/4chan.
V. NSFW content must be tagged.
VI.Adhere to reddiquette and the reddit content policy. Be civil, no doxxing, brigading, et cetera.
VII. No complaining: Do not complain that in some contexts the accidental racism is innocent or tenuous, or not actually racist. We know. It's accidental. Nothing here is actually racist. Leave that to /r/iamverysmart.
VIII. No critical race discussion posts: The subject and study of critical race theory is a serious topic, however, this is not a serious subreddit. It's primarily a humor subreddit. In light of that, critical race discussions do not belong here.
IX. Swastika posts. In the Western world, specifically North America, swastikas are associated with Nazism, Neo-Nazism, and other offshoots. These posts are allowed. Items that are mildly swastika, or only kinda sorta look like one belong in /r/accidentalswastika or /r/mildlyswastika.
X. No "N", KKK or Negro posts. "N", "Nig", Negro and KKK posts, there are a lot of these and there are no variations between the one and the other.