Happy little sexist accidents.
Why should r/accidentalracism exist and not us? No reason that's why. Don't post any actual sexism, that is when sexism was intended. That's not what this sub is about. Create your own if you want to show off actual sexism. Don't post something just because it CAN be perceived as sexist. As we have seen with the feminist movement, ANYTHING can. This is something that r/accidentalracism has failed to realize. This sub is for posts where the message is sexist but the intent isn't.
r/accidentalsexism is a private sub, therefore the name of this one.
I couldn't make the event more than 7 days but it'll last until the 50 flairs are given out. Read about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/accidentallysexist/comments/c0lr48/yo_this_sub_has_stagnated/
Yeah, I've had other things to do in life than promoting and engaging in this sub. Like finishing and celebrating finishing secondary school. I guess a lot of you have had finals or something in that nature too.
It's stagnated so much this guy: SomebodysReddit has created an copycat sub of this one. Kind of a low target but ok.
- Share it. People of other accidental subs and friends who use reddit are a great target. Also linking to it on places you crosspost from or find material to post here from.
- Crosspost from and to accidental subreddits.
- Find politicians or other public figures/entities that try to promote anti sexism but in doing so are actually being sexist. This should not be difficult at all to find and quite funny. Gender quotas are good ones (Depending on your political views). Get some fuzz going.
The first 50 users to get a posts with more than 100 points will get a "No.X Special OPS Sexist" user flair. X corresponding to the order of the first 50. I'll try to keep it i order. If you want to be sure, screen cap your post and if you can save to the wayback machine. Then contact me with proof. If you even care about the order that is. Those who already have a flair can choose to get a sidebar mention. (Should I do that with existing flairs?)