Photograph via snooOG

A place to discuss ARFID (avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder,) and related anxiety, express frustration, share tips, news, and help others gain an understanding of what this diagnosis encompasses.

We allow memes and other forms of self-expression as coping mechanisms or as a form of social interaction.

This is a place for those who have Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), also known as, Selective Eating Disorder, food neo-phobia, or adult picky eating.

Picky eating is normally refers to a phase of childhood, but the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has recently recognized that this disorder can continue on into adolescence and adulthood. Treatments are still being researched.

In general, an ARFID diagnosis means that large categories of food are considered unappealing and inedible and can trigger strong adverse reactions due to taste, texture, sight, and/or smell. This is commonly in conjunction with anxiety surrounding social situations involving food, general anxiety, and/or depression. (This is not to be considered official diagnosable description. Please consult a doctor if you think you have ARFID.)

This subreddit is a place to discuss ARFID and related anxiety, express frustration, share tips, news, and help others gain an understanding of what this diagnosis encompasses.

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anyone else hate their lips touching their food

dont think i have arfid (mods remove this if needed) but i relate to a lot of the sensory issues/mental struggles around food that you guys have. does anybody else eat in a way that only their teeth and mouth touch their food/utensil but not their lips? my boyfriend always complains about the tooth scraping noise of the fork against my teeth but getting food into my mouth via my lips closing around food makes me so uncomfy and feel so gross and i eat so much slower.

06:46 UTC


What’s wrong with me?

Hey guys, was pointed towards this group to get some insight. For about 3 years, my taste has changed greatly and I am immensely turned off by so many foods it’s really sad. I recently started a new job and I assume the anxiety has made it worse, but I genuinely refuse to eat and if I do, I feel disgusted and want to throw up. I only find myself eating bread and cereal since it’s the only thing I want. I’m 25 years old and a female, I’m not sure why I’ve been like this or what’s happening. Should I talk to someone about this? I want to enjoy food but I genuinely hate it :( I am training for a half marathon and keep getting up dizzy and feel horrible due to not eating enough

1 Comment
03:04 UTC



Is anyone else fine with vegetables ? I see a ton of ARFID people who only eat stuff like chicken nuggets and fries. I just don’t relate to this. I don’t have a ton of safe foods, but sautéed veggies and rice is always good to me. i will eat most fruits too. the main things i can’t deal with ( to a very extreme degree) are condiments , anything with vinegar as an ingredient , dairy, meat , and some other random stuff. But fruit and veggies are usually fine.

01:31 UTC


Anyone else eat in their sleep?

My main appetite reducers are sensory overload- stress, and anxiety, so when I cannot eat during the day - I eat while sleeping. I don't like it. I've brought it up to my previous dr because im genuinely afraid of choking while asleep & she basically just told me my gag reflex would still work while im sleeping ........ people choke on food awake and they have a gag reflex so Im not on the same page with her on that, but idk that I can stop it anyway & if I could, I'm afraid my weight would go even further down bc sometimes that's the only time I eat. Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of eating, most of the time I just wake up in the morning to see that i've gotten up and got something to eat at some point in the night lol.. a few times I have woken up because I was eating something not edible & my brain picked up on it I guess and woke me up - it's alarming but again... Not sure there's anything I can do about it 🤷🏻‍♀️

edit to add: I usually remove anything that is near the bed I shouldn't be eating after the first couple times that happened so it hasn't happened in a good while

22:02 UTC


I want to better myself.

Hello, I'm fairly new to this subreddit, but I want to speak on behalf of myself.

(Here is exposition I guess? Also I'm 19F)

For a very long time, I have had episodic bouts of ARFID starting way back when I was 11. At first, it was a fear of getting an allergic reaction despite it being food that I already tried. This prevented me from eating, but I took some therapy and after 10-12 months, it went away.

At some point when I was 14, it flared up again manifesting itself like emetophobia and the fear of choking. I was a wreck and I hated every minute of it. This also led me to going back to therapy.

Now, I am dealing with it again. Today, I woke up feeling normal until I went down to make breakfast and my brain was hating the fact of swallowing things. Beforehand, I had this slight feeling of fear, followed by tons of negative thoughts. So I threw it away after a while.

I then tried showering, minimizing stimulation, talking to my mom, and taking a hydroxyzine. I felt a bit better, but not enough to get me to eat. That was until my mother left when I began to confidently start eating a banana I had with me in my room. I was also playing Minecraft too.

After I realized I could eat that without hesitation, I went down and had some leftover food that my mom made. This time, I could actually eat it without feeling awful.

After a few hours, I went back down and had some again, but now I don't really wanna eat it. I sense this dull feeling of fear again and I find it so annoying.

(End of exposition)

The issue is that, I feel alone and hopeless. I don't have specific "unsafe" foods, sometimes my safe foods can variate depending on how I feel (i.e me wanting food then and me not wanting food now).

Originally, I had this whole thing down. I had ways to calm myself down and I have incorporated many things to my diet; however, lately it's been hard to control myself.

Sometimes, I am scared that I will never be able to live a normal life w/o assistance from others. So I ask you guys this question: What therapies should I go into to lessen these flare-ups?

I don't want to go months again feeling like this again. I want to do better for myself and I am willing to take whatever to just live comfortably.

TL;DR I have ARFID and I want help minimizing the amount of occurrences that'll happen to me in the future.

21:59 UTC


I can only eat at night? / ARFID or laziness?

*TW* Mentions weight (no specifics); Mentions of prior alcoholism/drug abuse.

I'm new to this community, and I'm not sure this is the correct place for me to voice this- but I am just confused, frustrated, and defeated.

I'm a 21 year old woman and I just got diagnosed with ARFID from my dietician. I've known about this disorder for a very long time as my sister suffered from it for years after a pretty traumatic event, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is a very real disorder that should be taken as seriously as one would any other mental health issue. My problem, is that I'm not sure I have ARFID or that the diagnosis would be helpful instead of hurtful. I think my issue might be more along the lines of problems with executive functioning, prioritizing, and apathy after years of drug/alcohol dependencies.

I was always an underweight kid, I had a high metabolism and I went to a strict Catholic school that didn't allow eating between meals and when I didn't meet some important weight markers around age 12, I was sent to a dietician. They told my parents what needed to change, handed us a doctors note, and from then on I had a fantastic and normal relationship with food, eating, and my weight still low, but within a healthy range.

Fast forward to 19 years old, I was a horrendous alcoholic and drug addict, and I gain a bunch of weight thinking I was just "filling-out." I was NOT- alcohol just has a lot of sugar in it and your body retains a lot of water when you drink everyday. So, I'm 19 years old, happy as a clam to finally have some junk in the trunk- and then I get sober. At some point in my years-long bender, I had destroyed any relationship I had cultivated with food and I suddenly dropped an alarming amount of weight in such a short period of time that my doctor was concerned again and I got sent to the dietician hence, the ARFID diagnosis- which really took me aback.

What's killing me, is how conscious I am of the fact that eating is physically and mentally safe, and how aware I am of the thought processes that prevent me from doing so. I wonder if I actually have ARFID because it feels like what's stopping me from eating is laziness and apathy. I usually take Seroquel at night (for a different thing), which has the side effect of being an appetite stimulant, and I feel like this is the only time I can eat normally. I know what its like to love food but its almost as if someone has replaced every ingredient to a crappier version before I wake up and when I go to eat the same thing I did the night before, it's suddenly the most unappealing thing I can conceive of. I literally have a list of "safe foods," only for the daytime that does not apply past 5pm. It is the weirdest thing because I don't even take the Seroquel until much later in the evening, so I start feeling hungry and hate food less and less as the night goes on whether or not I take the appetite stimulant.

There's something in my brain that deems food an "optional chore," and during my productive hours, I can't seem to make eating a priority- like, at all. When I wake up to my alarm every day, there is not a single motivating thought about putting time aside to prepare food or eat and if this does occur to me, I have to do a mental pro/con list of whether or not eating is worth sacrificing doing whatever task I deem more important. I constantly find myself having thoughts like "Pack a snack or be on time? Add a dish to your freshly cleaned sink or continue answering emails? Eat xxx or do literally anything else?"

I am so incredibly conscious of this mental gymnastics that once the evening rolls around and I'm warmer to food, I get retrospective anxiety attacks about the fact that eating is most certainly not "optional," nor a "chore," and that I am an insane person for not only entertaining that thought, but acting on it every single second of every single day up until the evening when I have somehow scared myself into binge eating to make up for the lost calories. I have a lot of anxiety that my habits and inability to just eat are causing me great physical harm- because they are affecting my health. I'm frustrated with myself because I have the same eating goals no matter what time of day, but its like two completely different people are approaching the problem depending on the time- one under preforming and the other trying to compensate.

I really want to gain weight, I want to feel better, I want to look the way I prefer to look, I desperately want to enjoy the foods I used to love, and I need is someone to tell me how to make my nighttime appetite stimulant thought process the dominant one.

21:47 UTC


Only have an appetite for things that are awful for me😭

Dude all ive been eating is freaking cheezits, rhsoe gas station cupcakes, and like coca cola. Im having a flare up of i-dont-want-to-eat-anything-nothing-sounds-good but those have become my only current safe foods. ALL OF MY REGULAR SAFE FOODS DONT SOUND GOOD. And like I’m not a person who cares a lot about like bEinG HeAltHy because i have arfid and it’s unrealistic to moniter thjngs like that because I’m just trying to eat whatever my mind will let me, but like this feels like crossing the line. All ive eaten for like 5 days is just junk food and i do not like that at all but i CANT MAKE MYSELF EAT ANYTHING ELSE :((( i dont know what to do. Does anyone else go through flare ups like this? What do you do?

21:08 UTC


I'm 47 and only learned I've had ARFID my whole life (and new to the group)

Anybody else have the experience of being diagnosed with ARFID in middle age? When I read the literature it was like reading a biography. I was floored, relieved, excited, and even a bit angry. It was hard for that not to rush in. I even had to work some of the anger out in therapy. My whole life I was given labeles: picky eater, sickly, weak, skin and bones... Countless social and family gatherings either agonizing or alienating. I have almost no contact with my extended family. Being an Itallian American that hates food is almost an oxymoron.

Things are getting better now that I know what I have, but it's almost like going through another adolessence. I want to get healthy, but I also want to fix the social damage its done.

19:59 UTC


Possible new protein and successful (?) exposure!

Just tried falafel for the first time after going fully vegetarian about a year ago. I was really struggling with getting protein and absolutely terrified of any and all beans (no idea why, my brain rarely ever makes sense).

Tried falafels from cava today in a pita with garlic sauce, no toppings, definitely got some weird looks from the workers there but I don’t even care because I ATE IT!! It was difficult and I’m still in that phase after of pretty acute anxiety that my stomach may hurt, but so far so good. It was actually super tasty and I’m looking forward to trying it again. My next exposure is lentil pasta and then yogurt in therapy on Tuesday. Fingers crossed!

18:39 UTC


what do i do if nothing is appealing?

im not hungry and have no appetite, even though i havent had a meal in days. i cant stomach a full meal. i dont know what to do !! im quite dizzy but i still cant bring myself to eat. fuck this disorder!

18:12 UTC


increasing number of ‘bad’ foods since stopping SNRI?

Hi guys. In the last few months (since i stopped my antidepressants) I have been able to eat less and less foods - gagging on them, feeling sick when thinking about eating them etc. I wondered if it was ‘typical’ to go through cycles of foods becoming unsafe to eat? I am not diagnosed ARFID but I might try and push my GP to do an assessment for it - I am already on supplement drinks due to dramatic weight loss in the last 4/5 months.

The medication i was on was mirtazapine and I found it really numbed me out - this meant my aversions and gagging was numbed out too oddly enough. I was on it for 4 years so kind of forgot what I was like before I was on it. Now I’ve been off it for this long and everything is uncontrollable again I’m kind of freaking out.

This is my first time posting here, I hope this is all okay to say and ask 🫶

17:49 UTC


Help with advocacy in treatment

I'm currently in 10 hour a day, 5 day a week PHP for ARFID. There are parts that are very helpful, and parts where I'm questioning how to advocate for myself. There are two other ARFID patients, but it does feel very much like we're afterthoughts. The treatment place seems open to feedback but I don't really know how my issues should be treated so I can't exactly guide them in it. I have an overall disinterest in food and a lot of sensory issues around it, but there are plenty of foods in each food category that I like or at least am fine to eat. I don't struggle with eating a balanced diet- I just don't eat enough.

It seems their focus with ARFID is exposure therapy to fear foods, and I don't feel like I need to do any food exposures- I think I have exactly one fear food and it's tomatoes, and I've been working on it on my own time. It's been getting better. Like, I was able to exposure therapy myself out of a lifelong fear of wasps. I don't need their help with that.

I definitely need help eating and developing healthy habits around food, but treatment has brought up two things that haven't previously been significant problems.

1 is that my sensory issues have been OBVIOUS. Previously I've been able to avoid foods that are unpleasant to eat by just picking something that isn't. Now I can't avoid them, and I just. Don't want to eat them. And I don't know if I'm being an unreasonable amount of stubborn around it, but I will and have tried the foods I don't like. It's not like I tried these things once when I was 7 and formed an opinion for the rest of my life, I'm really good at trying things I'm nervous about trying. I've gotten past the point where I'm willing to knowingly make myself uncomfortable for no reason. I'm miserable enough just feeling the physical discomfort of refeeding, it seems shitty that they want to add to that- like, they insisted I eat (dry, overcooked) chicken when there was tofu right there. I like tofu.

2 is the idea of restriction being intentional vs unintentional. In the past I've labelled basically all of it as unintentional. Occasionally I've felt really out of control with my lack of eating and pondered intentionally restricting- I never acted on this and found it very distressing when the thought did pop up. Now I'm feeling this way basically all the time. I'm still finding it distressing. I almost wonder if some of that is demand avoidance. But now that I'm aware that I should be eating at specific times, it kind of feels like I am intentionally restricting when I don't eat. That freaks me out more.

Focus group questions: has anyone else dealt with similar issues? What has successful treatment looked like for others with a lack of interest in food? What outcome should I be aiming for? How do you get people to separate normal autistic behaviours around food from disordered behaviours? IS it normal?

17:44 UTC


Beyond burger changed their recipe :(

Afer a few months of not eating a beyond burger i decide to give it another chance, and well it disappointed......... They decided to change the recipe!!!! IT'S SO GROSS NOW! Why does everyone need to ruin food? I'm gonna cry in a corner rn :(

16:06 UTC



Hi All!

I just discovered this week that my partner of 10 months may have either Food Neophobia or ARFID. I've been so frustrated because I don't know what to cook for him, he won't go to any of the restaurants that I like, won't try new things, has no interest in food, and eats the same thing over and over and over.

My question is: do I bring it up? I have a feeling he will be offended and feel like there's something wrong with him.

He is a wonderful man and I want to help him but am not sure if I should just accept his behavior or try to open up the conversation with him.


12:50 UTC


Anyone else have “safe food combos”

I know that title probably sounds a little weird because we all have safe foods. What I mean is a combl that has foods you wouldn’t typically eat in it. For example one of my safe combos is peanut butter and apple, but I don’t like peanut butter on anything else. It’s kind of bizarre because a food I don’t really like is safe under certain circumstances. I’ve never really heard of anyone else experiencing this and wanted to see if someone might relate.

12:44 UTC


Do I have ARFID?

Hello everyone,

today I came across this sub and it's the first time i really felt kind of understood or represented, so I wanted to figure out, if I may have ARFID too.

Since I was a small kid I never ate vegetables or fruits. My mother said it started after I was in a clinic, where another disorder regarding food was discovered, which already restricts me strongly and made me have really slow development in my years before the diagnosis.

So anyway, I hate the texture, the smell and the taste of all the vegetables I've tried, although nowadays I mostly don't even try them anymore because it seems hopeless. There temperature often also plays a role: Although i usually eat meats, I discovered that I don't like cold meat at buffets.

When I have to try them I have to really try to not gag and kind of do the least of chewing I can to prevent it. I just can't believe that people go through this everyday and I am just a picky eater, I think it's different in a way I can't explain.

This brings many problems for me personally:

My parents gave it up a long time ago to get me to eat anything else, but there were always events in my life where there was nothing special for me prepared.

This lead to me fearing class trips and nowadays, since I finished school I tend to avoid everything which would include me trying something new.

I even don't like it when people eat certain foods near me by the sheer smell of them.

But my biggest fear is that it will lead to health issues over time, which it most certainly will.

My current diet consists of meat with one of a few selected sauces and rice / some frozen fast food. I don't even like noodles.

There is also my first wedding coming up, where I will be a guest and I still don't know what food will be there and how I will play the situation off and it gives me great anxiety.

I try to hide it from my colleagues but they seem to realize too that I always eat like 3 different meals and that's it because currently I am in a small dorm over the week where I don't even have an oven.

Sorry for the unorganized text, it is just very much to tell. Can you relate to this? Have you made any accomplishments in eating healthier foods?

I would like to hear your advice on this, if my post fits, since I am really tired of it.

11:56 UTC


Progress update!

Sorry for a long post, but I hoper this might give others some hope because a few months ago I really didn't think things were going to improve much, and I've really seen a difference!! Hope this helps to show things can get better, even if it takes a little time.

I first went to my GP in December after a lifetime of ARFID but not knowing that's what I had (I'm in my 30s now so it's taken a while to get here lol). I cried (a lot) and dreaded my first appointments with specialists because my GP made me feel like ARFID wasn't a thing and it was in my head.

Anyway, I started with weekly appointments with a lovely team specialised in ED, which included psychologists and a dietician. Each week we've done 'exposure therapy', and I can't believe the difference its made.

My big phobias were nuts (fear of anaphylaxis), eating out/someone else preparing my food (fear of getting sick) and generally trying new things that weren't on my safe foods list, which terrified me. My diet was INCREDIBLY limited, I often ate 1 meal a day and was underweight. They really supported me with starting off by trying 1 bite of something my partner was eating, even if it was a tiny bite...then increasing this until I could see that it didn't make me sick and I could try a small portion myself. With nuts, we would sit in a room at the hospital and I'd hold one, then bite one, and we'd set a timer; if I didn't have a reaction in that time I felt safe and could eat the full nut (and if I needed help, I was already at hospital so felt safer).

This week will be my final week of appointments (6 in total). So far I've introduced fish into my diet (very limited, but still there), mince (which has opened up so many new meals), a range of nuts and tried SIX new fruits!! (Although I only really liked 1 due to the texture/smells. But still tried which was a big step for me!). I've eaten out at restaurants and had some takeaways (eating safe foods but still knowing someone else has prepared them). My final "challenge" before the program ends is to eat at a restaurant today and try a new cuisine; and to try reheating food (even if I only eat 1 bite) as that's a big no no for me.

I honestly can't believe I'm writing this, reading it back there's no way at Christmas last year I'd have believed this progress would be possible for me. 30 years of being unable to socialise if it involved BBQs, meals out etc., people commenting on my eating which made me feel worse...but now I feel like I'm gaining so much confidence that I can actually start doing those things! Don't get me wrong, I'm not fully recovered - I'd still feel scared eating BBQ food at someone's house. But I feel like I'm taking the baby steps to getting better, and even if I don't get there 100%, this is already so much better than where I was.

If you are going through it, I feel you, I've been there. And I promise you there can be progress ❤️ happy to answer any questions if anyone is going through the same/starting therapy 😊

09:02 UTC


The foods I like are so expensive :(

9 dollars for a single bag of perdue chick nuggets. They used to have 40 nuggets a bag I think, now they only have 35. That's 9 dollars for two meals. Or 4.50 for a meal. Maybe that isn't so bad but it feels so expensive. They go on sale for 6.50 once in awhile.

Or 8 dollars for a pizza. 6 dollars for worse one I don't like as much. 3.50 or less for one that's very thin, tastes bad and will make me sick.

5.19 for ice cream. Goes on sale for 3.50 some times which is nice.

4 dollars for cookies. They were 4.50 for awhile.

08:27 UTC


How did you find a program for help?

I don't really know where to look. I see a therapist but I suspect I need outside help for my ED.

00:36 UTC


Didnt get anxious cooking dinner tonight!!

I find myself always feeling really frazzled and anxious trying to prepare a meal to eat, ready to eat stuff is usually my go to for that reason. I did cook a super yummy dinner tonight tho:) and it was rlly fun making it

23:38 UTC


Struggling with food fears

Hi, I (27f) just joined in the hopes of getting some support and knowledge. To explain what I'm struggling with, I need to give you my long history with food issues. It's worth mentioning that I am also trying to get diagnosed as autistic, so sensory issues play a big factor here.

Trigger warning for other EDs

When I was very young, I would get these horrible stabbing pains in my stomach. I'd genuinely roll around on the floor crying in pain. I bounced around between specialists for a while with nobody really helping until Dr. Mom figured it out by putting me on a bland diet and slowly adding into different foods to see what the problem was. For whatever reason, I didn't have the enzymes to digest dairy or eggs so the food would just sit in my stomach and rot, causing horrible gas pain. When I was 6 I took an enzyme supplement for a few months that seemed to "cure" me for a while.

Big jump forward to my teen years, during which I struggled a lot with my mental health. I had pretty extreme depression and anxiety brought on from a loss in my life and was eventually diagnosed with bipolar. It wasn't until this stressor that two major things happened.

  1. While battling mental illness, I got very caught up in perfectionism. I was desperate to have some kind of control in my life. So around 15 I developed an eating disorder. It was never formally diagnosed so but I believe it was essentially like a cross between anorexia and bulimia. I never binged, but I was very extreme in my calorie restriction, so if I was forced to eat because I was around family, I would purge afterwards. This went on for about 2 years until a friend got very involved and sort of forcibly helped guide me through recovery. It was a very unhealthily codependent relationship that ultimately burnt out, but I will always be thankful for that.

The other thing is that at this time I also developed GERD, which is when my food fears really started to begin. Certain foods caused me pain so naturally I avoided them. I was always a bit of a "picky eater". I always had one specific item I could tolerate at whichever restaurants. But as my reflux got worse with time, my diet became more and more restrictive. Things really reached a critical point when I was 22 and in grad school. I was suffering from nearly constant heart burn and nausea and became so paranoid that food would hurt me, that I began only consuming yogurt for weeks. Most yogurt contains probiotics that actually help reflux. I would use yogurt as an alternative to antacids, so it was the only thing that made me feel safe. But one cannot survive on yogurt alone and eventually I got malnourished. I was home one day on the phone and all of a sudden I just collapsed and was shaking. It was so scary. Que the ambulance and hospital visit. I think the biggesr problem was that my sodium levels were very low. My brain stopped working properly. I was in such a fog that my mother had to fly in and nurse me back to health. I couldn't drive or take care of myself or go to school for a couple weeks, because it took that long for my brain to start working again.

After graduation I moved in with my then girlfriend (now wife) and my eating habits went to a different extreme. We would stress eat and when covid hit I was unemployed and depressee so we basically started binge eating all the time. Way past the point of fullness. Always wanting more. It was like an addiction. I had a few choking incidents during this phase. One in particular that was really scary and could have ended very badly if my wife hadn't acted fast enough.

Once I started a new job, which meant a lot more physical activity, and went on a diet, I started to lose weight the healthy way for the first time. Around this time is when I started to suspected I was autistic, and was dealing with a lot of sensory issues and general overwhelm with stress. My diet was getting more restrictive again. Always having issues with my digestion and acid reflux, usually lining up with stressful times in my life. I go through phases of daily vomiting because of my reflux. I still don't digest food properly and am in a constant cycle of constipation and gas pain because of it. I saw a gastro that put me on mobility meds, but it turns out they are extremely dangerous in combination with the meds I take for my mental health, so I had to stop taking them. So now I am just in pain often and don't know what to do.

At first the diet worked great. I lost got back to a size where I felt comfortable and was totally happy with my appearance. I didn't want to lose more weight. But no matter what, I kept on losing weight. Foods that had once been safe started bothering me. Not because they were actually hurting me, but because I started having extreme fears. All the time, mid bite, something would bother me and I would start to panic. If food is in my mouth for what I perceive as too long, I panic and need to get it out. I am really afraid of choking or throwing up and I'll suddenly feel terrified. My diet is so restricted at this point that I eat almost the exact same things every day. I can mix it up a little, but on the whole my safe foods are mostly soft. Apple sauce, cheese, yogurt, porridge, soft white bread, bananas etc. If anything is the least bit dry I usually get too afraid to eat it. Fears that were once somewhat reasonable based on my experience, have gotten irrational and out of control. I don't like eating in front of people. I always need back up food in case something doesn't work for me. Going out to eat is really difficult. All the time I just get gripped by this intense fear like I'm going to die. Sometimes I have to leave the situation completely. I should have mentioned this sooner, but my portions have gotten smaller and smaller as well. I can only eat small amounts at a time so I try to have 5/6 small meals a day. My wife and I have added peanut butter and hummus and protein shakes/liquid meal replacements into my diet to try and counteract things. Anything to raise my calorie count a bit.

I lost almost 30 kg in the last two years. I only intended the first 10 kg. To be very clear, I do not want to lose more weight or change my appearance. I actually feel amazing in my own skin for the first time in my life and have worked really hard to try and stop the weight loss.

After doing some research, I found out about ARFID. It really broke my heart. Because I had convinced myself I'd been ED free for over a decade, just to discover that my symptoms and experiences seem to line up with what I've read about ARFID.

If anyone stuck around long enough to read all or this, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I am honestly scared and a bit lost and would be grateful for any guidance.

20:15 UTC


Companies changing foods

** Trigger warning** Talking about struggles with foods. May trigger.

Hi all, just wondering if anyone else has been struggling lately with food companies changing up the ingredients in their products.

First, it was high protein chocolate boost drinks. They started using soy protein instead and not only did it upset my digestive system, it tasted disgusting.

Prepackaged deli meat is so bad I can't eat a single brand. It's just not "safe" to my brain for many reasons, quality being top.

Just today I made a sandwich with miracle whip and it tasted like mayo. There was a slight vinegar taste but not how miracle whip should taste. Couldn't finish my sandwich.

The list goes on and on.

What safe foods have companies ruined for you lately?

17:39 UTC



I saw someone else posting a meme, and got inspired.

1 Comment
17:05 UTC


Vitamin Recommendations?

Hi hi hi!

I am on the road to recovery (again). And because I have some other issues now I have to take handfuls of vitamins everyday. There are a few I just CANNOT seem to swallow. Does anyone have any recommendations on vitamins that aren’t the size of horse pills for calcium (1000 mg) and omega 3s (2000 mg)?

Thank yall!

14:26 UTC


New edible food!

Green onions!

I've been trying to find new ways to eat some of my most hated foods and green onions was something I never thought I would conquer. Until today! I used them in a stir-fry pasta and also as a garnish on top.

Here they make a dish where green onions are the base of the dish. I won't describe how disgusting it is to me. Putting them inside a dish that I already enjoyed was a huge success.

Taste and texture descriptions: >!The aromatics such as soy sauce and ginger (I like them both!) did well to balance the green onion fragrance. It was still apparent but very much bearable. The raw green onion leaves' texture is crunchy kind of like any other fresh green veggies. A far cry from how they are in the aforementioned green onion dish.!<

13:22 UTC


Is there a way out?

How does one beat arfid? Any meds help anyone? I'm already in therapy.

13:21 UTC


Excessive gagging any tips?

So ive had an eating disorder ever since i went from milk to baby foods. 28/29 years later doctors keep telling me its arfid but they aren't willing to do anything because i eat Weetabix, chips (ONLY if really well done) and plain mash and even tho thats my ENTIRE diet docs think thats okay... Now my doctor is saying my ridiculously ott gag reflex is a part of arfid but again they aren't willing to do/advise me on anything (unless i go private which i cant afford).

Now my immediate issue is i need a tooth extracting but they've already rebooked twice cos i kept gagging and they couldn't do anything. Can anyone advise on how to keep it under control? Im not sleeping or eating and i feel like giving up at this point...

12:37 UTC


I hate having arfid

I have arfid and I hate it, it means I can't do stuff like normal people my age. I can't go to friends houses for dinner or lunch, or have sleepovers incase they don't have any of my safe foods. I've been with my gf for a few months and I'm going to her house in a few days and they've planned a BBQ but I can't have any because of my arfid, so I've tried explaining it to her and she's very understanding but I'm scared her family will judge me or think I'm a picky eater. I have ADHD and autism as well so my social skills aren't great anyway and I struggle understanding how to handle certain situations. I also play football so I've managed to make my diet able to handle my football career but I'm scared that everyone will judge me, I haven't told many people about it before.

11:57 UTC


How does Arfid effect Pregnancy

I will say right now I am not pregnant and definitely not planning on it until atleast a few years but I feel I know that a part of me deep down does want to be a mother but I've always dismissed it because I know how food realiant it is and that I wouldn't be able to eat the proper nutreints. So basically I'm asking for women who did/do have arfid while Pregnant how did it affect you. Like what if you had a craving but the craving was an unsafe food or is that even possible. Basically I'm just really curious

11:30 UTC


Losing weight with ARFID

hi! i have posted here before and since then i have been diagnosed! i have pretty mixed emotions about it but im glad to know what was different about me now. anyway! im currently 163cm and 83kgs and i really want to lose weight (maybe like 75kg or lower). only the problem is that most of my safe foods are relatively unhealthy. i can eat fruits but a lot of vegetables i cant (depending on how they r cooked). another thing i cant do is meal prep, for example, i cant eat chicken or steak cold or if its been heated up (needs to be fresh). does anyone have any recommendations or how i should go about this without starving myself?

11:12 UTC

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