For when things go wrong
We suggest you make it a legitimate YYYYN moment instead of a YYYYmeh or mehmehmehNO moment.
Any users who use "epic" or "fail" in their title will have their post deleted.
Any reposts within 3 months are subject to removal.
Game footage is allowed, but must be exceptionally or uniquely YYYYN as every game ever played that involves dying is YYYYN otherwise.
Enjoy the subreddit!
/r/nonononoyes/ Things that was going wrong, but turns out good.
/r/nononono Things that go horribly wrong.
/r/yesyesyesyesno Things that go Unexpectedly Horribly Wrong. (You are here)
/r/nonononoaww Things That Go Unexpectedly Cute!
/r/yesyesyesno Things that go... I'll be honest. This is the same thing as the one two subreddits up.
/r/yesyesyes Things that always are awesome.
/r/nonoyesyesnonononono Things that go alright, then soon turn badly.
/r/yesyesyesdamn Things that go unexpectedly... Damn.
/r/nononomaybe Things that go mediocre in a 50/50 fashion
/r/nonononoyesno Things that go Similar to NNYYNNNN but with a shorter name.
/r/nonononowaitwhat Things that go... wait WHAT?
/r/maybemaybemaybe The whole family brought under one obfuscated roof!
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