For when things go wrong
We suggest you make it a legitimate YYYYN moment instead of a YYYYmeh or mehmehmehNO moment.
Any users who use "epic" or "fail" in their title will have their post deleted.
Any reposts within 3 months are subject to removal.
Game footage is allowed, but must be exceptionally or uniquely YYYYN as every game ever played that involves dying is YYYYN otherwise.
Enjoy the subreddit!
/r/nonononoyes/ Things that was going wrong, but turns out good.
/r/nononono Things that go horribly wrong.
/r/yesyesyesyesno Things that go Unexpectedly Horribly Wrong. (You are here)
/r/nonononoaww Things That Go Unexpectedly Cute!
/r/yesyesyesno Things that go... I'll be honest. This is the same thing as the one two subreddits up.
/r/yesyesyes Things that always are awesome.
/r/nonoyesyesnonononono Things that go alright, then soon turn badly.
/r/yesyesyesdamn Things that go unexpectedly... Damn.
/r/nononomaybe Things that go mediocre in a 50/50 fashion
/r/nonononoyesno Things that go Similar to NNYYNNNN but with a shorter name.
/r/nonononowaitwhat Things that go... wait WHAT?
/r/maybemaybemaybe The whole family brought under one obfuscated roof!
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The shocking incident at
Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park in China highlights the dangers performers face when interacting with wild aquatic creatures. Russian performer Masha, a 22-year-old mermaid entertainer, was suddenly attacked by a giant fish while performing in an aquarium, causing panic among spectators, including children. The fish clamped its powerful jaws around her face, injuring her head, neck, and eye while also consuming her goggles and nose clips. Despite her injuries, reports suggest she was pressured to continue working and received minimal compensation, raising ethical concerns about workplace safety, animal behavior management, and labor rights in entertainment industries. The attack also underscores the unpredictable nature of large fish species in captivity and the need for better safety protocols to protect both performers and marine life. While details about the fish species remain unclear, this event serves as a reminder that interactions between humans and wild animals, even in controlled environments, can be risky and should be approached with greater precaution.