For those videos that make you think maybe...
All posts must have "Maybe Maybe Maybe" as their title.
All posts must be in a video or a gif (.ogg, .gifv, .gif, .webm or .mp4) format.
1. Posts must be relevant to the subreddit
The principle of this subreddit is for posts to make the user question what the outcome or result will be. Your submission should convey a feeling of uncertainty.
We will remove posts that:
We understand that "MaybeMaybeMaybe" can be pretty subjective. Some posts will have more uncertainty, some less - and we'll keep this in mind when reviewing submissions.
2. Recent reposts within 2 months are not allowed
In order to make sure content stays interesting and enjoyable, we don't allow the same video or GIF to be posted within 2 months of the last time it was posted.
Common reposts may be removed independently of this limitation.
3. Keep posts/comments civil
Please keep all posts and comments respectful and engage in civil discussion with other users.
If you believe a user is being unnecessarily toxic or hostile, please refrain from retaliating or using insults and instead report it to avoid unintentionally breaking this rule yourself.
Some of the things that are prohibited under this rule are but are not limited to:
4. Submission Statement Required
Our subreddit bot, u/mmm-submission-bot, will request posters to reply within 15 minutes with a statement at least 50 characters in length explaining why the post is appropriate for this subreddit. Failure to reply to the bot will result in the removal of the post.
This sub disguises the origin of the posts by replacing all titles with "Maybe Maybe Maybe". If you prefer the "original flavor" (i.e. leaves the post titles alone) check out /r/maybemaybeoriginal.
Source for /u/maybemaybemaybe_bot: Github