A subreddit about people who miss the joke/satire.
1. All submissions must show someone being "Woooosh™ed". (Not getting a joke.)
No meta posts (i.e. a plane or someone Woooosh™ing themselves.)
Your post must show enough context to explain the Woooosh™ (adding it in the comments doesn't count).
2. No identifying information
No direct links.
Censor ALL screen-names, real names, original poster/author icons, etc. but not obligatory to include your own.
Verified/popular users do not need to be censored.
3. No Reposts
4. Make an effort with your title
5. No Karma/Woooosh™ Bait
Don't ask for upvotes or mention them in your title!
All posts featuring accounts "Woooosh™ baiting/farming" will be removed.
6. No content from r/facepalm (except on Facepalm Fridays)
r/woooosh only allows content from reddit accounts that are at least 30 days old.
reposted with censored usernames, my bad
On a camman18 video where he pulled off an obvious troll and asked his viewers to play along
r/LoveforRedditors. check it out
On a meme compilation