
Photograph via snooOG

r/Witchcraft is a welcoming and inclusive space in which to share knowledge, discuss, ask questions, and further the progression of witchcraft as well as the individual's path.

All are welcome, those who practice witchcraft and those who wish to learn.

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Questions or Sharing Knowledge regarding Spells, potions, incantations, rituals, herbs, gems, gods and goddesses, and anything that fits the witchcraft umbrella.

This is a discussion based subreddit, focused on the practice and study of witchcraft.


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All content must relate to the study or practice of Witchcraft.

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All content must relate to the study or practice of Witchcraft.

**All posts must add to the progression of witchcraft: OP

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  • "Are there others like me?" - There are a lot of stereotypes in witchcraft; there are millions of practitioners worldwide. Using this logic, it is safe to say that yes there are others like you.

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439,006 Subscribers


I think I’m over thinking but…

I wonder if someone can put my mind at ease. I’ve been practicing witchcraft now for a few years, and never have felt anything remotely negative. I always find lots of positive messages in nature etc.

Recently, I began my journey to working with Hecate, I was drawn to her for some time before I started my path. Since then I have worked on connecting with her, and leave offerings on my alter.

I don’t have time to practice daily, but I do try and speak with hecate at least once a day, to ensure I keep a strong connection with her.

Now to my worry… for the last 2 months, I’ve been finding sharp objects on the floors on my house. Thumb tacks, nails, broken glass, when there is no cause for this. I’m finding things 2-3 times a week. I had a thumb tack in my foot the other week and my bf stepped on a thick jagged piece of glass (think the bottom of a jam jar thick) but there is absolutely NO reason for these… could I have done something in my practice or have I opened up a pathway to a more darker side to Hecate that I may be a little inexperienced?

I know I could be overthinking, but I’ve tried to be logical and there is no logical explanation for broken glass or thumb tacks specifically..

I don’t want to say this is a product of witchcraft as I really don’t think it is, but I just find it very coincidental it’s started happening as I began working with the goddess Hecate.

10:58 UTC


Just did a spell, a flare of a energy, a weird feeling in my chest, nausea and some restlessness followed? What can be the causes?

It was as simple as that, a productivity spell. I had salt for protection, a bell for air, a chilli for fire (since i couldn't use a candle) and water for water. I had some tarot cards, the wheel of fortune, the 3 of Wands and the earth cause that's what I felt called to. Everything was perfect I let my intention be known, as well talked to the elementals for help and presence, I even danced and let my hands guide me as well. What could be the reason? Is that normal?

10:02 UTC


Wanting To Try A Love Spell But I'm Gay (Advice?)

Hi there everyone, I've always had an interest in things Wicca with reading up and learning about the history and basics and I've wanted to try at performing a love spell. I found this seemingly simple tutorial on YouTube and it seems easy enough for a beginner though I'm a little bit hesitant and it's mainly because I'm a gay man.

Most of the love spells I've come across seem to be about attracting the opposite sex for hetero relationships and though the woman in the video exclaimed that using Lavender oil is good for same sex attraction as opposed to Rose oil but I personally never heard of this so I thought it might be good to get some second opinions on this. And of course the cinnamon that can help speed up the process.

With this spell, I'm also not trying to attract someone I know and was wanting to try something more that invites love to me where this love can come from a guy I don't know since I don't feel comfortable casting it on a specific person..As silly as it may sound and I know it's more than likely false but I remember seeing a scene from Charmed where they performed a love spell and what they did was write out the qualities that they were looking for in a mate before casting their spell (source). I understand that it's a silly TV show and that most of the stuff was inaccurate to actual wicca (the demons, whiteliters and how they got warlocks wrong lol) but I liked the concept of putting the qualities you like out there into the universe and I was just wondering if there was a love spell similar to this but you know, was more accurate lol?

And another thing that I was curious about pertains back to the fact that I'm not trying to put a spell on someone I know and in the tutorial she says that you write your name and the name of your crush on the paper but what would you write if you're not trying to target a specific person that you know? And another thing, are pillar candles necessary for the spell or could I use one of those candle jar style ones because I must admit that I don't feel safe using a pillar/chime candle and would feel more comfortable using a Jar style one If not, it's no biggie but thought I should ask anyway just in case.

Thank you for taking the time to read and I'm thankful for any advice or tips you have.

09:33 UTC


Which deity did I contact?

Hi! Recently I was in hospital and my condition wasn't good. I needed surgery. But I kept getting sent away :/

Since I have recently become interested in deities, I decided that maybe I would ask some deity for help. So I started asking for it in my head. I remembered that my friend who works with Hekate always offers her blood, so in prayer I said that I can also offer blood (since they will probably collect mine at the hospital anyway).

When I finished praying, the hospital finally admitted me to the ward! But first I had to take the number that defines who you are in line in the waiting room. The first sign I got was that I pulled out a piece of paper with the number 666.I remember it because I thought it was an interesting coincidence.

The second sign was that I suddenly got my period. I would like to point out that I take contraceptives, so my period is regular and I know when it will appear. However, this time it showed up a week earlier when there should have been no way for it to happen. Then I immediately thought that in prayer I had offered my blood for help!

So I wonder which deity I contacted. I thought maybe it was Lilith, or eventually Triple Goddess.

Any thoughts on that?

09:45 UTC


Witchcraft and Depression

Hi, so I’ve been through a few posts about the experiences of other depressed witches but I wanted to share mine and have some input.

I have a bipolar disorder, depression etc. Lately, I’ve been able to get back into witchcraft and I’m super happy and passionate about it. However, there’s a lot of things I want to do and I don’t know where to start mostly because I feel like I’m not "prepared" mentally.

In other words : I’m scared. And lost. My main coping mechanism is pessimism aka "If you never expect anything good to come then you can’t be disappointed" and it feels like.. the opposite of what we’re trying to do ? Intentions, sending out positive energy etc.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, how I’m supposed to navigate it, I don’t want to give up on something that’s supposed to help me heal because I’m not healthy enough 🧍🏻

09:41 UTC


Hair and ring gender reveal, is it witchcraft?

Saw a TikTok of a women with kids doing a gender reveal with a ring and her hair. Came back accurate for the genders and kids she already had. I thought to also try it but mid way of already getting results my boyfriend mention that this could possibly be witchcraft. Not trying to be disrespectful just In search of answers to know if this is witchcraft and if there is anything to be worried about.

06:39 UTC


Freezing spell broke freezer

had to do a freezer spell on my next door neighbor and mother in law to chill her out and keep her at bay from constantly attacking our family

it backfired and my freezer won’t freeze anything now.

she is a fiery fighter 😂

should i take it out to fix ? then how else to keep her out of our house? any ideas!!?💡

just to let u know this woman steamrolls any requests for boundaries so spells were a last option 🙏 what’s something more powerful but does no harm???


08:09 UTC


Witchcraft podcasts

Hey witches 🧙‍♀️ what's your FAVORITE witchy podcast to listen to? I've been obsessed with witchcraft podcasts for years, and need new suggestions.

1 Comment
08:07 UTC


How to refresh a jar spell?

How do you all do it, or is it best to repeat the whole spell?

07:43 UTC


Grandmother praying against my Tarot- How to Protect

So my grandmother called me the other day and was just telling me how she’s always been praying to god to remove tarot cards away from me and stop me from reading tarot. For months now I just felt like not reading tarot which is such an intense change for me because even at my lowest moments of life I was still constantly reading.

I really feel like it’s working lol. My grandfather was voodoo priest back home in haiti, and my grandma is a very spiritual person even tho she’s very christian. I read but it’s not the same, I have a harder time connecting to the cards, channeling messages and even providing accurate predictions (which was like a second nature for me at one point.) I meditate, cleanse, me myself and my cards constantly but it’s like i just lost a big chunk of myself spiritually too.

How do I protect myself from something like that? She has no ill intentions but I want to get back to reading tarot the way I used to, and I loved the spiritual connections I have. I currently am being watched over by archangel michael and i’ve been debating on asking him for help. I’ve meditate to protect my energy but I feel as if that’s not enough.

Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated!

07:21 UTC


Balkan Folk Magic & Witchcraft.

Hi all. I just found this sub on a whim and was wondering if anyone here would know of any books or articles that discuss Balkan folk magic in detail? I have a very keen interest in learning.

My great grandmother was a diviner and healer of her village in what is now modern day North Macedonia.

She didn’t speak English so I never had the chance to learn any knowledge from her directly, only indirectly through my mother. The same would go for everyday communication. Regardless, she had a profound impact on me.

Now that my mother is gone, I know very little as a result, so I ask if anyone who may be familiar could please assist in pointing me in the right direction. It would be extremely appreciated.

1 Comment
06:21 UTC


Witch Wellness Wednesday

This is r/witchcraft's weekly vent thread.

To get an understanding of this thread's intent, please see the Mod Post for the explanation.

Please remember to enter [LOCK] at the start of your comment if you want your comment to be locked so that nobody can reply, or [VENT] for discussion.

1 Comment
06:01 UTC


Pendulum suggestions?

I was wondering if anyone has any good books or podcast episodes or videos on pendulums, I've recently started working on 7 of my chakras and got a beautiful green aventurine pendulum. I'm not all that great with "programming" crystals or really using them on my own, but I feel pendulums are easier for me than just holding a single crystal. I do have a grid so far, but I'm not all too familiar with sacred geometry, I swear I've been doing spiritual practice for years and still I am learning more everyday.

05:29 UTC


educate me on beltane 🖤

can someone tell me what exactly beltane is? ive read posts here about it but it’s not quite making sense to me. i would love to be apart of it! if anyone would mind sharing what they do on this day too that would be amazing 🖤

05:26 UTC


Besom Construction Question

Fellow Redditors...I have a question about the besom. I have never owned one, but since I am beginning to explore the traditional craft I am trying to make/obtain one. I have always heard the needed items were an ash staff, Birch twigs, and Willow for the binding. I am a long time practitioner and have never met anyone that owned one made in this manner. Is it a real thing? How is the binding done with willow? Any and all responses are appreciated and welcomed.

1 Comment
03:33 UTC


can you leave the faith after getting bound to it via conformation with cord cutting?

for those who don't know, conformation, put bluntly, is an initiation ritual done by the catholic church. it's allegedly something you can't get out of. and, for people like me who would like an out, kinda scary when you actively practice witchcraft.

that aside, the title says it all. could a cord cutting ritual get you outta this? I ask because... well, conformation is said to be something you can't really get out of once you've done it. I've been told you can get outta it by a few people... but, I've also been told by an entire religion that you can't leave.

this does have 2 parts though. I'd like to know, provided you can leave after that, if you could leave via other methods that aint coming to mind and what ideas yall might have on that front?

so the tldr, is can a ritual like that be cord cut? and further more, if it can, is there such a thing as a ritual initiation that you can't get out of?

that's all I got rn. I'll be honest I was surprised to hear that no one had made this post when I went googling (or someone have and I missed it).

02:51 UTC


Dream Resources/Recommendations

Please recommend some books/resources for me.

I want to learn more about dream interpretation. I’ve had prophetic dreams in the past. It’s super interesting to me to see things unfolding in real life and I understand there are some instances when it feels like I am conscious and can control a dream vs when I’m watching it happen or interacting.

I made a post earlier that got removed for “violating the rules” but i wasn’t looking for someone to interpret anything for me.

I want to decide for myself if I’m overthinking my dreams or if something is meaning something there. So it would be fantastic to get some recommendations 🙏🏻🫶🏼

01:26 UTC


Burying a pet - A funeral we should've done sooner

Hello everyone. I find myself in a bit of a situation and would greatly appreciate some wisdom.

I'm about to hold a funeral for our dear family pet, a wonderful bird named Lola, who passed away last winter. The ground was frozen so we were unable to bury her at the time. It's spring now though, and we have put it off longer than we should've. I feel sad about it. We should've done better, and now we're left in a situation where this needs to be done quickly. My grandfather is flying across the country to visit us for a few weeks. We have been deep cleaning our home and everyone has been making strides in their own journies of self-healing. Things are feeling so much better overall. Now it's time to lay our dear friend to rest. Quickly, since my grandfather is arriving tomorrow morning...

I would like to make sure I'm doing so respectfully and thoroughly since this has been a time of serious cleansing for our family. We were going to plant something on her grave, but I worry that we may have limited options. The type of plant put on a grave feels important and I don't want to do something half-heartedly. Ideas and suggestions are most welcome. Thank you!

01:00 UTC


Burning my manifestation journal?

Hey everyone!

I have a manifestation journal that is officially full! One or two of the things that I have been manifestating and working towards have finally come to pass. I was thinking during Beltane tomorrow that I want to place the journal into the fire as part of my Sabbat ritual before starting a new one.

Is this something that you'd suggest doing? Will this have any impact on the other things that I'm manifesting?

If not fire, what would be your opinions on different options for getting rid of the journal?

1 Comment
00:59 UTC


She said I can’t have it.

Disclaimer: I am not asking for spells. Just some insight that I may have not thought about.

A card reader/witch once told me that I can’t have what I want and I am not “all that” that I think of myself and there was a limit on my life in terms of what I can have or achieve in my life and I can’t get past it.

I still tried real hard, by wishing for it, working for it, doing cleaning spells, praying for forgiveness for my ancestors and their mistakes. I sacrificed or put on pause all other aspects of my life for a few years now.

Every time I came close to a breakthrough, something happened that was out of my control: from battery blowing up in my computer to a car accident to a sickness to then losing my job etc.

My solutions were to persevere and I kept praying and doing cleansing spells.

Also I tried to do fasting a few times. And again, every time I felt like I was getting some positive response from the spiritual side, something happened and threw me off.

Last time I was on day 3 water fast, I started getting some very very positives thoughts, that if I acted on it, my whole life would change. As I was feeling it, I was driving and someone rear ended me. It seemed like a fender bender, but got me a concussion and put me in a time off for some time, while I missed the opportunities that I was getting info about.

That’s just one example out of dozens.

I am concluding I am here to pay off some karma debt, that was accumulated by my ancestors. The last successful person in my family tree was my grandmother. Then she lost it all and unalived herself.

Again, I am not looking for spells. I just want some opinions of those who know what I am talking about.

Edit: sometimes I think I have a hex on me (done by co-worker, I know who). I’ve done many cleansing spells and there were periods when I felt like it was working, but didn’t last (may be cause I was still working with her?). I put my doll in the garage to redirect everything to it off of me. My garage door would break every month or so. Since I stopped working there I haven’t had garage door problems in almost a year. I also read somewhere that hexes last on average for about 7 years. Has anyone heard something like that?

00:47 UTC


Is this website reliable? Specifically their oils?

I have been looking into starting to use oils in my spell work. I came across this website: https://artoftheroot.com/

i am always skeptical if it’s actually reliable when it comes to buying witchcraft stuff from websites.

my question is, are the oils true to what they say they are? have any of you bought from them before? is it easier to make the oil yourself? (because i am absolutely clueless when it comes to making oils, if anyone has advice for that)

00:32 UTC


People don't really know what they're asking for

I just want to get this off my chest because it has been bugging me for a hot minute and I need my energy to focus on more important things. For context, I spent a good chunk of cash on this really nice yarn to make a devotional shawl to Aphrodite since I've been working with her a lot and plan to continue working with her in the future. I don't exactly advertise that I practice witchcraft, but I also don't hide it if anyone were to ask me about it.

Anyways, I sent a picture of the yarn I'm using and the pattern to two of my friends that are the only other crafters in our group and one of them immediately asked me if she could have one. Obviously, I know that I can say no, which I did, and she had no idea that I'm making something that is a religious item, but I am still frustrated. I am making something unique and personal for myself/my deity and the pattern is online and easy to find if she wanted to just make it for herself.

This probably sounds really petty and I know that there is no real resolution to this, I just wanted to verbalize my frustrations about someone crossing my boundaries despite the fact that I failed to establish those boundaries in the first place.

00:01 UTC


What to do with hex bottle afterwards?

I put a hex on someone who did me unjustly. And afterwards all rage and sadness left me. I do still have the bottle and the little person I made of them inside. Even touching it I can feel the uneasy energy and grief. What do I do now? Do I just stuff it away somewhere? I can’t bury it, I live on campus… (Don’t worry, I only wanted them to feel the grief they caused me, nothing more nothing less.)

22:51 UTC


Baneful curse guidance

I’m fairly experienced in herbal and green witchery, personal analysis and empowerment, protection, guidance, and other areas, and have been practicing my craft for years. I have an education in the environmental sciences, and love wild gathering different traditional and indigenous plants, including some baneful herbs and poisons as well.

But I’ve never had much experience executing baneful magic. I have a working mostly designed, but I’m curious about any additional ingredients or items that might be effective.

Go-to’s and favourites? Personal preference or experiences?

20:47 UTC


Does this truly break a hex?

My boyfriend has dated a witch in the past and things did not end well. we have our reasons to believe that she may have put a hex on him. I've seen a few times that one way is to place a candle in a glass jar, fill with water and add salt then light the candle and envision the candle absorbing the hex. Once the candle hits the water it's supposed to be gone. Have you guys heard of this? If so, two questions. I've seen some with black candles some with white. Does it matter? Some say you can throw the candle away. Some say to burry it. Which is right?

Thanks in advanced!

20:44 UTC


Twitter Witches to follow?

Not sure if allowed but looking for witches to follow on Twitter. Any recommendations? Thank you!

18:01 UTC


Depression as a witch

I just want to know how any of you get through depression as a witch?

17:58 UTC


Which candle for health?

As simple as it sounds, doing a candle magick, would love some advice for health magick. I have searched this and some say blue, some green, some white? Any response would be appreciated 🥺

17:55 UTC


I feel like I can lower the volume of a noisy room just by thinking about it. Would love to discuss about it!

For the past few months, whenever I'm in a crowded place or with too many people talking, I've been seemingly able to lower the volume just by... Wanting to do it (?).

Surprinsingly, it works almost every time and it sort of became natural, although it feels odd. If I try to force/think too much about it or raise the volume, it doesn't work.

Idk where else to talk about this lol. Whats are your thoughts?

15:27 UTC


Breaking crystals down for spell jars

So I'm making a nice little "Self Love" spell jar for me since I've been a bit manic and I think it's a nice idea. However- while some stores sell smaller crystals that are pared down for fitting into the jar I'm currently having a really hard time finding the one I need for the jar. I need something that can fit in something about the diameter of a US Nickle and the smallest I've seen are about the size of your standard six sided dice (and often in that same shape) so it's going to be difficult fitting one into a round hole even if I find one the size to fit.

My best idea is to buy one of the smaller ones and carefully break it into smaller pieces to put into jar.

But outside of standard "safety precautions" like gloves, wrapping it in a towel and such I'm not sure if it would cause a problem with the spell or not.

Any advice?

15:00 UTC

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