A subreddit for news and discussion about politics in the Badger State, with more politics than /r/Wisconsin and more Wisconsin than /r/politics.
A subreddit for news and discussion about politics in the Badger State, with more politics than /r/Wisconsin and more Wisconsin than /r/politics.
Moderation policy:
• Moderators primarily deal with spam (message us if your submission doesn't show up, but first check the "new" tab) and occasionally change the subreddit description and styling.
• Moderation is neutral with respect to politics.
• If you report something, you should also send the moderators a message explaining your reasoning, or we'll just ignore you. Reporting something does absolutely nothing without moderator action.
Civil Discourse:
• /r/wisconsinpolitics values respectful discourse between redditors. Avoid overt hostility and intentionally antagonizing others. Do not make comments designed solely to alienate, disrespect or insult other individuals.
• Moderators expect that users can self-regulate in most cases, but posts or comments may be removed if necessary.
Helpful Links
Local News Sources
National Media Coverage of Wisconsin
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