As Giannis takes us to places we've never been, we take Giannis to new places.
I received the sticker:
Add your name and location to sticker
Take photo in unique place
Post to /r/wheresgiannis (number of post, location)
Find your next recipient (tell us in a comment on your post)
I want to receive the sticker:
Message the current guardian
Ask if they have a recipient lined up
If you are the first to ask, send the current guardian your address
Follow previous steps
Proud subreddit member of r/MkeBucks Deep Web - r/MkeBucks - GO BUCKS!
Do you still have your Brogdon? Maybe you could start with pics where you are and then send it to me? We could replace it or add to it with a Giannis if we find one!
CC: u/Bart_Dart, u/arcticrabbitz
Edit: I forgot that tagging uses in titles doesn’t work, so, u/kentalaska.
It seems like the OG Flat Giannis has been lost to the Bermuda Triangle of international mail (RIP in peace in pieces) If people want to keep this going I’d be happy to start with the new one.
Any updates. Where is the sticker?
Ah fuck, I completely forgot to get the photos with flat Giannis at my party. However I'm gonna send him off tomorrow to the next person.
Sorry fellas
Hey guys and gals,
So I've still got flat Giannis with me, and I'll be sending it to /u/hegz0603 this coming Monday (4th of September I believe).
Basically I've got an event on this Saturday with my mates that I think will make for some funny flat Giannis photos that you will all enjoy.
Sorry if it feels like I'm holding onto him for too long. He'll be out the door first chance next week.
If anyone else would like to start their own thread by donating their Giannis (or any other player) sticker, leave it down below!
Note: this is not for requesting to receive the existing thread.
Hey all, sorry for the silence the past few days. I had a mixture of jet lag and just generally feeling sick the last few days so I couldn't get a picture in Brussels in that period. However, I'm currently on a train into Paris, so I should be able to update in a few hours! I leave from Brussels next week as well, so hopefully I can get a cool picture from there at that time. If anyone wants to see some general pictures of my trip so far, I'm happy to update. I did go out the day after we got there, but felt pretty bad and was in bed by 5 local time. I appreciate everyone's understanding in advance!
If anyone has a Giannis sticker that they are willing to donate to the cause, please message me so that we can start another mailing thread going.
For now, we will try to keep the number of travelling stickers under 4. When the community expands, we will be able to increase this number
Hopefully, at the end of this project is to get your original sticker back, so don't be scared to give it up for now.
Our little Giannis sticker could see Belgium, France, and Germany all within the course of 12 days. Send him my way!