
Photograph via snooOG

/r/weeabootales is the place to share your stories of over the top otaku/weeaboo that are neck deep into the Japanese culture, mostly coming in the form of anime and manga fans.

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  • Rules and Guidelines to a good weeaboo tale
  1. Ensure that the described individual, group, or organization in your story are indeed using their weeaboo attributes to move the story along, and not just being annoying and generally weird (which stems from other personal attributes). Long sagas are unnecessary, keep it to the point on each submission. You have 10,000 characters (or around 1500-2000 words) per submission. There's plenty of room to work with and only split it up if it gets too lengthy or needs to be for sake of reading or narrative. tl;dr - don't drag it out

  2. Liking anime, manga, visual novels, or what have you, does not constitute them being a weeaboo. As a reference, this link accurately describes what a weeaboo is and does. If your described individual, group, or organization does not meet the listed definition, then they are not a weeaboo.

  3. If the described individual, group, or organization are weeaboos and another extreme type --awesome-- but try to focus on the individual, group, or organization's wapanese side.

  4. If you have a story or more to tell in other submissions, the answer is always yes

  5. No more "define a weeaboo" or "am I a weeaboo" posts. If you'd like to share a story/personal experience and then ask something like that at the end that's great! Otherwise posts stating a list of your hobbies and "am I a weeb?" at the end, or posts simply asking "what's a weeaboo" will be removed.

  • Weeaboo tales is the place to share your stories of over the top otaku/weeaboo that are neck deep into the japanese culture, mostly coming in the form of anime and manga fans

  • Stories can be own submissions or ones that you have found on reddit or other sites, so long as you give credit, feel free to submit!

  • You can also greentext! Preface each new line with > However don't overuse it. It's useful but gets tiresome when the majority of the submission/s are in greentext. This isn't 4chan

  • Stories sometimes get stuck in the filter, if your story doesn't appear after a day, just send a message.


-Be civil/no bigotry

-Stay on topic

-No rants about weebs or AskReddit styled posts

-Koreaboo stories are for the weekends

-Flair your posts

Got questions? Modmail us!


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Has anyone here attended a anime convention and felt shocked at the amount of attractive people, especially girls?

I started cosplaying and going to anime and comic conventions. I was amazed at the amount of women who attended. and a LOT of them are so attractive.

Also, Im not into guys but I also saw so many good looking cute guys and a lot of them had partners.

a lot of people were also so social and fucking charming as hell.

I thought it would be filled with autistic, 400lb neckbeards that stepped out of their moms basement for the first time to attend a convention.

02:36 UTC


My abusive ex is still a weeaboo and refuses to believe I’m no longer one

Me and my ex are both 23F btw. I’ll call her Becky.

Becky was a piece of work. She would refuse to watch anything that wasn’t anime. Like, if we had a movie day in school she would complain it wasn’t Ghibli. She had those giant anime decals on her car, and went to cons every summer and then was shocked no one knew what they were. And we were best friends for years up until we dated. Pickings are slim when your an autistic lesbian in a small town.

The problem was only anime I watched were Pokémon and Yugioh. Not the high literature that was Madoka Magica or Love Live!. Every time I went over to her house she would put on an anime subbed I have no interest in and wouldn’t let me pause the read the subtitles. I have dyslexia and she knows that.

The worst part was when she offered to buy me a cosplay of Maki from Love Live because she wanted to cosplay with me. I was thinking of one of the show costumes but I brought clothes that looked similar to what she wore to school. She got me a low cut maid dress and threatened to rip up my ticket and leave me in the car if I didn’t wear it. So imagine a 14 year old at a con wearing a maid dress that shows a solid four inches of cleavage and the most intense look of shame you’ve ever seen. I joke with my friends sometimes that I got groped by a brony at a con and all I got was a stupid tee shirt.

Jokes on her tho when we broke up and she called the cops on me for trying to give her back her stuff I gotta keep the death note box set. We stay winning boys.

18:24 UTC


What's the weirdest thing a weeb ever said to you?

Share your story

16:53 UTC


Became Obsessed Over the Pandemic

I wouldn’t say I was exactly a regular kid before Covid, I was a “gacha kid”, but these sort of things happen when the internet becomes your escapism at a young age. Anyways, covid hit and after like 4ish years of gacha consumption I was ready for a change. I was extremely bored over the lockdown and my friend was already into anime (before Covid), specifically bnha at the time, and so I was like “I’ll try this anime stuff” and typed up My Hero Acadamia in the YouTube search browser. Oh. My. God. It was like an ENTIRE new world was opened up for me. I was staying up until 4 am every day watching anime on YouTube (until Naruto shippuden, my 4th anime when I finally used a pirating site) without a break. I really didn’t care about anything else, I would shut myself in my room and binge for hours on end during and after my classes. I never let my parents know because they’re pretty strict and I thought they probably wouldn’t approve of anime but my sisters did find out (this prevented me from using weird anime phrases and things like that). Naturally, my grades took a hit. I was failing 4 classes because I wasn’t doing any work with my worse grade being a 24. My parents have always expected A and A+ grades…so safe to say my obsession didn’t end well. I managed to get my grades way up because my teachers were very kind and excpeted a lot of late work, but it took another few years for my obsession to fully die out. Anyways, now I’d be more considered a casual watcher and reader but I hardly reach/watch at all (still occasionally though). However, I hate to say it, but anime has kind of shaped who I am. What I do in my free time (personal interests), my music tastes, video games, friends, and more. I have a few figures in my room since I’ve realized my parents won’t care that much about where they’re from, and plenty of the animes I watched still hold a special place to me, but I’m glad I’ve moved on.

02:51 UTC


What's your craziest weeb story during your school years?

It can be you or someone that you went to school with

17:08 UTC


Weeb thinks every race with tan skin and black hair is asian.

In class I sat with my friend I'll call C. C had just moved to america from Peru that year and we became freinds because we both liked anime. C was really into cosplaying and we cosplayed at cons together a couple times.

In the class a guy who sat near us heard she liked anime, so he figured she must be Japanese or at least South East Asian. He told C "You know I really like Asian girls, right?" C looked uncomfortable said "I'm Peruvian" The guy thought that she was joking and laughed and made some comment about how he thought she was funny and tried to tell her more about how he loved Asian women. C told him she was Latina and to fuck off but he thought she was lying to reject him.

Baffling interaction.

21:20 UTC


Update on my Weeaboo Brother - 6 Years Later

Hello r/weeabootales. It's been 6 years since I've last posted here. Since then so many things have changed, including my brother. I was reading through my post history and remember I wrote something about him and it kind of blew up.

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/weeabootales/comments/6worp8/weeaboo_featuring_my_brother/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

I wanted to provide an update. 6 years ago we were both kids. But in hindsight, I can see that this weeaboo phase was the key that unlocked him as a person. I want you guys to see this post as an upside to weeaboos and why they might act this way.

I'll provide a short recap of the post 6 years ago.
My younger brother who was 12 at the time went through this huge weeaboo phase. He'd cosplay in public speak a mix of English and Japanese, and just embarrass me indirectly. That's how I felt. So I made a post here, took your advice, and tried to bring him up. I remember someone told me I was complaining, and I was. It was my responsibility to help him as his older brother.

He's now a very successful person in my eyes and has completely changed his life around. Around 14-15 when high school started, he began to get bullied. Of course, by then I was finishing up high school, but I still made sure that he could learn to adapt before leaving. He got depressed because he couldn't make friends, and felt so incredibly socially isolated. Back then anime wasn't as popular as it is now. He became spiteful towards other people and would not let go of his identity. Of course, he began to understand why people were against him after so much harassment and cyberbullying. After December of his 9th-grade year, he stopped going completely and was so depressed. I couldn't help him much other than telling him that is how society is and that he'll need to adapt. Of course, I spent quality time with him, but I got him into reading self-improvement books.

After that, the rest is history. He would read incredibly fast (it was fucking crazy. He'd read 150 pages of a book in a day and take notes.) He began working out and started to watch self-improvement videos online. Of course, he would still do the homework from school so he wasn't failing, but he wasn't going.

He would have still had a tough 4 years if Covid didn't hit. But that was the best thing that happened to him and by extension me.

In Canada, when Covid hit, everything ground to a stop. Money wasn't an issue because of the government handouts, and school was paused for practically a year and a half. During that time, all I remember he was doing was reading. Every week he would pick up a new book in the self-improvement/philosophy/psychology/business category and go at it while taking notes.

We'd still watch Anime but he began to grow out of it and resent it because it made him weak he thought. I wasn't much of an anime watcher but I'd watch with him when I had the free time.

He then got the idea of doing an exchange year. Of course he wanted to go to Japan, but by the end of Covid, he'd been taking Japanese classes for a year and a half and was B1 Conversational. Other than reading, he'd just be remembering Kanji for hours every day. I think he got to almost 2000, which is B2. He could watch anime without subtitles and was so dedicated.

However, things didn't turn out in the way he wanted. While COVID was a blessing, he couldn't get a visa to go for his exchange year. They were still banning foreigners, so he had to change his destination last minute and had to choose between Belgium and Austria. He chose Austria through a coin flip and ended up there. That was when he disappeared for 6 months.

Typically, when you go on exchange, you're not supposed to be in contact with family back home because of homesickness. So when he got there, we called one last time and then he went completely radio silent. We didn't hear from him in 6 months, and we thought that it was a safe country so nothing bad could happen.

Around March of this year, he called us out of the blue, and he was a completely different person. He changed the way he spoke, the way he dressed, and the way he acted in public. It made me so proud. Of course though, when we were in private, his weeabooness would still come out. But this made me appreciate him. The amount of character he built in the last few years is outstanding. He traveled, made new friends from around the world, had so many new experiences, and got a girlfriend. It was awesome. He also spoke good German too. I was so proud of him.

He came back this year in July and said that the experience completely changed him. He's a completely different person. But if you get to know him, his mushy side does come out. It's not like he is repressing himself either, I think he has come to peace with the person who he is and how he ought to act in society. He has so much wisdom and it's crazy to me.

He's been getting into e-commerce and finance recently and is on a gap year finishing up a few courses so that he can get into university. I feel more inspired by him. Of course, I did advise him a lot through it too. I also did have a short weeaboo phase, but I grew out of it myself before grade 7. For him, it just kept on going. But he did the work himself and has made himself very respectable. He did it himself.

TLDR; Weeaboos possess this ability where they can push through anything to get what they want. It's kind of crazy. And because they don't care about societal rules, they can just move faster than anyone. Extremely low lows and extremely high highs.

Inspire the weeaboos around you to integrate. Don't bully them, but be good friends with them. There's probably some genetic reason why they get so hyper fixated on things. Just make them hyperfixate on the right thing and they will eventually see the truth and do incredible things in short amounts of time.

Love the weeaboos in your life. They're incredible people. They're all moral people too from what I see. They just want to help people. And they're not retarded, just misguided. My brother is smarter than me in every way except rationale. It's a good thing, we all have our strengths.

17:17 UTC


Is this sub dead?

Last post was like a month ago.

11:34 UTC


The fujoshi who wouldn't stop shipping me with my friend.

There was this girl that I knew for a number of years named Lila she was really into anime, and me and my other friend Miles would often talk with each other about our days study together and talk TV shows and books we liked. One day we and Miles were arguing which Zelda game was better (tears of The kingdom and breath of the wild if you were wondering) and Lila said out of the blue we argue like an old married couple, even though I am gay and Miles is bi, we are just friends and have never considered dating. She would do this a couple times a week where she would say, "You two are such a cute couple!" , "You two are couple goals!"

We didn't really mind this until one day we found this fanfic page that shipped me and Miles together. And guess who was the owner of the page, yep good ol' Lila. Both of us confronted her asking if she was responsible and she admitted to it. Claiming it's not her fault we look cute together, and got mad when we told her to take the fanfic page down, calling us homophobic since we didn't want to be shipped together.

The rumors spreading around school got so bad to a point where her other friends would harass us. Asking who is the top and who is the bottom? And take pictures of us hanging out saying, we were on a date. One time her and her friends attempted to forge our handwriting in order to set us up on a date.

During my marching band rehearsal Miles came to see me practice and as he was talking to me Lila snuck up on us and shouted, "Just f****** kiss already!" In front of all my marching band friends I was blushing with embarrassment and from that day on I chose to cut all contact with her.

Thankfully after that we went to the principal and he forced her to take down the page and stop all the rumors. Even though me and Miles aren't friends with her any more she stills ships us from a distance, one time during school she passed by me saying, "Marcus your boyfriend is coming." But other than that nothing really serious.

19:24 UTC


I tried to smooth talk a waitress at PF Changs and failed horribly

Ok, so this isn’t really a follow up on my last post but just another story from my cringy middle school years. My last post got a TON of upvotes and I decided to post another one of my gems. Here we go. So back in like what, 7th grade? I was a major weeaboo, and I loved everything japan and everything anime. I even dyed my hair red to look like my favorite anime character gaara from naruto. So on this particular night, i had just finished my band concert for my school and we were celebrating. I obviously chose an Asian place cause I was a weeb, I would have chose a Japanese place but most of the waitresses there were white. But PF Chang’s has alot of Asians so I decided to go there. My dumbass middle school self was really treating a family restaurant like it was a gentlemen’s club or something. so right off the bat, I took a liking to the lady that took our orders, and i proceeded to order some wagyu steak (cause apparently they had/have that at PF Chang’s) to make a good impression on my new mini crush. so in the middle of my meal, I got up to “use the bathroom”, but really I was waiting outside the kitchen for this particular waitress. She comes out, and asks very nicely “Oh is there something wrong with your table?” I say here, “No, I came for you actually. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you we were meant to be.“. I still cringe when I think about it, but luckily she didn’t just run away in disgust, and just smiled and awkwardly walked to her destination. She found it more cute than weird thankfully. But I just thought she was being hard to get. This is just another one of my many stories as a complete weeaboo.

05:35 UTC


The Legend of the Blood King, the Fallen Angel kid

(I'm in summer vacation rn, and am moving to 10th grade after, and this dude is in 8th grade and will be in 9th grade after summer.)

9th and 10th graders are in the same class at my school.

Okay, so there's a kid at my school in the grade below me. I'm gonna call him...Keith. Keith is this goth kid who's OBSESSED with anime, manga, and video games.

Oh, and he calls himself "The Blood King" and tells everybody he's a "fallen angel" who was exiled from heaven for falling in love with a human girl. He also always wears a black bandaid and tells everyone it's "a sign of his angelic heritage corrupted by his exile". What the fuck.

Also, he has a girlfriend (supposedly why he got banned from heaven)

According to his middle school friends, during Science he always blurts out random stuff about alchemy from an anime he's into.

He talks about how he battles demons and can "curse" anyone who annoys him.

Because he's good at math, he takes math with the lower high school.

One time a bully fell and hurt himself and the Blood King bragged about how he cursed the kid.

That same day, during math class, he was making weird anime noises during class. When the teacher told him to stop, he screamed "I'LL CURSE YOU TOO!" Everyone laughed.

He also takes Japanese so he can get a "waifu" And is just all around a total creep with girls despite having a girlfriend.

His girlfriend goes in full, elaborate pastel goth clothes to school, including one time a shirt that said "I'm Pretty" on the front and "Confused" on the back. And she's obsessed with yaoi.

He's in the Anime Club with me, some other people, and his girlfriend. And they've been thinking about kicking him out cause he doesn't seem to know where Anime ends and the real world begins.

He keeps bothering the Asian kids and asks them to teach him Japanese. Which is weird cause one of the people he asked was Chinese and the other was Korean.

One time he walked into math class and screamed "HEY MOTHERFUCKERS!"

During recess some kid was picking on him and he started screaming in an unknown language which HE CLEARLY WAS PULLING OUT OF HIS ASS and ran around screaming at everybody that he cursed him.

He sometimes wears a leather trenchcoat with some anime t-shirt under it.

He is going to regret all this bullshit eventually.

17:38 UTC


Middle Schoolers freaked out on lolis

In middle school, i was in a Japanese club. I am probably the only one who is actually interested in learning Japanese because I want to go to university there. The rest? they're weebs who are probably only interested in anime stuff.

One day, the leader decided to show us some anime. The first one was about the Soviet invasion of Japan during WWII, referencing a novel that I sadly forgot. The second one was a fairly wholesome slice-of-life anime, titled "Amaama to Inazuma". It started out fine, with a father preparing breakfast for his daughter. When his daughter, Tsumugi, came out, everyone FREAKED OUT, screaming "Loli!""There's a Loli!" and stuff. I was cringing until the session was over. I stopped going there the week after.

02:19 UTC


My old manager is a cringy weeb

I have a new manager in my team, let's call him A. A is a morbidly obese 2nd-gen asian guy in his 40s, he is usually fine to work with.

On a weekly basis, he will use "kawaii-desu", "xx-desu", "sugoi" in random sentences, and call some coworkers "xx-chan", though he uses the word disregarding honorifics.

He used a combination of classic sonic and an anime character in his company's profile pic, but thank god his role is not client-facing.

Now, like other posts, weebs can be weird towards asians. I'm Cantonese, not a nationality but the culture is fading away, so still have to preserve it some way.

No matter how I explained, A just conveniently think "if I'm not Japanese then I must be Chinese", and somehow liking Japanese = hating Chinese. He will make every effort to shit talk in front of me, to hint that my "Communist Chinese" background not welcomed here, though my skillset is more on-demand than his.

I'm not offended because of the mislabelling, but because he thinks he can get away from it, if an asian woman doesn't call him out.

Eventually, I reported his behaviour multiple times, he is much more like a professional now.

It's still unbelievable how childish/shitty a senior coworker can be in an office setting.

Lately he came back from a Japan trip, and all he did is eat and go to anime conventions.

07:26 UTC


Listening to anime songs at prom

Not much to it. I didn't like any of the music that was playing during prom and found it hard to dance to so I plugged in my earbuds and put on my Spotify playlist of anime songs that I find good to dance to. I might have been dancing to a different beat than everyone but no one except for the people who knew I was listening to something else could tell. It was a nice experience because I hadn't listened to the playlist in a while so I got to hear some of the older songs that I used to listen to. I honestly really enjoyed it because I find that the songs from anime are the easiest for me to dance to.

14:59 UTC


Weebs combat parents playing annoying nursery rhymes on full volume at a restaurant

This happened a few years ago

So my school's anime club (including me) took a field trip to a local anime convention (this was before Covid, so around 2018-2019) and we had a great time (as a bonus, we were all cosplaying, I remember I was cosplaying as Itachi). Afterwards we went to a local Japanese restaurant for dinner

We were sitting at a teppanyaki table (there were like 15 of us, so that was the biggest table they had) waiting for our food, talking about various anime, and some parents came in with a little girl (she looked to be around 2-3 years old), and they sat at the table next to ours.

Shortly after they sat down, the kid started whining, so her parents pulled out a tablet, and put on nursery rhymes for her on full volume

Even worse, they weren't the soothing kind of nursery rhymes. I remember that they were being sung by a Indian woman with a terrible English accent. Everybody hated listening to them, and even one of the chefs tried telling them to turn it down, however they ignored him.

We suffered through terrible renditions of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and "Mary Had A Little Lamb" alongside other nursery rhymes. This went on for 20 minutes (like I said before, there were like 15 of us, so it took a long time to prepare everyone's food) until one of the guys in the club said "hey why don't I put on anime openings and we can all sing along to them". We all agreed

That guy got out his phone, and started blasting the songs on full volume. When the vocals came, we sang along. I remember the first song he played was "GO", the fourth Naruto opening.

So for the next while we sang various themes from animes, and we were having a great time. Since there were about 15 of us, our singing managed to drain out the horrible nursery rhymes.

Best part is, the other people in the restaurant (apart from the parents, of course) didn't mind us singing because they were in Japanese (it was a Japanese restaurant after all) and that we were having fun, unlike the parents and the little kid, who weren't having fun and playing the terrible nursery rhymes.

Eventually the parents got extremely fed up with a ton of weebs singing in Japanese, so they got up, and left the restaurant with their kid

Everything was fine afterwards

20:38 UTC


I fucked my family up for being a weeaboo

I was quite a horny weeaboo in my teenage days, and it kinda cost me my family. So when I was in high school I was obsessed with hentai manga, and even went to as far as to buy r18 manga and sex toys behind the backs of my parents, using their credit cards, when I was just 16. Then one particular Christmas night my whole family had dinner at my grandparents' house, and I was left alone with my eleven-year-old cousin while the adults were chatting. So we were bored asf and my aunt and uncle didn't let my cousin use his phone for some dumbass reason so he had to use mine to play whatever game he liked. Which then I wasn't prepared for it and never considered hiding those hentai manga screenshots into some deep dark file or even bothered to delete my search records. But that wasn't the matter as he beelined to the games as soon as I handed him my supercursed phone. The true matter was that one of the games in my phone was those hentai anime games. And my cousin probably didn't realize that the sound was on full blast. So my folks and all the people went to see what we were up to when they heard the first moan. The scene was chaotic with everyone scolding us. I didn't know what happened to my cousin but we haven't met for the past 5 years or so. I'm sorry, cuz.

12:33 UTC


My messed up 'love' experience in secondary school

I read that post where OP hit their teacher during their weeaboo phase and I somehow really wanted to share how me being a weeaboo in school fucked myself up as well.

As the flair says, I'm a fudanshi. A guy who is obsessed with reading yaoi manga. I mean, I'm still your average yaoi enjoyer now, but not as crazy as when I was in during the first two years of secondary school.

I was totally head-over-heels over yaoi then (I'm a proud bisexual, by the way). Any minute out of school, I'd be hiding in my room and reading yaoi manga or watching yaoi anime and I only made friends with those kids who liked yaoi. I also thought that I was a good writer then and wrote multiple fanfiction stories about the male students or teachers in school engaging in gay sex (which was totally fucked up and I didn't know why I had the nerve to post them.. on my twitter main then).

Well then into the main story, I was superobsessed with a yaoi manga about teacher-student love when I was in my second year of secondary school. And coincidentally one of my teachers looked exactly (or that was how I thought then) like the teacher character in the manga, who is a bottom. So every lesson with that teacher I would never lose focus on... his butt. And for a few months or so I would imagine myself being in a relationship with him. And fantasizing about it, like how the sex would feel, etc. And I truly believed that he was a gay just by his bodybuild (he was quite short, I was an early bloomer and is quite tall so yeah). I even schemed on having a plan to actually do it with him and told all my fudanshi / fujoshi friends about it.

So then our class had an activity or whatever it was, but anyways I volunteered to stay and help that teacher with it. And as we were talking about the activity, I mustered up the courage and kabedoned him like how they do in yaoi manga. And I forcefully French-kissed him even I was really sloppy (it was my first kiss after all). Then the teacher just stared me with his eyes wide open. I didn't know social cues then and so I thought he wanted more until he somehow ran out of the classroom. I knew nothing until the headmaster came in. The rest was quite a blur, I just remember that my parents ended up in school fifteen minutes later, I was recorded with a major demerit and I was suddenly unpopular with everyone for a while.

As for that teacher, he left after that year (I guess due to the incident?), which made me a little disappointed. Like, besides him looking "submissive and breedable" he was a really good teacher and I made the top in his class for the whole year. And that was when I finally realized I had to get a life for real.

So please, remember that gay relationships portrayed in most yaoi works are purely fictional and usually inaccurate-- and never give your first kiss to a random guy just because "he looks like that yaoi character!"

15:14 UTC


when I was a kid I told people I was a loli

when I was around 9 or 10 I stumbled apon an anime that featured multiple loli characters and me being super innocent and not knowing anything I didn't see anything wrong with it. so fast forward I see this comment on YouTube talking about how old the 'ideal loli' is and someone replied saying the ideal age was 9 or 10. so I just assumed if kids in anime who were in the age range of 9 and 10 were called lolis i must of been one! so for literal months i had it in various nintendo games on my 3DS that I was a loli because I just figured it meant anime kid. I was very wrong.

22:27 UTC


I still feel ashamed of my weeaboo past (over 15 years ago) despite being a relatively successful person. Why?

To put things in perspective: I completed a total of four exchange programs in six years (from 2016 to 2022), completed a MA degree in Germany this year debt-free in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic, worked as a volunteer three times in my life (two of them abroad) and soon I will start another exchange program aimed to start a career at the EU HQ in Bruxelles (I live in Europe, if you haven't guessed it yet). All of this in my 20s and despite being born with Asperger's syndrome.

Nevertheless, a part of me is still feeling ashamed of my 14-old self. Who used to watch Naruto all day long for the fanservice. Wasted kilograms of unrecycled paper to draw Pokémon and Tailed Beasts. Wrote a Naruto fanficfion blatantly based on (oh God, the cringe) Beauty and the Beast and The Hunchback of Notre Dame (= the bearer of the Ten Tailed Beast sought asylum after a civil war in his homeland and eventually learns, courtesy of Naruto, how to feel human again after being ostracized for years). Made crappy AMVs with Disney songs with Windows Movie Maker. Wasted more than 250 euro in Yu GI Oh cards in a feeble attempt to make a profit with Ultra Rare cards. Considered kid-friendly adaptations of anime in the West an insult to their creators and publicly criticized a TV channel through a radio station (thank God no one took me seriously). The only silver lining of this period was my sheer curiosity towards Japanese folklore and mythology, which persisted way after the end of my weeaboo phase.

Am I feeling shame because I'm being fully aware of the loser I was? Or is it a form of regret of having wasted my adolescence? Even now, I would think twice of watching anime, so strong is the fear of relapsing on my 14-year-old self's habits.

10:08 UTC


The weeb in highschool who made everyone hate me and my friends.

I started high school toward the end half the the early 2000s. I was into anime a normal amount; not obsessed or anything, but I enjoyed some of the classics. A lot of my friends were gamers, geeks, and anime fans, but we didn't really bring it to school with us or advertise it outside of being in the anime club. We kept it to ourselves and kept our heads down, not that we could do much to express it anyway, being in a private school with a uniform and pretty tight rules for accessorizing.

Freshman year, I joined the club with some friends, and aside from us, almost every member was one of the founding group of Seniors, who started the club when they were Freshmen. We had a decent time for a few weeks, until one guy joined... He was sort of annoying, but we didn't mind him, tried not to judge him too much. We'll call him John since that's nothing like his real name. But a couple weeks after that, we started collectively getting teased by random people in school for being in anime club. It wasn't harsh, just mild high school stuff and poking fun at us. Nothing compared to the genuine bullying we'd dealt with in our respective middle schools.

But come sophomore year, it started getting worse. On top of it, John got much, much more annoying. He kept pushing his favorite shows to be watched or reviewed in anime club; he kept trying to get people to come over to his house to binge anime on weekends, and he was not exactly respectful toward the girls... Specifically with the girls, he'd keep trying to show them his figure and art print collections which were definitely ecchi, he'd try asking them out or courting them using some really cringy anime cliches, and he'd act like an edgy protagonist character in hopes they'd fall for him like girls in anime sometimes fall for the tough but emotionally damaged characters in anime. And he wore a Hidden Naruto village headbands to school sometimes. I think he had the whole set. He'd also quote anime any chance he got, and a lot of his attempts to converse led to quoting anime in some form or another. Couldn't go one conversation without quoting a show he's watching. It was painful to be around as he leaned into being a weeb and a gamer as his whole personality. We gave him a chance though because he had no other friends, but we didn't hang out outside school. He also would try to argue with us over what anime was better; his preferences or ours. But ultimately we didn't care, and he would just insist he had the best taste in shows. We gave up trying to have civil conversations with him because it would always turn into a "him vs us" thing and everyone walked away angry.
We did find out through it all, that he was kind of spoiled at home. Keep this in your back pocket, it'll come back later.

As the teasing from classmates gets worse, we eventually manage to squeeze it out of one person WHY they hate us... and it turns out it was because of John. Dude told everyone in school that he started and leads anime club, and that we're part of his group of friends. And thus, through annoying the crap out of everyone in all his classes, we were guilty by association. And without the graduated Seniors to correct anyone about it, they wouldn't believe us when we denied it.

When we approached John about it, he played dumb, and pretended to acknowledge our other friend as the club president (which she was, in both practice and on paper), as appointed at the end of the previous school year by the graduating Senior members. But to random other students, he insisted he led us and was always showing us the best anime, and showing us around conventions when we were at them.

Time went on, and the teasing must have gotten to him because he simmered down for a bit. But come our Junior year, John had evolved into a mega weeb. Keep in mind, that during all this time, the rest of the club members except John were all friends outside school; we'd go to anime conventions and do regular teen stuff (for us, it was concerts, board games, camping, skating, just chilling out and talking). But really we didn't have much of our own weeb personalities. We liked anime, but it wasn't our lifestyle or anything. But for John, it was his life. Probably because he had few friends, he obsessed over anime, waifus, and ecchi/hentai. He'd message us occasionally and try to talk to us about it, and we'd tell him we were busy or not interested in talking to him about those topics, but he just ignored it. We didn't care to block him, so we just let him rant into the void.

But one convention we went to, he went to as well, and we ran into him there. While there, he followed us around and often tried sort of... bribing us into being his friend by offering to buy us any merch we showed even casual interest in. Going "oh, that's kind of cool" would result in a barrage of "Oh, I can buy that for you!" or "Hey, if you really want it, you got it, no questions asked! You don't owe me!" and similar. It got really annoying as he could NOT read social cues to save his life. I don't think he had any neuro-divergence per se, but he clearly had no social experience, since he had very few friends. In other words... Just socially stunted.
Now, during this convention, he met a cosplayer who he found to be very attractive. She, for whatever reason, found him somewhat appealing as well, and she told him to come to her hotel room later that night. While he excitedly told me and some of the other guys about his upcoming "conquest", John let it slip that she was in her mid-20s... and she wanted to sleep with him, a 16 yr old (which he had disclosed to her already), and he was just so excited for the chance to sleep with this woman because she was cosplaying one of his favorite waifus. He wasn't really focused on her as a person, just the costume and the body underneath. It was pretty gross hearing him talk about her like she was a character, not a human being. He also had no concept of how inappropriate the nearly 10 year age gap was. We tried telling him he needed to take a look at the situation from a different angle, and take his dick out of the equation, but he did not listen.

After that convention, he was even more interested in hanging out with us, which we more vehemently rejected and denied. He stopped coming to anime club for a while, but we still got teased and mocked for being friends with him, no matter how much we told people we hated him, too.

But then he found his life's ambition; he wanted to be a voice actor. He was dead set on being a voice actor, going to school for voice acting and voice-over, and podcasting on the side. What does this result in? Him constantly quoting anime like he had before... but in shitty recreations of actual character voices, as he was "practicing". Not only that, but in being as spoiled as he was, his family built him a whole sound booth for recording and podcasting in their house. Like, they took a whole room and turned it into a tiny studio. Bought him expensive gear and soundproofing foam and everything. They went IN on it. He starts a podcast where he constantly flaunts that he has celebrity guests, but the only people who will deal with him are random people who played extras in video games, if he gets anyone. Otherwise, he's solo. He has no audience, his voice is like nails on a chalkboard, and he is terrible at actually talking about things intelligibly.

Senior year comes around, and he's still on this boat, and he's even more obsessed with it now. When we tell him off and that we don't care about his waifus, or what shows he thinks are best, or how his podcast is doing, or what roles he's trying out for... he just yells that we're jealous of how rich he'll be when he becomes a famous voice actor and personality in the anime and video game world. We brush it off because he has no vocal range, no diversity of accents or any vocal inflections (other than awful stereotype ones... god damn, hearing him do an "Asian" accent was painful and I still cringe thinking about it, over a decade later). He later comes back and still tries to befriend us, which fails on all accounts.

Toward the end of Senior year, we manage to exclude John from the year book photos of the club and our friend group. We felt guilty, but we were tired of being victims and bottom rung of the social ladder due to being associated with him (not that it mattered much longer anyway, but it was the principle of the thing!). We managed to start convincing people he wasn't our friend, and people laid off us by the time prom and graduation rolled around, for the most part... But he didn't change, and was even annoying teachers to the point of yelling at him in classes to stop talking to his neighbors about weeb stuff. In one class he and I shared together, toward the end of the year, our teacher let us bring entertainment for ourselves, so that if we turned in our homework early, we could entertain ourselves. I'd often bring my PSP, and he'd have his own portable systems as well. He'd try talking to me about games and anime when we were both in downtime... but his seat was across the room, so he was not only interrupting me doing my own thing, but also yelling across the room to me, who wanted nothing to do with him, and I regularly warned him that other people were trying to work and he was disturbing them. Cue another round of guilt by association with this guy, just because he was talking AT me in classes. Luckily for them, my friends didn't get it as bad as I did, but still.

The teacher in this class reprimanded him about this numerous times, but he had no filter and no self-awareness, so we just all suffered until the teacher would either send him off to the public study hall, or threaten him with detention (we went to a private school where detentions sucked extra to serve because it was often cleaning or light janitorial work instead of just sitting in a room for an hour, or writing lines).

Finally, we graduate, and he disappears for a while. But then word of him pops up again a couple years later, and suddenly we also hear from former classmates who are spreading some nasty rumors about him. I have no idea if they're true, and no way to validate, so I won't repeat them here. But they were pretty fucked up, if true.
Worst of all, he got a voice role in a video game. But the game isn't known for having good voice work, and among it all, he was (subjectively speaking) one of the worst. I actually didn't know it was him until I heard it, thought it was terrible but familiar, and googled it. Unsurprisingly, he had so little vocal range, it sounded almost exactly like him, and was likely not edited much by the developers. In that time, he'd failed out of his college voice acting courses, failed engineering school, dropped out of law school, shut down his podcast, and gotten the single voice role. He failed to start anime clubs at all his colleges (I think he went to 3 or 4 different universities before giving up). He'd had girlfriends, and through the grape vine, we found out he'd only ever dated cosplayers or girls willing to cosplay for him... and they would never last long. Gee... I wonder why... Probably still had trouble seeing women as people and not characters in the anime that is his life.

Last we heard of him, he was living in a big city in the US midwest, and has sort of mellowed out on anime stuff after failing to launch an anime review youtube channel, a gaming youtube channel, and failed to get more voice work. But if his social media profiles are anything to go by, he's still the same cringelord he was a decade ago.

I thinks that's all the major pain points about him... I'll edit or comment if I need to correct anything or add more detail.

19:38 UTC


Back in my weeaboo days, I literally hit my teacher thinking I was some Japanese god

For context, this was in the 6th grade. I was super into anime back then and thought Japan was the coolest place on earth (honestly, I still do like Japan just not on the insane level as back then.) and wanted to go there someday. At the time, I was watching WAY too much naruto and my favorite character was Gaara. I liked him a LITTLE too much. I started basing my whole personality off this literal psychopath (not the point, he gets better but still, this is like pre shippuden era) and thought I was so cool. I dyed my hair red (with the help of my parents) and started to stop talking to everyone. I told people that I loved only myself, and that I don’t need any of them. I tried to get them to believe I had a living sand spirit inside of me and that I could go full on psycho on this entire school if I wanted. I also wore a lot of japanese clothing and ninja stuff. I’d even go as far as to make paper kunais in school and if I was feeling patient, I’d make a mini katana (tanta? Tanto? Forgot what it’s called) out of notebook paper. Obviously the school told me I couldn’t do that and told me to stop wearing that type of clothing at school. I went into an outrage and told them they would all see and that I’d get revenge one day. For the next week or so, I just sat alone at lunch and the sand spirit inside of me began to take over (in other words, I started to huff and puff more lmao). and then on friday, I showed up wearing a full red kimono outfit and went to my first period. my teacher told me to take it off cause I wasn’t allowed. I then proceeded to start screaming “Japanese” gibberish at her and then started screaming at the top of my lungs. I then sat Japanese style in the middle of the classroom, and pressed all my fingers down besides my pointy and my middle, naruto jutsu style, and started to apparently chant to the sand spirit. “Ishida, tatsu, ino, Yama, ash, tori, hitsuji, ne,” (which was all just a bunch of gibberish which I thought sounded like what gaara was chanting in the fight with sasuke.) and the teacher walked up to me and said to “STAND UP!” and then I proceeded to remove a barrage of paper kunai and throw it at her. She reported me to the principal, and I was suspended for 3 days. And shortly after this, I stopped doing this embarrassing crap cause I realized “I‘m not cool, I’m just insanely weird.”.

04:17 UTC


Met my husband ex, she believes Japan is Superior and that they'll treat Otakus better than Americans

Well I was lurking in this sub reddit and read a couple of post. Some of them reminded me of the time I meet my husband ex girlfriend.

Just for context me and my husband occasionally sell at our local convention. Not all the time but sometimes. Also me and my husband were engaged at the time of this story.

Well one day when me and my husband were selling at our local convention, we were just sitting down chatting with a few customers. There was a girl cosplaying as one of the main character from Code Gease, the cosplay she was in was white, with a white hat and cape (I don't remember how to spell it sorry). I said "hi welcome to our stand, if you have any questions just ask me or my husband." She nodded her head and was browsing. After my husband was doing chatting with the previous customer, he ask her if she was interested in the item. She was staring at a plush. She looked up and she said "Sweet (my husband)?" My husband looked at her and said "ex's name.?" She was behind the booth and hugged him. Asking him how he was doing and if he been selling at so and so convention. I was just sitting there confused ASF. My husband introduced me to her and told her that I was his fiance. She just went "oh, so you decided to settle down to a non-cosplayer." I was like what the hell. My husband told her to shut her mouth, and she should respect me like a normal person would. She got mad, and told him that she didn't mean it as a bad thing.

Well a couple weeks later my husband got a Facebook message and she was sending him pictures of her new cosplay. He responded "Oh your new cosplay, that nice." And that was that. A week later she send him another one and another one a day later. Her last picture was her in a short dress and you can see her ass and her thong underneath it. I told him he should tell her to stop sending her pictures cause she knows he is engaged. He did and when we went to the next conversation that month (it was summer so a lot of local convention was popping up.) She had a small group of weebaboo guys with her. She was talking to my husband telling him that I was a controlling bitch, and that he's missing out. She told him that she got many "boys" that wants her and she was waiting for him to come crawling back to her. He told her to never talk to him again and not to get near our booth.

The next day she posted on Facebook how her ex was an asshole and if anyone can make him eat his words, ECT. I kinda of Facebook stalked her and see how crazy she it. Well she believes that a true anime fan would watch anime in sub not dub. She also believe Japanese people would accept them with open arms and give them the respect they deserve compare to how they are treat in America. She also wish she could have a REAL Japanese men, that could cosplay with her, so the cosplay can look like the real thing. She also bitches about how her mom and dad wants her to get a job, learn how to drive, and practically tell her to grow up already. She's already going to be in her 30's, and haven't really done anything. She wants to be a cosplay model, and make money, she even did some photo shoot. But tbh those guys were really creepy, I've seen them around our local convention and even try to take private photos with underage kids alone with no adult. She have people buying her stuff and having them digitally attack people she didn't like, like me for example.

Sorry for the long post. TL;DR Husband ex girlfriend didn't like me cause I don't like cosplaying. Facebook stalked her, found out that she believes Japan is better than America and she wish she had a REAL Japanese men to cosplay for her.

06:18 UTC


I think this fits?

14:56 UTC


A weeb who knows more about Japanese music than you

I randomly came across a weeb’s take on traditional Japanese music in the comment section. It’s a bit lengthy, but hilarious and pathetic. The person’s reply was genius! Enjoy!

First Second Third

08:39 UTC


Fricking imperialist weeaboo

I’m in 12th grade, and I’m from Japan. to my surprise, I was never the target of any weeaboos throughout my middle AND high school career. Until 12th grade. I had a class with this weeaboo, we’ll call him Joey, Now Joey here was no regular weeaboo. He would always argue with students in class about how japan‘s actions in ww2 were justified and that people praise other empires like Mongolia, or Rome, but they committed just as many tragedies. Obviously, nobody wanted to be seen with this kid because 1. It determines your reputation 2. He was just weird and he seems like the type to beat up Ukrainian kids cause they support russia. Obviously, since I’m Japanese, he’s tried to make friends with me, and hangs out with me. Now I try to avoid him, considering I am just as against imperialism as you all are. But people have stopped talking to me once he came into the picture. I’m not even his friend, he just for whatever reason I assume because I’m Japanese and he thinks I AGREE with his hurtful ass opinions comes up to me and ”hangs out”. I am still suffering through his reign and I want prayers from you guys.

20:25 UTC


I cried over my anime crush

Two years ago I was a big weeb and big Hetalia fan ,it's just poland ball but more gay, so anyways I was on zoom not paying attention to my teachers looking at my anime crushes fandom wiki ( yeah yeah I know it's husbando but that sounds stupid) I had a big crush on Sweden from the show maybe it was the voice or the hair i don't know i just remember i did for some reason. I wanted to absorb everything about him so i would read and watch headcannons and fanfics.This time i want to see more so i when to the wiki ,then I saw it in the trivia section it said "It has been said by Hidekaz Himaruya that Sweden is homosexual. It has also been said that he only has romantic feelings towards Finland."Thats right you guys, I cried because my anime crush was gay.At first I thought I was just seeing things or it was a ad or something so I reload the page and saw it again.Then I went into my bed and started crying ,I felt stupid that I was crying about something so dumb but I also wished it was another character ,because even though I had other crushes he was my top one.During the time I didn't have reddit so instead of crying about my problems on reddit I would go on to random chatting sites similar to omegal to cry on there. Alot of people were just confused about why I was so sad about this becausehe wasn't real.It took 5 months before I got over it 5 MONTHS!!! Now when I look back on this I can just laugh at how stupid this was ,there's only one good thing that came out of this.

19:30 UTC


Super touchy weeb friend, need advice.

Throwaway for obvious reasons.

I have known this guy for two years already, our friendship started out pretty normal, although it was kinda weird that he added me randomly one day via social media. But upon meeting up in real life, I realized that perhaps I made a mistake. He can get super, and I mean over-the-top touchy, tries to hug people a lot, has called me waifu multiple times and tells me I am perfect because I have a flat chest (which irks me out,of course). He has also sent me multiple times hentai comic fragments which he thought were funny, but I just grow disgusted by his sense of humour and hypersexualization. A year ago or so, we had a major rift in our relationship as he tried to touch me without consent and took photos of my personal items while he was in my home (also took photos of me while I was wearing a headset that covered my eyes, which is frankly, quite creepy). I feel really really sorry for him, since he appears to be on the spectrum (and according to him, he IS diagnosed). He can be nice from time to time, but I don’t know where to proceed from here.

I really don’t want to hurt his feelings, because he might be just “friendly”. How to stick up for myself and my boundaries? Should I break it off with him? College aged girl here, by the way.

EDIT: I can’t believe the attention this post has gotten, and I appreciate every comment. I have reconsidered my friendship with this guy and decided to cut ties with him asap. I think I just needed a final push and someone to open my eyes to the weird, even disturbing nature of this person. Thanks everyone for taking your time to read this!

22:01 UTC


WEEB in Beauty School

So I know this white girl who’s a hardcore weeaboo and we go to beauty school together. She is only friends with me cuz I am Asian….doesn’t care that our personalities don’t mesh well nor I find her to be a smug asshole. Warned her to not take a position at a Japanese-only staff restaurant just to practice her limited Japanese, cuz most Japanese (or anyone for that matter) won’t have time to conversate with her, cuz they be too busy running a restaurant. Didn’t listen, took the job and less than 2 months later quit cuz she realized the Japanese staff were making fun of her behind her back….I mean I warned her…I told her she would be going into a job where she will be the minority for once, but she acted like she knew more about the culture than me cuz I am not Japanese. Now we are not friends, but she still hangs out with me during school, cuz like I said I am Asian 🙄😒

How do I shake this cultural succubus off my butt?? Nobody can stand her…she tried to make other friends after we had a fallout, but they would distance themselves from her. She has an inferiority complex so any type of conversation ends in an arguement cuz her smug ass thinks she knows everything.

20:48 UTC


My Weeaboo Ex Boyfriend

hey r/weeabootales !

today I'm here to talk about one of the worst experiences of my life, and I'm gonna put a t:w before I get more in detail.

t:w self harm, suicide, abuse for some parts of this story so, if you're sensitive to these topics please dont read!!

Okay so, 2018 was the year i decided to start going o conventions again, I hadn't gone because of money and lack of cosplays, and a local con was happening near me which I had wanted to go to, since two of my favorite vocaloid producers one of which was a voice provider for a vocaloid at that point were going to be guests at the con! vocaloid was what started my journey and helped me slowly get into making music more often, but thats besides the point. day one of the con comes and there's this guy, lets call him Dollar Store Dante (DD for short), since his dmc3 Dante cosplay wasn't the greatest, and he believed in bleaching his hair for the cosplay, which literally killed most of his hair due to it being so thin. DD approaches me, and asks:

"Hey, are you ___?" mistaken me for someone else since we had cosplayed the same character (D.va, from overwatch)

"No, Sorry, I'm Miko.." (just gonna use a shortened version of my username for this) and I walked off into the vendor hall.

I went and bought a few things and got something to eat as I had a small amount of time to kill before I was on an ask a cosplayer panel, I waited for the panels to start, mine included along with a few others I enjoyed, attended them, and walked around for awhile, met up with a few friends, went and grabbed a iced coffee, and attended a few after hours nsfw panels, and eventually went home.

Now...Day 2, is where it really kicked off.

I only had one panel to help with that day. it was a small FMA panel, just some bad acting done by a few weebs I used to be friends with but I'm not now due to personal reasons, (thats a story for another time, the weeb that lived with me) and before that me and a few friends gathered and did some anime dances in the open back part of the vendor hall. Thats when DD came back, it took me a bit to recognize him due to the fact I had my time divided in my head of what I'd be doing for the rest of the day at the con.

while we were walking back it clicked with me, he was blending in with the group pretty well...."Wait....You're DD, Right?"

"Yes, that was me yesterday" he smiled, he seemed really cool at first and he seemed to fit my vibe well.

The panel goes on we're having a fun time, and after the con we all go to Denny's. Mind you, some hippie kid in a kigurumi in the parking lot was smoking a j, and I was like ayo?!? so they let me puff a few times before i headed to my friends car, DD rode in the backseat and I was controlling the aux, DD seemed to enjoy my music tastes a lot as he had similar tastes or liked the same artists. I Started to sorta have a crush on him, I was dumb and I was only like, two months into being 18. A few weeks go by, and we're texting. He invites me to a party at his place. A few of his friends were there, and it was your typical stoner messy college guy apartment. We kept looking at each other the whole night, little did I know what the absolute fuck I was getting myself into.

We see each other on a more frequent basis at that point and then we agree that I would move in. However, he wasn't open about what his diagnoses were, and he left most of them untreated causing him to have explosive anger. When he wasn't angry he was literally trying to be an irl edgy anime guy! he thought he was a main character!!! When he would catch me cringing or not agreeing with him he would scream at me and harm himself (two occasions really bad to where I needed to call 911 and he got admitted the second time.) He would somehow bring up anime into anything, like he really thought he was this edgy protag guy, but he was a shell of a person who would throw a tantrum anytime someone wouldn't agree with them. I eventually told him I was done and I was packing my things.

"MIKOOOOOOOO DONT. DO. THIS" he looked at me like he was gonna punch me, instead he grabbed my phone, threw it and smashed the screen into bits.

"DD WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR ISSUE?!?!" I couldn't believe it, I shoved him away, but he came back swinging and he almost landed a punch in my stomach, I turned so he hit my back instead. i ran out of the small apartment screaming and crying until i found someone who could let me contact my parents and police.

I haven't heard from him in years and I really hope I dont have to ever again. He was a real weeb from hell. If I remember anything else I'll add edits later.

TL;DR: My Weeaboo Ex was unstable and mentally and physically abusive.

Stay safe goonz.

Edit 1: thank ya'll so much for the love on this post, I have a lot of stories about him, including stories my friends have told me that I've met in the cosplay community, a lot of ppl from the local colleges tend to attend these conventions and a few of my friends knew DD from his days at one of these colleges. please let me know if you want more stories.


06:50 UTC


The man named Brandon

I'll like to tell a story about the person I knew who likes going to places where he has interest in TCG, figurines, Power rangers/Sentai stuff. His name is Brandon, I've met him when I was hanging out with my classmates from film school at Little Tokyo district located in the city of Los Angeles where they have anime stores, restaurants, market stores and souvenirs including books. So, Brandon was in an independent living program where my friend goes to in Long Beach.

Brandon hang out with me at cons including anime expo, and Little Tokyo district. One thing when we went to an anime store called "jungle" and asked me to barrowed my cash specifically 30 bucks, promising that he was going to payback in the other day, because he wants to buy booster packs of card fight vanguard.

Two weeks later, Brandon did not payback the cash he own me, I called and texted him bunch of times and he didn't respond, it's very shady.

Also in the next day when he said "hello" to me when I was walking to the game store in Little Tokyo, he asked me that if I want to grab something to eat, I have to say to him that I don't have any cash, just to avoid him.

If I did accept his offer, he'll stand there after taking his order of food/drink and I have to pay for him because he doesn't have any cash in his pocket, of course he spends a lot of his money on power rangers megazords, gunpla, mecha figurines and breaks them, and TCGs like I mentioned before Card fight vanguard without watching his budget and not taking care of himself properly which is sad.

Brandon got fired from a comic book shop, because the shop manager was looking for a missing figurine, and he pointed at him for stealing or not doing the job right. He also claimed that he works at a CVS pharmacy store at downtown LA area, unfortunately to me he is unemployed, his hygiene stinks, and his habit of how he cleans himself from eating food was terrible, because he wipes the food stains with his clothes, T-shirt, etc.

Three years later when I went to round 1 arcade in Burbank with my other buddies. Brandon was playing DDR, he went really crazy after completing three stages and making every person in the DDR section uncomfortable by bothering them while they are still playing the game.

I've begun to realize that Brandon is being weird/weeaboo all the time. Everything comes to his mind was always about having fun specifically going to arcades, anime shops, and other stores based on his interests and not thinking about his goal & personal life realistically. I stop saying "hello" to him because he bugs a lot of people everywhere. Technically, the others are becoming uncomfortable and avoiding him for their own reasons meaning that most of them are not going to associate with him.

07:42 UTC

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