
Photograph via snooOG

For discussion of all things related to Privateer Press' tabletop wargame: Warmachine.

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Anyone play around Tennessee, Mississippi or Alabama?

Specifically, around where the 3 states meet? i may have a job offer around that area middle of nowhere and war machine is my favorite tabletop wargame to play and trying to gauge where communities might be around there. i live in the western part of the US.

20:17 UTC


I have a few questions about Mk4....How many Warlocks/Warcasters are included in amain Army box & how may are included in Cadres?? Are there multiple Warlocks/Warcasters that you can choose from for your Army? Also, which Leader Models use Essence, rather than Fury or Focus?

I don't want to choose a Faction too early because I enjoy playing Mk3 rules. I'll only play Mk 4 rules with Mk4 models because I enjoy Mk 3 rules more. Anyway, I get why they did it, to speed the game up. So no more facing, free strikes, out of formation checks for units by removing leader models from Units, templates for Sprays, AoEs, etc. I will be using the Mk 4 Warbeast/Warjack customizations. Do they have any modifications for models in Mk3 rules? I only started studying up on the rules, when I have time, about a week ago, maybe 10 days or so at the most. Well, I will be using some Mk4 Rules with my Mk3 models. No facing, Warbeast/Jack mods, I'll only use Feee Strikes when it seems like it would really happem, before I convert my som to Mk3 once I decide.to buy into Mk4, I'll purchase both me & my 20 year old son an Army. I want more Factions to be released before I decide anything. Is there any other Factions besides Cryx that were announced to be released?

04:33 UTC


Whats your main MK4 faction?

Hello all sorry if this has already been done before but I am super curious what factions people are getting / have got for MK 4. I had some old small forces of legacy but lucky for me bases went missing and my elves warcaster cant lead my elves warjacks even though they came in the same box back in the day. Any way back on topic please select the main army you have got or will get. if you intend for your main army going forward to be a legacy army Please refrain from voting in this pole.

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23:05 UTC


PDF cut off

Anyone else noticing that the left side of the pdf conversion is cut off? I went to print it all out for my army and noticed this which is bugging me to no end and I'm not sure if it was a one time fluke and I should try again or what.



14:53 UTC


3D printed or Recasts of Legacy Models

I realize this might be a bit taboo but here goes...

Is there anywhere to find 3D stls or recasts of some of the old legacy models? I own a good chunk of the Infernal range but

A) I'd love to turn some of the metal models into resin ones. Easier to paint and to keep from chipping up.

B) I'd like to find some of the models that don't seem to be for sale online anywhere or have ppl selling preowned models to finish out the collection.

07:21 UTC


Carver and Biggus Piggus

05:34 UTC



Since WM seems to be gaining momentum again, can we get a roundup of the best podcasts & media currently creating? Love to hear everyone’s faves…

00:00 UTC


Models for sale

I have been off social media and my WMH community died.

Where is the best place now to post models for sale?

I don't do ebay, and I deleted my FB account.

I have 8 armies that need new homes.

02:36 UTC


Gameplay Styles for each army/faction/cadre/etc

Hi, I haven't Found Anywhere a: "In this episode of (insert cool name here) a Guide on how each factions play out" and I get that a lot of people plays based On If they like the models, but for me the models can be pretty but If I'm not great at some playstyle I don't play said style regardless of any meta(which I care less even).
So, I'm asking Here: is there a "guideline" on how the factions playout, the cadres change that or lean into, I know that the leader that You choose changes the gameplay, but how much?
thanks In advance, and have a great Weekend!

21:09 UTC


Khymaera List Building Help!

Hey guys! Just wanted to reach out and get some help from the amazing community here with some list building for an upcoming 75pt tournament here. I have more or less the whole faction on order, and am waiting for them all to roll in here, but unfortunately I feel like I wont have time to play test before our first live tournament coming up next month!

Just want to see everyones thoughts on how our models are performing and what success everyone is having from their Khymaera lists right now? Ive only played the starter box so far and so far have not had any models that I didnt feel were worth their points.

Do you guys have any 'must include' models so far? Any that arent worth the points? Favorite warlock/unit combos? Tier list for what we have available etc.

Mostly looking for help on the unit side of things, will be bringing a Wyvern, Hydrix and Vypex for my warbeasts (as thats all I own, and they are painted so want to make sure they see some table time!). Not sure which warlock and unit combos to go with it!

Thanks everyone in advance, really appreciate the community here and everyones insight!

16:42 UTC


Trying Necrofactorum, Feed Back?

Zombles Cryx - Necrofactorium Pitched Battle - 75 pts


    Master Necrosurgeon Sepsira
        SPELL - Hellfire
        SPELL - Death's Dominion
        SPELL - Scything Touch

5 Raptor 1 3 HEAD - Deathripper 2 BACK - Heavy Armor

5 Raptor 2 3 HEAD - Deathripper 2 BACK - Heavy Armor

5 Raptor 3 3 HEAD - Beaked Maw 2 BACK - Arc Node

5 Raptor 4 3 HEAD - Beaked Maw 2 BACK - Arc Node

6 Raptor 5 4 HEAD - Doomspitter 2 BACK - Necrovent

6 Raptor 6 4 HEAD - Doomspitter 2 BACK - Necrovent

3 Skarlock Lieutenant 1

3 Skarlock Lieutenant 2

6 Mechanithrall Swarm 1

6 Mechanithrall Swarm 2

6 Mechanithrall Swarm 3

4 Necrosurgeon Initiates 1

4 Necrosurgeon Initiates 2

10 The Furies

PC COMMAND CARD Careful Reconnaissance 1 Duck and Cover! Infiltration Old Faithful Put the Fires Out


Loved the neurosurgeon 'caster as soon as I saw her art and now that new Cryx has their generic 'jacks I thought I'd give her a shot. Thoughts on this list considering the limited roster?

04:33 UTC


New Player questions. (Legion of Everblight)

New player here, I’m going to do nu-Khador for a MkIV force but due to a local shop offloading a ton of old stock I now have a lot of Legion of Everblight stuff. So I have a couple of questions.

  1. Are there any Legion players that can recommend some decent army comps and/or recommended units? Specifically for Lylyth 3 since I like her model but I have other warlocks too.
  2. What’s the difference between unlimited and the more themed forces? I understand that unlimited let’s me use everything in my faction so why would I do Dragon’s Host instead?

Thank you in advance for any answers you would provide.

04:28 UTC


MK4 Prime Competitive Tier List?

Hi Everyone :)
I know our group is a bit too small for comprehensive data results like some other war games, and I'm sure better players can win with any more.
That being said, are there clearly some factions that could "use some love" or even specific warcasters/warlocks that seem to "get more done" than others in the same faction?
Even recent tournament results would be fun to look at :)

23:07 UTC


Weekend Workbench May 17, 2024

Are you assembling, converting, painting, or generally *hobbying* anything this week? Show it off here!

21:00 UTC


NYC Warmachine

I've seen people ask from time to time about an NYC Warmachine scene, and that there is a discord accompanying it. Would anyone be able to pass along some game stores where people play or possibly the discord? I just bought back into the game after a few years without it and I'd love to start playing irl soon! Thanks in advance!

19:11 UTC


Regarding Mercenaries in Legacy Prime Armies

Just a simple question to posit to you all. Why do you think the entire catalog of Mercenaries save Carver and Magnus aren't allowed to be used in Prime Legacy Armies? I personally think it's because PP just didn't think it would be worth the hassle trying to balance every theme with what Mercenaries they could take.

16:33 UTC


Full Mercenary Army

Hi, just came back from MK2 as we are getting back into Warmachine in our club. I love the mercenary models, and the rules state that i can play a full mercenary army if i take one warlock or warcaster. Is it possible to take Magnus as the Warlock and pnly play mercenaries? I know hes only a lesser warlock, but a warlock either way. If so, is it possible to also use the older versions mercenaries?

11:51 UTC


Took a break from the game….then I saw fire bullfrogs!!

I really love this game but I don’t have many people who are interested in playing it, so I took a break just enjoying my models. When I looked up models and news from PP I saw the thing I always wanted….Warlock Croak! Has PP stated when these models come out? I didn’t see it on the store page.

17:51 UTC


Warmachine demo & play day in Oslo, 18 people!


Activity is steadily increasing in Norway! We had a demo and play day just now - most of them new or returning players, and a few veterans. Left my competive lists at home, and played a chill Maddox list with DJ Thunder instead.

Happy to see 2.5D / 3D terrain returning to the game, Warmachine looks so much better with cool tables!

17:45 UTC


What magnets should I buy?

I didn't want to buy magnets from Amazon blindly so I ordered a single pack from the PP site. On the tube they came in the magnets are listed as 3/16" disc magnets and 1/8" disc magnets.

I checked Micheals near me and they had nothing close so my wife and I took a trip to our local FLGS and they had a small amount of Army Painter brand magnets.

The larger magnets looked similar, but the smaller ones were almost half as thick as the ones I have.

I don't want to spend $50 on Amazon gambling on the right magnets, what do you guys buy if not the official ones?

16:27 UTC


Help using the fan made card creator V4 for MK4

16:33 UTC

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