Welcome to Bun H Butler's Original Voles Forum - A forum for the fair rodent. Whether you own a Vole or just need to exterminate some, this is the internets leading Voles Forum.
What is a Vole?
Voles are very common and expendable animals. They are not mice, they are like wild hampstars. Do not get uptight over Vole death.
"Don't Let Up - Keep Pushing!"
/r/voles is a Bunyan Heinz Butler forum. For business inquiries email deerandelk57@gmail.c
Hello welcome to the Voles forum - the web's #1 source for all things voles. There are many types of voles as you can see on this reddit, and the more you stay here the more youll learn overall. One thing to note is that /u/BunHein declares official copyright on the /r/voles name especially in regards to other content. any spinoff content is legally owned and operated by /u/BunHein. I would not question or get into an argument with me on this forum. You will not win - and many of the forums most popular users are in my side, and if you cause a storm here, you are going to pretty well much be paying the price. Just a fair warning, and also you will be permanently IP banned from other forums operated by /u/BunHein such as /r/pronghorn, /r/halibutfans, /r/giantotter, /r/thepinkpantherfans, and more.
Sorry it says shithead, I don’t know if that was in Seinfeld, pretty sure they said shit and head, and it’s just those two smashed together into one super word like ham and burger make hamburger
Pretty sure the little piece of crap is more like a dang bunny (not a Hinoki Bunny) than a vole, and that just seems wrong to me. Why does it have to look like our got dang animal without permission? Just dumb if you ask me
Deader than Mr. Bun, not a soul sniffing about. Did everyone go on vacation or something and forget about this place?
Anyway, that’s a Prairie Vole and her pups, and apparently they don’t like it when their dad goes out for cigarettes and never comes back because he’s too busy whoring it up and being a deadbeat. At least that’s what I got out of this article and such: https://scienceblog.com/552848/mother-prairie-voles-alter-milk-composition-after-being-abandoned-by-their-mate/
For months, maybe years, whenever you googled vole the same image would come up. Looked up vole today and this is the new top image. Hallelujah!
Like they are tough little guys and gals right but mars?? Is it possible? Maybe there are martian voles right, if there are martians so... maybe theyre like, an inevitable thing to evolve from any life. I mean heck who knows maybe theres some super exotic nano-voles on neutron stars (idk, i dont get all this science stuff)
Thoughts???? Maybe there are even crazier voles like on jupiter flying around like balloons?? Very speculative i know but.. i think imagining it would expand our understanding of what voles are and could be.....
Fly high
It was pretty obvious that this was going to happen eventually. There’s no telling what several years worth of kratom, gas station boner pills, energy drinks, weed, brown-brown, and a lackluster diet were doing to Bun’s heart and cardiovascular system. To be honest, I’m impressed that he even managed to live as long as he did. The changes he was starting to make towards the end were too little too late. Rest in peace, Bunyan Heinz Butler. Your way of life would have killed a lesser man. Thank you for all the good memories we shared, even when I and many others treated you unfairly. God bless your soul in heaven and my best wishes to Maddie in your absence.
How many times has this absolute moron clown died before! Probably about 100 times or 200 times or 300 times. Don’t believe the hype he probably just forgot his stupid pass word.