Virtual Cosplay is a place to share video game characters customized with in-game editing tools and gear, using the game's official assets without the use of mods. You don't have to recreate anyone famous but it doesn't hurt.
-Albert Einstein
Virtual Cosplay is a place to share characters customized with in-game character creation tools and gear, using the game's official assets without the use of mods. Submissions do not have to recreate anyone famous but just like in real cosplay, accurate recreations of famous characters naturally get more attention.
In-Game Editors Only: No importing complete models from other games or using professional 3D software. Light use of mods such as texture, makeup, hair, and clothing/gear is okay as long as you list what you used in the comments section.
Post the game's name in [Brackets] at the beginning of your title followed by who you're depicting. Please avoid obscure acronyms. Use [Various] if posting about multiple games. Be descriptive and clear.
GOOD TITLE: [Fallout 4] Spock from Star Trek
BAD TITLE: [FIV] It's ya favorite alien 🖖🖖🖖
Give credit to creators for found items whenever possible. You can write "creddit to u/Username" in the comments if you found the original on reddit or post an external http link in the comments section for non-reddit webpages.
Post formulas, sliders, gear or download links if you can. We encourage you to share how you made your characters whenever possible, but it's not mandatory.
An Incomplete List of Games With Character Creation Tools
r/Transmogrification - World of Warcraft
r/DestinyFashion - Destiny
r/WarframeRunway - Warframe
r/FashionSouls - Dark Souls & Bloodeborne
r/SoulCaliburCreations - Soul Calibur
r/RLFashionAdvice - Rocket League
r/FFXIVGlamours - Final Fantasy XIV
r/ForFashion - For Honor
r/RedDeadFashion - Red Dead Redemption 2
r/GuildWarsDyeJob - Guild Wars 2
r/TF2FashionAdvice - Team Fortress 2
r/InquisitionSliders - Dragon Age: Inquisition
r/R6SiegeFashionAdvice - Rainbow Six Siege
r/GTAoutfits - Grand Theft Auto: Online
r/Fashionscape - Runescape
r/AlphaSims - The Sims
r/SkyrimCharacters - Skyrim
r/SoulsSliders - Dark Souls & Bloodeborne
r/BloodborneSliders - Bloodborne
r/ShareYourRyders - Mass Effect: Andromeda
r/OblivionAbominations - Oblivion
r/BadMiiFaces - Nintendo Mii
r/Wild_Fashion - The Legend of Zelda: BotW
r/ShareYourSheps - Mass Effect
r/FO4Characters - Fallout 4
r/TheSimsCelebrities - The Sims
r/Fabsolver - Absolver
r/Fashionborne - Bloodborne
r/DDDASliders - Dragon's Dogma
r/DarkSoulsSliders - Dark Souls
r/FacesofFallout - Fallout 4
r/SaintsRowCreations - Saints Row
r/bdocc - Black Desert Online
r/FashionSquids - Splatoon
r/fo4faces - Fallout 4
r/ShowOffYourCharacter - All Videogames
Just a certain outfit, with a certain hairstyle and no ponytail and then bam not much effort
I deleted the old post to showcase my update, the face is much better than the last build and also made more edits to his body.