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Since Liam Payne died Ive seen sooo many posts with clickbait in the first two sentences and when I click on Read More this HUGE BIBLE comes up and I end up scrolling like an idiot. Meta should have a maximum of characters per post to avoid this. I'm nosy af but also don't want to read three pages of pure clickbait and rage bait.
People should go back to posting whatever photos they want even if they are not aesthetic. I miss seeing random photos of random things with no particular aesthetic on my friends profiles. Casual selfies with no touch ups too!
Nowdays people only care about their feed being nice and pretty but not interesting. I want to know the story behind that food photo or something idk, they are all so reserved too with their captios, i would love to read stories about something interesting that happended to them related to the photo or something or at least know where I could go eat the same thing lol
So I'm in Philly for awhile. And these mofo take their cheesesteaks too seriously. "You can't call that a cheesesteak if it's got mayo on it!" type of serious.
Unpopular opinion: A cheesesteak should have more cheese than meat, and it is still a cheesesteak regardless of the toppings put on it. A steak and cheese should have more steak than cheese, and it's still a steak and cheese regardless of the toppings on it.
Don't get me wrong, I love Shrek and do believe is a masterpiece but I think the meme is dead and being a die hard fan of Shrek is kinda weird. I see videos of americans dressing as Shrek all the time and thinking is the funniest thing ever as if nobody else has done it before at least a million times. Tqm al Shrek but I really think it's a dead meme at this point
Same with dressing as Pitbull. . .
For the most part it seems a waste of a seat and space.
Its almost always uncomfortable to sit in the middle and generally considered the most dangerous seat in the vehicle.
Would be better off being replaced with two comfort captains chairs on either side with arm rests and storage in the center.
Am I wrong?
So I just find her as a character completely unhinged and intrusive even if that is the episode point they are not entertaining (or to me even fit) within any canon the best one is with the dude that needs to die at 60 even then it is so very very very (yes 3 veries) unnecessary as there are so many other ways to deal with it… she is utterly and completely pointless to anything Startrek related
You will never find your "perfect" shade match. Brands can do their best to add the lightest lights and the darkest darks but the truth is majority of people will need to mix shades in order to find a color match. It is not the brands job to make one specific shade just for you. If they catered to everyone of every skin tone with every undertone, brands would go broke trying to appease people for a foundation that may not even work with their skin type. I am a cool toned pale girly with pink undertones. I CONSTANTLY have to mix my own, there is no foundation for me that is my "perfect" match and other ppl need to realize that.
Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy were on SNL, so they have experience playing different characters and voices. John Lithgow as Lord Farquaad was okay. But sometimes, good actors don't make good voice actors. I think her voice acting role as Fiona is my favorite role of hers after Charlie's Angels. She shows her versatility when voicing Fiona, whereas for her acting roles, she was often pigeonholed as a comedic actresss and rarely did serious roles.
French kissing? Great.
Holding and snuggling your lover on public transit? Amazing.
Whispering and giggling? More please.
I think seeing love, unabashed and unashamed, is good. People need to see good examples of real life affection for one another, cause honestly people are too fucking chaste and cruel to one another. There is nothing wrong with loving someone, and frankly we need to learn as a society that discomfort is not harm.
Obviously nothing like groping or public sex. Although I don’t personally have a problem with that I have two brain cells to rub together and can understand that there is a line and there are limits. The line and limits are too fucking chaste though as they are.
I believe it is harmful to assume that people who have had hard lives should also have thick skin. It does the opposite to many. Trauma and abuse breaks most people down. Life becomes intolerable.
Edit: I mistakenly omitted an important word to my title, which is "always". My position is not as absolutist as the title states without it. Hardship absolutely can mold a person into a warrior, but it does not always, nor does it as often as most think, imo.
If you feel compelled to ruin perfectly good ingredients make soup. You have some of the best most flavorful ingredients and spices then you just decide to say F* you to them and make soup. Just don't.
Don't come at me with the "oh this dude just eats soup from the can" nah I have made soup from highly recommended cookbooks, restaurants, even high end Michelin restaurants.
Soup is ass and a waste of ingredients. Full stop.
Am I the only person that get's pissed off when I see more artists doing listening parties than actually performing and singing their music. A lot of listening parties are messy there is no choreography or showmanship. A lot of times it's the singer/artist and their buddies hopping on the stage and dancing or whatever and people are just praising them for just releasing the music. Back in the day artists had to actually perform or be talented or impressive. Work to capture the audience's attention, and they need to elaborately plan these things. If you're like a super mega fan you might not really care and just be happy to see your favorite celebrity more which is ok I guess. But for the average person imagine Michael Jackson comes on stage and he doesn't sing, or sits down the entire time, and just watches the audience for 2-3 hours you know how boring that would be. People love Michael Jackson but still maybe not MJ (bad example) but ANY artist it just like the easiest money glitch they can pull out just to sell tickets, sell merch, or whatever. All they need to do is hoot and holler and hop around a little bit and that's it Money. It's just a shame to me what Live musical performance has become.
it really goes for a lot of those big american television tv shows that where made back in the 2010s walking dead, game of thrones, heck even breaking bad,
(breaking bad is a masterpiece this i know)
even the stuff that has been made today just does not hit hard to me, i keep coming back to kids shows because they hit hard.
i guess the reason why i am ranting about this is because iv heard people talk about adults who watch media for kids as being very immature but from my perspective there is less incentive to really get into a show if i cant relate to it as much and is that so much to ask?
i rewatch animated kids cartoons like, adventure time and avatar the last air bender, as well as others because not only are they good stories, most of the episodes are very anecdotal to something that may be going on in your life or might shift your perspective on things.
i keep running into this issue with friends when it comes to dating and relationships. they always say the person did not tell them this or that information. then i would say did you ask them? and they will say no. and their reason is mainly they think the person would lie or they didnt think to ask. this make no sense to me because even if i think the person will lie. i will still ask. mainly because if they do lie i have something i can hold against them. Because if i never asked, and found out later its not a lie. it may feel like a lie but it is not a lie. for example, they will say the person never told them they have a criminal record, they never stated their full sexuality/ basically accusing people of not disclosing information they never asked
Tortilla chips just taste stale when you chew them meanwhile doritos taste more fresh and come in many yummy flavours. The best nachos i had are from the cinema and they use doritos as well.
The so called "Opening Act" used to be a band/performer that played a few songs before the main act to get the crowd excited and showcase new artists...
Now things are getting ridiculous, having to wait almost 4 HOURS to see the band I've paid for in the first place is NUTS.
Jeremy Allen White is a terrible actor and I’m sick of seeing him everywhere
The guy is extremely one dimensional, absolutely zero range. Furthermore, he is continually cast as this sex symbol and he looks like a rat.
The phrase “that being said” tends to feel dismissive, like the speaker is just brushing off what they just mentioned. It often sounds like an unnecessary contradiction, as if they’re about to drop a totally different point out of nowhere. Plus, it comes across as a bit pretentious, like they’re trying to be formal when they really don’t need to be. It also messes with the flow, making the listener feel like they were led one way just to get swerved. Overall, it just feels like a pointless filler that adds nothing but extra words and attitude.
Just incase of the rare occasion someone doesn’t have a phone or their phone died most commonly, and they don’t have a car they should have been kept in function so they can call who they need to call.
I was watching the Godfather on blu ray and it was orange as hell. But I picked that over the 4k because I heard they changed not just the color grading on the 4k. I luckily was able to adjust the settings on my TV so it wasn't so orange. But yeah my point is they should just release it with the same everything just at a higher resolution for the blu ray and 4k releases. It feels off watching it changed and there have been other movies I just stick to the dvd and I really was hyped for 4k but learned they nearly always change things which made me nope out
Pets are family members. When and if something happens to them, it inflicts the same level of impact as if it was a human family member. Because of this, I think we should be allowed to grieve loss of pets and be allowed a time off the same way when a family member dies. Maybe not the same amount of days, but we should be allowed to grieve. I would be devastated as well if my dog dies and I wouldn’t really be mentally present at work too. It’s just fair, I think, that I can take at least a day off. Some people have just their pets as their family and no one else making it all the more reasonable to give them the time they need to grieve or process the pain.
The 8 Show is actually better than the other show(s) that came before it with the similar premise, for example Squid Games.
The reason why it's better is because it's not only confined but it actually shows within the game dynamics the effects of status and hierarchy.
At one point the person who earns the less gets stuck with everyone's waste, and his environment basically becomes a dump for everyone. This translates to real world equivalents to countries that ship their trash to other countries that have a developing economy in order to be "greener" or simply to get rid of waste because said developing countries don't produce so much waste and therefore have more lax environmental laws regarding discard.
The social structures also show how people with a larger income can manipulate those with a lesser income simply on the basis of societal verticality, and how they will profit by regularly co-opting the middle classes even though they don't need to be smart about it.
The utility of people within society isn't what regards them as valuable what regards them as valuable is capital, according to the show, and that's pretty much established when it shows that a revolution is fragile, basically because some members of the lowers classes are always willing to believe in the upper rooms.
The clown was the most useful person, and yet he was still the most susceptible to societal fragility, and the most useless was populist resorting to sex which won over the masses.
In general this is a really underrated show. But it shows why even for a glass roof society the base must sacrifice itself.
Greetings, you opinionated, unpopular lot! This is your one-stop shop for all of the ridiculously reposted topics on this sub. This hub and the linked threads below will be replaced every 7 days to keep things fresh.
Please post all topics about religion here
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I'm tired of the "I love Asian food!" And it's ramen, sushi and Korean BBQ? There's like 50 different cultures, but yall are stuck on the most shallow parts of it. Before the Japan defenders come, pho is the superior soup noodle, Chinese Lamien is second, and only does ramen comes third. Sushi is a really weird dish, because it's fish? On rice? They have eel rice, and y'all take raw fish? Korean BBQ is just BBQ. Please just eat the actual culture defining dishes, or other cultures. There are at least 150 different Asian food cultures, and y'all are eating the most boring parts of it. Personally, try food from SEA countries. Tom yum from Thai is awesome with rice, and pho as stated is the superior noodles.
Edit: My bad guys, I'm terrible at phrasing. I don't want to be seen as a snob, I'm just bad at showing appreciation. Sorry in advance for the offended