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The MPAA and ESRB are byproducts of the Era of obscenity charges, pearl clutching and satanic panic and need to go!

Both organizations have had their boot on the necks of film makers and developers alike for way too long, any sort of censorship against gore or heavy subject matter is an affront to art and free expression, They need to be delegitamized entirely, they can ruin a films chances at success simply for not obeying them, Friday the 13th especially suffering their judgement during the 80s

1 Comment
00:38 UTC


I Like Winnipeg

I know, I can hear the screams and agonising cries already, but alas, yes, I do in fact like Winnipeg.

I can't quite place it. There's no one specific thing I like about the town. It's just got this vibe that's altogether friendly, and I just find it a nice place to be.

Now Toronto on the other hand....

00:22 UTC


If Rihanna wasn't Beautiful, she wouldn't be famous

Like let's be real here, Rihanna is Trash innit, her music is god awful and the only reason she became a Megastar is because she's hot, Women wanna be her, dudes wanna Bone her......that's it💀 you think dudes are watching Rihanna's videos because of her music? Nahhhh they are just watching her shake that Ass, and Women just watch her because she's hot and Women admire her and want to look like her, she's not a Talented musically

00:16 UTC


Drinking to get drunk doesn’t make you an alcoholic

I haven’t drank since October. If I have a debauchery streak of going out and drinking it’s usually no more than 1 time a month. I have 0 cravings to drink alcohol or get drunk ever.

However, when I do drink I drink with the intention of getting a strong buzz on. I don’t see the point of consuming alcohol otherwise. It doesn’t taste good to me. If you drink for taste why not have a soda? I don’t like having 1-3 because I get a headache after which I think is a small hangover.

I used to work in a restaurant and everyone would have a shift drink at the end of the shift and I always declined. I said don’t drink unless I’m getting drunk. They said that makes me an alcoholic. Yet I rarely drink, and the ones telling me that drank quite often.

00:15 UTC


The Fake Customer Service Voice makes things worse

Every single time I go out and seem to have a slight issue with a Cashier, Representative, Customer Service Anyone, it always seems to be made WORSE when they try to "handle" things with their fake ass customer service voice. When a customer has an issue, maintaining your regular personality is less likely to not have me/them get more aggressive/aggravated and going off elevating the issue. I also witness the issues happening and the fake ass customer service voice only seems to come out to piss people off but I get told constantly that it's to help calm people down and "if it makes you made then you're a bad person and need therapy".

00:14 UTC


Making teachers seem like hero’s is dumb

I think we give teachers too much recognition…

Right now I am a high school student, I behave in all my classes and my average grade is a 90. Most teachers I have been in classes with are extremely low key and I feel like EVERYONE of my teachers have multiple times complained about their pay which I find EXTREMELY unprofessional in a work environment especially when we are the ones who they are servicing. Some oh my teachers I have even caught watching TikTok while at work??? I asked myself how are these people going to lead our youth when they are seriously watching TikTok while they should be helping students. Also somewhat unrelated but teachers profile people a lot, I am a big tall dude and I guess when people first meet me they think I might be some type of bully or whatever which is BS, I like to joke around and stuff but I’m not that aggressive; so I talking to some kid who is gay and we were having a conversation and my teacher walks up to be and says STOP! In a very stern voice and to knock it off… and then I replied I didn’t do anything and my teacher walked away… which I feel like I was profiled, becuase my teacher probably thought I was bullying him Beucase hes gay. The thing is teachers are getting lazy and lazy and more and more hypocritical and to the point where they tell you one thing and then you do it and they freak out. I think teachers need to be reconsidered as more of a less heroic job it’s not like they are cops or doctors or anything they are serisouly just teaching what we ALL had to go through in school.

00:13 UTC


If you bump music in an apartment complex, you are a garbage human

Besides modern rap basically being the same beat over and over and auto tuned garbage it’s made worse when you crank your bass to max. I just don’t understand how anyone can just sit in bass all day. This annoyances is amplified in an apartment complex. You are forcing people to listen to your garbage because you are an immature a hole. The time of day is irrelevant. You are an asshole

00:04 UTC


People that use “cringe” as an adjective instinctively freak me out.

I think maybe it’s because I assume they will be either judgmental or mean; I do as much as I can to make sure that my only interactions with that person are professional and minimal.

23:58 UTC


"I Gotta Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas is one of the greatest songs of all time

https://youtu.be/2oYDBXb1UJU?si=5UebahbU-OY_6Vko this song is a beautiful yet haunting Masterpiece that captures emotion and Nostalgia like not many other songs

I have listened to so much music, Led Zeppelin, Prince, MJ, Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan and so on, I'm not saying this song is Stairway to Heaven, but I Gotta Feeling is a Masterpiece about the simple things in life and just enjoying a night with loved ones, great song

23:42 UTC


Andy Samberg's teeth

TIL Andy Samberg no longer has a tooth gap and I'm legitimately heartbroken. I personally loved his smile wayyyyy more before he had his teeth adjusted. I know so many people want a "perfect" smile but I don't think teeth are meant to be perfectly aligned or bright white. I love a little bit of tooth personality.

23:16 UTC


Joe Walsh recorded better albums than the Eagles did

Jumping off another post mentioning him, and I can't believe after all these decades, I have never explored beyond his solo hits or the James Gang hits. His first three albums are everything I want in diverse mainstream seventies Rock: tons of acoustic, gritty blooz guitar, slide, but also piano all over the place, synthesizers, flutes, strings, awesome lyrics, great pacing, fantastic production. I'm up to 1974 now and the third album, So What.

I'll be listening to James Gang for the better part of a day, curious to see how it will compare.

This guy did the Eagles a huge favour. Yes his timing was great and he was there for their keystone hit, Hotel California and that devastating twin solo outro with Don Felder on the live version. But it's only a tiny sample of his work.

I should have owned these albums in my teens. I'm just kicking myself for not.

23:08 UTC


Parents allowing their children (13 and under) to have tablets and smartphones are out of their freaking minds.

They're doing a major disservice to their own kids and normalizing an irresponsible upbringing. These devices are specifically designed to be as engaging and addictive as possible. They absolutely torch young people's attention spans, make them obsessed with using these devices at all times, ruin their ability to be properly socialized in the real world, and discourage them from doing actually beneficial things like reading, drawing, playing sports, playing an instrument, etc...

I think it's completely insane so many parents will toss their kid their cell phone or put a tablet in front of them, many as young as 1.5 years old. I don't care if it's pretentious, we've raised our 3 kids just fine without them and I think you parents who are doing this are either taking the easy way out or don't realize the damage you're doing.

Society as a whole should be moving away from our reliance on these devices but instead we're giving them to toddlers who are now never going to know a life without hours and hours of screen time being a major part of it.

The main arguments I've heard for these devices end up being 1) all the other kids have them 2) my child won't behave out in public and I'm trying to enjoy my time out with my spouse or 3) they're helpful learning devices and I don't want my kid to not be tech-savvy. Nonsense.

  1. If you're succumbing to peer-pressure then you're just being a weak parent not doing what's best for your kid.

  2. Raise your children to behave when out to dinner or on an airplane etc...a device is not necessary, YOU as a parent have just normalized it

  3. There are many different ways to learn but if a tablet is preferred that is fair, but all other activity on the tablet should be severely reduced if not limited almost entirely.

23:04 UTC


Calling your sexual partner “daddy” is creepy

The whole thing creeps me out and wreaks of p**dophilia, particularly when there’s an age discrepancy. Personally, I can’t stomach it. It really weirds me out as I’ve been called it before and for me, nah.

As with anything, if someone told me they did it, I’d accept it and be glad they’re enjoying themseleves, but to justify it to my self, it’s got to be some weird psychology thing which I can’t understand.

I mean, “daddy” is a word used to refer to your father, and a personal word at that. Hence it’s like your referring to your partner as dad and if they carry on, I guess they refer to you as daughter… It makes my skin crawl writing this.

I think my biggest issue is that I don’t know why, but I always think underage, and that’s what really makes me grimace at the thought of it. It starts with some incest to child abuse in a disgusting fashion, and I can’t understand it.

To me, something about the word “daddy” means it should be used by your 5 year old child, not by your partner in the bedroom.

Don’t get me wrong though, I endorse all kinks of many kinds as long as law is not broken and everyone's happy, but some are just too much

22:21 UTC


Selling old photographs of people at antique stores is very unethical.

Those vintage pictures you find at antique stores and auctions, like those antique portraits and old scrapbooks and photo albums filled with prints all being put up for sale as “ephemera” is a disgraceful reminder of how careless people can be. Those pictures don’t belong in your collage art or your “junk journal”, those are the existing historical records of REAL PEOPLE who EXISTED and LIVED IN THE PAST. Those pictures are of people’s ancestors and depict the youth of living grandparents today. These people had lives, emotions, goals, ambitions, achievements, and careers. They are the reason why future generations exist. And yet people just choose to auction entire boxes and piles of these photographs to other sellers. These pictures are history and deserve to be archived and documented as such. People today are still searching for pictures and historical records of their ancestors, and for them just to end up being put up for sale like this? Heck, there are ways to ethically sell these old pictures if people really wanted to. Just scan and digitize the photos to print out copies of them so that they wouldn’t have to sell the original. All I’m asking out of this is for people to save these old pictures so that they can be returned to their rightful owners and be seen by their descendants.

Sentimental value and history shouldn’t go lost and forgotten like this. The sale of antiquities is heavily regulated, so should be the sale of antique photographs.

This is actually quite a popular opinion on r/genealogy and is agreed upon by those studying family trees and lineage.

22:19 UTC


Mothers are not heroes

Not just single mothers, I’m expanding this to all parents. I’m sick of hearing entitled parents demand special attention, presents, assistance, etc when they can’t even manage their roles as nurturing caregivers. The harsh truth is the majority of teens are abused by their parents (over 55% according to The NY Times). And sadly, child abuse is still severely underreported, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the true number is even higher. As a society, we coddle people who procreate to a detrimental degree. Parents should not be praised for being able to pop out kids and live in the same house with them for 18 years. Praise them when they actually perform their roles and provide safe, loving, and healthy spaces for their kids to grow up in.

22:11 UTC


Relaxing music with birds chirping in the background isn’t relaxing.

Every morning at the crack of dawn birds wake me up with their loud chirping before my alarm even gets a chance. They crap all over the sidewalks and don’t care if they crap on human heads.

22:06 UTC


I don’t understand why so many people are bothered by rain?

Ok I understand if you are west very nice clothes and u don’t want to get wet but like put a coat on if it’s that worrisome, but especially in the summer mfs will cancel plans like sports and get together because it’s raining outside. I think you can do almost everything you do when it’s sunny and clear, when it’s raining other than like a bbq ig? in my opinion it just adds to the fun it’s like a we get to run games of basketball but now you gotta be more careful because you could slip and if it’s raining hard you can’t really see like that sounds like a blast who wouldn’t enjoy different version of things they like?

Another thing is when mfs get all fussy about walking in the rain or run from the car to the place we r going into like chill the fuck out it’s just rain you don’t needa run full sprint. Also sports games it just doesn’t matter you gon be wet regardless just embrace the nature and the rain it’s not like it’s killing you or making your skin burn??

22:06 UTC


There's nothing commendable about empathizing with people in your in group.

Compassion and empathy become laudable when you manage to empathize with someone who you dont relate to and/or empathize with someone for things that are outside of your experience.

They become even more laudable when you manage to empathize or show compassion to someone that you're at odds with or for some experience/action for which you'd normally take issue with a person.

You dont get brownie points for empathizing with someone who's struggling to quit smoking if you're an non-smoker. Whereas, it is laudable of you to empathize with them if you were raised to think slowly of smokers, that they're weak or dirty or lowly.

Now, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of religion but here's a relevant quote that I like from Jesus' sermon on the mount:

"If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?"

Matthew 5:46‐47

21:53 UTC


Hating on social media is just a coping mechanism

People who say "Social media is cancer because it's only for attention seeking andies to brag": this coping out mentality is even more harmful than the attention seeking on social media itself. Ask yourself honestly, why don't you post on social media about your life more often? Isn't it just because you are insecure about your look, your status or your achievements?

For some people, instead of start to work on themself to achieve those things (go to the gym, dress better, eat better, learn a new skill,...) they came up with an excuse: "Attention seeking is bad, social media is cancer, etc."

Ofc there are exceptions, some people just want to keep things for themself, they don't care what others think about them and their achievements. But i'm pretty sure people who actively express their hate on social media aren't those people, especially if they need validationsfor their opinion.

21:11 UTC


Mike Nelson will always be superior to Joel Hodgson as the human host of MST3K.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate Joel’s efforts during the episodes he hosted. But as far as timing, delivery, and vocal acumen, Mike absolutely blows him out of the fucking water. I feel like this is the minority opinion however. Not even mentioning the abominable new season. It felt like I was watching someone dancing naked on my dad’s grave.

21:10 UTC


Yachts are uninteresting

Megayachts doubly so, with weeks at sea, next to no views except ocean, limited space for activities, enormous upkeep, and a random rogue wave away from you immediately being in mortal peril...

21:04 UTC


Jalapeños on a pizza is amazing.

I have to admit, was a bit surprised on this one. Jalapeños, especially when paired with something like beef on your pizza, is amazing. The spiciness of the jalapeño and the meatiness of the beef make it amazing flavor wise. Second only to Buffalo chicken pizza.

21:03 UTC


People try way too hard to downplay blue balls or claim it doesn’t exist

It’s real. That shit can hurt badly. I haven’t had it in a few years because I’m in a pretty active and stable relationship but I see comments online from women telling other women that blue balls are a lie or that it’s “extremely rare” and that men are just using it as some weird guilt-trip tactic to get a woman to “finish” them. One thread I recently saw even went as far as to say that a man claiming blue balls is emotionally manipulative and borderline abusive for this reason. I wouldn’t doubt that some guys out there have used it for manipulation, but it is actually real, and it can make it painful to finish or continue sexual activity. I hope this isn’t genuinely an unpopular opinion and is more accepted as fact, but after reading all of that, I’m not so sure anymore.

Edit: already got 5 different “just jerk off” responses despite the post saying that cumming does not make it get better. Y’all need to read the entire post and not just the title.

Edit 2: I’ve been made aware that the tension actually does go away through orgasm for some men, but not me personally.

20:50 UTC


Eurovision Contestants Should Only Be Allowed To Use Their Country's Language(s)

Reading about the Dutch guy, I am reminded that last time the Netherlands won they were singing in fucking English. If the Eurovision doesn't involve a cultural exchange of some kind, it's even more pointless than it already seems. It should be interesting, like I should be enriched about Dutch culture, instead the winning song from 2019 was some generic love song with an arcade metaphor? How stupid is this? Unless you're the UK or Ireland or like Malta, stop singing in English, morons.

20:50 UTC


Phones should auto lock when in an operating vehicle

I see so many drivers on their phones while operating a vehicle and it’s down right dangerous every time! Every cell phone should have a feature that locks all the phone’s capabilities except music,gps, and emergency calls. Everything else can wait until you’re not endangering everyone else’s lives on the road. Now I’m not tech savvy enough to know how this could all technically work, however something needs to change the general population’s lack of safety when behind the wheel.

20:37 UTC


People in “meaner cities” are nicer than rural places

I find that people in New York and Paris and other heavily populated areas that get a rep for being mean actually are a lot nicer and more personable than their more rural counterparts that are known for their hospitality. Idk where all these people are getting all of these bad experiences but I’ve only had good, and arguably more humane experiences at these cities than others. I actually find that people are a lot more secluded and less willing to help in more rural places than others where if you ask someone for help they are more than willing to help. People smile more, make more conversation and are more open minded to hanging out with people vs smaller towns where they are more reserved to their own groups and are wary of strangers. I think both have their advantages and disadvantages but as far as large cities go, I think they’re easier to adjust to and don’t deserve the reputation that they get.

20:23 UTC


“Cattles” should be a word

Imagine this: There are two ranches that are across the street from each other and have no relation whatsoever. The first ranch has a bunch of cows enclosed by red fencing (red ranch for short), and the second has its own bunch of cows enclosed by blue fencing (blue ranch for short).

The cattle from red ranch have cows branded as “red ranch” and blue ranch brand their cattle as “blue ranch”. Red ranch slaughters their cattle, and blue ranch milks their cattle and keeps their cattle alive. Each ranch has different ranch hands to specialize in these activities.

Here you come, walking in-between both ranches—completely separate from each other—with blue ranch at your left and red ranch at your right…

To collectively refer to both pens while keeping them categorically distinguished as “cattles” would be befitting. If you use “cattle” in this given instance—to me—would seem that you’re talking about the separate cattle under one ranch. When in fact, the “cattles” are in no way connected to one another.

20:11 UTC


Mint is one of the worst smells.

As long as I can remember, I’ve been repulsed by the smell of mint. It’s really difficult to deal with all the time because mint is everywhere. Mints, mint ice cream, mint chocolate, mint cleaning products, mint scented soaps / shampoos, toothpaste, and worst of all, mint gum. The people who know me best are aware that I hate it, but many of them just don’t care and continue to chomp gum in my face anyway because I “should just deal with it” and “it’s everywhere”. There are also situations where I can’t reasonably ask for somebody to accommodate, for example, when a waitress is chewing gum (although in my opinion, that’s unprofessional regardless).

I always try to explain to people that it’s not just a “bad smell” to me, but one of the worst smells. I’d rather smell a sewer than mint. I’d rather smell bad breath / coffee breath than toothpaste. I’d rather smell sweat than minty soaps.

Does anybody else relate, or have a popular smell they can’t stand?

20:05 UTC


Normalize adding your coworkers on facebook

There seems to be an unwritten rule of not adding coworkers on fb, which I think is weird. Unless you dislike them, there's nothing wrong with following them/letting them follow you on social media.

I know that people don't want their coworkers to find out about their personal lifestyle and judge it. But why do you have to be ashamed of your personal lifestyle unless you like touching kids or something like that? I'm friends with my boss on fb and I shitpost a lot on my fb. I'm not ashamed of that.

19:49 UTC


Lyrics are by far the least important part of any song

If you take away the lyrics from a song (or pretend you can't understand the language they are in, aka I am not saying remove the vocals) and it's no longer a good song, then it was never a good song. A good song should be good because it is good music, not because the words attached to it are good. I feel like there is so much music out there today that is 90% focused on the lyrics and I could not possibly be less interested.

Lyrics can enhance a song, yes, but they can't carry it imo.

19:41 UTC

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