For all the memes, rage comics, and funny gifs that you can't post on /r/raisedbynarcissists!
Be kind to each other
No memes of actual people (more details here)
No slurs; advocating violence, murder or revenge (even in jest), and no direct linking to Reddit (use np.reddit.com links).
Don't try to recruit people to troll someone, that's not what this subreddit is about.
Hello there, I and a few RBN's made a Discord server for RBNs. You're all welcome there, but please keep memes, rage comics, and funny gifs in the memes channel, thanks.
You make sub reddits to boast about hurting people and pat each others back about how good you're in abusing others?
Is that hard to see how you pitiful you look?
I was dating an ESTJ man, and I'm an ENTP woman, so even though it's usually considered best not to place too much importance on MB types in relationships, I was concerned about communication issues. My friends thought he sounded controlling after I showed them one text in the beginning before I met him in person. He was very clear on what he needed in a relationship and would tell me ways I needed to change for him. I know that sounds bad, but I really did want to make some of those changes for myself. In the end, I failed. He's very successful in his career, and his biggest concern is that I'm going to tell people what he did. I honestly don't know how to tell if he was just an ESTJ, or could he have been the narcissist my psychologist friend said he was? Bottom line: I miss him. I'm still hurt by things he said and did, but I really thought I might marry him.
Dear all,
I'm a researcher at Leiden University, the Netherlands, and currently researching a topic on Childhood trauma and (later) Intimitate Partner Violence (and if these things might be mediated by Cluster-B PDs).
So I'm in desperate need of respondents for a survey on these matters; everyone can participate, as long as you're over 18 years old. It will take about 20 minutes to fill out and all responses are anonymous. There is an email address and telephone number at the end in case you have any kind of questions about the study or if you feel you need to talk to someone; some questions might be confrontational to some. Of course you can also message me, I'm online a lot, so please don't hesitate to do so.
I know it’s quite a long survey, but most questions aren't hard to answer and you can take breaks in between if you want ;-)
Thank you so so much in advance for your trouble!
Link: https://leidenuniv.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bx9KGRQsRMA8HDD
PS: Some things about the survey:
In short: if you're in a same-sex relationship for example, please try to read past the M/F-oriented questions and apply the questions to your specific situation.