
Photograph via snooOG

This is your place to share your stories about sugar and how it's affected your life, post links to scientific research on sugar addiction, tips for how to get sugar free, and support others who are trying to beat "the other white stuff"!

We are focused on avoiding sucrose specifically (and by extension, fructose), NOT all starchy carbs (glucose).

This is your place to share your stories about sugar and how it's affected your life, post links to scientific research on sugar addiction, tips for how to get sugar free, and support others who are trying to beat the "other white stuff"!

r/sugarfree is a not keto, paleo, whole 30 sub, or other carbless or carbfree diet sub. While those diets may have their benefits, we aren't a diet sub in the general sense of the word. We here as a group don't follow any one diet. This sub is a support group for those who want to kick sugar, or those who have kicked the beast and might want to help. Kicking sugar does not mean you have to follow some dietary guideline set forth by some food blog or some subreddit, it just means cutting out sugar from your diet. While following those diets may be beneficial, doing so is entirely up to you. Here we don't advocate any diet itself, just cutting out sugar, especially added sugar.

The mods will do as well as they can to enforce these rules, but you can help out by reporting anything breaking the rules!


  1. Please be respectful and use common sense. No personal attacks or needless animosity. Just be civil, even if the other user is not.

  2. No meaningless posts or comments Ie; song lyric chains, fad-memes, trolling and baiting, etc.

  3. Spam (obviously) If your post history does not reflect reddit's content policy within reason, you will be banned.

  4. No NSFW content. Posting such will either result in a suspension or an outright ban.

Breaking any of these rules may lead to a ban as the moderators see fit.

Our wiki is under development. In the meantime, please visit SugarScience.org for an evidence-based summary of the health effects of sugar on the body. Their FAQ also has lots of interesting tidbits.

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Shocking Customer Service Experience with BochaSweet – Consumers Beware!

I’ve been a loyal BochaSweet customer for years, but a recent email exchange with their team raised serious red flags about their transparency and customer service.

I asked a legitimate, science-based question about xylitol’s impact on gut health—something I genuinely wanted clarity on because I preferred BochaSweet over other alternatives. Instead of a professional response, I was met with hostility, bizarre political comparisons, and an abrupt termination of my business with them.

I even tried escalating the issue to BochaSweet’s founder, Jonathan Gentile, but got no response.

Why is a company so defensive over a simple health-related question? What are they trying to hide? If asking about product safety results in a hostile shutdown, is this a company we should trust?

I never intended to share this publicly, but I feel like I have an ethical obligation to warn others. Has anyone else had a similar experience with BochaSweet?

#BochaSweet #TransparencyMatters #Keto #Xylitol #GutHealth

13:52 UTC


Shocking Customer Service Experience with BochaSweet – Consumers Beware!

I’ve been a loyal BochaSweet customer for years, but a recent email exchange with their team raised serious red flags about their transparency and customer service.

I asked a legitimate, science-based question about xylitol’s impact on gut health—something I genuinely wanted clarity on because I preferred BochaSweet over other alternatives. Instead of a professional response, I was met with hostility, bizarre political comparisons, and an abrupt termination of my business with them.

I even tried escalating the issue to BochaSweet’s founder, Jonathan Gentile, but got no response.

Why is a company so defensive over a simple health-related question? What are they trying to hide? If asking about product safety results in a hostile shutdown, is this a company we should trust?

I never intended to share this publicly, but I feel like I have an ethical obligation to warn others. Has anyone else had a similar experience with BochaSweet?

#BochaSweet #TransparencyMatters #Keto #Xylitol #GutHealth

13:41 UTC


Giving up sugar as a professional dessert enjoyer- week 3

It been hard but it’s getting easier. I had exactly one beer and one dessert this week, With ofcourse just one coffee everyday with one tbsp sugar.

I think I got this.

Hope the next week is even better. Best wishes to everyone on their journey.


12:30 UTC


I beat a craving!

I literally never thought I would say this, but I’ve said no to a really strong craving for the first time.

My brain was absolutely convinced that going sugar free was not right for me and I kept wanting to give up, but I stayed strong and went to work out instead.

I can’t believe how badly my mind was playing tricks on me!

02:25 UTC


Learning how much sugar used to be a part of your life

I’ve had some bizarre moments today where I found myself reflexively seeking out sugar. Not because I crave it, but out of sheer habit.

Friday is my traditional cheat day when I usually indulge in unhealthy foods and enjoy a sweet not normally to be had during the week. And I’m shocked how after dinner I automatically felt the urge to go get dessert. It was conditioned right into me. It felt like my meal was incomplete without it.

This is a whole different level of being sugar free for me to deal with. Like an alcoholic who doesn't know what to do with himself in the evening if he isn't going to a bar, or the smoker who used to light up when he walks his dog every night but gets lost without a cigarette between his lips.

Time to find a new hobby I guess lol.

02:00 UTC


Going 21 days without added sugars

Hey guys! I’m starting to go 21 days without added sugar! What are some tips for things to eat to help not crave sugar? Also how do I get myself back on the sugar without feeling sick after the 21 days are over! Thanks!

00:38 UTC


Stevia extract or powder

Hi sugar free friends.
Do any of you guys have experience baking with stevia extract or powder ? I’d love some recipes or advice on how to use it. Thanks in advance!

00:10 UTC


Trouble with Cravings

I find myself to be very addicted to the effects of sugar. I love the energy boost I get from it and I constantly crave that rush throughout the day.

It gets to the point where basically whenever I don’t have sugar in my system I constantly think about eating sugar to make me feel “better”.

Is this normal?

00:06 UTC


Blueberries okay?

Hi all!

I was wondering if y’all still eat blueberries with your sugar free diet? I stopped eating and drinking sugar because i’m addicted, but I still eat blueberries, because they’re healthy. Is it reasonable to still eat those?

20:12 UTC


does anybody know if canes is okay for a no added sugar diet 😞

i know the toast and slaw isn’t but what about the chicken and fries

19:19 UTC


sugar free

its been like 1 month of me cutting out sugar (except for fruits..) and processed foods, ik that isn't long but i just wanted to say i'm proud of myself because it's hard especially when you're a highschooler who lives in america lol, my body feels much cleaner!

17:18 UTC


Made it a whole month sugar-free but PMS got me today 😞

I’ve been sugar-free for the entire month and honestly I was feeling so proud of myself. But today PMS hit me like a truck. I gave in and had one Ferrero Rocher.

Now I’m feeling a little down about it because my sugar cravings are so intense during PMS. It’s like my body just wouldn’t take no for an answer. I’m trying not to spiral but I can’t shake off the guilt.

For those of you who’ve experienced this, how do you stay on track during those days when cravings are at an all-time high?

16:00 UTC


Day 8: On the other side of the "flu" symptoms, feeling...different

I'm still not sure if it was an actual cold just brought on by giving up sugar, of an actual bout of the "Keto Flu" from giving up sugar, but it's over.

Last night around 9pm it was like a switch had been flipped. I still felt under the weather, mild cough and runny nose remained somewhat, but the driving force behind what was making me sick was gone.

And so is my impulsiveness for food.

All this time I thought that my craving for something sweet or even calories in general when I was trying to lose weight had been due to low blood sugar, but in reality it was good old fashioned addiction.

Now that I'm over the "Heartbreak Hill" of sugar-free life, I can't wait to see what comes next. :)

14:43 UTC


Vomiting after quitting?

Just curious if anyone has experienced vomiting as a withdrawal symptom. I decided to quit after really overdoing it for a few weeks and remembering how much better I felt (and everything tasted) when I quit for a week before.

12:58 UTC


My sense of taste is much better

Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this benefit? I'm sitting here eating a bowl of plain porridge and before cutting out sugar, it would have tasted like nothing to me - but now I can taste the oats and the milk and it's actually quite a nice comforting taste on its own!

I was expecting weight loss, more energy, better sleep etc, but not the taste thing, so I just thought it was cool!

12:10 UTC


One month sugar free

I reached one month today! And have decided to go for two (hopefully longer but I can commit better if I tell myself, just one more month)! I have been a sugar addict all my life and could easily binge on terrible amounts in one setting.

Things I noticed: My crazy withdrawals (flu-like symptoms, terrible cravings) from the beginning disappeared after around 14 days. Someone here suggested electrolytes and they seemed to help. Before this I could go a full day without drinking water without noticing, now my sense of thirst has returned and I'm drinking way more. I've also been able to concentrate better and got a lot of work done. My skin looks better, and I lost a bit of weight.

Hope this can motivate some of you! ❤️

11:35 UTC


i dont see any changes or withdrawal symtoms

I have not eaten any added sugars/ sugar from the last 4 days but i dont see any withdrawal symtoms or changes? I have seen people say they got good skin in 2 days and withdrawal symtoms.I do eat papayas(half a papaya) everyday for breakfast. Can that be considered sugar? I also ate some oily stuff for lunch(pasta- it was VERY oily) Does oil have the same effect as sugar?

i was told to start small but i think i'm ready to leave natural sugars too.

Otherwise i use mouthwashes and a tiny amount of it gets into my system everytime. They have a hell LOT of sugar added to make it taste sweet.

and unless one dosent use mouthwash like an absolute fool, the problem's still fixable.

should i quit doing these things?

04:51 UTC


Do you find that you’re ok to still have added sugar in dressings or other things where it’s no the main event?

How hardcore should I be to avoid cravings? I just made some Asian cabbage and added oyster sauce and also had some club seasoned nut mix, which has a bit of sweeteness added.

I’ve been mainly avoiding things that are based around sugar like desserts, bars, breakfast foods etc.

What are your thoughts?

00:46 UTC


After School Snack Suggestions

Whenever I come home from school I always want to eat something sweet. Whenever I break down and eat something sweet its always during this time. What are your favorite sugar free snacks that I can eat when I come home? I am only avoiding added sugars. Honey is ok.

00:09 UTC


When both moderation AND cold turkey trigger binges

First I'd like to clarify that I do not have BED. I do not suffer from the massive binges that people with this disorder deal with. My heart goes out to you if you deal with this. In this post, I use the term binge as a way to mean "caving/giving in/going a little overboard".

It seems that denying myself any food (restriction) leads to obsessive thinking about this food and ultimately "binging".

But moderating my sugar/sweets intake also triggers "binge" episodes and keeps the craving alive to the point that I still consume it daily.

I really want to cut it out. I can see and feel the damage excessive sugar has done to my body and self esteem.

Have any of you ever dealt with this problem - how did you decide which path to choose, moderation or restriction? Any advice is appreciated

23:40 UTC


Is it worth breaking

I’m currently 18 days no sugar no fruit e.x is it worth breaking my streak , I go to Thailand in 2 weeks (I’ll be 30 days free) and tons of sweet stuff to try or is it just worth sticking it out for the better?

23:04 UTC


How to be strong enough to start a sugar free journey before a birthday?

I have been eating poorly for the last 4-5 months. I’ve been in a low place, not caring about my health due to mental health issues I’ve been going through. I’ve been binge eating a lot of added sugar and carbs. I’ve done a complete 180 because sweets were restricted when I was younger so that definitely contributed to my big sweet tooth.

I want to start a no sugar diet now until at least until mid May. I don’t want to restrict myself too much during this time bc I of the grad parties I’m attending.

The problem is that my sister’s birthday is in 3 days. I live at home and the cake my family usually gets is large so the temptation will be there for at least a couple of days after. I’m terrified of getting diabetes and I really want to start now but I’m afraid I’m not strong enough and I’ll cave in, especially since I’ll have to sit around with everyone eating the cake. I don’t want to eat any fruits either btw as a replacement lol I just want to be strong enough to avoid it.

21:21 UTC


How much sugar can a quitter safely reintroduce into their diet?

For at least five years, my daily sugar intact has been less than 5 grams. Then I tried a Stouffer’s Stuffed Pepper Frozen Dinner. It had 7 grams of sugar in a 283 gram serving. I felt fine the next day. Would it be safe to up the ante with the large size version that has 13 grams?

20:54 UTC


Period cravings

How do y'all get over the sugar cravings before/during your period???? I'm only loosely sugar-free (trying to reduce but not eliminate).

I really don't eat a lot of sweets (never soda, rarely candy) but then the period chocolate and sweet treat cravings come around every month 😞

19:55 UTC


My new job offers free unlimited food and desert and I’ve gone back to harmful sugar binges. What do I do?

So I only started this new job on Monday, I’m already stressed cause it’s a new environment and it’s a very demanding job. On top of this they offer unlimited free food and desert and snacks with a some healthy options but also a lot of sugary desert options.

I was on a low sugar streak the past few weeks and combined with the gym I was getting closer to my dream body. Now in just 4 days I started eating non stop between meals and it’s so hard to stay away from all the deserts cause they’re just there and they’re free while also eating a lot of the healthy food.

My logic was to try everything in the first week so I don’t feel like I’m missing out and then go back to eating healthy next week but in just 4 days in the office (one of which was a half day actually) I’ve gone back to this awful habit of binging (which I used to to in my last toxic company that offered unlimited snacks to alleviate the stress and boredom).

Now less than a week later I can barely fit in my trousers, I look super drained, have huge dark circles and I feel like I’ve gained a ridiculous amount of extra fat.

I have downloaded an app that helps with addiction and I will start tracking my calories from tomorrow onwards but does anyone have any other advice? How do you deal with binging or ending your sugar free steak if you get unlimited free food at your job?

19:34 UTC


My own coined term “sugar belly”

There are only two people on this earth that understand what I mean when I say the words “sugar belly”. They are my wife and I.

Thankfully, only one of us actually knows what “sugar belly” feels like, and that is me.

I’ve been with my wife for 11 years and she has seen a hell of a journey with my nutrition which I won’t go into otherwise my thumbs will set on fire, but I’m fortunate to have a partner that fully understands how I feel from just listening to me over the years!!

So, I’m hoping there are others here that get the same feeling as what I call “sugar belly” so I don’t feel like I’m the only one, and it would be amazing if anyone had any tips to help it!

For context, I’m 38, M.

Whenever I quit sugar, I get this crazy, hungry, fuzzy feeling in my stomach which is crying out to just go crazy on all types of chocolate, biscuits and sweets. Now I understand this is down to cravings, but I feel like I can really feel the connection between my gut and my brain when it happens. The only way I can describe it is that it feels like the “brakes” have been engaged in my head and I don’t want to do anything.

It passes within about a week from refraining from sugar…but then soon enough I’ll go mad for an evening and I’ll have to start the whole sugar belly process again 🤯

Does my description of “sugar belly” resonate with anyone or is it just me?

19:34 UTC


Sugar addiction

Hello, I've found that I have a sugar addiction and that when I do allow myself moderation I then need a lot of it to satisfy the craving. Does anyone get tired of people saying "you need it in moderation" for me no I don't. It simply makes craving higher when I have it in moderation.

14:40 UTC


Trying to get away from the sugar

I am having a hard time cutting sugar out of my diet. I know that I should stop. My doctor has told me I need to make changes and put me on metformin for insulin resistance. I feel powerless at times. The last time I opened up on Reddit I was judged instead of helped. I am looking for some guidance so I can take the steps necessary to get sugar out of my life before I become diabetic or do more damage to my health. No one understands what I am going through. There are people that say you can not be addicted to sugar. There are times when I can't sleep and the anxiety is at times really bad. What I am looking for is a diet or method that will help me be successful at this. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

13:40 UTC


Do you guys drink juice on a sugar free diet?

So, this question might seem dumb but hear me out: If I’m on a no added sugar diet, I know I can eat fruits, for example. However, I just bought a container of grape juice and there’s no added sugar in it, but there’s 36g of sugar in a 8oz serving. I’m not sure if that’s ok because it’s natural sugar… What do you guys think? Do you drink juice?

06:43 UTC


SugarFree - Thu, Jan 30 2025

Daily pledge NOT to consume any refined sugar.

06:30 UTC

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