This is the subreddit for everything Mod related to the Bethesda Game Studios game Starfield. Support, Creating mods, Showing them, and more.
We are a community dedicated to Modding Starfield. Whether you are a content creator, or a new user just starting to add mods to their game, this is the subreddit for you.
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Remain Civil. Personal attacks will lead to a ban. Follow proper Reddiquette when submitting and commenting.
Use descriptive titles. Posts with vague titles will be removed. If you're posting a question, put it in the title and give further information inside. Avoid the use of trailing ellipsis (this "...").
Do not post images/video unless you list the mods you use in the description / comments
Don't promote Piracy. This includes posting mods that were removed/taken down. Piracy is a ban, no warnings.
Support posts without load orders (Not mod list) will be removed.
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I've always liked these kind of mods and have really enjoyed SKK'S fast and crimson start. Have tried out a few others, one a probably close second to SKK's was Elden Start.
That one was probably the closest to the "start me up" mods from Skyrim and Fallout 4. The author took it down a while ago, but I still have it in my load order and recently I finally spent the last of Bethesda bucks on a new one that was in the creations.
That one and Elden Start so far are what keep me making new characters. I hope more catch on soon.
Anyone else enjoy alternate start mods?
What are the big differences between the standalone Deadly Hazards/Oxygen mods and Starvival's Hazards/Oxygen modules? I'm looking through the mod pages, but they appear pretty similar.
My recently released Portable Container mod
My recently released portable container mod currently only has a boring vanilla container. I would like a magical container that looks good and has graphical effects. Maybe a pulsating glow or some other fantastic effects. It doesn't have to be a box either. Unfortunately, I'm not a 3D artist who could build something like this. Maybe a talented modder would like to build something for me. It should either be a finished misc item or the graphic data that I can attach to a misc item.
Hoo buddy, I just have no idea what the hell to even try anymore, I've reinstalled the game and MO2, reinstalled every mod, disabled them all and started re enabling them starting a new game and running straight to UC distribution. But once I got up to about 50 mods enabled, every new batch I tried would cause this error. I'd enable a chunk of my list, test it, crash, remove a few mods until it worked again (seemingly random, many of the times I would disable a totally unrelated mod and it would start working again, only to stop working again when I enabled a totally different unrelated to the area mod.) then enable another large chunk and repeat the process.
I have found absolutely zero rhyme or reason as to why this is happening. My MO2 list is 185 mods long, and the game runs absolutely flawlessly, no crashes, no weird bugs, nothing. EXCEPT for fucking UC distribution. Sometimes I can get in once or twice, but then the game will crash the third time i try and go in. If i disable a random mod or two, it lets me in once or twice, then will start crashing again. If I re enable said random mods, save the game, then disable them again it will let me in once or twice again. Starfield also doesn't seem to know its crashing, no .dmp files are created in the game directory, and I even tried the crash log generation mod, which also failed to produce a log.
I just have no fucking clue what's going on anymore lol, I would appreciate any insight or advice anyone may be willing to offer.
Load order bellow.
0 0 Starfield.esm
1 1 ShatteredSpace.esm
253 FD 0 SFBGS003.esm
254 FE 0 SFBGS004.esm
253 FD 1 SFBGS006.esm
254 FE 1 SFBGS007.esm
254 FE 2 SFBGS008.esm
2 2 StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm
3 3 ShipBuilderCategories.esm
254 FE 3 CommunityCategories.esm
4 4 EnhancedLightsandFX.esm
254 FE 4 novafinch_apollo9.esm
253 FD 2 MB_Scrappy.esm
5 5 GR_ShipExtention.esm
6 6 Better_Living.esm
7 7 Gtech Habs.esm
8 8 more_outpost_objects.esm
9 9 Even_more_Outpost_Objects.esm
253 FD 3 stroudpremiumedition.esm
254 FE 5 novafinch_enforcerpistol.esm
254 FE 6 grav_79_z.esm
254 FE 7 arc_lights3.esm
253 FD 4 oldworldfirearms.esm
254 FE 8 MyPrice.esm
10 a SKKFastStartNewGame.esm
11 b TheGangsAllHere.esm
12 c Aurie_CompanionsLetsTalkLater.esm
13 d VisibleCompanionAffinity.esm
253 FD 5 arc_clutter.esm
14 e dD - Enhanced Blood Textures - Medium.esm
15 f ImmersiveShellCasings.esm
254 FE 9 BetterHabs.esm
254 FE a northern lights.esm
16 10 RemoveRegenFX.esm
17 11 RoyalWeathers.esm
18 12 RoyalWeathersVaRuunkai2.esm
254 FE b SeamlessGravJump.esm
254 FE c shipexteriorcamera.esm
19 13 SimpleImmersiveHelmets.esm
20 14 Starfield_Hair+Beards_Z.esm
254 FE d Starfield_NPC_LED_Z.esm
254 FE e Starshake - VisualizedRecoil.esm
21 15 MatilijasAerospace.esm
254 FE f Leyr_ShatteredSpaceHeadparts.esm
22 16 More Piercings.esm
254 FE 10 Shades_Tattoo_MegaPack.esm
254 FE 11 TreesRescaled.esm
23 17 BetterDeathPhysics.esm
254 FE 12 Better Explosives.esm
24 18 Better Food and Chems.esm
254 FE 13 MoreInterestingCrewRecruits.esm
254 FE 14 creweatsfood.esm
25 19 HSIBA.esm
254 FE 15 SP2_ImmersiveLandingRamps.esm
26 1a MoreImmersiveLandingsTakeOffs.esm
27 1b Non-Lethal Framework.esm
254 FE 16 SaneFoodPrices.esm
254 FE 17 Shades_Immersive_Looting.esm
254 FE 18 SP2_ShowDateWhenWakingUp.esm
28 1c SeeYourselfSleep.esm
29 1d IncreasedBounties.esm
254 FE 19 ProperGravityWave.esm
30 1e ShipCommandRedux.esm
254 FE 1a ws_VariableContrabandPrices.esm
31 1f du_xfire.esm
32 20 BattensWrecks.esm
33 21 du_takeover.esm
34 22 Desolation.esm
35 23 CosmosCareServices.esm
254 FE 1b vipnight.esm
36 24 Bedlam.esm
37 25 VariousCrew.esm
38 26 BetterNPCs.esm
254 FE 1c ImprovedFollowerBehavior.esm
39 27 Richer Merchants.esm
254 FE 1d SP2_SarahMorganDialogueEnhanced.esm
40 28 SarahMorgan.esm
41 29 Scared of Shooting.esm
42 2a TellMeYourName.esm
43 2b TheGangsAllHereShatteredSpace.esm
44 2c NASALandmark.esm
45 2d Cigarette MOD.esm
254 FE 1e C_Smoking.esm
46 2e OddZealot_ConstellationTankTops.esm
47 2f SpacesuitPack_All_Z.esm
48 30 ClothingPack_Standalone_Z.esm
49 31 Eit_Clothiers_Z.esm
50 32 Exile.esm
254 FE 1f KBAR32.esm
254 FE 20 Silverhand3516.esm
51 33 MarkM.esm
52 34 SpaceCowboys.esm
53 35 VaruunX_Z.esm
54 36 Starfield_Backpacks_Z.esm
254 FE 21 AK-121.esm
254 FE 22 svd.esm
55 37 weap_starlight.esm
254 FE 23 GV_BackupLifeSupport.esm
56 38 Stingray Standalone.esm
57 39 CrimsonX_Z.esm
254 FE 24 AA105B.esm
58 3a ShipColorize.esm
59 3b BetterShipPartFlips.esm
60 3c BSPF-ShipColorize-Patch.esm
61 3d BetterShipPartSnaps.esm
62 3e Infirmary.esm
63 3f Useful Brigs.esm
64 40 Habz_HopeTech.esm
65 41 Habz_Stroud.esm
66 42 Habz.esm
254 FE 25 SP2_LandingBayCargoAccess.esm
254 FE 26 Landing_Gear_Power_Increase.esm
67 43 Cargo is Cargo.esm
254 FE 27 DP110_CK.esm
68 44 SpaceLab Parts.esm
69 45 AvontechShipyards.esm
70 46 OutpostShipbuilderUnlocked.esm
254 FE 28 NLF - Useful Brigs - Patch.esm
254 FE 29 Patch-SPE-SBC.esm
71 47 dmLegendaryRecycler.esm
254 FE 2a Adventurers_Clothing_Set.esm
72 48 beltstandalone.esm
73 49 BSDM14.esm
254 FE 2b MartianArms.esm
74 4a EnvironmentalSeal.esm
254 FE 2c Constellation Field Uniforms.esm
254 FE 2d SP2_CustomizablePlayerSpacesuitNameplate.esm
254 FE 2e Varuun DLC items in base game.esm
75 4b BeltStandalonePatch_Z.esm
254 FE 2f BakaREV8Hauler.esm
254 FE 30 Gtech Habs Useful Brigs patch.esm
76 4c BASE.esm
77 4d Better_Living_II.esm
253 FD 6 TrilB_Mod009-Starizon_Ships_Walls.esm
253 FD 7 miss_o_intwalls_03a.esm
253 FD 8 TrilB_Mod007-Starizon_Ship_Furniture_Decoration.esm
253 FD 9 TrilB_Mod005-Science_Medical.esm
254 FE 31 Better_Outpost_Radius.esm
254 FE 32 BookshelfDisplaysEnhanced.esm
254 FE 33 OddZealot_ConstellationDecoration.esm
254 FE 34 enhancemirror.esm
254 FE 35 OutpostFishTank.esm
253 FD a FunctionalDecor.esm
254 FE 36 Increased Outpost Storage (10X).esm
254 FE 37 ItemDisplaysEnhanced.esm
78 4e LivedInOutposts.esm
79 4f DWN_DecorativePack.esm
80 50 DWN_OutpostHabsExpanded.esm
254 FE 38 SP2_SimpleImmersiveMusicPlayers.esm
254 FE 39 TrilB_Mod004_Starizon_Cargo_Crates.esm
253 FD b TrilB_Mod006-Starizon_Mechine_Tech.esm
81 51 TADS.esm
254 FE 3a vivs_FurnishYourFleet.esm
254 FE 3b WeaponDisplaysEnhanced.esm
254 FE 3c AuroraCargoContainers.esm
254 FE 3d BetterCredtanks.esm
82 52 BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm
I'm getting back into Starfield, but I'm finding that unlike Skyrim and FO4, there aren't as many mods on nexus as I'd expect. Are most modders uploading only to CC? And in turn, does that mean most mods are now paid only?
Edit: sorry I thought this was implied. I’m not comparing the full library of skyrim and fo4 mods against those of starfield. I’ve modded both of those games since release and have a good sense of the rate of mod releases. Comparatively starfield is far less. That’s what I am basing this on.
Edit 2: thanks to those who addressed my question and took the time to explain the reasons why modders are shifting to cc, including console and casual gamer bases and concerns about nexus management.
As soon as I get a good working load order and I'm ready to dedicate a few hours before work to outpost building.
V0.1 is out now. It includes the brig/armory hab as well as M-Class structural parts that have been shrunk to normal ship size. All of the decorations are included in outpost/ship build mode and they are fully functional as weapon displays including the counter and wall with lights at the bottom
3W2L1H Armory and Brig with custom display
Features 20 beds with Useful Brigs support
The custom displays are also available as buildable items in outpost/ship mode
All of the decorations are weapon displays, including the counter and the wall with lights at the bottom
Supports Place Doors Yourself
Currently only mid connections are available (mid fore, aft, top x2. bottom x2)
Structural M-Class modules have been shrunk to standard ship sizing and snaps redone
Supports coloration in the ship builder
Ample weapon mounts
Currently available on Nexus Here:
I hope I describe this correctly, but one thing I'd love to be able to do is take weapons that I find and remove a specific perk from it and craft it into another weapon. I'm 99% sure I saw a mod that allows this, but now I can't find it. Any ideas? Oh, and I'm on Xbox, by the way, so it has to be in Creations.
Does this work for anyone on Xbox? I love the concept but have yet to find one. I’ve tried adjusting the success % from 15% to max and still nothing. I downloaded after Shattered Space came out so not sure if that’s the issue. I don’t have a lot of mods so I can’t imagine there are any conflicts there.
Activating a ship (or ships) in the Fleet Commander terminal drops your character's carry limit to 100. As soon as I exited the interface, I noticed that a "moving while encumbered will drain stamina" warning popped up in the corner of the screen. Saw my character's inventory weight was now 210/100 (previously 260 max). Reloaded the save and tried adding ships to my fleet again to make sure that was the cause. Sure enough, it is.
Has this happened to anyone else using this mod? Any fixes or known conflicts? Seems like kind of a random thing to happen. (I wish the Creations page allowed comments.)
It is I, JohnnyCastleburger, also Xenosphor on nexusmods, also JimmyThLocke on Bethesda Creations!
Here I introduce you to outpost hab airlocks that don't actually lock the air! With one door, entering and exiting your habs has never been faster and easier!
The names been changed to Breathable Airlock (Red Light)
This is intended for breathable atmosphere outposts, but it may give hazard protection anyway
Does anyone know if there's a mod that allows you to pause the subtitles, then click any key to scroll through the dialogue, so you don't have to quickly read the subtitles?
Thanks for your help :)
I'm working on a small custom vendor mostly for selling contraband. He's able to sell it to the player, but the player can't sell back. In the Faction Vendor tab, I have "Buys Stolen Items" checked, "Buys NonStolen Items" checked, and "Buy/sell everything not in list?" checked. The buy/sell list is set to VendorItemsMisc, and contraband isnt't really an option. Am I missing something?
I have tested this on a new game so there shouldn't be any remnants of midgame testing
Is there a mod to track your survey progress? Or does anyone know if someone is working on one?
Right now, you can only really track your progress via the survey slates you receive and via the star map planet icons.... which is rubbish. Who wants to survey 1000 worlds with that as your only view of what you've accomplished?
I've looked at the Inara website and the tracking on that is poorly implemented to the point it's not really usable. Maybe there's another website I've overlooked?
I guess there's this abandoned Windows app... https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7074
I hope I'm overlooking something good.
Original Mod: https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/39aee2fc-f5b6-4eb8-a1d2-e958bb36e503/Magnetic_Weapon_Holsters
if you have 100 points spend it on this.
(All credit for the mod goes to the Author)
If in any case it the CK window doesn't respond, always wait.
Step 2: Head to DATA in the FILE category and select svc3holsters.esm and the modded pistol/melee you would like to PATCH
Step 3: Head to VIEW and Select OBJECT WINDOWS
Step 4: Select ITEMS and Head to WEAPONS
Step 5: Find the Editor ID of the Pistol you would like to patch
Step 6: Double Click and it should open a window
Step 7: In the bottom right hand Corner you will see a list of icons
Click the 2nd Icon "Add a table element"
Step 8: Search in the Filter bar "xR_Holsters"
Step 9: Click Apply (You're ALMOST DONE)
Step 10: go to FILE and click SAVE PLUGIN.
Name it whatever you want you're done
if you use Vortex Deploy the mod, just in case.
Id make the patches myself if approved by the mod author.
Bold letters are for skimmers
Hey I need help… I didn’t download any silent or sound mod yet when I started playing today bam sound gone. Anyone had a similar experience?
I find landing and surveying utterly boring. It feels like after a few habitable planets, there’s nothing really new and very little is “alien” or impressive/wonderful. Are there any mods that can make exploration more interesting or challenging (hostile)?
Note I’m not a huge fan of Grindterra mods as I find they take too many liberties with immersion… like a soccer field on a barren moon. But maybe I’m just too damn picky. 😞
I swore I wasn't going to add Star Wars stuff to my game, but here we are. Cora, you want a pet? Here you go.
He's unreasonably cute, and beautifully made. When he runs he kicks up a dust cloud, has 435 carry weight, makes little weird noises at you, and you can keep your other companions. I love him.
Mr.Crozzbow, Thank you
So I'm running quite a few ship building mods which are supposedly able to run alongside each other while following the general rules of load order management but I've run into a couple of issues regarding this.
Firstly: When I'm changing ship it won't despawn my previous ship creating an amalgamation of all my ships on one platform and I have tried so many things to fix it but none have prevailed.
Secondly: although I have followed the rule of the lowest ship size mod determines the set value using the silly big ships preset it still won't allow me to build beyond 100mtrs when it's supposed to raise it to 200mtrs and I'm not sure how this could be happening seeming as nothing else should conflict.
Finally: my SECS mod which is meant to run on its own mini master file seems to be suffering confliction with something else yet the author assures that due to that master file identification it shouldn't have known confliction?
I would appreciate any and all help given thank you.
Is there a mod out there that lets me scan planets without the constant zooming in and zooming out? Trying to scan a star system and constantly zooming back and forth makes me feel nauseous
For the starvival mod I'm just wanting the ships needing fuel mechanics. Is it possible to just have the ship stuff without the other survival mechanics?
Sidenote if I have to have the other survival mechanics will it interfere with the ones in the vanilla game after the updates adding hunger etc?
Just downloaded this mod and every time I equip any of the holsters my character runs out of stamina and my screen keeps flashing and going blurry like when you continue to run when you run out of stamina.
The only thing is I am standing completely still now and I can still sprint and stuff.
I’ve tried moving a few things in the load order but nothing seems to be working.
Any ideas?
I feel like the weeping angels in starfield would be awesome. The way they could work is exploring, you start by exploring a poi preferably a cave or abandoned mine. Once you get near the end you might come across one from this point it's all about not taking your eyes off them, But once you find the first one more will spawn.
Imagine running through a Forrest being chased by those things. They could be paired with a creepy ghostly laugh. In the day time it would be bad enough. At night it would be an absolute nightmare.
They can't be killed or destroyed, your only chance is to run and get back to your ship.