
Photograph via snooOG

Here, we discuss such things as personal transformation, the meaning of life, death, and moments of clarity. There is no single, widely-agreed definition of spirituality.

Many people gravitate toward spirituality to seek religious-like understandings without the ideological constraints of institutional religion. This community, however, is open to everyone, religious and non-religious alike. Join us in finding our place in the universe. 🌌

Welcome to /r/Spirituality!

Here, we discuss such things as personal transformation, the meaning of life, and moments of clarity.

There is no single, widely-agreed definition of spirituality. Many people gravitate toward spirituality to seek religious-like understandings without the ideological constraints of institutional religion.

But /r/Spirituality is open to everyone, religious and non-religious alike. Join us in finding our place in the universe.


498,889 Subscribers


Who to pray to about the state of the world? God/angels/spirit guides/aliens? Anyone here believe in aliens, what are they like?

I'm getting so tired of this world. Especially of this burst of warfare and threats of starting more wars and everything. It feels like some kind of devil really has descended down to earth and ensnared so many people. I feel so much like a stranger here although I know I'm not alone with these thoughts.

I've prayed a lot to both angels and God (though not even sure what God is) but things don't change. Actually I've prayed so much that I think the angels already got a bit irritated. I think it was archangel Michael who came to me and told me to "go and do something about the things that disturb" me. It was such a disappointment this message. He knows I can't just walk out there and stop wars and make people "wake up" from their charm! I know that angels probably can help us with the feeling of anxiety but I feel like it's not enough. I don't care about my feelings, I want the things to change so people won't have to suffer!

Is there some other spirits or beings who could do something more to help us (the world)? Now that I wrote that question I just realized how stupid it is. Outside help has never come. I just can't accept that. Why am I placed here to sit and watch this horror?

Anyway, I don't have any experience with aliens but people talk a lot about them. I don't dare to pray to them because the thought of them makes me scared. I don't think they would help anyway...

Thanks for reading! I just had to open up about my feelings again.

01:19 UTC


I don’t agree with any religion but I’m very curious. Where do you differ from religion?

I’d love to get dms and talk spirituality. Were you religious before? What happened? I’m an atheist but open to discussion.

1 Comment
01:10 UTC


I don’t agree with any religion but am super curious. Where do you differ from religion?

I’m new hi, sorry. I’d love to get dm’s and talk spirituality. Were you religious before? Have you done mind-altering drugs? I’m suuuper interested in dmt.

01:07 UTC


Is This a visit from the afterlife

Hi Reddit, so (I 18m)recently posted a thread about me and my fear of death, along with more and one of the things I had a discussion about was my father visiting me in hey dream after his death, I will be telling the story from beginning to end. So about four years ago, my father passed away and one of the things that l've noticed is that the days leading up to his death my very first OCD thoughts and obsessive compulsion started coming in and I remember I think it was the night he died or the night before, but I remember having my very first OCD episode such as a lot of crying a lot of anxiety, a lot of emotional disturbance a lot of fear a lot of like panic attack. A lot of everything like I can't stop crying. I couldn't control myself. I remember finding out I think a few days or the next day later that he had passed away in Puerto Rico due to a drug overdose with fentanyl and I remember not feeling sad not really doing anything about it. I didn't cry you know I couldn't. even when I tried to make myself cry and it just felt fake, but I remember the night before his funeral. I had a dream and I woke up in his old black Cadillac and I looked over and he said we see I told you I'm fine or something along the line that proceeded to save this joke, you would always tell them growing up "where the hoes at?" And I remember the dream sort of detail. I remember it being like a nice bright day outside a little bit of a white outline and I remember driving down this road that would go to my house with a little bit of differences, but I remember him telling me take care of your mom or be good to your mom. Something along those lies to 24 years ago today village but I remember waking up the next day not feeling too sad. I'm not going to her and ready to go to the funeral and it wasn't until I seen him in his casket that's why l started crying and I remember that during that time I felt a lot of love and not that much fear but after that, there was all downhill motion from there I started to grieve my dad there and I'm just wondering from people with different points of views, different religious different perspective would you guys say that in afterlife I sometimes believe it is when I asked about and one of my threads I got shot down a lot told that it wasn't. It was just a figure my imagination, but you know I don't believe it's true because I haven't had another dream that even comes close to or even made me feel anything emotionally to me, Most things I dream are just scenarios like If me and a certain ex worked out or just different realities or whatever or just some stupid shit like me being chased by a evil skittle (not really just an example) and another weird thing about it is I never had a real dream about my dad since I can't even remember if he's even popped up in a dream since I don't even really remember my dreams for some reason this is the one I remember the most in this country I just wanna know what the people have participating on cause I know that there's a lot of different outlook of life on here and I would love to see what the majority thinks I personally believe that it could be, but l'm also very skeptical of myself.,

01:07 UTC


what kind of karmic debt does a person with Tourette’s have?

seems cruel for them to be born with such a condition. :( https://youtu.be/-aVk5YXLt-8?si=J7DQCv5xV_oOUlU1

00:54 UTC


I don’t know about yall but i think after this lifetime im gonna take a nice long break from coming to earth for a while.

I’m so tired.

00:25 UTC


C'est quoi le sens de la vie

J'ai beau y réfléchir je ne trouve toujours pas quel est le sens de la vie, pourquoi nous sommes ici..

00:25 UTC


Advice on How to Relax into moments of pause when you are On The Path

I made a decision about 1.5 years ago to really try to find out what spirituality means to me. Over the course of this I have remained sober through a difficult period, cutting out substances that held me back, in addition to many other choices. Attending a weekly church group, reading wisdom literature, AA meetings etc. have been great alternatives to 'getting drunk' anytime i feel remotely uncomfortable. I even approach my work with a more spiritual, focused and aware state of mind. This all takes up a great deal of my time, naturally. However, sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself. I will be physically tired, and the voice within (the Inner Voice, Inner Teacher, The Invisible Friend, the Holy Spirit AKA the voice I've been trying to listen to this whole time) says something like: 'just relax. its time to find your refuge.' But I just sort of twiddle my thumbs. I try to get myself to 'do nothing' but I just end up getting hung up and anxious and bored trying to do other activities I consider "constructive" (more constructive than resting or playing around) but even if I do make some progress, I end up more tired than before! So I get caught in a feedback loop. Meditation in these situations becomes naps. Reading becomes day-dreaming. Etc. I'm pointing at situations where The Spirit says emphatically "no work can be done right now." It'll even say "go to bed." at like 7pm sometimes when I'm really wiped (usually after days of hearing 'its time to rest' and ignoring it/fighting it/just not knowing how. I hate it!) My experience with HP (my higher power) has been amazing so far, I feel like my life is bigger than ever. I have so much, and I feel more fulfilled each day. But I still have limits on what I can take, and I recognize that. If I want to do more I have to learn to rest!! But those moments of "find your inner refuge. refuel etc" end up turning into me just "waiting for the next assignment" and feeling kinda lousy I'm not ready for it yet.

So this kind of silly thing has become a big hurdle in my path. I mentioned my drug/alcohol use because those were my "relaxation tools" I can be a kind of Type A person. If I am "in control" I often have trouble just wasting time. Thus drugs that took me out of the driver's seat became my "go to" to just f off for a while. Now I don't know how to do it. I even get intense about video games and exercise. I can't bring myself to watch sitcoms or "scroll" cause that is like poisoning myself or something. Cozy videogames are the closest I come, like Star Dew Valley but those even feel silly after an hour or so.

What are some of your favorite ways to relax and keep true to the path? How did the Enlightened Masters just chill out? And if this issue resonates with you, what experience helped you get over it?

1 Comment
00:14 UTC


What is your mantra?

Mantras can be a powerful way to reinforce core values. I’m curious if you have one you regularly use and would be willing to share.

Here are mine:

  1. I am loving awareness. (From Ram Dass)

  2. I can handle this.

00:08 UTC


As I woke up in the morning I heard someone say: "We can't always stay on the same time shore."

I've heard people talk about timelines but I've never figured out what it really means. Could this "time shore" phrase mean the same? I have no idea where this "dream" suddenly came from.

And I don't know if the sayer meant that they (spirits?) can't always stay on the same "time shore" with us humans or did they mean that we humans can't always stay on the same "time shore" (as humans). I don't know what it meant.

1 Comment
00:02 UTC


Monthly Spiritual Challenges Thread

Please use this sticky thread to discuss any challenges you are currently facing, or that you have faced and made a breakthrough with, so that others may gain from your experience without having to go through similar experiences themselves. A new thread will start every month on the 1st.

The greatest use of the internet is that it can help us gain knowledge from everyone around the world, and fast. So use this thread as a way by which all of us spiritual-growth driven folks across the world can benefit greatly; while motivating/encouraging/inspiring everyone else who comes here just for fun/lurking/pastime/curiosity.

All in all, we can have great spiritual discussions, share our learnings, assist others and learn from others in a rapid and amazing way, by using the abilities of the internet for good rather than for the opposite. After all, isn't that what spirituality is all about?


00:00 UTC


Heaven and Hell

“Hell and Heaven” are states of mind as well as states of conditions to be in.

Your highest high can be your “heaven”: Example, great sex, drugs, having lots of money etc.

Your lowest low can be your “hell”: Example, having no money, starving, depressed etc.

23:40 UTC


Free consultation for a shamanic healing and extraction. 10 slots

I work with my 8 Heavenly Beings to offer a consultation. I will use shaman techniques to Astral project into your home. This will allow me to see demons, spirits, angels, seals, and portals. After the free consultation the first thing we will talk about is the plan. Whether we can extract the attachment or if I will use healing from long distance by using ancient techniques for the body, Soul, and Spirit. When I am done I will put a protective barrier over you and your home in addition to cleansing the house. If the spirits are willing you will get an angel to protect you. I will also offer visionary work that involves having you use your third eye. I can help with Spirit guiding and dream interpretation

This is preferably for people who think that they have an attachment, but I do offer healings, dream Interpretation, and finding your spirit guide if you don't have any attachments,. Dms welcomed, I'm est time.

1 Comment
23:39 UTC


Hi Friends,Can dreams be messages from the universe, or do they only reflect our subconscious? 🌌🌚🌛

Thanks You for coments 🫶

23:33 UTC


Hi Friends,Is it possible to contact spirits, or is it just self-suggestion? ✨✨✨

Thanks You for coments 🫶

23:32 UTC


Can we choose a talent in the next life?

Kind of a silly question, but it’s been bothering me. I have always wanted to be able to be a great singer ever since I could remember. I LOVE to sing. But do I have a good voice? Not particularly. I can carry a melody but that’s about it. It’s upsetting to me that something I love so much I’m not very good at. My question is, in the next life, are we able to choose what talents we want to possess? Because if so, I’m kicking my spiritual being self for not choosing a talent I enjoy to be good at xD

1 Comment
23:32 UTC


Your home is a revolution.

Make your space a temple of self-worship, where your mind, body, and spirit are honored daily.

1 Comment
23:26 UTC


What do you think about Polyamory??


I have already personally written about this, but I am not a big fan... I don't think that you can have a strong soul bond with more than just one other soul...


What do you think?? Are polyamorous relationships spiritually sustainable??

23:21 UTC


Feeling lost and looking for guidance.

Hey everyone,

I don’t know if this is the right place to post and if anyone can help me but I am feeling completely lost and confused about life. I could really use someone to talk to that could offer wisdom and advice. I do struggle with mental health and have tried therapy in the past but always felt a huge disconnect with the therapists. I am not looking for therapy but rather practical life advice from someone who has been through a lot and willing to share their wisdom. This might be a shot in the dark. I know asking “strangers” online vs. “professionals” isn’t recommended but if someone feels they could help, please DM me.

Thank you ❤️

1 Comment
23:19 UTC


We all serve purpose and have been given gifts to share. Here is a humble sample of mine. I encourage you to share yours and shine your light.

With love and harmony I share a sample of my own work and conversation with the Divine. It is available for print on amazon and digitally on most platforms. When production of the audio is complete I will have copies I can give if interested let me know.

I humbly appreciate your time to listen and your feedback is appreciated as a reflection of our growth to learn from each other. 🙏🏽😊 https://youtu.be/NCFZj1Umtjs

23:16 UTC


what could it mean if i got hit by a car on my first date with someone?

In terms of spirituality, what could the implications of someone backing into my car on a first date mean? it was not my fault, but there was no damage to my car other than a small scratch that i rubbed out.

22:57 UTC


How do you maintain a connection to a Higher Power with so much suffering in the world?

If our higher power is a source of love, generosity, protection, and kindness, then why are innocent children being gunned down in schools, planes crashing in mid-air, and righteous people dying horrendous deaths from cancer? It doesn’t make sense. These individuals and their families are also praying for protection and safety, so why didn’t their higher power keep them safe? How can one maintain faith in a higher power’s power when such horrific events occur to innocent people?

22:36 UTC


Stuck, confused, and holding on

22:22 UTC


I feel alone in my spiritual journey

I want to meet someone on the same wave link as me. I come from a big family so I am never alone. But when it comes to things I’m interested in and topics I like to talk about… I’m alone. I feel as if I don’t belong. And I force myself to fit in with people around me because I kind of have too. I shy away from sharing my interests because I know I’ll sound bizarre lol I don’t want to push my beliefs on anyone but I wish I had someone to share the with… where would I meet someone like this?

21:14 UTC


Ram Dass Quote That's Extremely Relevant to Current World Issues

People say to me, "Are we facing Armageddon? Is it getting worse and worse? And is it all gonna end? I mean, are we going to end up with nuclear blackmail? Are we gonna end up with ecological disaster? Is it all gonna end? Or is this the beginning of the new age and everything's just gonna turn beautiful?" And I thought: "Well I should have an opinion about all this..." So I thought about it, and then I realized that if it was gonna end in disaster, the best way I can prepare to die is to quiet my mind, to open my heart, and try to relieve the suffering that I can see around me. With my protests, social action, personal help of people who are sick and so on. If, on the other hand it's gonna be a new age, the best way I can prepare to be part of that new age is to quiet my mind, open my heart, and deal with the suffering in front of me. - Ram Dass

21:09 UTC


Started treating my ego like a scared child instead of an enemy

You know how spiritual communities talk about "killing the ego" or "transcending the ego"? Spent years trying to fight mine. Judging myself for every anxious thought, every moment of pride, every flash of insecurity.

Then during meditation last week, something shifted. My ego showed up with its usual fears - but instead of trying to silence it, I just listened. Like you'd listen to a scared kid.

Realized something: My ego isn't some dark force to overcome. It's more like a part of me that learned to be afraid. That built walls because it needed them once. That's still running old survival programs because nobody ever showed it another way.

Started talking to it differently. When it gets scared about money - I listen. When it wants recognition - I get curious why. When it feels threatened - I offer it safety instead of shame.

Still have an ego. Still get caught in its stories sometimes. But now there's more compassion there. Like watching a child learn to trust that the world isn't always dangerous.

Turns out the ego doesn't need to be killed. It just needs to be heard.

20:43 UTC


Bad omen?

Im 19 years old found a grey hair yesterday. I plucked it and showed my sister and threw it away. Found it on my shoe an hour later, looked, laughed, threw it again. I walked all around a clinic, walked outside for a while, went on a car ride, and found it several times throughout the day again. It became weird. 2:30-7pm, found it 4 seperate times. Next day, like an hour ago, I find the grey hair in my food. Same crinkled damage my the follicle, same huge circular follicle, same split ends, same length. After the second time I found it, I have no idea how it wouldve stayed on me.

1 Comment
20:25 UTC


odd dream including death date?

okay so last night i had very long and odd dream. i won’t get full into detail about it all since some stuff are actually strange to post publicly or not related to the question.

i went looking for the restroom in a strange place like a weird hotel/condo i didn’t know, but couldn’t find it. there were many rooms of some sorts of spa with completely undressed men and completely undressed male workers doing massages and “painting” them. i asked a worker for the bathroom and he said they charge for it but didn’t have any change to give back at the time. he said he would call somebody else to know what we could do about. i said i had a friend that was staying and maybe i could use their bathroom so i guess that implied i wasn’t there to stay myself. he still asked for my number to let me know if i could use the restroom.

then i was in a different part of the place. there were many people passing by. i saw one of my friends trying some makeup she saw on the internet and i said it looked so pretty on her, but it wouldn’t look on me cause it depends on features. but anyways, i was talking to another female worker and she had uniform and a phone. i think she was there to help me about the restroom stuff. then she suddenly asked me “today is the day of your death?” and she cited a very specific date (which i forgot upon awakening) and it was that same day in the dream. i was genuinely confused but i went with it and said yes.

apparently, the place was like a thematic hotel in which people died at the last day of their stay (tho the hotel would close a certain day, so everybody would die the same day). it was like an experience of it but i didn’t know about it. so even tho it was the day of my death in the dream, so it was for everybody there. but also, it seemed like it wasn’t a real death, just some sort of collective/dynamic game. the dream didn’t end here, but i don’t think what happened after is related. i was walking through and a golden retriever dog came up to me wanting to be pet so i did and the more i did the more friendly he would become but it was so overwhelming i was scared of the dog, it was jumping and all. then another black dog came up to me wanting love too, but the other dog was jealous and possessive and it didn’t wanna let it be loved by me. i was scared of both dogs. this is how it ended.

99% of the times, my dreams are very abstract and symbolic which is super hard for me to decipher. my mom has the ability to get prophetic dreams, but not me. i did have one prophetic dream once tho recently. and it was my best friend struggling to stop the car, later that next day she crashed the car because he couldn’t stop it. i normally wouldn’t have worried about this dream, but what’s odd about it for me is the specific date the woman gave me.

20:21 UTC


Spiritual take- Healing from breakup

Many have been through breakups and there are many tactics, yet when it dawns upon you it feels like you're alone and this feeling is so exclusive no one could help. Unfortunately, if there are no family or friends you could talk to, what is the best way to process? Journaling and writings even therapy to some extent has not been very helpful. Tons of things going in life isn't helping in thinking clearly. How does the mind process so many thoughts for and against the partner. There's no hatred, some resentment and anger. They've moved on it seems, while you're left feeling depressed. There's a need to make peace urgently. How long does it take to get over your first heartbreak? How?

19:56 UTC


Reddit has been contaminated and corrupted by left wing idiocratic, disingenuous delusion

And they dont even know it because their psyches are so deep in the echo chamber. It's saddening how ignorant people can be whilst under the impression that they're fighting for truth and justice. Failing to see they're paradoxically causing the downfall of what they're trying to liberate and progress. Like a meditater attaching to any sensation that arises, relevant, but ultimately detrimental to reaching true realisation.

I hope that you can see the truth. Love is all there is. Form is emptiness. The change you make in the world is in the energy that you produce and galvanise. The only way out is through. We are all together in this. Connected.

What you think you know maybe just isn't precisely how the world is?

Contemplate and listen.

What you believe right now will be different to what you believed 10 years ago or what you will believe 10 years from now. So be open. Be compassionate. Be nuanced and rational. Be yourself. But don't be deceived, don't be cosmically swindled.

Find truth. It is here.

God bless. And goodbye. Love. 💚🍀

Edit: I know this won't be reciprocated well. Can you think to yourself why? Dig deeper.

Edit again: I'm not souly aligning this to politics, (left or right) it is just what prompted the thought. It is greater than the polarity of our differences.

You can believe what you want, it doesn't change what is true.

19:41 UTC

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