Solar Opposites by Justin Roiland & Mike McMahan on Hulu
Solar Opposites is an adult animated sitcom co-created by Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty) and Mike McMahan (former head writer of Rick and Morty) which centers around four aliens who have crash landed in suburban USA after escaping their exploding home world. They debate whether life is better on Earth or on their home planet.
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I’m curious in how many of yall would watch a spin off series of just the wall or silver cops? I would like to see more episodes of just the wall as its own series
Bonsoir petite question j’ai regardé il y a pas très longtemps un film qui s’appelait « bad milo ! » et j’ai vu comme une GROSSE ressemble avec le goobler rouge tout ça et je me demandais si ça avait pu être un inspiration Si quelqu’un a la réponse pitié dites moi
Has the been a new season set to release?
A Minecraft skin I made for the two week phase bc I finally got hardcore mode 😁🫶
In the episode “99 Ships” Korvo freaks out after the Ragnar dies of starvation because they forgot to feed it.
Later, in the episode “The Mobile AISHA Emitter” we get a peek into the life of AISHA and her day to day which seemingly included feeding the Ragnar. I mean she fed some sort of animal.
Why do you all think she stopped feeding it?
Currently watching Silo S.2 episode 2 and I noticed that one of the “relics” the mayor has for investigative purposes is PEZ Dispenser!
Another awesome coincidence that makes me wonder just how much influence the book series had on the Wall’s story line.
I really enjoyed the episodes with Jesse and Yumyulack trying to adjust to and navigate surviving in high school with all of the students and teachers against them. It feels like we get less of them now and they're kind of prioritizing episodes with the entire gang or just korvo and Terry as a duo instead of Jesse and Yum. Does anybody else feel this way?
i’m on a spree rn
I honestly had no idea the new season dropped, and it seems like nobody here does either???
Would love to chat about it with people!
At the end of the episode when everyones back at the Gooblers bar, this rock song is playing (it also plays as the camera pans away after Korvo jumps out a window)
The song has heavy use of a Talk Box
most of my SolOpps art is NSFW so I can't post it here 😅
but I love these two goobers so much
I really like drawing Terry chat-
Just silly doodles of them I made some time ago
Drew Terry and Jesse for a bit
If they did an episode of solar opposites where it shows yumulack making a new terrarium for the shrunken people but one that alone is the size of a house or something it could totally set up a spin off of more of the shrunken people stories I love the shrunken shit it’s like half the reason I watch the show