
Photograph via snooOG

This is a community dedicated to those of us who have a small penis.


This is a community dedicated to those of us who have a small penis.

If you are in crisis and in need of help, please contact a professional from your corresponding country of residence.

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  1. NO cuckold or SPH comments/posts. Including user history. It is a mental illness and severe trauma response. Anything relating to using sleeves, extenders, and strap ons included. If you’re a size queen, please kindly keep your opinions to yourself.

  2. NO threads about BDP. No links to BDP, NO BDP talk AT ALL. NO humblebragging if you're big (including usernames). Don't even mention your size. If you’re here to whine about how tough it is having a big penis, this place is not for you.

  3. NO Genitalia/Dick Pics. NSFW videos and images will result in a ban and removal.

  4. NO "Do I belong here?" or, "Will I grow?" or "Am I big enough?" or, "Is my dick small?", or, "What's your ideal size/wish?" or, "When did you stop growing?" threads.

  5. NO Small Penis Syndrome threads/posts. If you don’t statistically have a small penis, then this isn’t the right place for you. For a good understanding of what’s small check the flairs. Otherwise go to /r/smallpenissyndrome.

  6. NO Racism, homophobia, misogyny, misandry, or body shaming of either sex.

  7. NO Suicide Threads/Posts - see a doctor, or go to a hospital ED, or call a suicide hotline, or go to r/suicidewatch if you want to post about it on reddit.

  8. NO Abuse, threats, rudeness, trolling, and name calling. Try not to be toxic.

  9. NO posts about looking for sex or sexting pen pals, or advertising trying to make a club for it.

  10. Sex workers will be banned. We’re not stupid, we know what you’re trying to do.

  11. NO Penis Enlargement Threads. It is pseudoscience and a form of self harm guaranteed to cause permanent damage.

  12. NO cross posting. Read this for clarification

  13. Help the mods by using the report button on anything the breaks the rules!

  • Breaking any of these rules will result in a removal of a post and a ban of the user

  • We reserve the right to ban and remove posts outside of these rules based on our judgement.

Guideline to posting and commenting at SDP.
  • Be civil and respectful. Adhere to common courtesy.

  • Do not insult, mock, attack or defame others. If you’re going to disagree with someone then do it in an intelligent way instead of spewing insults.

  • Remember, we are all humans with feelings. If you have an SDP, then we are brothers. Don’t hurt your fellow man. Think about how your post or comment is going to affect others. If someone has something positive to say you are allowed to disagree. If that makes you angry then don’t bother commenting. Want to disagree? Do it respectfully and back up the things you say. “All women are whores” or “Your partner is probably cheating” are not sufficient answers, and will result in a ban. Using redpill and PUA jargon is cringey anyway.

  • Remember to google before you ask questions. Wondering what the average size is? Well here you go!

  • Try your best to write in decent grammar. You probably have a lot to say, but please for the love of god use paragraphs!


Always seek proper medical advice about your genitals before asking strangers online. This forum/subreddit is not responsible for any medical or legal advice given by posters or articles they link to. You act on any advice in this forum or links at your own risk.


56,575 Subscribers


Unnecessary Allegations on MEN

I have seen a lot of comments accusing men on this sub for discouraging someone who asks for advise on how to proceed their relationship. But I don't see any comment that discourages people making posts seeking relationship advise.

I don't see comments like "stay away from her", "she will cheat", etc... on posts who ask for advise on their relationships or who wants to have a relationship. Some people call men on this sub as incels unnecessarily.

But comments such as "stay away from her", "a small dick cannot do much", etc... were on those posts who vent out their frustration and share their worst experience on relationships. I don't see anything wrong in people discussing their worst experiences on those posts. And those posts don't degrade women too.

Is venting out wrong?

Not everyone has positive experiences and no men here blames a woman. They blame themselves for not having a ideal-length pen*s. They understand a woman's preference and respect her feelings. Most men stay away from relationships and some men have no interest in relationships or don't care anymore. But calling us incels, misogynists is unfair.

I don't really understand why some people want to accuse us on this sub for something we did not do and call us all incels. Most of the men here (almost all) are not incels and not misogynists.

05:16 UTC


Damn piece of meat

Sorry for the grammatical errors, I'm using the translator (I'm Brazilian)

Even though I want to hear opinions and suggestions and, mainly, positive reports from those who are also in the same boat, the main intention of this post is to truly vent about the feeling of having a small penis (11cm) in this phallocentric society. (I also intend to show this text to my therapist)

I had a great childhood, when I noticed that something was wrong I was around 14 years old (today I'm 27)

And then the despair begins:

A feeling of inadequacy, hopelessness, shame that has surrounded me since I had this perception of being extremely minor, I don't remember a moment in which this feeling disappeared for at least one day.

I'm at home, I think about it, on the street, I think about it, traveling, I think about it. Your head doesn't turn off, it's too tiring

The times I had sex, it was with those at work, about 5, maybe... I've been an evangelical since I was a child (these sexes happened when I left the church) And there I felt difficulty penetrating, even though they helped a lot, but yes, a or another position worked.

So it's a feeling that has been with me for many years now. Even at that age, I had never had a boyfriend, due to insecurity in that sense, but certainly for other reasons as well.

There was a girl I almost dated, I ran away because of that, and after a year later, we started talking again and I had the courage to tell her why I left, she was scared by the reason and said something like "Look, What made me like you was your personality, the way you treated me, you worried about opening the car door for me, so my interest was genuine, regardless of how tall you were", and to be honest with you, It really seemed like she was telling the truth. We even tried to stay together, but it didn't work out for other reasons.

And now I'm seriously dating a girl I met at church, it's been about 4 months now, she has the idea of ​​saving herself for marriage, but it turns out that due to getting closer, it always ends in warmer moments, there's no way... And that's it. that my anxiety always attacks. Wow, a moment that was meant to simply relax and both of them enjoy, turns into the misfortune of an episode of anxiety, worry about making it as hard as possible, shame at one point having to pull it out, for her to put her hand in and feel the small volume. And yes, she has already seen a situation (of course, I did my best to get a better angle KK) and even so it doesn't seem like she got discouraged or anything like that, she keeps saying how kind God was to her in putting me in her life, and that I am the way she asked God.

I also know that it is possible to get married and have a healthy relationship even with this physical disadvantage, but the reports we see, especially on social media and even here on Reddit, are not encouraging at all. Women saying that they found the perfect guy, but because he was a PP she didn't want to continue with him, that she didn't feel anything at the time, that a small dick is the worst misfortune for a relationship. I don't know what they are like in real life, but women in general on social media are too cruel about this issue, they laugh like desperate hyenas, without a shred of empathy towards men in this situation, if it really can be difficult for them, imagine the guy, how painful it is. It's one thing to not like them, it's another thing to make fun of them and simply publicly humiliate them, like they always talk about their Exes or little hookups. Anyway, sad.

Besides, there are only pauzudo on the Internet, so this feeling of just me being like this only makes everything worse

In all of this, I just imagine myself married and my wife saying that everything is fine with me and the relationship, but deep down unsatisfied, with no pleasure in penetration, feeling that something is missing. This scares me so much.

I had some good reports in this regard, from my brother, who said that he is not gifted (my mother confirmed this, saying that she was worried when he was a child, because he was even smaller than mine)

And when I asked him about it, he said he felt scared at first, but it was never a problem for him, he's married and has children. And another friend of mine, he was scared to death, started dating, he said that this complex disappeared)

So concluding because the text was already huge KK...

Guys, I'm dating a cool girl, I think I have a good future ahead of me, but having a PP wants to throw all this down the drain, as if everything else wasn't worth it.

Morally, how to reconcile having a very small dick is extremely difficult and tiring.

I really wish I wasn't like that and was at least normal in that sense.

Thanks guys for reading this far.

20:38 UTC


My gf found my previous post and now I’m embarrassed

My previous post was about me ranting about how I didn’t think it satisfied her. I’m a little embarrassed to say the least however I had a chat to her about it before I found out she found it and it seemed to go pretty well.

However idk how I feel about how she found it and didn’t say anything abt it bc there was more to what we talked about in person that I haven’t had said that was on that post. A little reassurance or closure would’ve been appreciated.

The sick thing about me tho, whatever she says about my size, it’s very very hard for me to believe

Now I’m scared she just fakes it when we have do it after reading it. Could just be me tho idk.

12:28 UTC


Irish guys

I speak to a lot of other Irish men who are insecure about their size. It seems like there aren’t any good resources for Irish men to discuss and support one another. Would other Irish men here appreciate a dedicated place to connect with other Irish guys?

05:49 UTC


How do you find an appropriate talk therapist to try to overcome this issue?

I’ve been to several therapists/psychologists throughout my life. I’m in between right now. The last one was ok, but I felt like we just started going in circles after a while so I stopped meeting with him.

I can’t stand having to start all over again with my life story with a new therapist only to realize it’s not a good match. I think “specializes in body dysmorphia” may be what to look for in an online search, but that doesn’t really say much about their personality, compassion, and actual ability to help.

I don’t really have a fear of discussing it. I mean it’s not overly comfortable of course. I just find that many have tried to help by changing the subject. Possibly as a form of treatment to get me to try to stop obsessing over it. I don’t find that this works.

Wondering how some of you may navigate this type of situation.

21:00 UTC


Losing hope

I just turned 18 and I'm about 2 inches bp. I've had 2 girlfriends before, the first one literally broke up with me after I dropped my pants (she was weird anyways) and my second one broke up because I was scared to even let her touch my thighs. I feel like because of how ashamed I am, I'll never find any sort of sexual relations and won't be able to really enjoy my life in that matter. I don't know what to do honestly.

02:58 UTC


Tutorial of Life

Hey fellas i know the title is kinda weird but i am writing this with my experience with life and i saw a few comments about there is nothing to live for except parents and now you might think that having family is all that matters in life and stuff? i would say for some yes but it doesnt mean that u cannot be happy because for small dick people like us and as a small dick disappointment myself i would say live for your parents while they are still alive and give them as much happiness as you can until they die but what about after their deaths? then live for yourself! Listen i know this is common thing to say but hear me out ok?

As you are someone with nothing to lose cuz your last attachment - your parents died so fulfill every little wish no matter how small or dangerous it is ( if you have the guts ) Do it as you got nothing to lose so even if you die it would most probably seem to you like , i died while fulfilling my ambitions so its worth dying and i believe dying is the most beautiful thing but it doesnt mean that gulp some allat of sleeping pills and die because God has made you for a purpose and you dont know what that is and it is not your responsibility tooo so just enjoy the life god has given you so that you can die without regrets and ya you r bound to have regrets about not forming a family but lets be practical and we cant do anything about that so just enjoy

17:00 UTC


It will never be enough for them

I had been in two serious relationships so far and had sex with only these two girls. The first girl had had sex before, but she didn't care about my size problem and when we had sex and it was my first time, I did well, and as we started doing it again, it got better, there were always some limitations, but Everything was fine with her, but I soon discovered that she was cheating on me with a married guy, I thought it was because I was a good boyfriend, but I didn't respond completely in bed, I broke up with her and thought it was just a question of character. on her part.

Second relationship, I dated her for almost a year and she was a virgin and guess what? I was cheated on again, even though I was an excellent boyfriend and did everything for her too. As for sex, I always made a point of pleasing and having sex that wasn't so monotonous and boring, she seemed to like everything and how I handled things, but I discovered that she was drunk in a place I wasn't, with another guy. That was the trigger for me and my head and the final impression I get from all of this is just because I don't have an average penis, in terms of size or thickness, and that was always the sentence for them to never be completely satisfied. , and that they would look for something bigger and better and betrayal was just a perfect excuse to walk away.

In short, I came to the conclusion that my size is and will always be the reason for not getting any real love, even though I am the "best" boyfriend any girl could have. And I'm sorry for the text not being so well written or developed, I'm Brazilian and I don't speak or write in English, I just used Google Translate.

18:46 UTC


A high thought

Imagine in the future there is probably going to be a surgery that can give you a large penis more reliably than now. Therefore it becomes more normal and people actually start preferring smaller penises more. There was more to it but life goes in circles so I just thought this made sense

01:42 UTC


Cursed life

What a crappy situation this is for all of us .. it sucks even more cuz there nothing we can do except “acceptance” and “pray” to the one who put us in this position in the first place , all day I spend thinking of what could I have done or been doing if things were different but their just not . And I’m 23 turning 24 dis supposed to be the best time of my life but all I do is get high and work , and working feels even shittier cuz wtf am I working for I’m not gon have a family or married or anything, only to take care of my family like mom dad etc so it’s like I’m not even doing it for me , if u ask anybody else where they see themselves in 20 years they gon be like “oh married with kids hopefully retired and traveling the world “ u ask me ? Hopefully retired and isolated from gen population just getting stoned , is this all there is to life ?? Then people always asking me what’s wrong or are u ok and I’m always just like yes, but deep down is a no , and I can’t even tell anybody because then they’ll just laugh at me and won’t understand how it truly feels which is why I’m grateful for this community, ever since I was a kid like 5-7 I know there was something wrong with me and I’m just smaller , my whole life I’ve had opportunities to date and pursue women who are interested in me but I just can’t face the shame bestowed upon me. I’ve literally been offered free a$$ and had to act like I don’t want to because I’m a shame , imagine turning down free ass then paying to see an escort who don give a ship about u.. yes that is what I did , I used to be suicidal and always thought about running away to different state then shooting myself in the head while in a body of water so I won’t ever be found and bring more shame to my family but I’ve gotten past that but still have the occasional thought, and then watching porn and jerking off just makes it worse cuz then u realize why u are the way u are . Honestly I’m scared for my future , not financially or anything but mentally I don’t kno if I can take this forever what is the purpose? I’m grateful for all I do have and all times god has blessed me but dang , this one thing kinda just screws everything it’s like I’m ruining everything I do have all over something I don’t have , I even had to ask myself the other day would u trade all u do have for what u don’t have ? And I don’t think I would but I should have to think about . Moral of my rant is , we all in this together , sum have more balls than others but still , same boat , if any has any comments or advice for me plz comment 👍🏿 4 in bp 1 in girth

00:01 UTC


If all this is true

Im looking in this because i have a small one and as a gay guy living in France it’s just impossible to find another guy interested in me. Many time when a guy comes to talk to me in a party or a bar all goes perfectly until they try to touch my dick or until they see it all. So i don’t try anymore, every time a guy comes to talk i never go further. Anyway, my question is: if women and humans in general are more attracted to small dicks why we do even exist? If that were True i think natural selection at this point of humanity must had eliminated all small dick genetics no? I don’t understand when you do some research all the time it says that normal size is about 13-14cm but if you go tu a gay sauna or a nudist beach ALL men have 14cm soft cock! And at least 18 cm in erection… So i must assume that maybe all gays are hung? Am i an error? Because it seems that gay and small cock is not common.

13:26 UTC


A comedian perspective about small dick

Usually I wouldn't have given a fck about this , but Ali Wong made one statement during her comedy show where she has a micro penis experience (yeah I got one) and she narrates how he ain't ready for sex and stuff and later when the curtain folds she ended it...

But one particular statement that caught me off is 'Beware of these people, they will trap you with their love'

Look i' choose to stay away from relationships and sex they aren't for me in any manner, but few years ago people suggested me to look for love and the same time I came across people preaching if a woman' is in love she won't care about dick size ( which not true and a different case I don't wanna talk about ) but I think we are actually proving the point of Ali Wong to be true

Are we loving or providing affection to them due to our handicappedness like if I won't put 1000% she will leave me

Or are people genuinely in love to begin with ?!

I'm talking about people who are in pursuit of relationships, like do you love her or put high amount of efforts just because of our short comings by creating a trap 🪤

Like going way out of bounds ?!

04:14 UTC


What this community has become makes me cry.

See the two top posts of the week, and you will find two posts, one by u/truth_hurts39 (One of the most disgustingly callous people I have seen here) and one by u/LeatherBonus7343 (Just your average phony positivity guy)

Both posts you wouldn't see on subreddits circled around "serious" issues.

But you do see them here... And in every subreddit circled around men's issues with their bodies.

With 90% of the comments (here) being just as apathetic towards the feelings of men here.

They get upvoted, and the people that call them out get called the usual things, and get drowned out by comments that are just as disgusting as the posts themselves.

Mods, I don't know how to say this without being snarky. Thank you for efforts to keep this community safe for men who are universally belittled, in negative and "positive" ways, and associated with terrible people, because of something they were born with.

Before I leave this subreddit I have been following for 6 years, I want to drop some advice for the gaslighters and members alike.

Saying the most disgusting, dismissive, and callous things, with a sweet, polite, or upbeat tone of voice, is one of the most terrible things you can do as a human being.

The sooner you learn that, you will become less naive and more attentive to people who genuinely care about your issues, who believe your venting and rants are valid. And that don't hyper focus on exceptions, to dismiss your feelings and experiences.

It's okay to be angry, it's okay to feel cheated, to feel miserable.

The way you deal with those feelings is not to bootstrap your way into the version of positivity that gaslighters and disgusting people push here.

Remember that just because you don't see a solution to something currently, it doesn't mean you need to accept any that comes. Have standards. Have self-respect.

That's all, bye. I'm leaving this place and Reddit as a whole.

13:30 UTC


Insecure about size.

Im 16, about 15cm lenght and 12 girth..

I recently met a girl but Im scared to make our “relationship” closer becouse of my size.

What should I do?

02:40 UTC


Can you be an adult with a small dick and not realize it?

My boyfriend is very small, but he makes comments sometimes that lead me to wonder if he realizes. Like, an occasional "big truck = small dick" joke. Or ragging on his boss like "he's just upset he has a tiny dick and can't make his wife orgasm".

But, he's 3" hard, very easily the smallest one I've ever seen. I haven't measured, but my palm is 3.25" across and when I hold on with one hand it is entirely covered by my palm.

I'm perfectly fine with it, but I am really just wondering about the psychology. He is fairly smart, and I know gets changed in gym locker rooms, and watches porn(he commented that he knows porn dicks are picked for their ridiculous size).

Is it possible he doesn't know where he stands? Or is it some kind of bravado, maybe him thinking that I don't realize?

02:18 UTC


Virtually and imaginably fucked

Yow where are my fellow 2.5 - 3 inch hard. You are not alone and truth be told i just stop giving a shit i mean pursuing a relationship and finding some good copes.

What are some of your copes need some inspiration

07:54 UTC


Very important question

How to erased your attraction and lust for women? I don't want to have it anymore, I don't want to resent women because they, rightfully, don't find me an optimal and desirable human being.

Is chemical castration and option?

03:51 UTC


Does small hands always mean small penis too

I’m 6’ 150lbs and I have very small hands, it angers me so much because every guy I know has actual decent sized hands and mine look like they belong on a girl. That being said I also have a small dick. I feel like u can look at someone’s hands and tell if they have a small dick or not and you can definitely tell I do. This shit brings me so many problems that I wish I could change

21:51 UTC


Lets Just Say Acceptance

Hey so uhh i am one of those guys whos full erect is 3.9inch or something like that and by reading the posts here i can see that allat of you r depressed about not having to mate with anyone but i dont know how u guys will think or idk but as for me i just accepted the fact that i am going to die alone?...

Why? its simply because i am a type of guy who doesnt persue things which r not real or even if it is the chances r slim and i dont really wanna do those shitty surgery or whatever to increase size cuz staying alone is not really a bad thing lmao and from my personal experience. Going to work - come back home - play games or vibe with ur homies - and sleep ( eating is included ofc ) - and repeat. this is not really a bad thing XD

And the last thing i will say is dont fall for porn or hentai cuz they reduce ur testosterone and ultimately makes u depressed or loose energy , i would say just enjoy ur life to the fullest until u die and dont care about what cannot happen cuz i think god written our fates like that , that our bloodline will end here

And on the final note to my fellow micro penis guys DONT WATCH PORN OR HENTAI AND JERK OFF fr that made my life depressed for a long time

22:31 UTC


Those who have successfully had sex can we share advice for our brothers that dont want to give up

I feel like there’s been an increase in incels on this sub trying to convince everyone that there’s literally 0 hope for a guy with a small dick.

Let me be clear anyone that says that is either a virgin or extremely bad at sex

You can have a small dick and still attract women.

You can have a small dick and still give women orgasms.

You can have a small dick and find a relationship.

Now I’m not here to gaslight you and say size doesnt matter. For the vast majority of women it does. But good sex isnt just about good PIV. If you can make her cum multiple times before you even put it in I promise she won’t complain. She’ll be even more sensitive and the PIV will be way better for both of y’all.

As far as actual advice goes (this is for those that can already attract women but are too scared to take that leap into sex)

  1. Be confident - I wont lie, I hate my dick but I dont let that manifest into my everyday personality. The most unattractive qualities you can have is coming off bitter and insecure(aka an incel). Fake it if you have to.

  2. Learn to enjoy pleasing a woman - If you’re a generous lover that puts you ahead of at least 50% of men (including big ones). If you show her you’re into her pleasure she will enjoy the experience.

  3. Build anticipation- Sex doesnt start in the bedroom. You want to mentally stimulate her as well. The first 2 usually do a good job of this but work on building anticipation. You should both be excited to finally move things towards sex.

  4. Foreplay … lots of it - This is about her pleasure and building more anticipation. You want her literally begging for it by the time piv begins. Kiss all over her body. Literally start at the top of her forehead and work your way down. Take your time and make her feel like you worship every inch of her skin. Make note of places that make her moan or squirm more. Those are her “spots”

  5. The PIV - this one varies depending on your size but if you’re in decent enough shape (aka no big belly) put a pillow under her butt and her legs on your shoulders. Rock your hips in an upward motion. Push her legs forward (foldin her) slightly and pay attention to her reactions. Do this until you find her ideal spot. For my micros… you can also put a pillow under your butt to change the angle of your hips and let her ride you. Tell her to grind. If you can catch her rhythm try rocking your hips with her. Make sure y’all let her know how good she feels.

I wanna stress the importance of being in decent shape. We’re already fighting for our lives so you dont want a fat pad taking away more. You dont want blood flow issues ruining your erections. If you’re fat LOSE WEIGHT.

Hopefully this helps some of y’all.

17:25 UTC


It's like academia

Study for an exam, aim for an A+. How close you get will determine whether you’ll keep your score, or re-take the test. If you fail, you have to re-take it or flunk out.

If C is the mean, most people will be satisfied with just not failing (anything better than a D) because time and effort will have to go into re-taking it. Some won’t be satisfied until they’re at least 1 standard deviation above the mean (nothing less than a B-). Even fewer won’t be satisfied until they’re at least 2 standard deviations above the mean (nothing less than an A-). Almost nobody will actually get to 3 standard deviations above the mean (A+).

Mapping this analogy to the context at hand:

Studying for an exam = Preparing for a sexual experience

A+ = Your ideal sexual experience

A = An incredible sexual experience

B = An above average sexual experience

C = An average sexual experience

D = A satisfactory sexual experience

F = A bad sexual experience

Keep your score = Maintain your relationship

Re-take the test = Have a sexual experience with someone else

Even if we all strive for the ideal, falling short of it is not a failure. You might be disappointed with a D or a C but it will still satisfy most people, and most won’t feel compelled to re-take it.

Avoiding the test all together is a strategy sure, but in doing so you miss opportunities to learn from your mistakes, to build confidence, to realize your potential etc. You’ll go through life with gaps in knowledge and experience. You’ll never have a firm grasp of what your strengths and weaknesses are, what your true identity is, and this will bleed into other aspects of your life decisions. Living in a constant state of regret and “what if” is its own form of punishment.

14:17 UTC


Buried penis questions

Hey everyone, 35 year old M here. I've had what I think is a buried penis my entire life. I won't attach pictures, but basically when I'm standing and flaccid it looks like just a bunch of skin. But, literally all I have to do is apply a little pressure with a couple fingers on each side of my penis and it reveals what I think is the full length, about 3 inches flaccid and 5.5 erect (I think they call it "bone pressed"?). I never have any issues peeing due to it.

I am able to have sex, although positions can be limited. I obviously do fine when my wife is on top, in fact when she gets on it she usually clinches and vocalizes.

I somehow do fine with missionary and from behind too. Once I'm fully hard it sticks out a few inches on its own, and then once I get it in and push my body up against hers, it makes some of the fat pad retract a bit on its own, and like I said I can also take a couple of my fingers and hold it back a bit to give her the full length.

It's a little disheartening when she wants to try ones that don't work for me though .. she sometimes wants me to try it standing up in the shower or me from behind on our sides, and the pubic fat pad prevents that from working.

Obviously, I'd be much happier and more confident if I didn't have this condition. My wife just started taking an antidepressant for the first time and one of the side effects is it's harder for her to climax. In the past, a combination of me being inside her and me rubbing her clit made her cum pretty easily, but that's no longer the case now.

I never really thought too much about correcting it because we always had a pretty good sex life. She's told me on multiple occasions that I'm "really good at sex", she likes my dick, and when I've brought up my issues with she's said she has "no complaints". But now with her having issues cumming, I just keep wondering if I should go ahead and ask about getting a correctional surgery down there. She keeps insisting she doesn't want me to think I'm the problem and is down on herself about it, but I can't help but feel I could make it better for her. Also, another thing that kind of awakened this is the other day she was telling me about her friend at work telling the other women in their group she was "sore" from doing some big guy over the weekend and alll I could think was it would be nice if that has been my wife bragging about me in that way (she has a few times told me I've made it sore down there but it's not often).

My first question is: are there varying degrees of severity with buried penis? I read some accounts of folks and it sounds like some can hardly even have sex at all with it and can't even pee standing up. I think I'm confused on if I have a "fully" buried penis, if that's even a real thing. Is it a spectrum?

And secondly, to those that have had surgery, what was required of you to do beforehand? I currently weigh about 275 lbs and I'm 6'0. Would they require me to lose a significant amount of weight beforehand?

13:13 UTC


Cucks has been increased in our sub

I'm not talking about cuck in relationship terms, I'm talking more on cuck mentality. Self hating is becoming more and more.

Legit I saw a dude saying he wouldn't have sex with small penis If he was a woman. He's straight btw, I mean what kind of fuckery is this. Nbgaf about whatever that evolutionary or biology, you all not Darwin. At most a porn addict or doomscroll social media all day or both.

Probably Humiliation porn will be less humiliated than some of these guys comments I'll bffr

Stop talking negatively to the people who comes to this sub for advice (women or men) and stop trying to telling how their bodies work or their preferences. If you don't like it or think they're lying just downvote it, no point of arguing or even insulting them.

If you don't like to have sex because of your size, ok fine, you don't have to. Understandable you don't want to take your chance and put yourself into a position. But don't discourage other guys, let them make their choice and take their chances. They knew what they are into. No point of saying such stuff to them.

Thanks for reading!!

01:55 UTC


Unscientific study

Of the women I slept with only one exclaimed in bed that I was too small. I asked two women who I was buddies with if it was really small (and it is), and they said it was; and only because I asked, one told me that out of her dozens of men, it was the smallest she'd had seen.

But many otherwise never commented. In my experience seduction and a good time for a woman means listening, asking them what they like, a lot of kissing, getting them off orally before you think about yourself. Rise up high on them so your penis top is touching their clitoris. And put a pillow under them -- especially if you are small so that her pelvis arches up toward you, meeting you half way, so to speak. If you lie face face, the size of the penis is less important. Anyway, I am no stud, but with understanding partners, I just practiced, like anything else you want to be good at. If a woman can't tell you what she wants, it's her issue, not yours, but you have to ask.

Also, I'd remind men for much human history the woman would see and allow in her one penis, unless she predeceased her husband and remarried. For tens of thousands of years, the topic simply never came up (and that is not a pun).

12:19 UTC


Lost weight, did nothing

So due to some eating disorder issues I lost a bit of weight (nothing too crazy, I’m fine) . I don’t have a scale at home but I can see the Physical difference and so (after finally shaving my bush down there) I can see that my fat pad went away a little bit. At first I was happy to see some change but after seeing that my dick still looks like a fucking child’s cock I got depressed again . Don’t know if I should try to lose some more weight or to just give up and accept that there is no chance .

20:45 UTC


The actual truth

There's a lot of reductive doomposting on this subreddit. Yes, how society treats us is utterly disgusting. Yes, we MUST fight against bodyshaming wherever it happens. But you aren't doomed to die alone by any means.

Here's how it is:

  • Some women will care about and judge you for your size, and some will not.
  • For the most part, you can't tell ahead of time whether a given woman will like or dislike your dick
  • If you want to get laid or find a partner, you pretty much just have to roll the dice and hope for the best.

You can just avoid sex and it will probably make your life less complicated. But you're also shutting yourself off to the possibility of a woman who truly does not care. And speaking from experience, they DO exist.

99% of women aren't going to reject you for your dick size. In reality it's closer to 45-55%. Lots of women will reject you for your size. Lots of them won't.

Bottom line is that unless you want to die alone, you just gotta take your chances. Some women will reject you, and some will accept you. You need to take that leap into the unknown and hope for the best. Your odds of succeeding are better than you think.

13:30 UTC



Have any of you tried this site & if so, what are your results. It sounds like a complete scam, but in case any of you tried, what was your experience?

09:44 UTC


Harsh Reality Of Biology and Mating

This is kind of an off my chest/rant.

So often I see people ignores the scientific truths of attraction/mating in favor of comforting narratives.

Evolution has shaped our preferences for thousands of years, and it’s time we recognize this instead of pretending that everything is about personal connection or hands and mouth or self improovement or any of that bluepill garbage.

From an evolutionary standpoint, traits like size and strength have always been markers of reproductive fitness. Larger penis size enhances sperm competition, allowing for deeper deposition and a higher chance of successful fertilization. It’s worth noting that this evolutionary pressure contributed to the development of female orgasms, which serve to promote sperm retention and increase the likelihood of conception. It just isn't about the fact that bigger penises are more pleasurable, it's literally also about survival and ensuring the best genes are passed on. Women, influenced by their evolutionary needs, are naturally inclined to seek mates who exhibit traits that signal health and virility.

Moreover, sex with a small penis, relying on hands and mouth, is literally a poor imitation of what real sex is meant to be. It can’t replicate the depth of connection and pleasure that a larger size can give.

So while some argue that size doesn’t matter or that emotional connection is all that counts or hands and mouth, it’s naive to dismiss the significant role biology plays in attraction/mating. Sure, some women might be in a relationship with men who have smaller penises, but they're likely with rich men, cheating on them, or have settled for them while forever wishing they had someone larger.

Let’s be real, evolution doesn’t care about our feelings. It operates on hardwired instincts. It isn’t wise to trust the words of women or sugarcoaters or people inhaling hopium/copium on this topic. Feelings and words do not override instinct and biology.

It’s frustrating to see people brush aside these realities for comforting delusions. You can’t simply wish/hope away biological impulses or the ingrained preferences that have developed over millennia. Evolution isn’t just a theory, it’s the framework that has shaped our mating behaviors throughout history.

Women have every right to want and demand larger penises. In fact, it’s probably for the best that smaller penis men don’t reproduce and pass on disappointment and anguish. It’s a cruel fate. It isn't "bad" or "negative" to accept and acknowledge reality.

08:42 UTC


A way to lose groin fat?

I would not say I’m fat or even heavy. I do have a small penis though, and even without being heavy I want to lose as much groin fat as I can. It will probably only gain me a quarter or half an inch but at not even 3 inches I’m trying everything I can. If anyone knows any techniques please let me know.

02:14 UTC


Are there really women here who don't have issues with small penises?

I've read some very pessimistic comments here, but I would like to know if there's hope. I don't want to feel condemned.

23:00 UTC

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