The subreddit for all things skyscraper, tower, high-rise and skyline related
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Idk if I'll be banned for this (bc I'm not posting actual skyscrapers) and might be dumb as well, but I'll try anyway. I just love skyscrapers as much as you all do, and i usually spend a little fraction of my free time just playing with my brother's Legos. I built this small city a few months ago, and since then I've wondered how it'd look if it was a real city.
Soooo, is there any IA app or website I could use to make those lego buildings look like real ones??
They're even scaled in my mind lol (each piece of Lego equals 20 mts -or 65 ft- in height).
The One has officially surpassed 1BE (One Bloor East)!
“Look at me. Look at me! I’m the captain, now.” ~~The One