
Photograph via snooOG

Mushroom cultivation, identification, hunting and all other things fungus. Welcome to r/Shroomery!

Mushroom cultivation, identification, hunting and all other things fungus. Welcome to r/Shroomery!


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Are my shrooms looking good?

Growing Rusty White strain. 15 min ventilation twice a day. They’ve been looking like this for the last 3 days. I guess all those white dots are pins?

There is no condensation unless I mist which I do twice a day. It bothers me that case layers seem dry. Should I do something or just relax and wait?

Will greatly appreciate any response.

10:44 UTC


[question ?] In desperate need of my fellow mycology enthusiast and their thoughts, opinions, ideas on an experiment/idea i’ll be starting on in a few days.

First off I want to thank you for any kind of help, support, or even just leaving some positive vibes and I’ll also try to make this short and get straight to the story. I personally don’t do well growing my cubes unless I use a AIO bag. so I mainly fill up my ice chest turned into an incubator filled with jars of BRF and grow scletoria instead since it’s basically something I could accomplish. Another thing is is I am no good with preparing any type of grains, so I’m constantly using BRF.

Let me backtrack a few sentences, some jars I do successfully grow cubes PF TEK style, and I For about a year, Ben using those fruits to practice on my agar and I am able to start to actually get some cloudy fluffy myc growth but no rhizomorphic. YET.

Now here is where I need all of you professionals to let me pick your brain for a moment, I’ve been fascinated with enigma ever since I tried it and had been contemplating for over two years on purchasing a LC of some online except the reputable websites want like $30-$40 each and that’s not including shipping.

A very close friend of mine that lives a few states over is the one that first gave me my first enigma and somehow honk a few states over is the one that first gave me my first enigma and somehow talking with him yesterday we got on the subject of him mailing me a small jar of birdseed fully colonized with enigma so that I could “attempt” to grow out some on some agar myself that way I don’t waste money and I also get the practice. But I’m not what I’d like to call a pro at agar, so I had the idea that what I put a small amount of colonized grain into a BRF jar as like a transfer, but the problem with that is there being a top layer of vermiculite inside the jar and I don’t think it would be too smart to try and move it out of the way to get down to the BRF. So I thought about what if I was too, put some grains into a jar with a little bit of sterile water and let them soak for a while and then using a syringe suck up all the water and then use that water to inject the BRF jar as normal.

Does this sound plausible to anyone to be able to let the grains soak and actually be able to suck up some amount of mycelium To where I could actually get some growth in a jar? Could I even maybe just drop a few grains into a freshly made LC jar, or do you think the grains getting wet and mushy would cause some problems?

I don’t know, but if you have read it down this far, why not go ahead and pitch me your thoughts. And if in wrong with anything or any steps anywhere please kindly fill me in so that I’m able to learn and not make the same mistake again.

08:08 UTC


Ask ? In reference to my own project

Did brf in half pint jars the ones that took off and are fully white I need advice I’d like to crumble to another medium and birth in a tub but for my first time back in a long time maybe for easier steps I should just open jars put cakes on lids in a tub and mist till pins show up or mist after pins show up ?? Or crumble into another medium into tub ??one or two go

04:48 UTC


Productive day

LC is coming along nicely (almost ready for the fridge), created some new syringes, harvested a bin, and put a new bin into FAE. Tonight I test out new (to me) genetics that grew.

23:22 UTC


Google's telling me these are magic. Found them in a park today.

22:44 UTC


Was this a bad idea?

I dried some averys albino by cracking open my window I dried them while I was at school so it’s been about 7 hours they are dry but not cracker dry I live in the desert and it’s pretty much summer time over here so I thought I’d give it a try wanted to know if anyone has ever done this successfully or if it reduces the effect of the mushroom in anyway I’m still new to cultivating mushrooms so anything helps thanks goodbye

21:43 UTC


Does everything look healthy? Too many aborts = unhealthy cake?

Wsp y’all just wondering if this is looking healthy, I’ve had a lot of abort so far and had to harvest a couple. These are Albino A+ so the caps should be rather tannish than dark blue/purple that’s why I’m thinking they’re aborts. Let me know if it looks like it needs anything!

21:32 UTC


Grain bag started fruiting. Can I still move to a monotub?

It's sprouted a couple of mushrooms. Can I harvest them and mix the rest of the grain in with substrate in a monotub, or has that ship sailed since it already started fruiting?

1 Comment
17:04 UTC


Is this "overlay feet" instead of fuzzy feet?

Getting growth but feels like a one flush wonder

16:50 UTC


I've collected a wild local micelium (South Brazil), need tips.

Good Morning! (8am here). So, about two months ago I've collected a piece of colonized manure, brought home and did two things: successfully failed to colonize grain because obviously shit isn't sterile so this could not work, and successfully colonized an outdoor substrate that's starting to grow. I want to collect the spores to cultivate these local cubensis. Can you give some advise on how to not screw up from here?
Also, I'm a little worried that the caps seem to not have the little veil, but I'm pretty sure those are cubensis, is there something wrong?

I've also saved one grain that was colonized putting it into wet cardboard (read somewhere that cardboard was contam resistant) and that one is almost fully colonized without contam, I'm planning to make an outdoor bed with it, preparing a substrate on the ground, and mixing with this cardboard. Thanks to all of you!


12:37 UTC


Cats tried sabotaging the operation

Alrighty so I had all the growing medium in this dubtub level, looking pretty, and my cats tripped tf outta me, I dropped the tub lmao It’s sealed up with micropore tape and did not bust open(surprised the absolute hell out of me ngl). Do I need to worry about stunted growth? The whole surface WAS entirely white with a handful of knots. I’ve never biffed a tub like that before so I’m a little concerned to be honest

06:36 UTC


Melmac 💛

04:34 UTC


Lion's Mane Questions

So I have 4 5lb bags of just hardwood pellets I just made and mixed 3 of them with 2 quarts of spawn and 1 bag with 1 qt of spawn. The substrate recipe I did was half of the bags were 6 cups pellets and 6.5 cups water, the other half was 6 cups pellets and 7 cups of water.I have a couple questions if someone would be so kind to answer them.

  1. I don't know the proper amount of spawn to put in, my pressure cooker maxed out at 7 quarts so I just decided to do 4 bags. How much spawn should I put in a 5lb bag of hardwood pellets?

  2. I don't have a grow tent or anything close to monitor conditions. I was thinking about just fruiting the bags in a monotubs. I don't know what the proper size is or how many holes to cut for FAE, especially if my bags are 5lbs plus 2 qt of spawn. Does anyone have experience fruiting bags of lions mane in monotubs? If so is there a guide you follow?

  3. How do I know when the blocks are ready to fruit? I noticed the mycelium is very cobweb like and takes over quick with an eventual solid white take over afterwards.

04:24 UTC


Grow update #3, Day 13 in fruiting

Day 13 of moving to substrate and I’ve got pins everywhere! This is my first grow and seems to be coming along beautifully!! How long do you think until they’re ready to harvest? I’m going out of town tomorrow and won’t be back until Saturday evening, do you think I’ll be alright to leave them alone that long?

02:11 UTC


First grow, what is this?

Give me good news plz

00:09 UTC


SIDE pin

I thought this was pretty cool looking pin haven’t really seen one sticking to a wall like this but maybe I haven’t looked hard enough anyway here ya go

23:00 UTC


Yellowing on mycelium blocks since dunking, no fruiting for over a week. Suggestions?


Dunked both blocks a little over a week ago and since then, I haven't gotten any fruiting and getting some pretty significant yellowing. I've heard that yellowing could either mean bacteria growth or metabolites. Would anyone be able to identify what I've got going on?

For context, block on left has gone through 2 flushes so far (2nd flush didn't produce much, was cut short most likely bc I accidentally let some fruits sporulate). Block on the right has only gone through 1 flush so far. I've been keeping temp pretty consistently at mid 70s and humidity percentage in the 90s.

Any suggestions on what I should do from here?

20:21 UTC

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