A NSFW media subreddit of women with short or no hair.
This subreddit is for lovers of naughty pictures and videos of women with short hair.
The model in the background is Jessibears.
Picture is used with her permission.
Quick Filters
"(Probably) Found" means that the image was found on the web. By default this tag is assigned in order to filter selfposts and videos.
Submission Guidelines
- Content must feature short hair.
Pictures must have focus on women's hair styles that do not touch/reach the shoulder. (Shaved, buzzed, pixie or bobbed and things between)
No obscure photos where the hair style is not a feature of the picture.
- Pictures and movies of human females only please
(no men, no poultry, fowl, or other birds ;))
- Do not post personal information.
- Anything safe for the public is considered SFW and will be removed. If you want to post SFW content, please do so at /r/shorthairedhotties.
- Excessive x-posting and top-mining are forbidden. A couple of x-posts are allowed. Please don't repost something posted elsewhere many times, it's already on everyone's frontpage.
- Blatant self-promotion is forbidden. No selling or sellers of anything, anywhere. No clickbait titles or impersonation. Do not solicit upvotes, comments or PMs.
Proper Practices
- Keep your comments polite, especially to those who post original content (OC). There is zero tolerance for trolls or assholes. If you are either and act as such, expect to be banned.
- Don't downvote because you disagree with someone, downvote if their post is irrelevant to the thread.
- Use the 'REPORT' button to notify mods of malicious comments or off-topic, inappropriate, or illegal/unsuitable submissions
- Report spam to Reddit Admins here.
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