Also known as the landing zone
All models must be 18+
Self pics are welcomed, and highly encouraged. Be sure to mark your posts [IMG] or [GIF].
Do not post other peoples' OC
No spam, soliciting, or self-promotion of any kind.
Watermarking your photos is encouraged, but please limit them to your EXACT Reddit username. Watermarking with your personal sub, SnapChat, Twitter, Instagram, OnlyFans, or other similar external sites or services will be considered advertising.
Use only accepted hosting sites: imgur, redgifs, or Reddit's built-in image host.
No reposts.
No creepy or blatantly rude comments. OP may not be the girl in the picture, but regardless rude or troll comments are unacceptable. May result in immediate ban.
If you report something, please include a reason.
If you get caught in the spam filter do not message the mods. We already know.
If you've been banned in other subs and or committed ban evasion the mods reserve the right to remove you from the sub.
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CSS by /u/_lilpoundcake