This subreddit is for posting lifehacks that are shitty (eg /r/DIWHY) and shitty life hacks (eg /r/shittylifeprotips). Both contents are allowed, and there's only one rule.
Have fun
Have someone plug both ears down and down a whole glass of water.
Never fails, works every time.
If your son or daughter starts dating someone you don't like? Easy fix. Pull the gf/bf aside and tell them " Look they will cheat on you, I know they cheated on me."
Something I’ve discovered: wait to write or read that super important text or email until you’re caught at a red light. Guarantee all your lights will be green and you won’t get to read it until you’re at your destination. I find this hack works 60% of the time every time.
Words of wisdom by George Carlin.
Take a ride down the Hershey Highway.
Go to a local sporting or gun store, pretend to know what you're doing and ask for the most expensive red dot sight they have. if you see a nice dot in it you're good. starburst or little wiggly things? you got the tism.