Twins. One was obviously not planned. Which one? We find out by having them race, just like before they were born. Twins from all ages come to see who was planned. The best part? We add sports betting. Each set of twins will only show up once to the event, which will be tracked by a database. Whoever wins the race is crowned the planned twin.
Generates own milk unlike a Roomba whose water tank you have to refill manually.
All people who died due to chemo treatment being refused, etc.. Why this date? It just sounds nice.
A crossover with the fast and the furious series, two Rabbi's, Jacob and Joseph, go on a high octane race through Germany to take secret documents to the underground resistance in France.
Chased by the evil Herr Slick, they take the opportunity to disrupt Nazi activities by pulling down fences and walls at camps and blowing up train depots.
On the way they meet the brilliant and beautiful engineer Ms Devorah, who soups up Jacob and Joseph's rides with jet engines and guided rocket launchers.
Now, they can turn the tables on Hitler!
first of all, murder and not torture.
so basically, we call all murder anyone, but will we? if murder became easy to make, people will commit it in easier way and then they’ll be easy to be known for killing someone. this will make people close to the victim take revenge. also, which person will kill just anybody if he can? most people won’t live with it.
and lets say for example you want to kill your neighbour because he’s disrespectfull, you will be known by his family that you’re the killer, making you possible target for them, so you will rethink twice before actually commiting the murder.
Lifetime vitamin A/D & omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, leading to improved vision, heart health, immune system and cognitive functions.
** the idea is to graft the cod liver to the human liver, not to replace it, to get the benefits of both.
A butt plug that's built so when you fart it makes kazzoo noises
Edit: how the hell does this already exist
We all know that if Kamala was a man she would've won in a landslide 2 times consecutively, almost like Obama. And when people start figuring out she's trans they pay them off with the billion dollars in donations they got that they did nothing with.
Touchscreens are becoming prevalent in nearly all vehicles today and can lead to dangerous distractions when trying to fiddle through menus to get to the AC or Radio controls while driving. Locking the screens while the vehicle is driving will ensure that drivers aren't distracted by their screens and will safely force them to pull over and come to a full stop to change the radio stations or climate settings at a full stop.
Additionally, create more safe pull over lanes on highways so people can turn down their heat or change the setting to defrost their windows.