Talk about and share information and photos of carnivorous plants!
Talk about and share information and photos of carnivorous plants!
Feel free to contact the moderators if you have any website or other suggestions! We sometimes miss dead links, so contact us if any of these links stops working!
Please keep all posts on topic. Any posts that are not relevant to carnivorous plants will be removed.
General Info:
International Carnivorous Plant Society
Carnivorous Plant Photo Finder
Resources from Tom's Carnivores
Meadowview Biological Research Station
Sales, Trading, and Giveaways
Please read the rules before posting any sales, trades, or giveaways.
Growing Venus Flytraps
Growing Pitcher Plants
Growing Sundews
Growing Nepenthes
Growing UHL Nepenthes in a chest freezer
Growing Cephalotus
Growing Heliamphora
Carnivorous Plant Societies
/r/SavageGarden's List of Carnivorous Plant Societies
Online Carnivorous Plant Forums
/r/SavageGarden's List of Carnivorous Plant Forums
Buy Carnivorous Plants
does anyone know a place selling for 13-16 dollars free shiping and can ship to canda
New to seriously trying to get these little monsters to grow and thrive. Any particular physical traits I should look for when picking the one(s) I'll be bringing home? Also, any recommendations for reputable websites with growing tips are appreciated. Thanks!
Has anyone ordered from Carnivero as a Canadian? I’ve been trying to order a P80 light but it says my address isn’t available? I’m getting pretty desperate
I have a much bigger one that I know is. I think this is to. But I’m not positive. Any help is appreciated.
Is this a flower blooming? New vft owner :D
First time keeping pings. Is this too crowded? Do I need to separate them? Thank you!
I got this sundew at a local plant shop a couple months ago but not sure of the specific species. so far I've only fed it a small house fly. it seems to be growing really well but I'm wondering if I should be feeding it more often? there aren't a lot of bugs in my house besides pill bugs/woodlice and I've heard those aren't ideal to feed.
My Orca has stuck growth since it's initial repotting. It's been this small for almost 2 to 3 weeks now. Very very slow growths. I repotted on October 20th. Did I repot wrong? Am i giving it too much light? Is it recovering from shock?
5 hours ago my sarracenia caught a bug but it still hasn't filled up. Is that a bad thing or is it a part of their biology?
Have you guys ever seen something like that? If I cut and plant the flower stalk, would it propagate?