A place to discuss things, events, and news relevant to the city of Santa Rosa CA, and Sonoma County to a lesser extent
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Meetups, things to do, and all things Santa Rosa.
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Hi Santa Rosa
Just figured this out after leasing a EV,.
Why is my home rates higher then Tesla DC fast charge stations and other level 2 chargers.
It would cost me approx $43 to charge from 0-100% at home.
The nearest charge point says approx $13 to charge 0-100%
Total cost of ownership of a EV > ICE, even with no maintenance, extra registration, higher insurance.
I am extremely confused seeing all the Tesla's and other EVs driving around now.
Lastly I got a EV due to free charging at work, but makes no sense to drive one in Sonoma county with our crazy PGE rates.
Couldn’t go but I saw clips of a bunch of people out there supporting! Way to go Santa Rosa!
I just read an article on Substack about organizing anti-facist book clubs as a starting point to build a resistance community at the local level and looking to see if there is any interest here in Santa Rosa. I know Californians tend to believe we will be okay during republican administrations, but this time it is really different. Already my son's existence as a trans person has been erased at the federal level. I, for one, think these people are just getting started.
Anyone interested in joining an anti-facist bookclub here? Send me a message or respond and I'll get some info together. I already have locations in mind.
Hi folks! I'm one of the many folks who are ditching Facebook for [reasons] and I've found that the groups are the hardest thing to replace. As far as I can tell, Reddit is the best alternative platform for setting up groups – huge thanks to the mods of this group and the other local ones – but there are some that I'm still missing.
So, though I'm newish to Reddit, I'm a long time community organizer and have decided to start at least one subreddit: r/SonomaCountyGardening 🌱
I'm sharing here in the hopes that other gardeners and houseplant aficionados will join. I'm also hoping this will encourage other folks to start some more local subreddits 😁
Are there any local Cafes, Bars, or Breweries that host commander nights? We are trying to find a spot to play a few games over a drink.
How’s your day
Does anybody know where to buy tickets for this event? I believe it's friday the seventh
Hey everyone, I’m looking for a place to pawn or drop off a telescope and Nikon camera in the area for cash. Any recommendations? Thanks!
I am looking at a house that is backing up to Fulton Rd near Piner High School and wanted to see how bad the road noise is along the road from people who live there.
Mostly concerned at night when we want to have the windows open in summer or relaxing in the backyard on weekends or evenings.
Good morning how are you
Valentine's Day is coming up. Let's hear it
Hoping to rally the troops here!
A dog we recently fostered was on her way to her forever home today when she slipped out of her new parent’s arms near the corner of Horn Ave and Yulupa Ave.
Chiclet is only 8 pounds and can be a bit shy, especially in a situation like this.
If you have any information, please reply or message me, and I’ll connect you with the people currently searching the area.
Opposite thread to the other one about hateful local businesses to avoid: which shops are benefitting marginalized people, union or worker-owned shops, donating to peace-loving causes, etc?
Obviously nobody can be perfect especially when turning a profit, so maybe list what's good about a place first, and any caveats second. As always, any evidence is appreciated!
So, I’m still newish to SR and my bfs birthday is coming up, I won $500 at work so that’s the budget for his birthday dinner. Any good steakhouses?
We wouldn’t like nothing super extra massively fancy, but we do enjoy a nice dinner where a simple dress and a blazer TOPS.
He loves food, not like a glutton but a foodie, so he does not like average tasting food that he thinks he can cook better (he’s a good cook). So any places where the food left you in awe?
Thank you!!
Hi how is everyone doing on this rainy day
Anyone know of any unused parking garages or other dry places to skate on a rainy day?
I’m from the PNW where it’s easy to mix and match to prevent loading fridge with beers you end up not enjoying. Is there a place to get single cans (not counting RR) instead of 4 packs or 6 packs?
I’ve been sick for nearly a month, in the beginning of Dec I had a bad cold for about 3 weeks, then was fine then got super sick after Christmas, got better and NOW I’m sick again… I also work with the public, but damn…. I should’ve gotten my flu shot, it’s the ongoing cough for me that makes it super uncomfortable at night. Just curious if anyone else has had a long drawn out cold. I also had that upper respiratory infection for a bit too. Ugh. Sucks! I just wanna recover.
Anyone else wake up to a boom and have the power go out in the middle of the night?
Apparently someone crashed into a power line
typo lol. into* ....looking for someone i can work well with to buy and sell clothes to make some money . mostly gonna be trendier stuff like vintage, cool designs, etc etc etc. preferably a fellow teen
How are my buddies doing