
Photograph via snooOG

A place to discuss all things rowing! Please keep the discussion civil and centered on rowing. Erg screen posts and form check videos should go in the weekly pinned threads.

Welcome to /r/Rowing!

First, a few resources so they don't get buried:

The single most commonly posted question/discussion: I'm thinking of buying an indoor rowing machine. What should I buy?

This or a variant of it is the THE most common, repeated topic of this sub-Reddit. Before you post, read this: Erg Shaped Objects (ESOs)

Your post will be locked if it's clearly addressed in the above discussion.

TL;DR: Concept2 is the gold standard and despite supply chain issues with the pandemic, you can get one in under a week if you put in some effort. Rogue Fitness USA & Canada gets new stock once or twice a week, usually 150-250 rowers at a time. They sell out in about 45 minutes.

If you want a Concept2 Model D, follow /u/lyothan's advice (here) to use a page monitoring site: https://visualping.io/

Other machines of value: legit "WaterRower brand" water tank rowers, RowPerfect RP3, Oartec DX and Slider, older Concept2 Model C, possibly Model B. See the ESO post for more.

I'm trying to improve my erg times. How do?

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." - James Clear

First, get your form down.

  • Row Australia has GREAT videos on technique and setup:

  • And C2's video is great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zWu1yuJ0_g&feature=emb_title

  • Dark Horse Rowing's YouTube channel is a great resource with videos that demonstrate proper rower setup and technique and more advanced workout videos.

  • Use the force curve on the Concept2 PM3, PM4, or PM5 as a feedback tool on form: https://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers/training/tips-and-general-info/using-the-force-curve

    We have a weekly, judgement-free form critique thread where you can post a video if you'd like feedback. We STRONGLY suggest using a tripod-type selfie stick at about shoulder height, 90-degrees to the side with the full slide in view so we can clearly see your entire technique. Don't move the camera - this isn't a dynamic artsy video, it's a technical one. (the Row Australia videos linked above are good guides)

    Have a plan.

    The Concept2 workout of the day is a good start, as is the Pete Plan for Beginners. (skip the optional workouts in square brackets) You'll eventually be thinking things are too easy - then you can add intensity, duration, or volume. (and that could take months)

    Steady State Results: 2 months in. The Hype is REAL!

    Use tools to help track progress automatically.

    Use an app that syncs to the Concept2 online logbook so you can track progress. ErgData, ASensei, ErgZone, and KREW all do that and present data differently. ErgData is the most basic (freebie from C2) where the others offer built in guided workouts and premium subscription options. (links below)

    What's a drag factor?

    The lever on the side of the fan of a Concept2 rower changes how much air is allowed in/out of the fan assembly and affects how quickly it slows. Rowing is a cardiovascular exercise, not weightlifting. A common mistake is setting drag too high.

    Credit to RowPerfect UK for their comprehensive article on drag factor (which you should read), we're cribbing some recommendations:

    C2 Drag Factor for Children

    • Year 7 – below 100 to 100 (girls & boys) (use the speed strap to go below 100)

    • Year 8 – 100 (girls) 110 (boys)

    • Year 9 – 105 (girls) 115 (boys)

    • Year 10 – 110-115 (girls) 120-125 (boys)

    C2 Drag Factor for Adults

    • Male heavyweight (over 75 kg) – 125-140

    • Male lightweight (under 75 kg) – 120-135

    • Female heavyweight (over 61.5 kg) – 120-130

    • Female lightweight (under 61.5 kg) – 115-125

    There is specific advice for Masters Rowers C2 Drag Factors

    To give masters specific rowers parameters for setting the drag factor, I asked various masters and coaches to share their experiences. Here’s what I learned. A 45+ male lightweight rower told me he rows with a drag of 115-120. He used to row around 130, but as he ages, he’s discovered that he has to watch the stress he puts on his back. A 35+ lightweight male told me he likes to row with low resistance of 100 because it feels more like being on the water and is easier on his back. A 60+ lightweight woman rows between 100 and 110, and a 50+ heavyweight woman rows at 120.

    Further reading/watching:

    Connected Apps

    Erging is great for physical fitness and it's low-impact once you determine optimal drag factor and get your form right. Unlike cycling, however, your hands aren't free to poke at things like tablets, phones, newspapers so using connected apps helps pass time and make it more engaging.

    /u/gigimarie90 was kind enough to post a review of several rowing-centric fitness services, here:

    Questions about virtual rowing class options? Here are my thoughts!

    ...and here are links to most of the available erging apps:

    • ErgData by Concept2, for Android & iOS - the most BASIC but functional app, acts as a second data-screen, giving you the option to display more and different data fields from those on the PM3/PM4/PM5, and displays live drag factor. Syncs with Concept2 online logbook.

    • ErgRace Online by Concept2, for Android & iOS - live, online, multi-user lane racing. Feel free to organize your races right here on /r/Rowing - one person needs to host and others join with a code.

    • EXR Rowing - in beta but available for iOS, Android, and PC. syncs with Concept2 online logbook, as well as Strava. Graphics have been upgraded, it features structured workouts, challenges, and seems poised to become "Zwift for rowers."

    • KREW (Android) - guided workouts, auto-programs the PM5, free, subscription service adds audio feedback and a few other features, syncs with Concept2 online logbook.

    • ASensei (iOS) - similar to KREW, syncs with Concept2 online logbook.

    • Regatta (iOS) - subscription service that seems like an alternative to closed ecosystems like Peloton or iFit, syncs with Concept2 online logbook.

    • ErgZone (Android, iOS), syncs with Concept2 online logbook.

    • Kinomap - actual video footage of rows. (Android, iOS) - can be cast to a big screen or used on a tablet or smartphone.

    • CityRow Go - think "spin class but with rowers", supports the WaterRower with comm module as well as Concept2 PM5s running three-digit firmware. (green logo)

    • ErgMonkey - Analytics platform.

    • Float - iOS and Android, detailed stroke analysis.

    • ErgWorld - web-based online racing. Massive caveat: CPU requirements grow exponentially as you add rowers. (someone joked that if you have more than two people trying to connect, it would melt a Cray supercomputer)

    • Zwift rowing is dead. (though you can hack it to work, with your avatar being on a bike)

    More apps: https://www.concept2.com/service/software/apps

    Putting a phone in a cradle on top of the performance monitor is the cheapest way to add some interactivity. If you have a bit more money to invest a TV or even a thrift store LCD monitor with an AppleTV on the back attached via some kind of mounting arm or a separate stand would give you a bigger screen experience for the apps above.

    Concept2 sells a plastic phone cradle that fits the PM3, PM4 and PM5. There are 3D printed options, and Vapor Fitness makes a reinforced silicone cradle in several colours that fits the PM5.

    God-Tier Coxing (NSFW language)

    Top comment sums it up: "This makes me want to run through a brick wall."



    116,181 Subscribers


    based on real events

    my current mindset as a novice 4 months till midwests

    05:04 UTC


    Spreadsheet or Website to Track COHORT Erg/Scull Progress

    I'm looking for recommendations on apps or spreadsheets that can track the progress of a rowing cohort (~55 athletes). Ideally, it should allow me to log erg and scull times, compare results over multiple trials, and generate rankings based on performance improvements.

    If you have a system that works well—whether it's a template you’ve built or an app you swear by—I’d love to hear about it! Even better if it includes data visualization or automated ranking updates.

    1 Comment
    04:24 UTC


    Pathways Development Camp

    Thoughts on Pathways Development camp (preferrably from experience but if yk someone who did it). Started rowing in the fall and will try out for freshman crew at my hs. Is it worth it (for a beginning boy). i erg 6 days a week. Would it help me improve or just a money grab?

    01:14 UTC


    ltwt male rower looking for advice (6'0", 72 kg)

    Hey everyone I'm currently on my school's JV team and am trying to make the push to varsity. My goal is to get anything sub 7:00 (current is 7:13). We've been doing winter training over the last few weeks and I have been really focussing on the longer pieces we've done, aiming for 2:06 ish SS. What else should I work on? Thanks

    22:38 UTC


    What would be the best exercise for endurance

    Hello I am wondering what would be the best exercise for endurance

    23:17 UTC



    Say seat tracks get damaged. How do I repair it? I am in California and the manufacturer is in east coast

    23:12 UTC


    Kanghua Boat reviews Part 5? Do they hold up?

    How have Kanghua's held up? Its been 4 years since the last checkin from Kanghua users.

    So there is this trend in chinese made things. The "chinese-ium alloy" stuff. "Shanzhai" for you academics. Very "harbor freight." Cheap, functional. Improvement over time. . .

    I just got off the phone with a coach who is ordering a new set of Kanghuas for his team. I didn't understand why. Then he made a decent case for value and resale, acknowledging the faults from pre covid he said they are good - we even talked about comparing them to an empacher.

    I believe him? Companies like harbor freight and amazon stuff have this iterative pattern that transcends brands(and IP).

    Can we get some feedback?

    Hey all. I know this has been asked a few times before (links below), but those discussions are all years old at this point, some 7+ years old. In Florida for nats this year, I was surprised to see LOTS and lots of Kanghua shells, especially small boats. I think Sarasota crew was using a fair number of them. I called and confirmed their prices are indeed dirt cheap compared to other manufacturers, so I'm leaning towards getting one given that I'm on a tight budget.

    Can anybody who rows one / owns one / has any experience with them give any updated impressions? Has the quality improved? Generally the theme I see is nobody has issues using them but their durability is questionable.

    Previous threads:





    22:35 UTC


    Weight loss in season

    Recently I’ve really wanted to lose weight for personal reasons and I feel like I have a lot of extra fat compared to muscle. I want to lose weight but Ik this is hard in season. I was doing good but then my energy levels were very low. Does anyone have advice on how to do this safely?

    21:11 UTC


    Can rowing help upper back pain

    I tend to have some knot in my left rhomboid area, and sometimes just sore traps and upper back muscles, especially on my left side. Gets worse when sitting, gets better with weightlifting. Anyone had a similar issue and tried rowing?

    18:57 UTC


    Post water session advice

    So hi guys, I’ve come back from a trip out with the university I wanted to apply for to go and row. And I was taken out in a 4-, the boat was pretty good for a semi novice crew and I received lots of positive feedback from the coach and cox yesterday.

    But coming up today I’ve tried to sit back in my chair and I’ve started feeling some pain in my right shoulder blade. Anybody else get this feeling after sweep rowing after a long time of not doing it? Any advice to fix this without medical support.

    Thanks guys

    14:28 UTC


    Summer Programs and erg scores

    do summer programs like Penn AC, and RSR erg while you are at the camp? If not will all of the volume on the water make your erg 2k faster

    17:37 UTC


    2k Erg Taper

    What is the ideal plan for a 2k taper. I understand going easy the day before doing no more than a 30 minute pre-paddle with some at pace work, but is there any point to tapering off the meters earlier in the week. I have a 2k on Saturday and get roughly 30k meters in each day.

    Any guidance is much appreciated.

    Edit: Grammer

    15:11 UTC


    Total noob, is this announced used "Concept 2 MP5" good deal for 700$ ?

    14:51 UTC


    RP3 Tablets?

    What kind of tablets have people bought to use with an RP3? I would only use it for the RP3 app so doesn't have to be too powerful but obviously not so cheap that it doesn't last. Thanks!

    13:46 UTC


    Seat racing

    Has anyone got any templates or spreadsheets for running seat racing in coxed fours?


    11:49 UTC


    Weekly Success & Erg Screen Thread - February 03, 2025

    Welcome to the weekly achievement thread!

    What was your achievement this week? It could be anything! A new 2k PB? Get a good lift at the gym? Or even your first time capsizing a single!

    Got a erg screen or a regular training shot? Curious what your 2K will be based on a workout? This is the place for it!

    Side note: 99% of erg screens should go in this thread. A separate post with an erg screen should be something that happens once or twice a year, at most. Big PR's, that kind of thing.

    Also, please check our wiki pages:

    This thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.

    This is a judgement free zone, so be respectful, positive and keep criticism constructive.

    09:01 UTC


    Weekly Technique & Form Check Thread - February 03, 2025

    Welcome to the weekly technique thread!

    If you're looking for feedback on your technique on or off the water you're in the right place. Post text, images, or videos of whatever you want feedback on, and will try and help.

    Please host your video somewhere on the internet (YouTube, Streamable, Dropbox, Amazon Photos, Google Drive, wherever) and link it here.

    This is a judgement free zone, so be respectful, positive and keep criticism constructive.

    Please note that separate posts asking for feedback are still allowed, but only if they are large enough to warrant their own post.

    If you don't want to upload a video, you can use the RowerUp service to get an AI computer form check. Currently this service is free.

    09:01 UTC


    Recruiting chances?

    I'm a junior with a 6:48 2k at 150 lbs and 5'11, rowing at a pretty good club on the west coast. What are my chances looking like for recruiting right now? What times should I aim for in the coming months? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    03:28 UTC


    Penn AC or Selection Development

    I am a U17 boy (Freshman) and I meet the erg requirements for U17 at Penn AC but I still need to drop 5 seconds to meet the selection development cut. I think the splits for the sel dev cut are very possible for me. If I had to choose which one would you guys recommend.

    23:26 UTC


    How to improve middle part of 2k

    I was aiming for a 1:39 which was ambitious but I felt I had the training to back it up. This has been a common thing with my 2ks.

    My 6k is significantly better than my 2k at 22:00 flat and on the 6k I have no problem holding a steady split but this part of 2ks always kills my speed.

    I am 17M 6’0 and 76Kg doing ~13hrs of training a week. 4hrs of which is steady state. And I am hitting the gym 3x a week.

    22:22 UTC


    What’s prominent/special about each collegiate lightweight team?

    The only one I know of is Columbia with their extremely late squaring

    21:54 UTC


    Lower Back Lifting should be more normalized

    I constantly hear people complaining at on water practices in the spring about how their lower back is sore or hurts. These are the same people preaching in Off season lifts about how you shouldn't use or feel your lower back when deadlifting or squatting. This makes no sense, you wouldn't hear someone who benches telling you to not train your triceps. Muscle imbalances aren't normal and in a high-intensity race it makes perfect sense why your lower back is aching when you can squat 300-400 lbs., but are afraid to feel your lower back when lifting. I recently started informing teammates about doing either weighted good mornings with barbell or using those metal objects where your feet are held in by cushioned pads and you are at a 45 degree and use barbell or stacking plates. Be warned though if you use the second option make sure to curve your back and only go halfway up. This has done wonders for me over the last couple years and has prevented any lower back pain.

    21:32 UTC


    Finding U23 Summer Rowing Clubs in Boston (Coming from Novice College Rower atm aiming to level up for varsity fall season)

    Hi, I've been doing some of my own research for clubs around the boston area (CRI, riverside etc). I might be interning in the area this summer and one requirement from our coaches is to row competitively this summer, especially for those of us who are coming from novice trying to make the jump to varsity. I'm a really dedicated athlete and have made some great progress via fitness and strength, however I'm trying to find a club that is willing to help me grow despite being newer to the sport - I've only swept before but open to anything and trying to get small boat experience before the summer starts. The biggest thing is I don't have a 7:20 2k which would take me out of qualification for riverside. Would be open if anyone has any advice or tips - I've been reaching out to coaches but I don't know the rowing scene in the area too well.

    21:26 UTC


    To RP3 or not to RP3

    I run a lottery for my rowing club which has accrued enough proceeds that I can buy some goodies for the club.

    I am thinking of a pair of RP3s - either the model S or model T (I’m not aware of another). The main objective being to give our single and double scull crews the best practice. I understand the model T is closer to a smaller boat in feel.

    Please could anyone with any experience of these machines share their experience and any knowledge that might help me convince the committee that the model T is worth the extra 500-odd quid? Is it?

    What do we think about the wobble seat? Any thoughts, experiences, knowledge very welcome!

    20:17 UTC


    Cycle Length in SpeedCoach FIT data?

    If you upload a FIT file from an NK GPS SpeedCoach to


    it shows the data we expect. Each data point contains a location, speed, timestamp and so on. In addition, it has a mysterious cycle length parameter, a positive distance in meters around 0m to 3m in my data. What does it indicate?

    1 Comment
    19:37 UTC


    Split different between slides and normal for 2k

    What is the average gap between 2king on sliders vs normal? 2008 male rower 6’6 210lbs Last 2k in December

    19:01 UTC


    What should a lifting routine look like for a young rower

    I want to get stronger in the gym and i’ve also been rowing. I’m 16 and i want to know how often i should be lifting and what my lifting split should be that will help my rowing and muscle gains

    18:53 UTC


    Steady state splits/watts/strokes

    Hey All, what is your current steady state Strokes/Watts and splits?

    I am currently doing around Strokes - 20; Watts- 135; Splits - 2:17

    Curious what others are.

    1 Comment
    18:40 UTC


    Resistance settings for 500m/2k?

    My rower has resistance settings from 1-32. My comfortable place for endurance rowing is in the middle 17-21 or so. Any thoughts on how to set resistance for a 500m sprint test? Been rowing for about a month, so new to all of this. Echelon Row-S is what I'm using, fwiw

    17:35 UTC

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