/r/Roleplay is a community where you can search among other roleplayers who are seeking a roleplaying partner to collaborate on developing a mutual story together. Our focus is 1x1 text roleplay.
This subreddit supports the blackout and decries the abuse of 3rd party app developers and other moderators.
This is a creative writing community to find like-minded people to collaborate on writing a story.
The rules and guidelines below are abbreviated. The full version can be found here. You are responsible for reading these before you post.
1. Ads seeking text-based roleplay are allowed. These should contain a good description of what is being sought and the medium over which it is to play out. There is a 300 character minimum to ensure enough descriptive elements are available for a quality post. Any post marked as "Spoiler" will be removed. General posts on roleplay questions and discussion are welcome in the stickied meta post, not as parent threads. No Group RPs of any kind are allowed. Discord servers of any kind are also not allowed. D&D, d20, and other TTRPG systems groups post on /r/LFG.
2. Posts and prompts must be SFW. RP that is predominantly or heavily NSFW, or which requires NSFW, is not welcomed. Posts cannot contain explicit content and AutoMod will automatically remove all posts and comments that include curse words, common kink/BDSM terms, sexual and/or other offensive language. Obviously fetishistic and euphemistic content will be removed. Attempting to circumvent the AutoMod with misspellings and/or euphemisms will result in removal of your post. "NSFW Okay" posts are not allowed, as this is a vague term; your post will be deleted. Using an NSFW tag to get "18+ people only" isn't allowed..
This includes linking to inappropriate content or copy/pasting the same ad, theme, or idea that appears on NSFW and/or fetish subreddits. Crossposting and/or obvious copy-pastings from any NSFW subs will result in your post being removed.
3. As per the reddit TOS, engaging in NSFW RP requires that participants and characters be 18+. If you're underage and talk about it, or overage and solicit from minors, you will be immediately banned and reported to admins.
4. Contact information must be presented or exchanged out of Reddit public view. Don't include it in a post subject, body, or comment. You may not link to an external site where this can be found or attempt to lead people to a location where this can be obtained.
5. There is a time limit on how often you can post: Users seeking 1x1 RPs are limited to one submission per 24 hours. Do not use multiple accounts to advertise the same ideas - additional posts will be removed and account(s) will be warned/temporarily banned. Deleting an old post to subvert the rule will result in a ban. Your account must be 48 hours old to post to help us avoid low effort/quality spam.
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Hey everyone!! I'm m17 but I can play as both male and female characters, multiple characters too if required.. I consider myself to be fairly literate even if English is not my first language, and can adjust to the other person's writing length, as long as it's not minimalist (no one liners please!!), I will rp with anyone regardless of age and gender.
For the rp itself I'd like to play as the son or daughter of a woman (may be divorced or not, up to discussion) in a rather slice of life and wholesome scenario!! To do something different maybe you can play instead as my aunt, who lives out of town and came over to have some quality time with me, my parents maybe out of work leaving us alone for the week! Anyways, we could stop with this kind of slice of life, but if you want something more plot focused I'd like to do something with the mother/aunt growing more and more possessive and clingy towards her son/daughter to even worrying degrees... there could be very impious hints of that from the start, or maybe not, theres lots of possibilities here...
That's all I think, I recently read a manga that had a similair plot and got me so so much invested (and made me cry too), but yeah if you're up for it please send me a chat!
Hi hi!
After a brief rewatch of the Office and some Brooklyn Nine-Nine I am feeling big time some simple, modern slice of life roleplay! A good romance that's gonna warm our hearts and make the world a little better!
The roleplay would take place over discord, as it's the easiest programme for me to use on all of my devices and I already use it for everything else so why not stay where I'm comfortable. Writingwise, any perspective is fine, I can write anything from a paragraph to breaking the letter limit.
Would love to hear back from you! And please do be 18 if you reach out to me, due to the premise of the roleplay I'd prefer to play with people closer to my age range and legal status.
If you read it all, include your favourite movie character in your message!
Helloo! I'm Nicole, looking for a bit of a long term Star Wars RP!
I'd really enjoy the Old Republic era, but I can do any, I know a lot of lore lol
Preferably with ocs only, I don't really enjoy rping with canon characters. Maybe I can consider it, though.
I really love adventure sort of stories, so no matter what we do I'd love it to be based around an adventure fitting of the franchise.
My dms are open!
# Good morning.
I am posting here to see if I can find a partner, or a few, who match up properly with me to *itch that scratch* I’ve developed and need to satiate. Or wait, reverse that! *Scratch that itch.* That's the one!
I’d like to present to you the below, which should surmise what I’d like to find in a partner and how I’d like to build the story. If any of this works for you? Shoot me a message, bring ideas and make sure you \*\*read this post in it's entirety\*\*. I will ignore anyone who does not do so.
**First of all, let's delve into the nitty and fine print before we even begin the discussion.**
* **Character Building**: What this means, for me, is that the characters that we build inside of our roleplay adapt, evolve, change and mature based on the directive and circumstance we involve them in. The same as humans, as we are, evolve and adapt to specific situations- I want our characters to do the same. This means no basic ideology behind these characters because humans adapt to every scenario regardless of prior disposition.
* **Literacy and common punctuation**: This is pretty straight forward. As long as your posts make sense and continue to flow of the roleplay, we will be just fine! But please.. Learn the differences in You, Your and You’re or There, Their and They're.. These can drastically alter your post and mean something entirely different that can throw off the balance of your post and make things difficult to understand/respond to.
* **Post Length:** I do not have many post length requirements, so long as the flow of your post keeps the roleplay going and adds enough content for me to work with. I am more of what is considered to be Novella in style, but I do not expect that of my partners- That is my posting style. That being said, I do like substance in your posts to give me something to work with or work around- so a few paragraphs at minimum would be sufficient. Quality over Quantity is a motto I firmly believe in.
* **Third Person vs 1st Person**: It is extremely difficult for me to write in first person, so I prefer to stick to only third person to avoid any issues.
* **Multiple Character Portrayal:** Considering I am open to portraying either gender within the story, I am very much willing to portray numerous characters throughout the entirety of our story writing and am perfectly fine assuming control of the NPC characters (Non-Player Characters) that we introduce to assist in the flow of our story. I expect the same from my partner.
* **Communication:** Life's unpredictable! What’s important is keeping each other in the loop about our schedules. A quick heads-up can make a huge difference. Direct feedback, discussion and overall inclusion is what will make this roleplay of ours go smoothly- and I expect a modicum of punctuality. This does include a simple check-in if we notice the other hasn't replied in a few days, we just need to show grace.
* **Long-Term Plots:** Many of my stories are not built in the format of being a short story, with a few paragraphs and then being finished or nullified. These are stories I want to take time, effort, evolution to finish and we need to treat them like they matter; nurturing them further along. If you're looking for a one-on, this isn't the right post for you.
**Some of My Likes / Dislikes and Ideas:**
* **Slice of Life**: Slice of Life roleplays are realistic representations of everyday experiences in a movie, play, or book that we are portraying through our writing prompts.
* **Medieval**: Medieval roleplays are roleplays relating to the time before modern technological advances, lack of revolutionary advances throughout history. Think Victorian, Regency, Ancient Rome, Pompeii, Kings and Queens, Vikings, etc.
* **College / Academy / University**: College, academy or university is based solely within a school-driven environment. These are usually (College or Older) characters who we adapt to school and discovering life. This one isn’t a favorite, but is tolerable.
* **High Society / Social Differences**: High Society or Social Differences are usually just as the title states; taking place between two characters either from different or seemingly different/same backgrounds that merge in some way or form.
* **Supernatural / Mythical Creatures**: Supernatural, or mythical creatures, sorts tend to delve into the realms of the supernatural/folklore that explore different ideologies of supernatural beings. Ie: vampires, werewolves, sirens, gorgons, etc.
* **Victorian Era**: Just as this title suggests, this would be a roleplay that takes place in a victorian era. Preferably during the years of courtship, arranged marriages, pursuing suitors and of hosting social gatherings. This one is a favorite but is difficult to do, due to the necessity for slow-build.
* **Apocalyptic**: Apocalyptic roleplays are roleplays that take place after, or during, a major collapse of the world; this can be economic, socio-economic (think Hunger Games or other societal collapse), zombie or plague outbreaks or a nuclear world-end. This can involve numerous aspects, so expect to fine tune them all.
**Some Sub-Plots I Enjoy Are:**
* **Enemies to Lovers**: Enemies to lovers can be two people with a general dislike or one another or two people who seemingly just do not get along, but over time grow more fond of each other and either develop romantic feelings or other similar closenesses.
Now that that bit is out of the way, I’m mostly interested in something we both can come up with- But I am open to ideas you have already created, so long as they’re interesting.
If you've made it thus far, please include your current favorite song or top played on Spotify in your message to me. If not, thank you for your consideration and I wish you luck on your journey! There are no hard feelings here.
PSS to Mods: If I did inlcude something wrong, please let me know and I will correct it! I think it's SFW in nature, but I am not 1000% certain I did not post any trig words.
Hello there and I hope you're all having a good day and night
For starters, I am 20-years old and live on the east coast of the United States. As such, my time zone is EST (GMT-4). I have been roleplaying for around 7-years now, having first started through D&D before moving onto more text-based roleplays. My favorite genres from fantasy to romance and I am adaptable when it comes to settings (modern, medieval, etc.) I am also a fan of drama, as I believe it helps with building up character development. I typically write around 2-3 paragraphs minimum, but I can always adjust my writing style to match whoever I am roleplaying with if need be.
Now then, I am particularly looking for people to do a romance plot with. From enemies to lovers plots to the poor and the rich, I am looking to come up with unique plots with anyone that may be interested.
So far, the current idea I am wanting to try out is childhood friends reuniting. Whether they may have been friends who have reunited and started to hang out once again. Another plot idea would be former lovers getting back together again (which would have some drama depending on the scenario) Overall, I am good with whatever plots we can come up with, in which we can always make our own that's unlike the ones I've mentioned.
Now then, I must ask that you at least be the age of 18 or above, as well as being able to write at least a paragraph or two minimum. Good punctuation and grammar would also be preferable.
Should you be interested and want to hit me up in roleplay, be sure to provide a small introduction and the password: Nat 20, or you can comment down below to catch my attention if you're unable to send me a message.
In the mean time, I wish you farewell.
Hello, lovely people!
not replacing anyone
My name is Bek and I’m looking for a LONG-TERM RP partner! I’ve been trying to find one or two more partners! Here are a few things about me: I’m 24F and my time zone is EST! I love world-building and collaboration. While I consider myself semi-lit and prefer 2+ paragraphs, I can match my partner.
Here are a few things that I ask:
I would love a romance-type of plot with world building!
Here are a few general ideas I’ve been wanting to do. We can also combine them!
I am open to other ideas!
If any of that rambling interests you, feel free to send me a message!!
Hiya folks!
Been a while but I am back to roleplaying again! I'm Kat, in my 20's, and ready to do some holiday roleplay (tada). I have a few ideas on the back burner but first, here is my requirements for roleplay:
1.) SFW Roleplay ONLY.
2.) 3rd Person Please
3.) Would only like short-form roleplay (3-5 sentences max per reply)
4.) Only looking for Male Roleplayers
5.) Romance is a must in our roleplay!
6.) Will not roleplay Slice of Life.
7.) 1 x 1 Roleplays only!
With this in mind, here are very quick (not as laid out) ideas that I have in mind. I'm more than happy to expand, hear other ideas, or create something new!
1.) Thieves in Disguise - Your character is a notorious thief (or criminal) who has been asked to disguise himself and play along to steal the kingdom's treasures and jewels. However, before you can steal the precious treasures, a princess/governess stands in your way and suspects you are more to your role. Soon, you will decide if you will team up with the governess or if you will steal your way to the top.
2.) Star-Crossed Lovers (Hunger Games Style) - In the future, we will face the Hunger Games but in the style of medieval times. Your character can barely survive on their own until they are selected. Will you survive?
3.) Post Apocalyptic Quick Ideas:
- Demon Hunters (Our characters are on our own traveling through the world to win back humanity)
- Monsters Overruling Society (Monsters have taken over society in this medieval-esque world. You soon are prophesized to be the chosen one, will you take on this role?)
- Fallout Roleplay (Not very familiar of the story itself but I am familiar with the world, thinking more of your character being an outsider surviving on their own until they meet a vault dweller and go from there. This will be a team effort roleplay!)
4.) Fairytale styled Roleplay (Playing through multiple fairytales together, I haven't expanded it out but I'd love to work it out with someone!)
Overall, I'd love to do any of these ideas or expand on it or even do any fantasy, post-apocalyptic, etc. ideas with you! I'm more than happy to work with you on your ideas and can't wait to get to know you.
Thank you for your interest, talk soon! <3
Hi! I am a 24 year old female from Europe! After years of watching and playing zombie media, I became inspired to write a story that is set in an apocalyptic world, either in the near future or the 90s. I am looking for a creative and laid-back who doesn’t mind OOC (out-of-character) talk and planning. I enjoy brainstorming ideas and discussing plot twists. Planning is really important to me because I believe it helps create a more cohesive story. I like to map out characters, key events, and references to ensure everything flows smoothly, so keep that in mind and don't expect us to jump straight into the story. The main themes would mostly be horror, survival, and action. I'd really want to capture the tension of a world overrun by a vicious threat. Romance is also accepted, but not as a plot-driving device.
Here is a premise I had in mind:
It was New Year's Eve, and everyone was charged with the energy of the celebrations to come. Flu season was in full swing, but the holidays were enough to push concerns aside. People bundled up in scarves and hats, flocked to Times Square to witness the iconic ball drop. By evening, Times Square was a sea of people pressed together. Music was loud in the speakers, and giant screens encouraged everyone to consume. The first reports started trickling in as the countdown to midnight began, subtle at first. A call for help here, a crazed person there. Security footage showed a man collapsing, convulsing, and then rising with an unnatural gait. He lunged at those around him. Then the ball dropped, and confetti rained down, marking the beginning of a new age...
This is just a basic contextualization I had in mind for the story. I am not set on this particular location or period of time, as I would prefer to give you the freedom to share any ideas you may get!
That being said, please let me know if you're interested! All that I ask is for you to be 18+ and to be invested in this!
⭐“In the dream world, I am at my full strength. I shall take my rightful place as ruler of the dream realm. Stop me if you dare… and I will be your worst nightmare.”⭐
💤Yume city, Japan. A rather peaceful city. People go about their day to day lives working, attending school, and many other daily activities. However, all of them have fears. The fear of darkness, the dentist, holes, the ocean. All fears that can turn… Into *Nightmares.*💤
💤One week ago, a large-scale catastrophe happened. An earthquake and flood destroyed several parts of the city. Causing mass panic and fear among the population of Yume city. The sudden uptick in fear… panic… and other such emotions caused many millions of people to have nightmares when they slept… Causing monsters to spawn from their fears, causing more even chaos in the wake of the terrible natural disaster. 💤
💤Nightmares are creatures spawned from the fears held within humans. After someone’s fear has been stoked hard enough, their panic will give birth to a powerful Nightmare. Nightmares hold power over fear. A simple example being the fear of the ocean. An Ocean Nightmare will have powers of water. 💤
💤Luckily, there are those who aim to counter Nightmares, and trail a path of hope for all those who need help conquering their fear! Those with such goals in their heart are bestowed a Dream Driver. The Dream Driver allows an individual to become a powerful Kamen Rider! Is your character a citizen of Yume city who found their Driver while running away from a powerful Nightmare? Perhaps your friend created a nightmare, and after helping them beat back the beast they made, a Dream Driver came to you. Or perhaps you stumble into one after a long day of working. No matter how you came into contact with the Dream Driver! It is now your goal to help Yume city in it’s darkest hour and beat back all of the monsters who seek to harm others with your newfound power.💤
Hello! I'm Tanya! I am 29 and looking to GM a Kamen Rider Roleplay! Only basic knowledge of Kamen Rider is needed! I am a literate roleplayer who can match length easily! I am also open to any Riders from other shows OCs! No canon characters, OCs only!
No spoilers in post!! Hey! So I just got back from binging the first season again and then watching the new episodes! It has definitely reawakened my hyper fixation on the show so I am begging for some partners. I’m fine with adding new details or sticking with season one if you aren’t caught up! I have avoided all leaks like the plague so I only know as much as is officially out.
I am personally wanting to play as the cannon characters but you can play a cannon or oc.
The muses that I want to write for are-
•Jinx •Caitlyn •VI •Mel •Skylar •Fem Viktor •Fem Ekko
If YOU want to play cannon then you can play whoever you want! I’ll take any character you feel like using…though I do have a soft spot for-
•Caitlyn •Jinx •Mel
In terms of writing style I use 3rd pov and I match length/detail with my partner. I can go from just a paragraph to multi-message responses, it just depends on the level we decide to write on and what I’m given to work with. All I ask for bare minimum is 3 sentences and decent detail/grammar.
While I don’t have a specific plot in mind I do have a few ideas relating to certain characters that we could twist around into a story that we both have fun with. I’m open to any ideas or suggestions you might have for plots as well, especially if you have an oc since you’ll know what storyline your character fits into much better than me.
I prefer FXF but as long as I’m playing F I really don’t care what gender pairing it is.
I’m not picky about ships, I love the popular ones and the more ‘crack’ ships lmao. The only ships that are out of the question is Vi x Jinx and Jinx x Silco for obvious reasons.
I do have an oc for both Piltover & Zaun if you are more interested in a double up since I know people sometimes prefer those.
Feel free to come to me with any questions or comments, the post is always open for anyone interested whether it’s an hour or a year old :) Thank you for reading this far and I’ll see you around!
Hello! Call me Fae. I have been writing RPs for ten years now, find a lot of happiness in it and always are looking for someone new to join me. I am well into my twenties and looking for some new RP Partners!
I do not RP with people below 20, sorry, I am well into my twenties so I really cannot RP with teenagers anymore.
Sadly I work 40 hours a week and cannot write as much as I´d like but you can be certain I will try to write at least one RP message every day, if not more.
I always break the Discord Limit (without Nitro) and my messages can range from 400 to 2.000 words, depending on what you give me to work with.
I am looking for someone to match that! I do not need you to write 2.000 words each time but your average messages should be at least around 300 words, though more is always welcomed, less not so much.
Life sucks, I do not expect you to be online 24/7 but I would like a partner who can write an RP message every 1-2 days, otherwise, I sadly lose interest quickly.
Open for Original ideas or Fandom RPs! You can find all of my ideas in my pinned post on my profile. Literally, the first thing you see when you open up my profile, it even stands in the title.
After you read it all and are still up for an RP please send me a DM and let me know what exactly you are interested in!
I will ignore you if you do not show me that you´ve read my document by telling me what you want from the ideas I mentioned. I wish you a lovely day either way.
Hello there! I'm looking for someone who wants do a CC x OC roleplay with me. You play as Link and I play as my OC. I can do any of the game universes as I have a version of my OC for each one. The ones I have the most experience in roleplay are:
The ones I have less experience in roleplay but still willing to try are:
Other stuff
I hope we can have fun and have a long term roleplay!
I am 18+ and all characters and participants must be 18+ also I am not replacing anyone!
Hey! I’m a 23M college student who is looking to write with someone 18+ for a pretty simple SOL plot. I have a list of prompts to use, so we can either run with that or use some of yours! I’m a literate to advanced literate writer so I’m looking for someone who would be able to match that. I also exclusively write in 3rd person so please be able to do that to. If you want to write this just shoot me a DM!
Hey there! As the title suggests, I’m looking for someone to write some sci fi, ideally the kind involving giant robots. For a little bit about myself, I’m a 20 year old literate writer. I’ve been roleplaying for a little over 3 years and generally write around 3-4 paragraphs per post. I’m open to playing all kinds of pairings, whether they’re romantic or platonic isn’t much of an issue. I’m not super into GMing, but I’m more than willing to play side characters as long as they’re necessary.
Now, about the robots. I’m into all kinds of mecha, whether it’s battletech style clunky, heavy walkers, or gundam style fighters dancing across the battlefield. Personally, I tend to like a blend of both that leans just ever so slightly closer to battle tech. Something like Lancer or Titanfall is exactly where I’m at. Setting wise, I’d like to create one between the two of us! I’m not asking for a ton of detail but I’d like to work out the bigger points between the two of us, just to make sure we both go in with a similar idea of what we’re gunning for.
As for a plot, I’d love to do something a little more unique? Maybe our characters are mercenary operators working together out of pure necessity. I’d especially like to write something with a little variance. Maybe one of us is playing the pilot while the other plays their handler/engineer? I love creativity, and I’m happy to offer up some ideas of my own.
If that all caught your eye, or you just wanna talk about sci fi with me, you can shoot me a dm! I prefer writing on discord just out of convenience.
Hi gang, I’m a 25 year old female writer desperately searching for fellow adult (18+) fans of the Percy Jackson books! Here’s a little about me, I’ve been writing since I was about eighteen. I love my fandoms (check out my other posts!), I do have some stuff going on irl at the moment, so patience with replies would be appreciated. I do consider myself to be advanced literate, however I do have very mild dyslexia.
In terms of a partner, I’m looking for adv lit or novella writers- I like to push myself where possible. Those of you who can use third person and past tense and play canon males from the beloved fandom. I will happily double, but please note all of my stories at the minute are doubles, so where possible I will be prioritising single story lines. I am also looking for fans of the books as I’ve only just started the series myself! Also please note I am seeking oc (me) x canon (you pairings) unless it’s doubles!
I am looking to pair my oc with either: Percy, Luke, Apollo or Nico. I have loads of different and varied ideas. I have just finished book five, I’ve now moved on to Hero’s Of Olympus and would appreciate no spoilers please. I’m happy to work in a semi au environment but I do want to try to keep to canon where possible, although I understand by adding ocs the story will naturally change. I do prefer to write on discord where possible.
Edit: Still looking!
Hi! I'm a 25-year-old roleplayer searching for a writing partner! Since I’m an adult, please make sure you are as well—I will not engage with minors.
I do work, so I’ll respond before and after my shifts (mostly after), which means it would be ideal if we’re both based in Europe (I’m based in UK) or within a 5-hour time difference. I don’t expect replies every 10 minutes, but I am looking for someone passionate about writing, who can reply daily and engage in planning the story so we both have fun.
I’m searching for someone willing to portray Johnny Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077. I have an OC I’d like to include, and we could write something inspired by the game, following some of its events and/or creating new scenarios. The events would be set before the game plot or/and alter it. I’d love for this roleplay to be a mix of adventure, romance, and slice of life, with a slow burn, because I enjoy writing characters realistically.
I write in 3rd person, past tense, and I’m looking for a partner who prefers the same. I consider myself literate, but I’m okay with semi-lit. I like writing longer paragraphs to include details and build a realistic picture. That said, grammar mistakes happen, as I’m not a native speaker. Please be patient with me.
I’m okay with doubling up, but I will prioritize requests from those who just want to be Johnny and enjoy the story with me. I’m looking for a long-term roleplay—or at least until one of us gets bored!
My writing medium is Discord, but we can start interacting here in DMs first.
Let me introduce myself.
Im based in the United Kingdom and I've been roleplaying on and off for the past few years now, I've got experience in all genres of roleplay whether it be "Slice Of Life" plots which are the bread and butter of roleplay, I've done my fair share of fantasy and high fantasy plots too. So what I'm trying to say is I believe I have enough experience, creativity and flair to keep the role play interesting, now I've got that out the way let me talk a little about my idea.
I am a huge wrestling fan and have a fan for as long as I can remember and I've so desperately wanted to do a roleplay set in the wresting world, how would we do this I hear you ask well let me tell you.
So for the roleplay I'd like the story to treat wrestling as its real apposed to the predetermined and scripted nature it is in reality as I believe this will make the roleplay more dramatic and interesting.
How Will The Roleplay start? Well that's up to us to decide and who our characters are going to be, we could be two rivals on the indies competing for attention, we could be ex lovers who end up in one of the major promotions and are forced to work together or we could go down the simple root of our characters meeting for the first time and falling in love.
The possibilities are endless, if you are interested drop me a message and lets get this show on the road.
Thanks for reading.
Charles: "Our duty... has always been to protect this kingdom we've built together. Stone by stone, blood by blood, sweat by sweat. And now, to see it like this… swallowed by flames… Sir, Alex Richt, is this truly the end? Have we finally failed? Has our sacred order—the Guardian Shields—become just a memory, lost to the fire?”
Alex: "No, Charles. This is not our end. We are bound by a vow, forged in loyalty—to our king, to our people, to each other. We stand as the shield, and if a shield cannot protect what it was made for, then it is nothing more than empty steel. Let the Iron Will of Ladreas guide us. Let it burn within us as fiercely as these flames around us. We. will. not. fall. Not today. Too much has been sacrificed. Too much endured. Not like this."
As the fires devoured the city, casting an orange glow over the night, the screams of the fleeing citizens filled the air. Charles and Alex stood amidst the chaos, their shields lowered, eyes hollow, reflecting the inferno. Charles, lost and shaken, searched Alex’s face for answers, for any sign of hope to cling to. But Alex, unyielding, held his gaze steady, his eyes fierce against the flickering light, the weight of a thousand battles in his stare. Slowly, Alex turned, the heavy thud of his steps and the metallic echo of his armor carrying over the sounds of despair. Around them, their comrades stood broken, some on their knees, some clutching weapons in trembling hands. A figure stepped forward from the line of weary faces, his face streaked with ash, eyes haunted, yet burning with the same fire that engulfed the city. His voice trembled, but the words were clear, a flicker of defiance in the dark:
Unknown Soldier: ( The response can be whatever it may be, as you are apart of the Guardian Shields...)
Hello, I'm GRET, I'm 18. 4 years of RP experience, I enjoy the vintage theme and role-plays in the 40s-70s cause that's the kinda person I am. (This does not mean I will not rp with people already doing an rp with me).
Idea: I would be a grand flying saucer villainess who is determined to wreak havoc on earth, however, you must put a stop to my evil schemed while my character also has a crush on your strength and might, My character is stuck int the balance of destroying your planet earth while also wanting to make love with you and rule earth together. Further information given
Not trying to replace anyone
Hi there! I’m Laurie I’m 23 and I’ve been role playing for a few years. I would consider myself literate to advanced literate and typically write between one and a few paragraphs per reply when I’m role playing. I’m looking for a male partner to role play the prince in the scenario below. I’m looking for specifically fantasy so I would like if your character is a race other than human. I’m in Australian eastern standard time and I try to reply at least a few times a day. If you’re interested let me know where you are from and a little about the character you might want to play.
The prince of the kingdom enforced a once a year tithe for all his citizens as payment for their protection from him unleashing his powers upon them, though the prince liked to think of it more as gifts from his people for their gratitude to their beloved ruler. The gifts are piled high on the dirt ground in front of a makeshift Dias in front of the Prince’s home. As the prince goes through his gifts he picks up a tapestry made of a yellow/ gold fabric with what looks like gold thread embroidered to depict him on his horse. He demands to the crowd of his people to know who’s gift this was. A young female steps forward, her hair and part of her face obscured by a dark hood. “I did, your highness.” She replies dropping to curtsey. The prince, immediately asks where she got the gold thread, assuming she must have stolen it. When she doesn’t reply immediately he gestures to his guards who roughly grab her under the arms to put down in front of the prince, forcing her to her knees. The prince demands she remove her hood. When she hesitates he reinforces his demand. When she pulls back her cloak she reveals golden hair, each hair a real gold thread. “You used your hair.” The prince says astonished.
looking for a long ish term rp partner!!
hi Alex or Kitty call me whatever, I’m looking for a role-play partner. I’ll list the stuff. I’m looking for down below. Always awake pretty much all the dates from like around 5 AM through 11 or 1 PM PST time!
Now when I’m looking for!!!’n
I’m looking for someone who is able to keep up with the role-play and doesn’t just ghost me after a bit if that makes sense ! i dont want a weird rp, Whatsoever, I don’t like that kind of stuff!
now im looking for mostly mlm or wlw rps i dont really like doing straight rps unless platonic :,) looking for a slow burn romance rp!
Post apocalyptic- we can make up the post apocalyptic world together, like zombies mutans creatures of AI robots anything! and they can meet in a civilation!
Fantasy: looking for something like around fantasy mostly like hybrid creatures or like DND based stuff you know pretty much anything like that!
Fandoms!: also do any phantoms like gravity Falls arcane and anything else? I’m pretty much into everything and I love all like shows and stuff so just tell me what you like. and we can do that!!
I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+
Hi there everyone my names JJ. I'm 26 from the eastern standard time. I'm looking for new roleplay partners who would like to roleplay long term. Now I know everyone gets busy with life so do I so I completely understand. I'm not looking for undivided attention 24/7.
I prefer to roleplay in the 1st person. Detail wise I'm not big on writing like a whole novel between each character. Now a paragraph is okay. Really as long as it isn't a one liner I'm fine. So don't worry if you're not the most literate either I'm absolutely horrible with punctuation and Grammer. So I'm not to worried about how my partner is with it also.
What type of roleplays I'm into. Well really that runs a whole gamut from fantasy roles to doing a basic slice of life roleplay. So anything you're into I would be willing to try. Really I want a few people that I can world build with and that we can both get what we want out of the roleplay. I would like long term and hope you would also. And if we're really compatible maybe after we finish one role we could move on to another. I'm also down to talk ooc to get to know each other and stuff.
If you have read this far I appreciate it. I know that was probably alot. If you are interested hit up. Also drop your favorite color so I know that you read everything.
Hello Reddit! :)
I’m currently searching for some new writing friends :) Roleplaying has been my hobby on and off for over a decade and I love it so much.
I would really like the following things in a roleplay partner:
I’m mainly interested in fandom, fantasy or slice of life with a bunch of twists and turns. I also enjoy things that are based on greek myths or historical eras.
My fandoms are : A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, Crescent City, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Stranger Things and the Hunger Games.
Some random pairings I’m interested in exploring : mafia boss x rival mafia boss’ daughter, princess x prince enemies to lovers, famous fake relationship, college rivals reunited and tattoo artist x client with social class differences.
My favorite tropes to write are; enemies/rivals to lovers, forced proximity, fake dating, morally greey male characters, strangers to lovers, power couple, opposites attract, grumpy x sunshine, soul mates/fated mates, slow burn and found family.
My go-to characters are original female characters. I’m interested in playing against other original or canon characters. FxM is my favorite, followed by FxF with the right plot. Sorry folks, I don't currently double. All characters will be aged 18+.
I would absolutely LOVE to write against Lucien or Eris (ACOTAR), Fenrys (Throne of Glass), Sam Wilson or Bucky Barmes (MCU), Stranger Things (Steve Harrington), The Hunger Games (Finnick Odair), and Poe Dameron (Star Wars).
I do my best to post daily (I normally get reply multiple times a day and I love a good rapidfire session) but I do have a stressful job and other responsibilities. If I won’t be able to respond for about a day or two, I let my partners know.
I also love OOC chat, whether it’s about our characters or pop culture or animals.
Please send me a message or a chat if you’re interested and let me know what genre you'd like to write! (Please no 'hey' or 'hey wanna rp' messages,)
Happy roleplaying! :)
[M4F][Discord][3rd Person] Dilemma
You are Emily. You are alone. You have been alone for a few years, your family estranged and your only friends being a few coworkers who practically force you to have lunch with them. Violet Ventures is a biotech research lab established in 2027, despite only being 10 years old they already lead the world in robotics research. Sentient robots haven’t been achieved yet but things are looking promising. Within the next 20 years we could be looking at a future with nearly perfect human like robots to help with all sorts of remedial tasks that humans are trying to distance themselves from.
You have been stealing equipment and research files from work, you know you can figure this out on your own without the pressures of your boss staring over your shoulder. You've been taking a few weeks off after your mother passed away to "grieve" but in reality she died two years ago, you had to focus on your work without interruptions. Although the light in your basement is dim it still hurts your eyes, you had been awake for two days trying to work out the power source. It took you a second to realize you finally properly wired the batteries to the rest of the internals. You finally sealed it up, all you had to do was touch up some of the code that the robot would run on. You touched its hair, checking for any sort of imperfections when you were suddenly shocked, a small shock but concerning nonetheless. You hesitated but you touched his scalp again, this time the shock was more violent, significantly so. You stared onward and his lifeless eyes suddenly dilated and shot over to look at you.
Ethan was awake.
((Hello! Thank you for reading my brief prompt, I would love to elaborate on any further questions in regards to the roleplay, my roleplaying style or anything else you may think of. I am looking for someone who is willing to write a few detailed and plot pushing paragraphs if applicable. I know sometimes it can be difficult to do all the time so I wont be too hard on you as long as you match my amount of effort. Let me know if this is something that tickles your fancy or if you have any ideas of your own. Thank you
You’ve been on the hunt for a while but even now, You still can't believe you're going this far. Every part of it still sounds insane when you mull it over. All this hassle and the search would probably be for nothing. You’ve come too far just to quit though… Even if you end up empty-handed and full of regrets, you have to at least see what happens. You didn't start down this path because you wanted to. You were compelled to because the idea that someone out there is so miraculously skilled defies logic. You HAVE to see them for yourself…
Martial arts saved your life and you are in its debt. It’s a very esoteric debt though. Most people would say that you’d repay it by dedicating your life to contributing something but that’s easier said than done. Hundreds and even thousands of years ago, the martial world had yet to be excavated so thoroughly. There were secrets left to uncover and warriors spent their entire lives dedicated to the arts. In those days, they were likely to become masters and pioneers with knowledge worth passing down. Trying to become a master or innovator now, is comparable to drawing blood from a stone.
Your final destination ironically ended up being the States. You’d complain about all the airfare and expenses you could have saved if you knew you’d end up back home but without this adventure, you wouldn’t have grown as strong as you have. Every new destination gifted you something, even if it was just a mental refresh. More importantly, you wouldn’t have gotten the last piece of the puzzle that helped you lock it all in.
“You will find him in the most unassuming of places. He does not teach his way but occupies a world of prestigious men and women, some of whom are eager to learn.” – Typical "sage knowledge" nonsense. It took you a while to (hopefully) decode that using some of the other hints and extrapolated information. When it finally clicked, you knew the search was in its final stages.
That’s what led you here, a not-so-small town in a not-so-small city. The last place you’d expect to find a supposed master of this caliber. After an additional week of reconnaissance and digging around, You’ve tried just about every base of operations you can think of. MMA gyms, Karate dojos, you even checked all the gonzo Kung Fu spots that seemed surprisingly prevalent but there's nothing yet and you've only got one last place you could look based on the “prophecy” that was supposed to seal the deal and well, it's a long shot…
If you're familiar with Murim/Wuxia as a genre, this idea should be easy to grasp. If not, anything kung-fu-oriented will give you the spark of what I'm going for. Anime is also a great resource but this definitely isn't going to reach the heights of anything too crazy!
The story I want to roll with is a mostly unknown martial artist prodigy (For the sake of Reddit TOS, the assumed age is at least 18) who is capable of those good old fashion Wuxia shenanigans, getting sought out and put into a combat situation by a slightly older or adult practitioner that may or may not have enough martial arts experience to stand her ground.
This would take place in a modern setting. The conveniences of technology have, to a degree, swallowed up the necessity for personal power, leaving those who are unnaturally gifted as reclusive or needing to blend in. The idea of potential greatness is a place no one would reasonably expect permeates this scenario.
There are other ways this could go too! Maybe your character doesn't have much experience and is instead more of an average person. Perhaps she’s the bookworm type that can easily connect all the dots to the mystery but has never so much as thrown a punch? Or an otaku who is obsessed with manhwa/shounen stories just like this and can sniff her way through the scavenger hunt based on determination and lots of luck. For the sake of the narrative, whoever she is, she's coming off a reasonably long search for me.
The tone of this can go from a simple light-hearted spar to something more intense. I've got vague ideas for both and I can accommodate anything in between! In a similar vein to that, I left the location of my character pretty vague so that you could incorporate anything that might interest you but I did have a place in mind if you're the type that adheres to a vision.
The excerpt at the top of this prompt is written with the implication that there isn't much or any ill intent. It is by no means set in stone, merely an idea you can latch onto for a quick starting point!
The idea of this is that your character is either skilled, intelligent or determined enough to sniff mine out. Mine is inordinately powerful (by real-world standards) but perhaps suffers from either the usual pitfalls of being an adult or is a bit too ascetic for his own good. In any case, I want there to be some kind of emotional dynamic brewing that invalidates his strength.
There's a lot of work that needs to go into this behind closed doors so I won't clog up my initial post with any preconceived notions or assumptions. I prioritize partner input because I've been trying to find someone interested to no avail! -- If you are interested, hit me up and we'll gauge compatibility! Looks and length of this post aside, I'm not a particularly exacting partner. As long as you're literate and capable of enthusiasm, I'm very happy to make your acquaintance!
Looking for someone to do a Roleplay that is a crossover with a Disney property and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod The New Order: The Last Days of Europe. My idea is that a journalist or soldier discovers a portal to a certain Disney property during the South African War(the TNO version of the Vietnam War)
I would prefer to rp on Discord.
TW: Suicide, Death, Mental health struggles.
Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a good day. This is my first time attempting a roleplay of this sort, where not only are we going to have a long-term roleplay, but we're also following a set(-ish?) story while doing so. This is a roleplay/story HEAVILY inspired by the movie "A Ghost Story" (2017), and the album "I Didn't Mean to Haunt You" by Quadeca. You are *NOT* required to know anything about the original source materials, (though if you do that's very cool!) As I'll go over the basic details in the synopsis and overview. As a precursor warning in case you didn't read the Trigger warning, or need some more in-depth details, this roleplay will have lots to do with >!suicide, and death,!<so keep that in mind as we write this out together. It's not a story that is supposed to make you feel good, it's supposed to feel hopeless and heart-wrenching, and hopefully you're okay with that. I usually write semi-lit to literate, though for the purposes of this roleplay I will likely lean more towards literate so we can build this ghostly, haunting world together. I'm in the CST timezone, so people around that timezone are preferred, though I will roleplay with any one who has interest in my plot! Onto the details, or more of them at least.
The roleplay will be themed around a character who takes his/her own life, and after doing so, is now stuck in a ghostly figure of themselves. The Ghost will now be forced to watch the consequences of their actions unfold, seeing how his family mourns and grieves about their passing. As this goes on, he'll eventually recognize his mistake in his hasty decision and now he can't communicate with the ones he/she loved so much. This only gets more intense as the story goes on so I'll try not to spoil the rest while we're here. For all intents and purposes we'll split the Roleplay into eleven chapters.
Yes, these titles are the tracklist from the album, as lazy as it sounds it feels wrong to change these titles, as they perfectly capture the essence of what is happening during that point in the story. Hope you'll forgive me on that part of the ad. When we get to a chapter, I'll explain the details of what happens at that point in the story, and then we'll RP it out.
You're probably wondering, "How in the absolute hell am I supposed to roleplay while someone is just writing down a story?" I thought about it too for a bit while I tried to create this roleplay, in all honestly. You're going to be something like a game-master, where you not only play as other characters that may appear, but also the environment around the characters. (Weather, family, the.....s̶͉͗t̴̜̄a̶͓͒t̸̫͌i̴̡͗c̶̯̈́?̶͉̿^((this'll be important later.))) And don't worry, even though we do have a set story I will do my best to not control your characters, I still want you to write with freedom as we explore the ghost-afterlife.
If you've made it this far, message me the word "Spirit" somewhere in your message so I can see you took the time to read through my post, as hard as that might've been. I'm available on Discord, Reddit Chat (And DMs), so feel free to message me and we'll start the journey together of a spirit on his way from his death to that u̵n̴k̷n̶o̶w̴n̷ s̶̢̀t̷̟̋ạ̸̀t̵͖̃i̵̙̓ċ̶̲ t̴̡͍̟̘͙̬̾́͆͛h̶̛̺̞͋̄̍͐͆̔̃a̴͎̪͇̼̝̻̋̀̋ţ̶̧̞͔̝̰̬͒̑́̌̃͝ ̵̧̦̘̤̒͊̽̀́́h̵̰̱̳̮̼͊̈́̊̋e̸̝̗̝͖͚̪̐ ̶̜̤͉̹͋c̵̢̹̗̯̦̝͐̈́̎â̴̖͓̣̖͑̋͛͐̆̓̅n̴̳͒̓̾͝'̴̡̫́͋̋ṱ̸̛̙̆͊̽̚ ̶͚̮͔̬̕a̸̖̫̞̗̫͊v̵̧͉̰̾̽̌ǒ̸̖͓̟̤͖͓̘̠͆̂̄̾̀̍ḯ̵̢̗̙͉͉͌̉ͅd̵̜̳̥̮̈́͋͆̔̃.̵̛̛̤͐̅̏̇.̴̛͕͊͑͋͠ͅ.̵̛̜̓́̾̐̽͋͠
27f looking to do a long term romance rp idea I had. I'm thinking of something similar to the film, Pretty Woman. I don't enjoy many paragraph replies so a few sentences is good for me. I love the build up and tension of a romance plot and im interested to try something a little different here. If you're looking for a fun and different rp, shoot me a message to see if we'd make a good match!
Hey all, I'm looking for anyone who wants to explore a 'found damily' dynamic. I'm looking for someone to play opposite of my character; introducing her to friends and their family and making her feel welcome. Other themes could be: forgiveness, dealing with repressed memories and more we can tack on.
My character moves to a new town for university, and is having trouble adjusting. Back home, she was a bully, bullying others that she saw as lesser to hide her own insecurities. In the new town, she doesn't know how to make friends and is falling back onto her old ways. The more people reject her, the more she hides in the dark.
Experienced roleplayer here, M21, and looking to get back to normal roleplays. I had an idea that popped up in my head a few days ago and would love to try it out.
Here's the outline of the plot: I'm the only living descendant of a Mafia family. Dangerous, constantly irate, and doesn't care about anyone except my daughter. I hire you as her nanny, but you aren't a regular nanny; you're an elite, trained, and skilled nanny who graduated from Elite Caretaking Academy. Now there is something related to your family's past and mine. Could that be the reason why I hired you? Anyways, you and I shouldn't be falling for each other as time goes on and we get to know each other more.
Looking for a female writer who is literate and can write detailed responses. The length of the replies doesn't matter as such as long as the story keeps moving. Be over 18 as I'd prefer you to be. Start off with an intro in your first message. We can work on the plot more if you'd like, and you're welcome to share your own ideas as well.
P.S. My discord has been bugging for the past few weeks, and I'm not able to roleplay there, so unfortunately, I have to stick to Reddit.