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Hopefully this is allowed but really don't want to make 3 separate posts for all these ideas/questions.
I have bad adhd and because of it I tend to overthink stuff immensely but I also tend to make things super complicated. So I managed to make it super complicated for me to what mods I want in my game. It became so extensive of the ideas that now I bookmark stuff and have folders for each section.
So here's my first question
I don't get the purpose of having mods that enhance whims, preferences, or even gives buffs. What am I doing wrong or not seeing? I like having mods that enhance interactions, game play and really make things change in the game and how it plays out. Do all these things really make the difference just maybe not right away? Does it really enhance game play? If so if were to start with some mods that solely focus on whims, preferences, and buffs what would you suggest? I would say anything family, romance, drama wise. Not too crazy about the occult. Love drama especially if it's more realism. I do see a lot of mods that allow these things so convince me what's worth it and why I definitely am missing out.
If I already have too many mods how should I incorporate different themes? Should I just focus on one area for a game like mermaids and faires and then another game focus on maybe family and children? I just have so many different ideas and wants but I absolutely can not add anymore because I also have all the packs and expansions and sadly a lot of them are not worth it and you can't uninstall what you don't use (trust me I tried, so stupid). So now I'm trying to decide with my adhd brain how I can use all the mods I want but where it's actually productive (I have so many sometimes I forget what one does or what one is actually making the difference, or I just forget what I have and never use the mod)
This one is more simple. I thought about having more trait mods, I have some from Chingyu and Kiarasims among others but I feel there are trait mods out there that are probably worth having I did not consider. Looking for recommendations for trait mods that I need to have in my game that you never get bored of or always go back to. Any are welcomed :)
These can also be adult related for any suggestions or ideas.
Also do you guys do the same thing and bookmark a ton of mods and just go overboard that you have to really use only half of what you really want at a time or am I just ridiculous lmao
I know it's early days but is anyone planning to make a mod with more Inheritance split options for L&D wills?
I just noticed you can't split simoleons 50/50 between 2 children 😔 There seems to only be multiples of 20%
I haven’t played since last year, and I just purchased the 2 most recent expansion packs. What are some essential mods for generational gameplay? I have mccc, ui cheats, wicked whims, nisa k’s, and food mods by icenumnum.
Hi guys
I deleted basemental drugs from my mods folder, but I keep getting a notification in-game saying that the version I have is outdated and to update.
I have searched my mods folder and can't find anything for it, so I am a bit stumped as to why it is happening. Am I missing something else related to this mod in my mods folder?
Any help would be appreciated!
I have never used mods before but I downloaded a couple to try (wicked whims and basemental drugs). I downloaded and moved them to the mods folder and the mods pop up shows when I start the game but when I’m actually playing they don’t show up. I have mods enabled in my settings so I’m not sure why it’s not working
Hey all :) basically the title lol. I’m currently using the Moonwood Mill Foggy Forest loading screen by ghostlycc but she seems to be inactive so I have doubts it will ever be updated by her. I would really love to update it myself and keep using it as it’s my favorite loading screen but I have no clue how to go about it as the only cc I’ve made has been personal recolors.
Any help will be greatly appreciated because I honestly will be so gutted if I have to retire it from my game and try to find a new loading screen.
I'm seeing lots of adoption notices since the L&D pack. I have MCCC and have adoption notices turned off in the settings.
Sites anyone know what's causing them to suddenly be occurring?
Hey guys, I'm interested in doing a story line where I have two roommates, one that's a serial killer and one that's a detective. Does anyone have mod suggestions to accomplish this? I have Get To Work, so I think the detective part is covered, and I'm thinking extreme violence for the serial killer part, is there anything else that would make it better? Thanks so much!
Yeah, I know, I am being arsey. The layout looks interesting but I only want the lots, not the gameplay.
okay so, after the update yesterday (10/31) I can no longer open my game, it loads to the screen with the title the sims 4 and then goes unresponsive. It works when I take my mods out so I tried finding which ones causing the problem but when doing the 50/50 both halves work, just not together?? I am so lost and don’t know what to do, really just any advice would help (T-T)
Is there a mod that gives the option to "Order for" another sim at food vendors on community lots similar to the order drink for another sim interaction on bars?
Okay, I was playing last night after updating all my mods and downloading the new EP and the infant situation is driving me insane. I've tried a couple, and they don't seem to improve the situation, but I guess there could be conflicts or something. Here's a list of the ones I am aware of. Which one when installed will preserve my sanity the most? Lol please. Help. They do nothing except check infant!!!!
Of those, which is best? Or is there a better one that I don't know?
Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone currently uses this education system mod by KawaiiStacie for their current gameplay. I want to add it to my game for my not so berry challenge.
It hasn't been updated yet, but it only requires the base game, so I was thinking it might be one of those mods that don't need regular maintenance ? https://www.patreon.com/posts/education-school-97871765
Found something really cool about Life and Death today: the trait Chased by Death, when applied to Ghosts and Vampires, changes its icon and its name to Embraced by Death instead, and the description updates accordingly. Obviously Sims4Studio doesn't account for this yet (it refuses to save when an unchanged Chased by Death simdata file is in the package), so I couldn't do this right away, but eventually I'd like to make a mod that applies similar logic to other traits across the games and EPs, have them change their text in situational circumstances. Here's some examples of what I'm thinking of:
You know, things like that, traits that change the text of other traits. I'm open to suggestions for ideas along these lines, just comment and I'll see what I can do when the time comes!
I tried using the slider but it doesn't seem to work for me ! I installed WW and followed all the instructions on the bank42n site but nothing seems to work correctly ! can anyone help me ?
If you are on PC and don’t want to deal with updating all your mods every time and a new update comes out, there is still a way to access the in game online features. In the EA app in the menus click on go off-line and click on the Sims 4 icon to start the game. That usually makes the EA app minimize so before the loading screen pops up for the Sims open the EA app back to click go online in the menu. Once the game fully loads back up, you will have access to download Sims and houses. It will just not allow you to download Sims or houses built on the new update.
((Specific underwear refers to the CC genitalia underwear that give them a penis (I think from from Wicked Whims?))
Essentially, when I give any of my male werewolves the aforementioned underwear in the sleep category, they'll only wear it when it's manually added in CAS. However, when they change into their sleepwear another time, the underwear disappears and they're wearing nothing (i.e., null down below) again.
The underwear CC I'm using is actually designed for werewolves, so I assumed it would stay there but they don't. I've tried adding like 5 versions of the outfit under sleep mode to try and keep them, but they all get the same fate and return to null mode.
Is this fixable? Is Will Wright secretly watching my gameplay and trying to stop me from enjoying my naked, gay werewolf dilfs? I won't let him! 👎👎🙂↔️🙂↔️🙅🙅
Thank you!
I keep getting this error with education overhaul and everytime i redownload it its the same
I ended up rage uninstalling the game AND the EA app due to the new DLC 😤
I was playing last night AN HOUR before the new DLC released & it was perfectly fine. Logged on 5 hours ago to install the new DLC, started up my game and… it gets 10 seconds into the loading screen & then the game just exits. I’ve repaired, uninstalled, reinstalled, repaired, cleared caches, removed all my mods. Still nothing.
Spent approx 2 hours in live chat with 2 different help desk guys. The first one was fantastic, the second was… not. I’m actually fairly sure the second guy was AI.
I’m at a loss, anyone else had the same issue? I’ve seen in the steam chat boards a couple who have reported the same. All that money wasted on a game I can’t even play at this point. I want to scream.
after stumbling upon and playing around with Wicked Whims lately (for research purpose only ofc) I found that some Sims wont show up to be selected for "core Interactions" regardless of all relevant parameters known to me (e.g. romance/relationship/attractiveness status, age, idleness, traits etc). No seks no farm trips no nothing. Especially newly created Sims end up like that which makes me think of an underlying age thingy but I also dont want to end up randomly aging up Sims to literally fk around and find out plus it doesnt really help my existing scenarios.
It doesnt bug me too much but it seemed pretty random to me and If somebody happens to know a workaround Id be happy to hear. Thanks and stay wicked!
Hey everyone,
I was wondering if there is a mod that replaces base NPCs? Kind that puts other people in the game. By always coming across Caliente, Goth, etc. It's becoming more and more difficult for me to start a new savegame.
Thanks for every help 🤗
Hey all, i'm already done with ea, i'm waiting since the pack cats and dogs came out... i'm waiting for my dogs to actually guard, which is impossible with ea, so here i am. Do you guys know any mod that can make dogs guard ? there is definitely more i would love to change about this pack like food preferences, leash collars choices, height of dogs, dog houses and a LOT more... but i think i'll be good with my dog guarding for now 🥰 THANK U! (i haven't find any that's why i'm asking)