Unbeckoned, they pop into your head.
A place to post random thoughts that leak out of your brain.
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r/RandomThoughts Discord Server
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Last night I had a cough suppressant that makes me drowsy yet somehow I wasn't tired for at least 30 minutes. During those 30 minutes, I had 3 random thoughts including this one. I only remember this one, but seriously, why???
You are more than capable -
My wife accidentally bought lime flavored chips at the store. Not a big fan but eating them anyhow. Thinking about how many people go into a grocery store and have so many other choices of chips. What do you think the percentage of people that go in the store and buy Tortillas. Never mind throw caution to the wind and buy lime Tortillas. In my life, I can’t think of anyone’s house I’ve gone over and they’ve had lime tortillas chips over your generic plain salted lot. My random through is that how are they still being produced when demand has never seemed that high while other random fly by night flavors come sell out overnight and go? If you love lime flavored tortillas chips. Please let me know!
Just a thought
my mind cannot comprehend ''geniuenly'' (as you can see)
I took a bus that went a longer way and i realized I could have taken the train instead that was like 30min faster and then it came to my head: “The journey is already the destination”. I had some beautiful views from the bus so i wonder… was it worth it? What are your opinions on my thought?
Long story short dad has problems with neighbour.So he parks car next to border with his parking lot .Today brother of neighbour came he has multiple sclerosis.Dad could move car a bit forward and the neighbours brother would have better day
I don’t get why anyone still makes this type of ad. They could be literally giving cash away and I would never know because I’d never click on it. If it is an ad you can skip, it gets skipped before I ever hear what the product is. Out of morbid curiosity I watched one today for almost 2 minutes before I gave up. They never once mentioned their product or what it could even be. It was just vague customer testimonials. Seems like a 100% waste of marketing. It’s not even good for manipulating your algorithm because wtf is the product?!?
The other day i woke up with this thought on my head that goes “You can’t compromise to something you cant control”. Isnt this such a good and deep thought? Its so accurate and you can say it in so many contexts
I'd never claim this in real life because I feel some shame lol.
It can be anything.
Today I was in the car in a road trip and found my self wondering what the average interstate milage of a peterbilt 379 towing 40000lb was.
Strange world we live in
I don't know about you guys but I eat so much junkfood and don't get me wrong I like to be skinny but like I eat so much junk food I'm starting to question how I'm not big
I saw on Twitter that Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson showers three times a day. He explained his routine as a cold shower in the morning, a warm shower after his workout, and a hot shower at night to relax before bed.
When someone on Twitter joked that this was ‘crazier than not showering,’ The Rock replied, saying, ‘Nothing weird about this; I workout twice a day and work for another 16 hours—easy to understand.’
He says it works for him because of his super intense schedule, but it made me wonder: has anyone else tried this, or maybe even two showers a day? Does it help or hurt your skin and overall health? I’m curious if there are real benefits or if it just leads to skin dryness, especially with that much hot water involved!
Anyone else feel a strong contributor like myself?
Why hasn't there been a sequel to the movie Why Him? To me, that's a no Brainerd, cast was insanely stacked.
When you are feeling a certain emotion like depression, sadness, anger, longing, missing, or nostalgia, at that current time, you are just stuck in a thought. I thought that when we understand it, we move on; we accept it and move on. We get to another emotion that is more positive, perhaps. But to live this life as a human, you have to accept and let go of the worry those thoughts contain. You need to understand what it’s like to be human while also staying curious. In other words: don’t give a fuck about a single thing.
Maybe I’m just realizing this too late?
Most prople are right-handed so I'm sure their signing tends to be right-hand dominant. So does signing by a lefty have a different feel or as I said, "accent"?
Im not speaking for everyone but can we talk about how people are slowly letting lizzo back into the light now that shes lost weight??
I am not a vegan, I like fish and dairy products, but I have not liked meat since I was a child. The taste of meat is nauseating. Does anyone have something like this?
It's the message adults send them every time they vote for an incompetent reality TV star instead of literally anyone who is actually qualified.