
Photograph via snooOG

/r/rabbits is an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits. Please note we are a pet rabbit community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue.

Welcome to /r/rabbits, an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits! Please note that we are a pet rabbit subreddit that discourages breeding and encourages rescue.


Posting Rules:

  • See Veterinary Emergencies for other common symptoms of problems in rabbits.
  • See here for resources if you are in need of financial assistance for your pet.
  • We can only give suggestions that are not a replacement for professional advice.
  • If you have found a wild rabbit, see here for proper next steps and resources. Posts asking about wildlife rehabilitation will be removed.
  • For behavior problems, include the rabbit's age, how long you have had the rabbit, when the behavior occurred, and if/when it was neutered. This will help other rabbitors tailor advice appropriate to your situation.
  • For breed ID posts, include the rabbit's age, weight, and full-body pictures of their profile in good day-time lighting. More tips here.
  • Rehoming posts are welcome, but read through our guide first and include your location, or the post may be removed.
  • Review the rules below for banned topics before posting.* r/Rabbits also has a very strict spam and troll filter. Please allow time for moderators to review and approve the queue throughout the day. Posts that do not follow our rules below may be removed without warning.
    • Be polite with constructive criticism.
    • Post sources of non-original content.

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    When it's time for a dramatic moult

    07:54 UTC


    Bunny figurines

    Bunny cake topper?

    You know those cute online videos of wedding cakes where they incorporate a little dog taking a bite or hiding g in the cake? I want to do a similar thing but with my bunnies.. where can I buy small glass or plastic bunny figurines? I am making my own cake and I don’t have the talent to use fondant.

    05:45 UTC


    I call this The Boomerang Flop

    04:52 UTC

    04:37 UTC


    My roommate's rabbit put her mouth on my henna-ed hair. Should I be concerned?

    I put henna in my hair about a week ago to dye it, and you can still kind of smell it, so it's definitely in there. My roommate's rabbit likes biting my hair. I try not to let her eat any, but she's had it in her mouth before. She at most may have bitten off like a quarter of a strand, she definitely has not ate a lot. I just looked it up and found that henna is toxic for rabbits. She doesn't show any signs of being sick from what I can see, but should I be concerned or just be more careful in the future about letting her near my hair?

    Edit: this is the henna I used. I think it's all natural.

    04:32 UTC


    Water Sensory Mat?

    Does anyone have a water sensory mat for their bun? I saw a cat playing on one and I wanted to see if anyone here has it.🩵 This is my baby girl, Zuzu🥹

    02:49 UTC


    Does your rabbit have “their” piece of furniture?

    I bought this beanbag chair hoping she and I could sit on it together. She has since decided it belongs entirely to her and will nudge me to get off and, if I don’t listen, will nip. She will also shove any blankets I put on it off and grunt at me if I put them back on. My dreams of a place to cuddle are shattered and my hundred dollar beanbag chair is not even mine (She was spayed recently and I’m pretty sure this is the last of her hormones running their course. I hope. Please.)

    01:49 UTC


    Poop training in rabbits

    Can we really train poop in rabbits? My holland lop is very consistent about peeing but pooping is very hard. he just love to poop everywhere, just a few in his toilet. He don't normally pee outside the toilet but poop, he just love to place here and there randomly

    01:49 UTC


    Help - Female bunny not making any litter progress

    Can anyone help me with tips for litter training? My first male bunny caught on very quickly after he was neutered, but my female will just use it half the time. They are both free-roam and she doesn’t go on the floor, but she’ll go pee and poop anywhere in her cage.

    I scoop her poop, I disinfect the pee and poop after i pick it up, I give her treats when she uses her box, and I also pick the poop/pee up and return it to the box — so far none of this has worked and i’ve made very little progress.

    For more context, she is around 11 months old, has been spayed for some time, and lives with my other rabbit (they are fully bonded). I’ve had her for about 2 months now and no progress. Any help would be great!

    1 Comment
    01:12 UTC


    Just looking for new toy inspiration for my 2 bunnies

    I’m looking for ideas for new toys for my 2 bunnies just to give them some variety through their day. What kind of toys do you guys give your bunnies and how often do they play with the toy?

    I once bought two wooden toys from the vet. A wooden board with around 6 balls on the board and you could hide pellets under the board. Was definitely worth it. Second toy was also a wooden construction with small boxes with a rope attached and inside the boxes you could hide treats. Bunnies needed to pull the rope. Also worked perfectly fine but I’m looking for new inspirations and ideas.

    23:48 UTC


    Could someone draw my bun?

    20:44 UTC


    Urgent! Bunny not eating or drinking

    Tuesday night I noticed that my bunny was acting strange and hiding under my bed. He only goes there if he’s ill (e.g.: previous GI stasis). He’s currently molting.

    I decided to give him pain meds and keep one eye on him. Yuta was pooping, but not much and they were small.

    Yesterday I noticed that he was eating a bit of hay (ate all the greens) and not drinking water. I took him to the vet where he received fluids and we started with critical care every 8hrs and keep the pain medicine.

    Today he’s barely touching the greens and ate a bit of hay during the morning. Almost no poop. Called the vet again and she said to keep him on critical care.

    He’s currently eating a bit of his supplement (cunipic vet line for rabbits with intestinal issues). Once in a while he munches on greens and pellets, but also not much. He refused treats and malt paste. Also didn’t touch the small slice of papaya.

    If I walk around the house, sometimes he follows me and tries to hump my leg (yeah..) He doesn’t let me massage his tummy (it’s not rock hard, it’s like a dough but it’s bigger than normal).

    I don’t know if he has a blockage or stasis.

    Any tips of what I can do? Even though he’s not 100% lethargic, I feel that I’m loosing my boy and I honestly can’t take it

    The vet is aware but please, any tips?

    UPDATE: I gave him a bit of pineapple and he pooped a bit more. Still no luck with water or hay

    20:10 UTC


    Bonding without speed dating?

    I have a year and a half old spayed female bunny who is displaying lonely traits such as grooming stuffed animals. I want to get her a buddy, preferably a male as i read that would be a safer pairing, but I am not near any shelters that allow bunny speed dating. Is it possible to adopt a male rabbit and bond them myself? Or is this too risky?

    19:59 UTC


    I need help with my rabbit should I get her a new friend?

    Before today I had two rabbits, but unfortunately my rabbit Kiki has passed with cancer. Now my rabbit Bella is alone, I’m worried that without her friend she will become depressed. Does anyone know how I could help my rabbit with grief, Bella has lived with Kiki since they were babies.

    1 Comment
    19:48 UTC


    Watery eye?

    I took my bunny to the vets today after noticing weepy eye for a few days. The vet believes he has conjunctivitis and sent me off with antibiotic eye drops. Can someone tell me is it normal for his eye to be watering after receiving the eye drops?

    Thank you

    19:31 UTC


    Why is my rabbit humping the other after 4 months

    Hii, they've been together for 4 months and only now Is my male bun trying to hump the other??

    1 Comment
    18:55 UTC


    Any clue on what this rabbit pellet brand could this be? The one on the right is Oxbow Essential Young

    18:07 UTC


    Sleepy bun

    18:01 UTC

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