
Photograph via snooOG

/r/rabbits is an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits. Please note we are a pet rabbit community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue.

Welcome to /r/rabbits, an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits! Please note that we are a pet rabbit subreddit that discourages breeding and encourages rescue.


Posting Rules:

  • See Veterinary Emergencies for other common symptoms of problems in rabbits.
  • See here for resources if you are in need of financial assistance for your pet.
  • We can only give suggestions that are not a replacement for professional advice.
  • If you have found a wild rabbit, see here for proper next steps and resources. Posts asking about wildlife rehabilitation will be removed.
  • For behavior problems, include the rabbit's age, how long you have had the rabbit, when the behavior occurred, and if/when it was neutered. This will help other rabbitors tailor advice appropriate to your situation.
  • For breed ID posts, include the rabbit's age, weight, and full-body pictures of their profile in good day-time lighting. More tips here.
  • Rehoming posts are welcome, but read through our guide first and include your location, or the post may be removed.
  • Review the rules below for banned topics before posting.* r/Rabbits also has a very strict spam and troll filter. Please allow time for moderators to review and approve the queue throughout the day. Posts that do not follow our rules below may be removed without warning.
    • Be polite with constructive criticism.
    • Post sources of non-original content.

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    20:25 UTC


    Lil besties 💗

    18:52 UTC


    Soccer bun!

    18:45 UTC


    Gus & Moxxie

    18:23 UTC


    Bunny toys

    Nephew got a bunny for Xmas and has a birthday coming up. We'd like to get him some fun gifts to use with his new pet. Any great toys that really bring out a bunny's playful side? Any suggestions for accessories you were glad to have for your bunny?

    17:56 UTC


    Bunny not peeing?

    hi friends!!! my 2 ish year old (estimated age) bunny has not peed in 24 hours. she is still pooping and not showing any signs of pain or lethargy and still somewhat drinking (not as often as she usually does), but still hasn't peed. we have tried a few things and nothing is working. we tried parsley (a natural diuretic) and putting a mix of cranberry/apple juice in a small bowl of water, which she ate and drank both. is it time to go to the emergency vet? or should we give her more time/try other things? thanks!

    17:49 UTC


    Advice plz

    Okay, so first of all, English isn't my first language, and I'm not used to Reddit, so please be understanding.

    I've had my rabbit, Nitro, for about 7–8 years. When I was younger, I didn’t take proper care of her—not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t know how. The pet store didn’t give proper advice either. For years, she lived in a cage, and I struggled to improve her living conditions. But eventually, I found a way to give her full freedom, even more so now that I’ve moved out and have my own place.

    She has her own space with her house, litter box, food, water, etc., all set up on a sort of "carpet" I created for her. She can go wherever she wants, but she never steps off it. It’s like there’s an invisible wall she’s afraid to cross, and I don’t know how to help her. I’ve tried carrying her around my apartment (which isn’t very big—just an 18m² studio), but every time, she wanders for a bit and then rushes back to her space. She only has one eye, and the other has some issues due to her age, so I wonder if she simply can’t spot her space if she's to far from it.

    I know she loves to explore because when I take her on walks, she has the time of her life. She also enjoys smaller spaces like my bed or even train rides, despite the noise, so I don’t think her reluctance to explore is out of fear. I also wonder if it could be a trust issue—because, to be honest, even though I always had good intentions, I wasn’t the best owner. I never managed to properly bond with her the way I wanted to.

    When she was younger, I couldn’t let her out of her cage often because my parents weren’t fond of the idea, and we had a dog and cats that weren't the friendliest. Later, I went through some really bad personal issues, which made even taking care of myself difficult. I still gave her what she needed, except for attention, which I’ve tried my best to make up for (trust me I'm really ashamed and deeply regret). But I’m afraid it’s too late for that. Regardless, I want to give her the best life possible for however many years she has left with me.

    I also wonder if getting another bunny would be a good idea so she could have 24/7 company, especially since I’m not always as available as I’d like to be. But I’ve never seen her interact with other rabbits. She seems interested in other animals but is quite possessive of her space (she’s neutered, in case you’re wondering), so I’m afraid of getting another bunny only for them not to get along.

    Sorry for the long post and if it wasn’t very clear, but I hope you’ll still be able to help me!

    16:58 UTC


    Rabbit wont eat veggies!!

    I managed to trick him ONCE to eat a few cucumbers and a small piece of lettuce. But since then, he refuses to eat anything fresh. Including apples!!

    I have NO idea what to do, i cant trick him again, i dont know how to get him to eat anything fresh. Even if it was a fruit, I want him to eat something fresh.

    Does anyone have any advice?

    16:55 UTC


    my little pepsi boi got the zoomies

    15:51 UTC


    Freeze! Get down on the ground!

    Found causing a general disturbance. Sentenced to a nail clipping and fur brushing.

    15:50 UTC


    I’m not sure who is happier with these pets rn

    15:17 UTC


    This is the best I can do with my wittle arms

    12:11 UTC


    just looking for some general knowledge on vets willing to shave rabbit bums

    i need to still call the vet in the morning but looking for some fellow rabbit owners experience as well. my bun, Egg, has some matts on his bum that wont come out just by brushing. hes been peeing a lot outside the box and i dont want to get too into that because i will be taking it up with the vet if he is having a health issue, but thats why hes getting the knots. however i am terrified of shaving the matts myself. i would like to do it and bought a pair of pet clippers to try however his fur is so thick that i cant tell where his skin is and started crying.

    my question is, are vets able to shave the matts for me? will i be expecting him to be sedated? whats your experience with shaving your rabbits bums?

    11:01 UTC


    Best company while gaming

    She matches my white PC setup too

    10:38 UTC


    ! Trying to get some fresh veggies

    Hello! I have 0 funds and not much fresh veggies left and was wondering if there is anyway I can get some fresh veggies for free somewhere? I live in Brighton UK. I was gifted my rabbits when I lived with my parents and had loads of time and money to spare, now I’ve moved and and have so many other things to think about it’s really difficult to keep up with how much my rabbits cost me financially. When I’m low on money my rabbits eat before I even get to think about feeding myself and it’s very stressful, so I was wondering if there is anyway in my area that I could take fresh veggies for free or something like that

    10:35 UTC


    Trying to find veggies for my rabbits

    Hello! I have 0 funds and not much fresh veggies left and was wondering if there is anyway I can get some fresh veggies for free somewhere? I live in Brighton UK. I was gifted my rabbits when I lived with my parents and had loads of time and money to spare, now I’ve moved and and have so many other things to think about it’s really difficult to keep up with how much my rabbits cost me financially. When I’m low on money my rabbits eat before I even get to think about feeding myself and it’s very stressful, so I was wondering if there is anyway in my area that I could take fresh veggies for free or something like that

    10:32 UTC


    rabbit-dog bonding

    we got my dexter a couple years back along with his brother bugsy but he recently passed. my mum’s new boyfriend recently moved in along with his 9 year old golden, shes a big baby really, but terrible training; she knows not to run away and she can be off the lead but doesnt stop at roads or for bikes, very rarely comes back when called and doesnt get anything other than ‘take it nicely’. i hate this dog.

    the dog and him have been kept seperate for the most part but very recently i was made aware that sometimes theyd just let her out into the garden with him. just for funzies every once in a while. “its cute! they love each other” dexters not a fan. occasionally my mum will sit with him on her lap and the dog at her feet, letting them ‘get to know each other’ in a way that dexter cant run away and is visibly uncomfortable. she quite enjoys licking his ears and getting up in his personal space, and when we tried to seperate them again she would NOT let him go, just wanted to keep him. however, my mum and her boyfriend are very insistent that she just really likes her new brother and theyre completely safe together. im not trying to kill my rabbit. thoughts?

    1 Comment
    10:32 UTC


    Bonding & (temporary?) re- homing advice/tips needed

    Hi all, I've been researching on this for a little while now and have reached the point where I'm anxious about the whole process as it sounds super stressful 😖 So I've come here for some final tips and advice on things that I may have missed or not have considered.

    I'm unfortunately in a position where I have to re- home my bun (F, 8Y.O., Neutered) as I'm moving overseas for a year (potentially longer). A relative has offered to take care of her however they also have a bun (M, 8Y.O., Un-neutered), who they adopted at the same time as me from the same litter when they were both around 8 weeks old.

    About a week or two after we adopted them (as first time bunny owners we didn't know about them being territorial 🥲) we brought my bun over to 'play' with the male bun however it quickly turned into the female bun biting and chasing after the male who was trying to run away, hide, and even squealed 😢. Fortunately neither of them had any injuries.

    Based off this event and what we've noticed about our bunnies personalities from over the years, when we introduce the buns again, we believe the female bun will be more dominant and the male to be submissive (which I've read is a good dynamic for buns to have when bonding?).

    However I'm still worried about the bonding process as the male bun is un-neutered and my bun only got neutered when she was 6 years old. We'll also be introducing her in his territory as he's basically free roam in their entire house. We do plan to do it slowly with a fenced off area leaving a gap so they can't touch but still see eachother, and then swap litter boxes and toys and work our way towards a date where they can be in a small space together and can touch. Although the male bun is free roam in the entire house, he apparently doesn't venture upstairs anymore so we're thinking of their first 'same space date' to be in a supervised area upstairs - wondering if this can be considered a neutral area??

    If the bonding all goes well, my next question would be about separating them when and if I eventually come back. Would this be bad for the buns if I were to take mine back home with me?

    Any advice and tips would be very much appreciated !!

    1 Comment
    09:21 UTC


    POV: the alarm just went off

    09:03 UTC


    TBT epic salad binkies

    08:53 UTC


    How much space do you actually need?

    Have 2 holland lops, they're in a two story hutch and a playpen kinda thing. I think it's 18 ish sq feet? Idk how big the hutch is. I take them out in the yard for a couple hours when the weather's nice. Maybe a couple times a week not in fall/ winter. When we were looking at cages, that seemed enough, but seeing other ppls setups I'm wondering if it's not? So many people have free roaming bunnies, which is definitely not doable. There's also just not anywhere else to put them where they'd have more room, theyre in our (never used) guest bedroom so theres a bunch of other stuff in there so I couldn't rly fit a bigger playpen. They seem to be doing fine and healthy? We've had them abt a yr and cycled thru a few different cages.

    08:30 UTC

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