A general sub for discussion of the weirder side of rock music.
The main difference between this sub and others like /r/progmetal and /r/progrockmusic is that this sub has a blacklist in force. Rather than choosing popular bands for the list, we have decided to make a blanket ban on any artist with over 100,000 listeners on last.fm. This is NOT because we are elitists and hate anything popular, but because we already know who Dream Theater and Rush are and want to give attention to lesser known artists making good music. New releases from blacklisted bands are allowed, but why bother posting them? People already know. The goal of this forum is discovery, the sharing of underappreciated gems.
For the same reasons, do not post any work by an artist which has been posted in the last 3 months.
Post-metal, post-rock, math rock, etc. are permitted but should be discernibly proggy. There is overlap between prog and post-metal, for example, but that doesn't mean that every post-metal band or song is prog.
Memes are banned.
ExxoStack - BlissNorance
ExxoStack - MetaCognition
This song, was written during the time i had COVID, and this song captures my emotional journey.I play the guitar, while the bass and drums are programmed.
do let me know, what you think of it !