A place for all to talk about policing in the UK.
A place for all to talk about policing in the UK.
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Inspired by this video, a few comments ask the same but the responses are lacklustre and I'd rather have input from this forum :)
Would you be making an arrest? And why/specifics?
Hi all,
Hoping someone who’s more knowledgeable than myself can chime in and confirm something for me.
I’ve just seen a video of a nurse being arrested after stabbing a shopkeeper with a needle/injecting them. Whilst in the cell van one of the officers conducted an urgent interview to establish what was in the syringe/injected. That led me down a bit of a rabbit hole and I was hoping someone could confirm if I’m understanding PACE urgent interview rules correctly:
You can conduct an urgent interview prior to arrival at a police station without superintendent authority provided you hit the grounds for an urgent interview (e.g. serious risk of physical harm to another) and the detainee has not requested legal advice.
Whereas if they request legal advice, you need to seek a superintendent’s authority in order to proceed?
I appreciate you must stop once you’ve averted or at least attempted to avert the risk which you’re trying to mitigate.
Just hoping someone can confirm if I’ve understood correctly!
Hello everyone,
Can somebody please explain to me the concept of continuity in the context of victims?
Why is it that a police officer has to go and sit with a victim of serious injuries at hospital for continuity. Surely this is a massive waste of resources? The Injuries aren't going anywhere and would have been noted by doctors at the hospital? I understand continuity in the context of exhibits/evidence, but with injuries I just don't understand it.
Anyone else think that there’s been a massive shift in the state of the job. I think it used to be more of a way of life/career being a police officer. Now I think the state of the job makes it much more like a job where people will more willingly leave in the modern times.
As someone who’s 5 years in I think it’s fair to say there’s a big difference between younger individuals in the job whom are newer, and people who have been in 15-20+ years…
What do you guys think?
Have been told that our body armour/vests are changing soon. They are changing to the all in one body armour/molle type. Apparently similar to what the Met use currently. Anyone have any experience or tips for these kinds of vests
I was just driving back from the gym & a driver I suspected as drunk pulled out in front of me, swerving between lanes, almost mounted a kerb while driving and was stopping beyond the stop line at lights. I reported him to the police (first time i’ve ever called the police) & I’m just wondering out of curiosity if the police get back to you if it’s followed up on? I really cannot stand drink drivers, I have no remorse for whatever consequences they may face.
Does anyone else have a vastly different personality at work vs every day life?
At work I’m so confident, able to make decisions quickly and sure of myself. Lately in my personal time I’m incredibly anxious, no self confidence and borderline agoraphobic not wanting to leave my house.
I can’t tell if that’s job related at all? I don’t dread going to work, I don’t feel anxiety or unconfident at work. It’s like the moment I step into civvie life.. I’m a nervous mess?
I like to pride myself on having the subcoincious ability to switch of emotion and seem 'cold' and detcathed and level headed. However i still have anxiety issues in fact that afore mentioned ability is a direct result of having an anxiety issue
So how do you guys and gals remain calm and defuse tense situations ranging from domestic abuse to hostage negoitations
Im fully aware that TV shows will make it seem very easy cos they arent in the actual scenarios
Hi everyone. I'm wondering if you could give me some advice. I've not long moved to the UK from Ireland so I'm not sure how it works here, but I think I need to report a co-worker for drink driving and obviously I don't want to be outed as the person who's done so. My local police website does not have an option to report anonymously so I considered using Crimestoppers, but I've read that that is unlikely to amount to anything being done.
I don't like to be that person, but this fella is out of control: he's drunk at work almost daily, he stinks of drink and can barely string a sentence together or walk in a straight line. He's currently got a huge bruise on his forearm which looks as if it has been caused by going into the steering wheel and bracing himself. His car is a mess with dings and duct tape and I'm amazed he hasn't been sacked, let alone pulled over.
Please could you give me some advice? I don't want to make enemies here at my new city, but I believe it is only a matter of time before he injuries or kills someone.
I need some advice regarding transferring a Military pension into the Police one. To my knowledge this needs to be done within 12 months of joining the job.
So my situation is quite complex. I joined the job in Scotland in 2018. I was automatically enrolled into the Pension scheme but in order to join I had to take a big pay cut and leave the Pension.
I rejoined the pension in May 2023 once I could afford it, and tried to transfer my Military pension (8 years). I received an email from the pension team advising that they could not transfer at the time due to the pension remedy.
HOWEVER, in June 2024 (over 13 months since rejoining) I transferred to an English Force - thus needing to transfer my pension from Scotland to England schemes. I also attempted to transfer the Military one and was again was advised there was a remedy and that they would contact me once a valuation could be complete.
So, I know you are supposed to transfer it within 12 months but what happens if you weren't in it like me?
Once rejoined I have then tried to do it but couldn't because of the remedy.i have then transferred and the remedy is still ongoing.
I have a no point been told I can't transfer it but I have suddenly started to worry about it.
Any advice on this please?
Hello everyone,
I'm currently one day away from completing my initial course. I'm a broken man.
Does anyone have any tips and tricks they can share for the future?
My mum has recently got a new partner and is already in talks of moving in with him. My concern is my brother who’s only 12.
She’s talked about how he gets in fights when they go out, and she’s been off since knowing him for the past 2 months. Last night my sister text me that they showed up at her house and my mum was very obviously under the influence of something and still pulling up her trousers. She’s mentioned he used something in the past. She was assaulted before and refused to go to the police because ‘they don’t do anything.’
I don’t know if I’m being paranoid but I’m trying to request a check (struggling to get an address as he’s moved a lot apparently?) but my main concern is they disclose to her and she doesn’t care. If I stress that my concern is my brother would there be the potential of them disclosing to me or my dad? Or is clare’s law strictly in regard to partner violence?
Thanks for any help.
Good morning,
I have recently been for an internal medical assessment. The doctor has picked up on what they call a ‘historic functional heart murmur’. He has said there’s nothing to worry about, and it is very unlikely to have an impact throughout my operational policing career. However, he did state that should I apply for the military I would not be enrolled due to this medical condition.
My question is, would this prevent me from applying for ARVO in the future?
I was riding through New Cross last night and in front of me was a Police BMW with two officers in it. In front of them was an Aprilia sports bike that was so loud that even with a crash helmet and earplugs it was painfull. This thing was absolutely deafening even at tickover. Its tiny number plate was hidden up under the seat and the rear lights were LEDs arranged to make it impossible to see the plate. The bike stopped at traffic lights and the police car stopped behind it. The passenger could have easily got out and pulled the guy over for a word even if he wasn't nicked. Instead we all sat there with our ears bleeding until the lights changed and it roared off. Now I hate to be "that guy". I know resources are super tight but come on. No wonder London is full of illegal bikes, scooters, up to goodness knows what when even low hanging fruit like this is ignored. Is this official policy or just two cops who couldn't be bothered with "trivia".
Edit: thanks for the insights. Lots of valid reasons why they didn't tell the guy not to be a dick. Individually it is trivial but London now feels like the wild west as far as traffic is concerned. Bikes and scooters without plates and home made 40mph+ electric bikes are the norm now. It all comes down to resources I guess. It's not like you've got nothing else to deal with.
Sometimes you have those moments where you think "ok I really did a good job with that" but realise there's nobody who's going to acknowledge it. Pat yourself on the back here.
Driver seen holding his mobile phone in his right hand looking at the screen as he passes me in my marked car waiting to pull out of a junction. Veh stopped, quick discussion during which driver states he was holding the phone as using it for Google maps due to his window mount breaking. TOR issued for using mobile phone whilst driving.
Roll on 4 months and an email arrives in my account from central ticket office. Driver has emailed them stating he wishes to formally challenge his ticket and requests copies of any evidence we have to prove he has commited the offence. He also adds some made up nonsense about the stop, claiming that he was intimidated and belittled during the stop - 100% not true and clearly being used to try and distrsct from his poor driving habit.
Central ticket office asking how I wish to proceed?
Due to the time delay, BWV of the stop has deleted from the system. Other than my MG11 I have no evidence of the offence being commited. I was single crewed at the time of incident so no secondary officer baking up my evidence.
I think I should tell central ticket office to reply to driver saying if he wishes to challenge the ticket to fill out the details and take it to court. I don't think we should be providing him with any of our evidence prior to him exercising his right to a court trial. It feels like he is trying to feel out what evidence we have, before deciding if he should accept the fixed penalty or risk a day in court.
But also I'm thinking "pick your battles". Is a magistrate going to give any more weight to my statement than the defendants? At the end of the day, it is my word against his and I'm not convinced magistrates will believe a cop over a defendant any more. Should I just tell central processing to cancel the TOR?
Your thoughts?
A few months ago I overheard a conversation on the road at the back of my house where a guy was bragging to his mate about stabbing someone, I didn't take it seriously and brushed it off as bravado. I recently saw on the news that a man was stabbed 5 minutes away from my house around the same time, they already have the person who did it but I contacted the police thinking that knowing where this conversation took place might help with the investigation. They want me to give a statement but have said that if I have to go to court then the person will know my name and although he wont be told my address he will know where I live based on the statement I give. A second person has also been arrested for intimidating a witness so I really do not feel comfortable with these people finding out my details. Am I able to give my statement without having my name attatched? I really do want to help but it doesn't feel like I would be getting any protection, if I cant do my statement anonymously am I allowed to refuse to go to court to prevent my name from being read and protect my identity? I have 5 hours left to accept or reject my remote statement and the DC who is dealing with it I think is off duty as her phone is off and I just don't know what to do, im so worried about my and my familys safety if these people find out who I am
Hello all,
Ref IPP drivers, do they have the option to use any tactics at all, or is it solely keep up with the vehicle and wait until TPAC units arrive to resolve the pursuit?
Can they use tactical contact when necessary?
If they can’t use any tactic and can solely pursue, do you think that they should have a couple more options available? Should they be able to use tactical contact, assist with a box etc?
Morning peeps
Quick one for anyone more clued in with regs
My skipper has told me, he needs to have a chat with me about overtime because I'm working too many (no actual time reg breaches). He's now said he needs to sit do a spread sheet with me and proper investigate it as someone is kicking off about it
Heard from some other colleagues about them being banned from overtime. And apparently im on their list for people to be banned. Just wondering what regs support I have. Tried speaking to fed rep who just said supervisors can do whatever
I’m probably about to become single (spare me the join the force jokes please and thanks) but we have a dog.
The dog is bonded to me, giving him up isn’t an option he’s a rescue I’m his second owner and frankly he’s pretty much my reason for living. I work a rotation which sees me doing one late a week but occasionally we do get held on from earlies.
I usually feed him and let him out in the evening and when I’m not home my SO does it. How do police officers with dogs who don’t have someone at home manage with this?
I have considered a dog walker but it’s not a regular late shift like the day of it changes and obviously the staying late is way too short notice for a dog walker. Please help.
So, I transferred police forces. My former paid me for whatever hours I worked on a public holiday at the rate of double time. No issues.
My current force stipulates that full time police officers are only entitled to 8 hours double pay on public holidays, despite our rostered duty being 12 hours. So you have to work your 12 hours, you get paid double pay and then they stick you in -4 hours toil (so only being paid double pay for 8 hours). This is the same when you have the day as a public holiday because the shift you would have worked would have been 12 hours, so again you end up in negative toil, so you can’t win or avoid negative toil.
It seems totally wrong and against regs to me. I’ve highlighted to the PFEW at a national level as local fed have allegedly signed off on it.
I believe my current force are misconstruing that the minimum tour on any day is 8 hours.
Thoughts? Any fed reps on this thread able to weigh in please? I’ve looked at the WTR and Police regs but nowhere does it stipulate public holidays are only 8 hours and as such you’re only allowed 8 hours at double pay…
General shit talk but what’s with people’s obsession with everyone else’s service length? Never got it. Always seemed like an insecurity thing to me. I’m instantly bored when people ask me or bring their own up.