
Photograph via snooOG

Share your hilarious Pokemon Go Stories here.

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Here we share weird and funny stories from our Pokemon finding adventure.  

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I need friends i send gifts all friends

Lass uns Freunde in Pokémon GO sein! Mein Trainercode ist 7093 9425 1138!

13:23 UTC


Please help and take this survey!


If you ever played Pokemon Go, help me out by taking this survey for a research paper that Im writing.

1 Comment
16:57 UTC


I love when i win battles by this little lol. Its always such a nail bitter!!

11:19 UTC


I found the best place for Pogo EVERYTHING!

Hey there I Just wanted to let you know about this amazing Pokemon Go server. Active members, active support, latest updates, giveaways, Shiny hunts, lure parties, you name it. I have looked around at a lot of different spots for pogo and this is by far the best. Come check it out! :) https://discord.gg/HX8cPMB

01:28 UTC


Lucky Gastly Trade

1 Comment
23:35 UTC


Well.... dang...

01:25 UTC


a Yu-Gi-Oh Ditto Story

I was at a weekly Yu-gi-oh Tournament, at the end of September, at my Public Library. I had my cell on Pokemon go and I was catching the occasional Pokemon. I then saw a Yanma. After awhile I decided to catch it for candy once gen 4 came out. To my surprise when I cough it, it turned into a Ditto. I then yelled out that a Yanma was a Ditto. You should of seen how many grabbed there cell phones.

1 Comment
03:14 UTC


Funny Raid story

Yesterday morning I was with a group of people doing a Suicune raid. Our goal was to hit 3 gyms all while under a lucky egg (during the double XP event), and that would have yielded 120k XP. (spoiler alert, we failed to get to the 3rd, but did manage 2 of them).

Anyway, we're doing gym #2, and just as the timer counts down, dude rolls up (some other people there knew him) and he asks if he can get in, and we're all like "back out", so he could get into the timer. Just as THAT timer was about to count down, a 2nd person shows up. I knew this person, and once again, the command to "back out" was given. Although, this person was Instinct, and there was enough of us there that we did two separate groups - so some people went ahead with their raid.

And then, - you guessed it, a 3rd person drives up, and says "Can I get in?" and we're all like "No, but we're doing another raid shortly, you can join in on that one." Then she responded, "Um no, I want in the apartment complex." See the 2nd person showed up and was now blocking the entrance to the apartment complex, and the 3rd person now simply wanted to go home. lol

04:17 UTC


Mewtwo Fight

https://youtu.be/oL0cRXt5DoQ (Please subscribe) <3

This fight took place in Baltimore Maryland on Semptember 15th this was my first Mewtwo fight. 84% iv catch. Can't wait for gen 3 and new future updates the game has to offer!!! Good luck fellow Pokemon trainers!

21:40 UTC


Graveyard Pokèstop

My house is right across the street from a Graveyard. They decided to make it a Pokéstop 😌 Ghosties, dark, and psychic types keep me company at my front porch.

1 Comment
18:50 UTC


A funny Grimer story

So, like many people, I've had Grimer for my buddy. I actually was lucky enough to catch a Muk early on in that process, but it was weak - so I still ended up walking Grimer a lot for a decent Muk. And Grimer is just SO happy. And every time he caught me a candy, I'd say "Good boy!" just as if he was my pet dog. I even renamed him "Good boy", and even though he's pretty weak, and I've caught 7 or 8 grimers, I've transferred higher level grimers because, hey, he's Good boy..

Anyway, my daughter had her own Grimer which she renamed Good girl. It's her current buddy. When gender identification was added into the game, my daughter said "You should check to see whether Good boy was actually a boy".

I checked. It wasn't.

She checked. Hers wasn't a girl.

So now we've both renamed our grimers to reflect the appropriate gender.

16:29 UTC


Found a $60 check at a nest

I was at a local nest today trying to finish up my Hiker medal (163, getting close!) and saw an envelope in the bushes. When I looked inside, there was a $60 check for a place nearby.

Dropped it off in their mailbox (hope it wasn't time sensitive, since it was dated a few days ago) and went to catch some more Pokemon.

23:19 UTC


Pokémon Go killing productivity

17:26 UTC


My house is next to a 9/11 memorial pokestop

I had to move to a new place recently in my college's town and I just started up Pokemon Go for the first time here and yep there's this monument stone thing on the edge of campus.

So thanks 9/11, for making getting the daily pokestop bonus and streak that much easier.

01:22 UTC


Anime Candela - Team Valor Pokemon GO

07:50 UTC


My pogo so far..

I remember when PoGo first came out in US, being from Northern Ireland I was as jealous as someone could be. That was until i found the apk online.. and that was it! So simple.. and here I am, getting a headstart on all my friends with their iPhones unable to get it. My first two pokemon were a Pidgey and a Rattata at the petrol station opposite work ( asides from my bulbasaur). Then the game got released here.

My and my friends couldnt get enough.. of course being from outside a city the only thing we could find was sheep. So then we started travelling. 25minutes into Belfast centre. From 6pm. Wed stay until about 2/3am 2/3nights a week, supplied with coffee and sandwiches. Then the interest was lost from them, apart from one.. who discovered a Bot. Check it out.. it does everything.. yeah il admit i tried it.. it caught me an Onix.. i didnt have one.. then i stopped.. wheres the excitement? Roll on near 6 months later and theirs just me. The grind is real.. no one to take gyms down with, no lures to share and only me interested to make that travel to somewhere that spawns. Iv completed my regional dex, and hit level 31 thanks to the event and also boast a pokemon over 3000cp. But reaching any higher could take a while.

P.s Not a sob story or a moan about anything. Just sharing my PoGo experience.

1 Comment
17:41 UTC


Answer a survey on Pokemon GO playing experiences


We are conducting a survey on the playing experiences people have with Pokémon GO.

The survey is meant for people of all age who have played Pokémon GO. It takes about 10 minutes to answer the survey.

Answering is totally anonymous, and the responses will be dealt in strictest confidence and with principles for good scientific and ethical conduct.

Please spare a few minutes and answer. A warm thank you for your interest towards our survey.

The survey can be accessed via this link: http://kyselyt.limequery.com/index.php/555999/lang-en

1 Comment
10:25 UTC


Game crashes while catching Blastoise.

I was with my friend, we found a Blastoise on our sightings so we looked around. Eventually we found him. While catching it my game crashed which scared me. I re-loaded the game and it popped back up. I was so relieved. I caught it with Great Balls since i ran out of Ultra Balls.

1 Comment
12:35 UTC


Almost got robbed today

I was coming home after a day of catching pokemon on my bike, and theres an underground sort of area where it leads to three parts of the town. I was getting to the center of that when a guy was heading to the same way. He was still far from me but kept staring at me. When I was getting close to him he suddendly stopped, as if waiting for me. I quickly turned my bike and went back. WHen I looked back again, he was looking at me and shouted: I'll get you, and kept going on his way. So yeah folks, careful where youre catching pokemon. Stay safe.

19:35 UTC


Magikarp found at the Rose City Comic Con

1 Comment
00:27 UTC


Almost got robbed...

So yea... This happened, 1 day i went hunting pokemon at the morning, i hunted over 40 pokemon, but when we were coming back to our houses, we saw 1 pokestop that is far away from us, so we wanted to go to it and get some pokeballs, but when we almost came to this pokestop WTF car driven near us, 1 guy comes off it and tells "Come here, i want to ask you", so we realised that we need to run, so we ran away by random street, but guess what? LOL those retds parked their car at the that street start when we ran away... It was bad that i dont remember car nuber, but i recently saw pinned post on internet that old guy gone without anyone known... Ill never go to this f*ing place, unless ill have a gun or smth like that... Guys, stay safe, and play in public places where are a lot of people :) Sorry for bad english.

07:21 UTC


The Snorlax, the mad dash, and the wedding at St. Patrick's Cathedral

Yesterday was my son's 14th birthday. Last month, on my cough 46th cough birthday, he and I traveled from northern NJ into NYC to catch Pokemon. We had a great time, but I learned a few things to improve about our path. So we spent some time in Bryant Park, saw Charizard, Muk, and Blastoise all within 10 minutes there (!), and made our way to Grand Army Plaza.

(For those unaware, Grand Army Plaza is on 59th and 5th, the corner of Central Park, and is considered one of, if not the, premier Pokemon spot in the area. Dozens of constantly lured Pokestop, 5 of which you can reach specifically from the Plaza, constant flash mobs when rares pop up, which they do regularly.)

We had followed the crowds for several other rares in the hour plus we were there, but nothing prepared me for the madness when someone yelled out "SNORLAX ON 50TH!!" The first few dozen people crossed 59th, a major two way street in the middle of NYC, without even waiting for the lights to change, causing a big delay.

Now, if you don't know NYC ... there are "blocks" and there are "avenues". A "block" is the roads we are talking about ... we're going down 9 blocks from 59th to 50th. An "Avenue" is between the larger streets, like Broadway or Park, and is about 5 times longer. Google Maps says it's a 10 minute walk. They yelled out there was about 10-11 minutes left on the timer. I'm 46 years old, chubby, not in great conditioning, and have a history of foot injuries. I'm carrying a delivery satchel stuffed with cold water, external batteries, sun block, etc. But this is my son's 14th birthday, and he didn't even have a Snorlax in his Pokedex. He looked at me, I looked at him and I said "Let's do it, I'll do my best to keep up."

I huffed and puffed and sweated my way down. There were easily over a hundred people running. Twice, as we had to stop or a red light, curious onlookers asked me what was going on. When I told them a super rare Pokemon was on 50th, one exclaimed "I KNEW IT!", and the other said "Is it Dragonite? I need Dragonite so bad!" :p

It wasn't until we got right to the crosswalk that I remember/notice just what is at 50th and 5th Ave: St. Patrick's Cathedral, one of the biggest, most famous churches in the WORLD. Sure enough, the Snorlax spawned RIGHT ON THE FRONT STEPS. Now upwards of 200 Pokemasters all run, stop ... and in the case of some of us older folks, collapse ... and catch that Snorlax. A minute or so of more and more people showing up, all while I am doubled over and recovering.

That, of course, is when I hear the organs. The giant, famous, 9000+ piped organs of St. Patrick's Cathedral, indicating the end of the 12:00 Mass. The front doors open up, and out stepped a brand new bridge and groom, fresh from their wedding in St. Patrick's. Now, I don't know what it takes to be able to have your wedding at St. Patrick's, but they had Requiem Masses there for Babe Ruth, Vince Lombardi, and Robert Kennedy. It's gotta be a big deal. And out of the doors comes this couple, who are not only greeted by the usual well wishers, family and friends ... but all these exhausted Pokemon Go players.

Spontaneously, a burst of applause washed over them. A few seconds went by, and a photographer started taking pictures.

Then someone, who may have just gotten there, who may have been a smart ass, who may not have even noticed what was happening, suddenly shouts: "YEAH, SNORLAX!"

That's when the second wave of applause occurred :)

(PS: My son noticed that immediately after the shout, one of the groomsmen reached into his pocket and took out his phone. Was he checking for the Snorlax? We may never know :D)

12:23 UTC


Random people from different teams play together

So yesterday I went out to Prospect Park in Brooklyn, (good hotspot for pokemon, pokestops, etc). I went to this pokestop with a lure on it with a few kids my age there also playing. Two were on my team, Valor, and one was on Instinct. Later we ran to a nearby gym that just got taken over by mystic, and we all battled it, and Valor took the gym back. Later, 3 more kids came around the corner, and one of them wqs mystic, another mystic, and one valor. So of course we all started talking about Pokemon go, showing off our top pokemon, all of that fun stuff, but the point is, we were all like friendly rivals, not like enemies, we didnt care about who was on which team, we just played together and had lots of fun.

1 Comment
13:07 UTC


Something weird while playing Pokemon Go late at night. Any explanations?

A few days ago I drove to a dark and empty park to beat a gym at around 2am, and as I was walking deeper into the park I heard a kid laughing. For a moment I thought I was hallucinating, but then I saw the kid playing carelessly on top of a sledge. He seemed to be no older than 5 years old. He didn't see me. There were no nearby houses around the park. I instinctively turned around, went back to my car and drove away. I know what I saw, that was a kid, no doubt. Still, that was strange.

00:25 UTC

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