
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/PlasticSurgery!

This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries.

A core principle of this subreddit is that feedback should be objective. Please read all sub rules and their full descriptions prior to posting or commenting here.

Welcome to /r/PlasticSurgery!

This subreddit is a general hub for discussion, before and after posts, stories, experiences, and general information about cosmetic/plastic surgeries of all sorts.

A core principle of this subreddit is that feedback should be objective. Please read all sub rules and their full descriptions prior to posting or commenting here.

Please familiarize yourself with our community's rules and post guidelines before contributing. This is a safe place for discussion, and can at times deal with insecurities and personal information. We ask that you be respectful and sensitive to the needs and wishes of others.

Disclaimer: This site is not meant to replace the advice of any physician. Do not rely upon any information that you read here at /r/PlasticSurgery (or that you obtain through posts, email or links) to replace consultations or advice received by qualified health professionals regarding your own specific situation. The information provided here at /r/PlasticSurgery is intended as aesthetic discussion only and it should NEVER be construed as medical advice.


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Rule 6: Don't ask us to choose your surgeries

What this means is this: don't post a selfie asking "lol what surgeries should I get." No one is going to choose your expensive, painful surgical procedures for you, nor should you even want them to. You should know what feature(s) you want to change, or have a question about a specific procedure. Vague posts asking us to pick for you will be removed. Come here having at least some idea of what you want.

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While it might seem kind to bombard the OP with "gurl you're so beautiful don't change a thing!!" comments, please don't do this. We are a sub for discussion of surgical procedures, and warm and fuzzy compliments are a distraction from the discussion to be had.

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Weird smile after rhinoplasty and chin implant

About a week ago I performed the open rhinoplasty and chin implant incision inside the mouth on the same day.

Since then I have been so concerned that I can't smile naturally. When I smile my lips fold inside my mouth and only show my upper teeth. My upper and lower lip is a bit stiff, making it strange.

Has anyone experienced this? How long will it last? Should I remove the chin implant?

08:13 UTC


Under-eye fat repositioning question

I’m interested in under-eye fat repositioning, but I want to keep my aegyosal (애교살). Does anyone know if it’s possible to maintain my aegyosal after the procedure?

07:24 UTC


Dr. Elyassnia for short scar neck lift

Anyone had this procedure from Dr. Elyassnia and tel me their experience? I’m male and fit but have a week neck

07:12 UTC


Third facial graft gone wrong - swell hell or bad result? Microlipo to fix?

9 weeks ago I had another round of facial fat graft. The goal was to add a bit high lateral cheek, fill in undereyes, and get inside nasolabial fold.

Good news. Much of it looks good But...

But here's my problem. The central part of my face looks puffy. And I dont know if its swelling or fat. Dr tried really attacking the fold, and the cannula certainly caused a lot of tissue trauma ( I looked like a monster the first 3 weeks). 9 weeks it's been and my results still change.

Ive had had noticeable swelling reduction in the last two and even one week. But I'm still puffy next to my fold/central cheek. But I've had goodish days in last week or so, and then it gets worse again. Over times its improved though. Still not great.

Can visible swelling really last 9 weeks?

I feel theres little hope for me to fix this and that I was better before. I miss my old face now.

Please message me if you have experience or thoughts about the possibility of extended swelling.

I'll send pics to those who message me.

1 Comment
05:50 UTC


california rhinoplasty surgeons good for cosmetic and medical?

i have a condition that gives me underdeveloped airways in my nose, i’ll keep the details minimal but its detrimental to my quality of sleep, mental health, and dental health. has anyone had a good experience with a rhinoplasty surgeon that has performed a good septorhinoplasty/a cosmetic procedure alongside a medically necessary procedure? the medical part is the most important to me, but i also care about how i look and don’t want to ruin my facial harmony. surgeons in orange county or LA would be preferred, but I’ll consider more northern or southern CA as well. to anyone who had one done in CA, if you’re happy with your results please still share the surgeon you went with! i can always personally inquire about my medical situation

05:46 UTC


Has anyone gone to or seen reviews of Dr. Adem Usta in Antalya, Turkey?

I cant find any reviews on him

05:25 UTC


Recommendation for Plastic Surgeon-Rhinoplasty in Florida that accepts Ambetter insurance.

Please help reccomend me a Dr. with a good reputation thats also accepts Ambetter Insurance and I'm willing to travel anywhere in Fl. Very motivated to get something done before end of year if possible. Cost needs to be between 5k-15k. Thank you

04:24 UTC


Dr. Şaban Çelebi Rhinoplasty & Lipo Review

In October of 2024, I underwent a rhinoplasty and chin lipo procedure with Dr. Şaban Çelebi in Istanbul, Turkey.

I am 26, female, from the USA. I wanted to breathe better and had a dorsal hump and bulbous tip. Main focus is the rhinoplasty.

Research: In 2022, I began researching nose surgeons in Turkey. Dr. Şaban Çelebi was one that I got a quote from. I was nervous and did not book a surgery. A few weeks ago I revisited the topic as I felt like right now would be a great time in my life for me to do this. I researched nose surgeons in Korea, but ultimately decided on Turkey since they see more European noses. I researched more surgeons but after watching TikTok's by real patients, I felt confident that Dr. Şaban Çelebi was the best decision. I wanted a surgeon who was an ENT, and the fact that Dr. Çelebi was a professor eased my concerns. I could tell he had a lot of experience and did not see any testimonies of patients being botched. I reached out via WhatsApp in 2022 and was quoted €4,000 for a rhinoplasty. In 2024, the price was now €5,000, and €1,500 for lipo. Turkey is experiencing serious inflation. I noticed everything was much more expensive than when I visited less than 2 years ago.

Booking: I only had 2 week time window to do this, so I asked if there were any openings in the next week. They told me that there was an opening in exactly one week. I asked if they could offer me a discount with the date being so soon and they offered me a €500 discount. I told them to book the date and they requested a €500 deposit. It took several days for the wire to go through but they gave me peace of mind by telling me that my surgery was booked regardless. When my wire did go through, they informed me. I had been worried I was being scammed so this made me feel better. They offered a hotel package of €300 for 7 nights and a transportation package for €300. I declined both to stay in a nicer hotel with a better view. Our communication was all done via WhatsApp. I am not used to this in the US, I doubt it's legal.

Before going to the hospital: My surgery was scheduled for Monday @ 11am at the BHT Clinic in the Tema neighborhood of Istanbul. I flew out on a Friday and landed in Istanbul on Saturday. At the airport, I found a money exchange counter and asked how many euros I could get with the USD I brought. I was told a shockingly low number and then the employee suggested we convert USD to Turkish Lira, to Euros, and this gave me a much better rate. I know airports do not give great conversion rates but I had no desire to go traipsing around Turkey looking for a better rate with that much cash on me. On Sunday at noon, I was told that I needed to check into the hospital that night. I was surprised as I was expecting to show up to the hospital early Monday morning. This gave me anxiety and I wish I would have known this earlier.

Before surgery: I took a taxi to the hospital just before midnight and was very confused when I arrived to the main entrance and it was closed...? No one told me it would be closed and I started thinking I was being scammed again. I found the emergency entrance and the ER staff escorted me to a back room where I was met by a translator and signed documents. I was then brought to my room that was modern, clean enough, and had a pull out bed for my companion. At 2am, a couple nurses came into my room, asked about my medical history, asked me to list any medications I was on, and then did an EKG on me. They then inserted a catheter(cannula for the brits) in my arm and took my blood. I was then left alone and the catheter began to hurt so badly. I thought this was normal so I did not bother a nurse. I was writhing in pain and anxiety until 5am when I finally fell asleep. At 7am, the anesthesiologist met with me and asked about my asthma. At 9am, I met with Dr. Şaban Çelebi for the first time. They took photos of me and then asked what I wanted my nose to look like. They photoshopped renderings of several nose shape options. I asked for a straight, natural nose that looked very similar to my current nose. I asked for a slight, very small slope and was adamant I did not want an upturned tip. I selected the rendering that was most similar to my nose. The Dr. reiterated my wishes and asked if I had any concerns. I asked if I would still be able to feel my nose after and he said yes. I left our meeting feeling a lot better. On the way back to my room, the translator expressed how safe the surgery was and how I should not have any complications because I had been under anesthesia before. The translator brought me many documents to sign. One was a death release that I did not like. He then told me it was time to pay. I got out €5,500 in cash and counted it in front of him and then he counted it and placed it in his bag. It felt strange doing a transaction like this, but I did like being in the comfort of my own room. At 11am, a nurse brought me a breathing treatment to prevent any issues with my asthma. At this point I was still freaking out and wondering if I should write a will before going to surgery. Sometime between 12 and 1, nurses came to get me and rolled my hospital bed to the elevators and then down to the surgery floor. They placed me in the surgery waiting room and I was all alone besides staff and other patients. They did not give me a drug to calm me like I had received before when I had surgery in the US. I was feverishly praying and begging God for my life. The translator came to me and saw I was sobbing and calmed me down. He was very positive and told me he would be with me the entire surgery to advocate for the nose I want. I was then wheeled into the OR and lifted myself onto the table. My translator was right next to me and actively talking to me when a nurse ripped my gown and exposed my breast. The male translator and I were shocked and tried to continue our conversation. They then had me breathe in the anesthesia until I fell asleep.

After surgery: I woke up hysterically crying and BEGGING for drugs. I kept saying, "Give me drugs, my nose hurts so badly". They told me they had already given me drugs and cannot give me any more. I began to choke on mucus which triggered a fierce cough. This caused my nose to bleed everywhere, blood was sprayed all over my clothes and my bed. Luckily a nurse was there to help stop the blood and clean me up. I finally went into a cycle of passing out and then waking up to a very dry mouth and sore throat. The surgeon visited me several times and I loved seeing him, he is precious. I asked him if I could stay another night and he told me I could and there would not be a further charge. I was in no shape to be leaving the hospital. A nurse had to help me walk to the bathroom several times and I really needed their assistance hours after surgery. Nurses filtered in and out to hook me up to drug drips. I felt well taken care of even though many nurses did not speak English. Most were very friendly and smiley. I needed to eat something but I could not open my mouth much and definitely could not chew. I ripped off pieces of bread and sucked on them and then swallowed them. I also nibbled on string cheese. The next morning they told me I would leave around 11am. I was terrified to leave but my companion was more than ready to go. He was not impressed with the hospital food options, lol. Apparently they have some sort of Starbucks with very limited options. The hospital food was quite grim to me. I ended up leaving on time and ordered an Uber back to the hotel. It took over an hour to go a short distance because the traffic in Istanbul is like LA on Thanksgiving.

Cast Removal Appt: Saturday was 5 days after my procedure and my cast removal day. I was worried that it was too early to be removed. I went in at 7am and Dr. Celebi was accompanied by a translator. Dr. began removing the very sticky tape that was very painful to have ripped off. I heard that other surgeons spray some sort of liquid on the tape to loosen it. I wish he would have done this because I was clearly in pain grabbing the chair, crying, and saying profanities. He then pulled out the splints and that was very painful. They handed me a mirror and I was horrified at my reflection. I had tears streaming down my face and my nose was this ugly swollen thing. I knew that was not the final product so I gave the mirror back immediately. I thought we were done and then the translator offered to let me hold her hand. I was so confused, and then he began retaping my nose- and that man was not gentle. It hurt like a bitch. One of the most painful things of my entire life. My companion was in shock and felt awful for me. When he was done I was traumatized and didn't hear a word they told me about aftercare. The translator sent me a voice note about the medication that helped. They then told me that I needed to get medicine before I left and the hospital did not have it, I had to go to a pharmacy. My plan was to go from the hospital to the airport immediately- I did not expect this and started worrying that I would miss my flight. They told me there was a pharmacy at the airport so we hopped in an Uber. On the way there, I found an airport pharmacy that had great reviews. I messaged them on WhatsApp and sent them a photo of the prescription that was written in Turkish doctor handwriting. They responded immediately and told me which airport door to enter and sent me a photo of a meeting spot. I was expecting them to meet me at the spot and then take me to the pharmacy. Much to my relief, they sent medicine with an employee and we exchanged money for the medication. It was the most flawless 30 second transaction I have ever experienced.

Things I wish I knew:

-My rhinoplasty was VERY painful. This varies by person but this was the most painful thing I have ever experienced- and I have had a much more serious and invasive surgery than this before. When people ask me about my nose job, I tell them I do not recommend it unless it would be life changing. Getting this surgery made me feel incredibly vain, but that's not me. I do not think it was worth it for me to get this surgery.

-I wish I would have known that I would be subjected to a 12 hour hospital wait before my surgery. This ended up being 12 hours of extreme anxiety and an existential crisis. I am not going to sugar coat it, this was like mental torture for me. I do not have an anxiety or any mental issue normally. I was going insane, googling to see if anyone has died from a nose job in Turkey while I was next on the chopping block. There is a reason that they give you a relaxing drug in the US before heading anywhere near the OR. Looking back, I do appreciate that the hospital had me there with ample time for all testing, questions, and preventative treatments.

-The swelling 1-4 days after the surgery for me was awful. My eyes were almost swollen shut and I felt like it was not normal. I was constantly stressing about the swelling.

-Due to swelling, it is advised that you sleep elevated. This made it extremely hard to sleep. Sleeping was already uncomfortable since I could only breathe out of my mouth, this made it even harder.

-I did not get comprehensive aftercare instructions. I am used to leaving a doctor/hospital visit in the US with a sheet of typed instructions. Here in Istanbul, I received verbal and some typed instructions through WhatsApp, but nothing that would leave me without questions.

-There are FB & WhatsApp groups you can join. Though the WhatsApp group, I found a friend who had surgery hours after me by the same surgeon and we helped answer each other's questions. I found out about the WhatsApp group when I was doom scrolling during the 12 hours pre-op.

Tips for Istanbul:

I used the Taksi app when I first got to Istanbul and hated it. There was always a problem with my card and one of our drivers cancelled the trip in the app mid ride (also had issues last time I was in town). We had to pay in cash and I assume that he did this on purpose. A couple days in, I discovered Uber is no longer banned so I booked the rest of our rides through them. In 2022, a taxi from IST to Galata tower was $40. Now it would be $60-80.

Use the Getir app for food delivery.

Be vigilant here, they have a huge problem with terrorism. In 2022, I visited Istanbul just a month after a terrorist attack in Taksim Square (tourist attraction) that killed 6 and wounded dozens. While I was there, there was a terrorist threat right next to my Airbnb. Crowds were screaming and running for their lives. They take security seriously, the Hilton hotel I stayed at in 2024 had security at the entrance- I had to walk through a metal detector and my luggage went through a scanner. The airport does random car checks to make sure you don't have weapons after the 2016 terrorist attack at Istanbul's now closed to the public airport. Interesting though that the hospital does not have security. If you're wondering why I would return, I am well traveled and have experienced much worse in my home country. Crime is everywhere.

Tips for rhinoplasty abroad:

GO WITH SOMEONE. I considered coming alone after there were scheduling conflicts with my companion's work. Eventually, the conflicts were worked out. Coming alone would have been incredibly depressing and very difficult. My companion aided me every day by getting me food, helping me clean my incision, holding me when I was about to pass out in my hotel room, etc. I cannot imagine being alone in my hospital room for 12 hours agonizing about potentially dying during surgery with no one there to hold my hand. Any surgery abroad is scary, bring the person that makes you feel safest! Also, a companion was very helpful for practical things like noting the aftercare advice and logistics while I was incapacitated or focused on not dying.

Brush your teeth right before surgery! I did not do this and felt disgusting. I could not brush my teeth until days after because my face and lips were so sensitive.

Join the FB & WhatsApp group for this surgeon.

Packing essentials:

  • Qtips!!!!!
  • Cotton swabs
  • Face wipes because bathing is difficult
  • Tylenol
  • Chapstick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Cough drops!
  • Surgical mask if you don't want people to stare at your cast

Overall Ratings:

Overall ✮✮✮✮

Communication ✮✮✮

Surgeon ✮✮✮✮

Hospital ✮✮✮✮

Airport pharmacy plug:

İstanbul Havalimanı Eczane Melike Sultan

04:16 UTC


San Diego Breast Augmentation

Has anyone had any experience with Dr. Chasan or Dr. Umansky for a breast augmentation? The results on both their pages look amazing, but I am trying to do as much research as possible before I commit. Also if anyone has any breast augmentation suggestions please let me know.

04:04 UTC


Dr Mustoe or Dr Sinno - Chicago Revision Rhinoplasty

Hi! I am considering getting a revision rhinoplasty done with either Dr. Thomas Mustoe or Dr Sammy Sinno in Chicago. They work at the same practice and I’ve heard both are great. I had a rhinoplasty originally in 2018 but have been unhappy with the results (asymmetrical/somewhat drooping tip).

I’m scared to make the wrong choice and would love to hear about anyone’s experience getting a revision rhinoplasty with either surgeon! TY!

03:26 UTC



does anyone know any US surgeons who are willing to fix revisions done in turkey that did not turn out well?

02:49 UTC


Has anyone gotten axillary breast tissue removed?

I am having trouble finding information on axillary breast tissue removal experiences. I am hoping to get mine removed as I am a healthy weight but my underarms have MASSIVE lumps of axillary breast tissue. Any experiences I've read online have been from people getting the smallest amount removed via lipo, but when I was scheduling my consultation it was mentioned that a case like mine will likely need to be an excision.

I will be meeting with a plastic surgeon soon, but I would love to hear from anyone who has gone through anything similar. What was recovery like? How much did you pay in total? Did you have any issues/complications?

02:22 UTC


do i have to see a surgeon to get a consultation?

i struggle with feeling insecure a lot but i’m not sure what my biggest flaw actually is. i want to try and fix some things without surgery but i’m not sure if it’s possible. i want a full professional consultation on my face and certain parts of my body. i don’t have a ton of money to spend so i was wondering who i should go to?

02:00 UTC


4 months PO rhinoplasty and very sad

I’m 4 months po from my rhinoplasty. I LOVE my side profile but absolutely hate my front. It’s big. For those of you that have gotten it done—how much did your nose change during the 12 months of healing? When did it get better? Does it actually get better?

01:14 UTC


What are your experiences with laser fat removal?

I'm looking into getting laser fat removal on my arms but i'm scared that it'll make things worse by storing fat elsewhere. I know Liposuction does that so is the laser any different?

00:49 UTC


Scared of getting a skinny BBL Miami

Hi girls ! I want to do a skinny BBL , mini tummy tuck and lipo 360. I’m not fat I’m 110 lb , 5”5 but I want my body to be more uniform and have a nice butt. I’m 36 years old, one 3 years old and I think it’s now or never. However I’m sooo scared, first if something goes wrong, but secondly of the pain and the fact that I cannot sit for couple of weeks 😱 I sleep on my back, I love lying down during the day I just cannot imagine how to live for 2 weeks like this. Please tell me your advice, any good pillows, any ideas how to stand up , sit or what to do ? 😔 Thanks a lot for reading me !

00:26 UTC


Is there a surgery to lower outer corner of the eyes?

I had endoscopic brow lift and, unfortunately, the doctor changed my eye shape. I wanted to revise it.

00:17 UTC


Bali surgery?

Has anyone had plastic surgery in Bali? I’m keen to hear of anyone’s experience.

(I’ve seen some Facebook groups on this topic, but the admins are medical tourism operators… so I feel that the posts are “curated”.)

00:04 UTC

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