The Largest Plants Vs Zombies discussion board, with topics ranging across all games and spinoffs in the series!
Plants Vs. Zombies is an exciting series of games by PopCap, spanning over many genres such as tower defense, third-person shooter, and a strategy card game. This subreddit is a hub for all of the games in the PVZ series.
1. Be Civil and Respectful of others!
We have a wide audience consisting of children, teens, and adults. Offending comments may be removed and warnings issued. Harassment will not tolerated.
2. Keep Posts Relevant to Plants Vs Zombies
If your post is not related to the game this subreddit is dedicated to, please post it elsewhere!
3. No Posting Cheats or Hacks!
Posting , linking or describing cheats or hacks for any of the PvZ games is strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent ban.
4. No Spam
Please under no circumstances flood the sub with nonsense!
5. NSFW Material is not allowed!
The sub is not designed for 18+ content. Posts containing any kinds of graphic material, including suggestive fan art, will be removed. Feel free to message the mods if you're unsure if your post is appropriate.
6. English Only
This is an English speaking subreddit; all posts must be in English.
7. Low Quality Content
Memes/Jokes are fine but only if they are themed to match the game, no unrelated memes with just an edited title. Low quality content is up to mod discretion. This includes posts regarding AI-generated material (art, song covers, conversations...).
8. Tier Lists
These are permitted but only in certain circumstances, as they don't promote any real discussion.
9. No Moderator Impersonation
Do not pretend to be a Moderator.
10. Posts about current ongoing conflicts are prohibited
Posts associated with current ongoing conflicts of any sort: war, protest, politics, are strictly prohibited. Posts about past conflicts will be reviewed on a post by post basis.
Join our Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/pvz
PvZ Heroes
PvZ 1
Garden Warfare
Battle for Neighborville
Most of us here aren't sure how to solve some of the issues you may be having, so use the above link and look for the game you need help with! If it's an issue related to your progress being lost, make sure you give them your player ID which can be found on the title screen if it's PvZ 2 or by clicking the gear icon if it's Heroes.
Nightshade Manual (Made by /u/boruno)
Ghost Pepper Manual (Made by /u/boynedmaster)
Strawburst Manual (Made by /u/camwood7)
All Glory to the Hypno-Shroom: A Hypno-Shroom Guide (Made by /u/Magnemania)
Plants vs. Zombies Heroes - Crafting System Guide (Made by /u/the_ninjadillo)
BattleZ FAQ (Made by /u/Tigerol)
Message the Moderators if you see anything that needs to be removed
Label: Thornhelm "Thornhelm protect plants that are within their body and punctures zombies when being near it." Toughness:High Special: Can be planted over another plant "This isn't just a hat, it's a statement. The Thornhelm is the pinnacle of plant headwear, combining style, protection, and a touch of bite. Perfect for the zombie who wants to make an entrance (and an exit, if things get too thorny)."
I want all of them but i am on ios so i cant change my pp.dat folder and i dont want to cuz it doesnt feel fair. So any way i could still get these ?
ive been out of the loop for a bit now and was curious on which mods are the best, why they are the best among other reasons
I usually plant one column of Twin Sunflowers along with Shine Vines in the second column. I'm curious about what others do. Do you spam Sunshrooms or create a wall of Primal Sunflowers?
Give me my gems😡
peashooter just barely clears the first wave
Those are all giga-gargantuars
Is pvz3 ever going to come out in the states? Thanks